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[Java编程] 基于SSM的个人博客系统源代码

1.登录功能: 系统为单用户系统,为用户分配了用户名和密码。用户必须先登录,进入操作界面。用户输入ID和密码,通过服务器验证方可运行,否则显示消息提示。 2.网站前台功能: 浏览:博主个人信息、文章; 发表:留言,评论 3.网站后台功能: 用户管理模块:实现用户信息及密码的修改 博文的分类与管理模块:实现分类的增、删、改 评论管理模块:实现删除评论功能 留言管理模块:实现删除、回复评论功能 系统管理模块:实现博客版面的定义与管理 博客的数据统计
1. login function: The system is a single-user system, which assigns user names and passwords to users. Users must log in first and enter the operation interface. User enters ID and password, and can run through server verification, otherwise message prompt will be displayed. 2. Front-end function of website: Browse: blogger's personal information, articles; Publication: Messages, Comments 3. Background functions of the website: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ User Management Module: Implementing the Modification of User Information and Password Classification and Management Module of Blog Papers: Increase, Delete and Change of Classification Comment Management Module: Implementing Delete Comment Function Message Management Module: Delete and Reply Comments Function System Management Module: Implementing the Definition and Management of Blog Layout (2018-12-07, Java, 4198KB, 下载8次)


[Java编程] ChineseChess

一、实验目的 能展现中国象棋的棋谱,规定了各种棋子的走法等效果。 能使用Java基础知识进行综合编程。 二、实验要求 1、本游戏具有中国象棋的基本游戏规则; 2、本游戏能够记录所有的棋子行径,并且能够悔棋。 三、功能分析 1、制作棋谱 2、保存棋谱 3、演示棋谱 (1)象棋对弈:红方先走,然后黑方再走,红黑交替,直到一方获胜; (2)新游戏:任何时候可以重新开始一盘新的对弈; (3)悔棋:当走错棋的时候可以悔棋; (4)信息提示:提示当前信息状态。
First, the purpose of the experiment is to show the chess score of Chinese chess, and stipulate the effects of various chessmen walking. Can use Java basic knowledge for comprehensive programming. 2. The experiment requires 1. The game has the basic rules of Chinese chess; 2. The game can record all the actions of the chess pieces, and can repent. 3. Functional Analysis 1. Making Chess Spectrum 2. Preserving Chess Spectrum 3. Demonstrating Chess Spectrum (1) Chess Game: Red Square Walks First, then Black Square Walks, Red and Black Alternate until one side wins; (2) New Game: A new game can be restarted at any time; (3) Chess repentance: Chess can be repented when it is wrong; (4) Trust Message prompt: prompt the current information status. (2018-10-21, Java, 546KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] JAVA项目开发

Book inventory management systems, enterprise internal communication software, enterprise personnel management system, hotel management system, library management system, the enterprise, to Xin electronic mall, enterprise portal, BBS system and mobile phone network game 10 actual project development program as a case, from the perspective of software engineering, according to the project the development order, systematic and comprehensive introduction to J2SE, J2EE and J2ME project development process. (2018-02-25, Java, 31909KB, 下载14次)


[Java编程] shuiguoxiaoxiaokan

This project is a source of fruit Diminshing see Andrews game source code, this type of game Lianliankan very discuss girls favor. This project is to create a pure java code lianliankan projects. Introduction to understand interface, there are three random start position and three automatic fruit disrupted cancellation. You can always replace the background image with fruit chart, replace the picture you want. Project a more detailed notes, somewhat Andrews basis can definitely understand at a glance. (2015-02-02, Java, 4739KB, 下载10次)


[Java编程] java

Java 作为当前web 开发和web 开发都有着众多开发者的流行语言, 目前拥有着越来越多的学习者,本书面向的就是众多的初学者,作者亲身 体验过初学时找不到方向的痛苦,所以从2012 年2 月开始有关本书的博 客编写。经过半年时间的编写,终于完成大部分技术点的总结。如果你是 大牛,在软件开发行业中已经滚打多年的老程序员,希望你能为书中提到 不对的地方提出您宝贵的意见。也算是为中国软件开发行业做些应有的贡 献。本书特点:对基础知识做了系统的讲解,但不是面面俱到,没有把每 个知识点都讲解的很详细,本书主要是对SSH 框架中做了深入详细的探 讨,阅读本书的读者最好能有一定的基础,可以作为学习期间的参考书, 或者是SSH 框架的学习资料。
Java as a web development and web development has a popular language for many developers, now has a growing number of learners, the book that many beginners find the direction of personally experienced beginner-oriented pain Beginning in February 2012 to write about this book blog. After six months of writing, finally completed most of the technical summary. If you are a big cow, already to Gunda years old programmer in the software development industry, and I hope you can put forward your valuable opinions mentioned in the book the wrong place. Can be considered should do for the software development industry. The book features: basic knowledge of the system to explain, but not exhaustive, each knowledge point to explain in great detail, the book is to do a thorough and detailed discussion of SSH framework, reading this book, readers good to have a certain basis, studying reference books, or SSH framework can be used as learning materials. (2012-12-28, Java, 10495KB, 下载1次)


[Java编程] carmanage

毕业设计: 某汽车租赁公司需要一个租车管理系统。要求具有以下功能: <1. 管理车辆基本信息,增加/删除/列表; <2. 能进行租车/还车操作; <3. 按车辆类别统计租金(虽然是选做,已做好)。 车辆基本信息包括:车辆类别(大客/面包/轿车),品牌型号,车牌号,租车价格 租车时应记录:租车日期,车辆id,客户名称; 还车时应记录:还车日期。
A car rental company needs a car rental management system. Required to have the following features: < 1 the management vehicle basic information, increase/delete/list < 2 Car/truck operators < 3. Statistics rent by vehicle class (although it is elected to do, is ready). Basic vehicle information, including: vehicle category (large passenger/bread/sedan), brand model, license plate number, car rental prices Car Rental should be recorded: Car Rental Date, vehicle id, customer name should record the car: car date. (2012-11-01, Java, 1801KB, 下载31次)


[Java编程] NamedEntityRecognition

一个用Java写的命名实体识别程序 import edu.fudan.nlp.tag.NERTagger public class NamedEntityRecognition { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { NERTagger tag = new NERTagger("./models/ner.p110722.gz") String str = " 新浪体育讯 北京时间4月15日03:00(英国当地时间14日20:00),2009/10赛季英格兰足球超级联赛第34轮一场焦点战在白鹿巷球场展开角逐,阿森纳客场1比2不敌托特纳姆热刺,丹尼-罗斯和拜尔先入两球,本特纳扳回一城。阿森纳仍落后切尔西6分(净胜球少15个),夺冠几成泡影。热刺近 7轮联赛取得6胜,继续以1分之差紧逼曼城。" HashMap<String, String> s = tag.tag(str) System.out.println(s) } }
Named Entity Recognition import edu.fudan.nlp.tag.NERTagger public class NamedEntityRecognition { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { NERTagger tag = new NERTagger("./models/ner.p110722.gz") String str = " 新浪体育讯 北京时间4月15日03:00(英国当地时间14日20:00),2009/10赛季英格兰足球超级联赛第34轮一场焦点战在白鹿巷球场展开角逐,阿森纳客场1比2不敌托特纳姆热刺,丹尼-罗斯和拜尔先入两球,本特纳扳回一城。阿森纳仍落后切尔西6分(净胜球少15个),夺冠几成泡影。热刺近 7轮联赛取得6胜,继续以1分之差紧逼曼城。" HashMap<String, String> s = tag.tag(str) System.out.println(s) } } (2012-05-09, Java, 1KB, 下载83次)


[Java编程] javahotle

Java 版的酒店系统,从源代码来看,貌似比较完整,不过没有发现数据库在哪儿,遗憾,但是代码写的很规范,而且注释也丰富,实在需要的话,自己动手还原出数据库也行,这里就不给图了,源代码如果不好了请不要拍砖。
Java version of the Hotel System, view the source code, seemingly more complete, but did not find where the database is, unfortunately, but the code is written in very standardized, and annotations are also rich, really need their own hands to restore a database, wherenot to the graph, source code, if not please do not Paizhuan. ava version of the Hotel System, view the source code, seemingly more complete, but did not find where the database is, unfortunately, but the code is written in very standardized, and annotations are also rich, really need their own hands to restore a database, wherenot to the graph, source code, if not please do not Paizhuan. (2012-04-04, Java, 816KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] distribute-travel-order-system

旅行是人们生活中的重要部分,旅行服务行业的飞速发展,使得与旅行行业相关的各种软件及信息系统的使用也越来越频繁。人们希望在一个服务系统上可以完成交通方式的预定,酒店预定,出租车预定等旅行必须的服务。基于上述现实情况,设计了一个统一多个服务项目的分布式信息服务系统是一个很好的想法。旅行者可以在同一个系统上定制如租车,订飞机票,预定酒店等多个服务,将很大程度上提高旅行服务的效率和质量。 本项目是用java组建一个分布式应用系统,它用来实施一个简单的旅行预定系统
Travel is the most important part of life, travel service industry s rapid development, make and travel industry are associated with a variety of software and information systems are used more and more frequently. It is hoped that in a service system can be completed on the traffic reservation, hotel reservation, taxi reservation must travel service. Based on the reality of the situation, designs a unified multi service project of distributed information service system is a very good idea. Travelers can be on the same system such as custom car rental, flight reservations, hotel reservations and other services, will greatly improve the efficiency and quality of travel services. This project is to use java to form a distributed application system, it is used to implement a simple travel reservation system (2012-03-13, Java, 3652KB, 下载21次)


[Java编程] DrinkeryManage

酒店管理系统的需求包括开台点菜功能、智能化获取菜品功能、自动结账功能、营业额报表功能等。依据餐饮行业的特点,本系统实现以下目标: 1、操作简单方便、界面简洁大方。 2、方便快捷的开台点菜功能。 3、智能化定位菜品的功能。 4、快速查看开台点菜信息的功能。 5、自动结账功能。 6、按开台和商品实现的日结账功能。 7、按日消费额汇总统计实现的月结账功能。 8、按日营业额实现的年结账功能。 9、系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
The needs of hotel management system, including the Founding order functions, intelligent access to dishes, auto closing feature, turnover report functions. Based on the characteristics of food and beverage industry, the system achieve the following objectives: 1, simple operation, the interface simple and generous. 2, convenient Founding order functions. 3, intelligent positioning function of dishes. 4, a quick look Founding order information functions. 5, the automatic closing function. 6, Founding and commodities according to the daily checkout features. 7, the daily consumption to achieve a monthly summary statistics checkout features. 8 years to achieve a daily turnover of checkout features. 9, the system is stable, safe and reliable. (2011-01-24, Java, 306KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] DrinkeryManage

系统介绍 酒店管理系统的需求包括开台点菜功能、智能化获取菜品功能、自动结账功能、营业额报表功能等。依据餐饮行业的特点,本系统实现以下目标: 1.操作简单方便、界面简洁大方。 2.方便快捷的开台点菜功能。 3.智能化定位菜品的功能。 4.快速查看开台点菜信息的功能。 5.自动结账功能。 6.按开台和商品实现的日结账功能。 7.按日消费额汇总统计实现的月结账功能。 8.按日营业额实现的年结账功能。 9.系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
System Hotel Management System requirements include the Founding ordering functions, intelligent access to dishes, automated billing functions, such as sales reporting capabilities. Catering industry, according to the characteristics of the system to achieve the following objectives: 1. Simple and convenient, simple and elegant interface. 2. A la carte features convenient Founding. 3. Intelligent positioning function of dishes. 4. Quick View function Founding ordering information. 5. Automatic checkout function. 6. By Founding and commodities daily checkout function. 7. Daily consumption amount of aggregated statistics on checkout function implementation. 8. A daily basis to achieve an annual turnover of checkout functionality. 9. The system is stable, safe and reliable. (2010-08-11, Java, 1668KB, 下载13次)


[Java编程] Java_application_source_code

01 进销存管理系统(Swing+SQLServer 2000实现) 02 企业内部通信系统(Swing+JavaDB实现) 03 企业人事管理系统(Swing+Hibernate+Oracle实现) 04 酒店管理系统(Swing+SQL Server2005实现) 05 图书馆管理系统(Swing+SQL Server 2000实现) 06 企业快信(Swing+JavaDB实现) 07 欣想电子商城(Spring+Hibernate+SQL Server实现) 08 企业门户网站(JSP+JavaBean+SQL Server 2000实现) 09 BBS系统(Struts+MySQL实现) 10 手机网络游戏(J2ME+Servlet实现)
01 Invoicing Management System (Swing+ SQLServer 2000 to achieve) 02 internal communication systems (Swing+ JavaDB realization) 03 Enterprise Personnel Management System (Swing+ Hibernate+ Oracle implementation) 04 Hotel Management System (Swing+ SQL Server2005 to achieve) 05 book Center Management System (Swing+ SQL Server 2000 implementation) 06 companies express letter (Swing+ JavaDB realization) 07-yan would like to e-Mall (Spring+ Hibernate+ SQL Server to achieve) 08 Enterprise Portal (JSP+ JavaBean+ SQL Server 2000 implementation) 09 BBS system (Struts+ MySQL implementation) 10 mobile phone games (J2ME+ Servlet implementation) (2010-03-09, Java, 13108KB, 下载1216次)


[Java编程] finalyearproject

This project is to make a website with a database to create a hotel system. My purpose is it can be hotel staff and managers to use, and for customer service, the database of the hotel imaginary details of the customer, staff, room, booking. In the project difficulties encountered in the hotel I do not know the process of sitting shipped. Fortunately, I have friends in the hotel internship inside many do not know the procedural issues are resolved before he asked. I used a school year alone to the full knowledge of such a large project I have tried to create each details and try to make the most practical, as close as possible to real. (2009-12-07, Java, 11396KB, 下载4次)


[Java编程] GoodSystem

酒店管理系统使用说明书 主要功能 本系统中包含如下6大功能模块: 前台服务:该模块主要包括开台点菜、维护菜品、签单、结账等功能,其中维护菜品功能包括添加和取消菜品,能够取消菜品的前提条件是尚未签单,即处于开单状态,结账时则要求所有商品都要签单,否则不允许结账。 
Hotel Management System Manual of the main functions of the system contains the following 6 major functional modules: front: The module includes Founding order, the maintenance of food, signing, closing and other functions, which include the maintenance of food to add and the abolition of food, can be removed food has not been a prerequisite for signing, that is, in a single open state, when the bill requires all goods to be signing, otherwise not allowed to settle.  (2009-06-20, Java, 2259KB, 下载10次)


[Java编程] HotelManageSystem

The document using java language for the hotel (Food City) management system. To achieve the following functions: simple and convenient operation, simple and elegant interface. Founding convenient a la carte features. Intelligent positioning of functional food. Quick View Founding order information. Automatic closing feature. Founding and commodities in accordance with the realization of the functional checkout of the day. Daily consumption amount of aggregate statistics on the achievement of the closing function. To achieve a daily turnover in the closing function. System is running stable, safe and reliable. Compressed packet contains the java source, the corresponding database file, and a documentation. (2009-06-05, Java, 1051KB, 下载53次)


[Java编程] carManagement

《汽车租赁管理系统》课程设计 某汽车租赁公司需要一个租车管理系统。要求具有以下功能: <1. 管理车辆基本信息,增加/删除/列表; <2. 能进行租车/还车操作; <3. 按车辆类别统计租金(虽然是选做,已做好)。 车辆基本信息包括:车辆类别(大客/面包/轿车),品牌型号,车牌号,租车价格 租车时应记录:租车日期,车辆id,客户名称; 还车时应记录:还车日期。
demo work (2009-02-06, Java, 3116KB, 下载238次)


[Java编程] javajiudianguanli

err (2008-10-24, Java, 5095KB, 下载44次)


[Java编程] sunhotel

Introduce the main functions: to provide general two-star hotel of the necessary capabilities to carry out dynamic information associated with the room all the operations, for the guests, individual and group executable billing in two ways for guests booking for different guests should not set the type of discounts and discount room settings, the system dynamically displays the current information on all the rooms. (2008-05-27, Java, 6723KB, 下载6次)


[Java编程] exam

STRUTS的在线考试系统 数据库MYSQL 超完整,超好用的!
STRUTS online examination system super MYSQL database integrity, the超好用! (2008-05-09, Java, 3204KB, 下载1394次)


[Java编程] jaoso-0.9.1-final

Jaoso新闻文章发布系统 0.9.1final 程序架构: Struts+Spring+Hibernate 主要功能:   ·新闻采用在线编辑器,可以象使用word一样编辑新闻,可简繁体互换   ·可web上传图片,新闻内其它网站图片自动下载   ·无限级目录分类   ·可设头条新闻和图片新闻   ·新闻点评功能,可自由发表评论   ·权限管理可以任意设置角色\权限   ·采用MVC模式显示与逻辑分离,方便修改页面显示效果 ·支持多界面风格,只需增加相应的风格包(目前有11种风格) ·支持国际化多语言,只需要增加响应语言包(目前支持简\繁\英) ·支持多种数据库,目前测试过的数据库(Oracle,SqlServer,Mysql) ·支持全文索引,检索速度更快更准确 ·支持rss新闻聚合 ·自带留言本<br>     版权所有:边缘孤客  程序制作:边缘孤客  Contact 联系方法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 技术支持: edgeloner@163.com QQ:1521331 官方站点 http://www.jaoso.com http://www.jaoso.net
Jaoso news article publishing system 0.9.1final procedural framework : Struts Spring Hibernate main functions : using online news editor, As word can be used as news editor, can be exchanged Jane Spanish web upload pictures, News Photo within other websites automatically download unlimited directory-based classification can be headline news and pictures Comments on the news function, free to comment on the competence of management can be set up without role \ competence using MVC pattern display and the logic Isolation, facilitate change pages show results for the multi-interface style. only a corresponding increase in the style package (there are currently 11 species of style) support international languages. only respond to the need for additional language packs (currently support KAN \ (2007-03-18, Java, 16722KB, 下载880次)
