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按平台查找All PHP(1188) 

[其他] talk-and-code-laravel-api

项目Laravel API feito无播客对话和代码。
Projeto Laravel API feito no Podcast Talk & Code. (2024-05-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] Hotel-booking-website

Hotel booking website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, & MySQL (2024-02-17, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] wp-hotelier

Manage your hotel bookings with WordPress. , (2023-08-26, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] tbk

It may be the most elegant and simple Taobaoke SDK, (2020-07-18, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] -Native-

用于 微 信 服务商分账,native 微 信 扫码付款场景
It is used for WeChat service provider account splitting and native WeChat code scanning payment scenarios (2020-08-19, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Fortran编程] ReviewsAnalysisSystem

NLP based customer review analysis and hotel management system (2019-06-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] tpeduSSO

Single identity authentication service platform for educational personnel in Taipei (2023-04-19, PHP, 8520KB, 下载0次)


[Docker] ctf_challenges

Ctf training topics applicable to front-line security services, one click start in full docker environment (2021-05-18, PHP, 56253KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] shopxo

ShopXO enterprise level free open source mall system, visual DIY drag decoration, including PC, H5, multi end applet (WeChat+Alipay+Baidu+Toutiao+Qiaoyin+QQ+Fasthand), APP, multi warehouse, multi merchant, multi store, IM customer service, purchase, sales and storage are released according to MIT open source agreement, and developed based on ThinkPaHP6 framework (2023-06-01, PHP, 83429KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Hotel_Booking_Website_COMP1041

The project is about building a hotel room booking website. (2020-05-10, PHP, 1489KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] pods-better-font-awesome

Add a Better Font Aweseome Drop Down List for Pods (2014-12-25, PHP, 5KB, 下载0次)


[语音合成] Marketing-Stratergiest

A Capstone Project by Team 20, Batch 2018, VIT Bhopal. (2022-02-22, PHP, 1406KB, 下载0次)


[源码/资料] CRMEB知识付费系统v1.4

本源码仅供学习研究之用或体验这源码功能,看下是否是自己需要的,请勿商用, 商用请支持正版,正版地址。 CRMEB知识付费系统其主要由课程系统、分销推广、付费会员、营销活动、支付、客服系统、文章管理、登录注册, 微信模板消息通知等九大功能模块构成,囊括了在线教育及知识付费的大部分主要功能,支持在线推流直播、 直播回放功能、录播功能、图文专题、音频专题、课程弹幕等重要基础功能,其源码全开源,无 (2022-09-04, PHP, 96689KB, 下载0次)


[PHP编程] dux5.1

WordPress主题大前端DUX 5.1版本更新:新增客服系统、自定义社交、侧边栏左侧显示等多项功能
DUX theme is the hottest topic in themebetter, and we will try to develop and test whether it is worth updating all kinds of good suggestions from users. This updated customer service system is worth trying to start, because it supports popular communication channels, of course, also includes a custom channel, the most important is that it can be displayed on the mobile terminal, which is a great benefit for webmasters who focus on mobile terminal. (2018-11-07, PHP, 791KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] mibew-2.3.0-zh

Website online customer service, or online front office, is a page communication technology that provides instant communication between Internet visitors and internal staff based on website. This topic is based on PHP - based online chat system source code, and I hope to be useful to everyone. (2017-12-12, PHP, 3827KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] winblueshop

1、使用ASP.Net(c#)、三层结构开发; 2、支持多语言,详细使用方法请咨询胜蓝公司客服; 3、支持多模板,现有版本已经附带6套模板,官方网站不定时发布新模板; 4、兼容主流浏览器,界面美观,皮肤设计灵活多变;
1, the use of ASP.Net (c#), three-tier structure development 2, support for multi-language, detailed use, please contact Sheng Blue customer service 3, support multi-template, the existing version has 6 sets of templates with the official website time to time Release new templates 4, compatible with the mainstream browser, beautiful interface, flexible skin design (2016-12-14, PHP, 1758KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] WeLive_3.5.0_free

1.基于PHP+MySQL+Ajax技术的在线客服系统 2.用户安装在自己的服务器或虚拟主机,安装一次可在任意网站或页面中调用 3.前台中英文双语,根据用户浏览器的语言自动切换或由管理员设置
1 online customer service system based on PHP+MySQL+Ajax technology 2 users are installed in their own server or virtual host, and can be installed at any site or page in the call 3 bilingual in English and Chinese, according to the user s browser language automatic switch or set by the administrator (2016-05-19, PHP, 442KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] feimaqywzxt_v3.0

摘要:PHP源码,企业建站,企业网站系统 飞马企业网站系统-FeimaCMS,运行环境:PHP+MYSQL,功能模板包含了文章系统、图片系统、在线客服系统和在线留言系统,适用于一般性企业网站的建站需求。   管理登录:./admin/login.php   管理账号:feimacms 管理密码:feimacms
Summary: PHP source code, business establishment, enterprise web systems Pegasus enterprise web systems-FeimaCMS, operating environment: PHP+MYSQL, function template system includes articles, photographs systems, online customer service system and online message system for general corporate website Website needs. Management Login:./Admin/login.php Management Account: feimacms admin password: feimacms (2014-03-23, PHP, 1638KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] vc

Hotel management system registration staff, as well as the flow of people summary (2012-09-17, PHP, 15335KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] hosting

版本: 1.0 適用於: Discuz! 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 語言: 繁體 BIG​ ​ 5 UTF-8, 簡體 GBK UTF-8 功能: 支持DirectAdmin 自動開通空間(包括檢查域名是否已經指向服務器IP), 我的空間(查看自己申請時的數據, 更改後台密碼), 使用量查詢(查詢範圍包括容量,流量,FTP數量,SQL數量,E-MAIL數量,域名數量,子域名數量), 技術支持, 空間服務條款, 廣告代碼, 服務器資料(自動更新服務器數據,包括服務器CPU, 內存, PHP,SQL,FTP版本, 服務器上線時間) , 常見問題, 用戶案例. 還有管理員後台
Version: 1.0 for: Discuz! 7.0, 7.1, 7.2 Language: Traditional BIG 5 UTF-8, Simplified GBK UTF-8 features: support for DirectAdmin automatically open space (including check whether the domain name point to the server IP), my space (see your application' s data, change the background password), use the query (Query includes the capacity, traffic, FTP number, SQL number, E-MAIL number, domain number, the number of subdomains), technical support, space terms of service, ad code, server information (server data automatically updated, including the server CPU, memory, PHP, SQL, FTP version of the server on-line time), frequently asked questions, user case. There administrator background (2011-08-06, PHP, 40KB, 下载1次)
