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按分类查找All Linux/Unix编程(59) 
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[Linux/Unix编程] menu

Electronic ordering system based on QT and arm (2017-01-03, Unix_Linux, 47556KB, 下载3次)


[Linux/Unix编程] bcm5892_serial

Broadcom BCM5892 uart Linux driver source code, in the company s POS products running in the stable operation for many years, has been validated by the time, code logic is rigorous, stable operation. (2016-07-23, Unix_Linux, 7KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linux-sqlite

compilation process under linux SQLite can copy and paste directly used successfully tested on Borch 2410 chamber (2014-10-21, Unix_Linux, 4KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] socket

the communication under the environment of linux (2014-07-18, Unix_Linux, 424KB, 下载6次)


[Linux/Unix编程] wireshark-1.10.2.tar

This version is wireshark latest update of the Linux open source. Wireshark (formerly Ethereal) is a network packet analysis software. Network packet analysis software function is network packet capture and, if possible showing the most detailed information on network packets. In GNUGPL general license under the scope of protection, the user can obtain a free software with its consideration of the source code, and has for its source code modification and customization rights. Ethereal is currently the world' s most extensive network packet analysis software. (2013-10-23, Unix_Linux, 26025KB, 下载42次)


[Linux/Unix编程] GPIO_KEYS

该源玛是用在博通ARM BCM2835 linux平台下的按键驱动,目前将该按键其用于高清播放器的导航键控制
This source code is a gpio-keys driver which is used for Broadcom IC BCM2835. (2013-05-09, Unix_Linux, 12KB, 下载8次)


[Linux/Unix编程] TopLinuxShellCommand

Shell作为Unix系操作系统当中最有魅力且不可或缺的组件,经过数十载的洗礼不 仅没有被淘汰,而且愈加变得成熟稳健,究其原因,大概因为它是个非常稳固的 粘合剂,能够把大量功能强大的组件任意配搭,总能很好很快地完成用户的任务。 本文的一些命令很可能看起来是"雕虫小技",我们只好仰慕一下Shell大牛了, 但是有些细节我会稍加发掘加以说明,遇到有趣的地方希望能博您一笑了。
Shell Unix system as the most attractive operating system and essential components, after decades of baptism is not only not be eliminated, and even more mature sound, reason, probably because it is a very strong adhesive, able to a large number of components of any combination of powerful, always good to quickly complete the user' s tasks. Some of this command may appear to be " fluff" , we have to admire about Shell large cattle, but some details I will elaborate a little exploring, experiencing interesting Bo You want to laugh. (2011-08-08, Unix_Linux, 641KB, 下载3次)


[Linux/Unix编程] digit_book_jpg_x11

One can Borch' s S3C2410 development board to run the electronic album side. Can also be repeated redhat-linux compile and run on the system! (2010-12-15, Unix_Linux, 621KB, 下载37次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 04_webserver

This is Bo CIT UP-CUP-6410 Experiment Board of web service testing procedures, understanding and implementation of web service helpful. (2010-05-26, Unix_Linux, 879KB, 下载17次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 03_tty

This is Bo CIT UP-CUP-6410 Experiment Board tty device testing procedures, understanding and realization of tty devices helpful. (2010-05-26, Unix_Linux, 212KB, 下载6次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 02_pthread

This is Bo CIT UP-CUP-6410 Experiment Board of multi-threaded test program, on the understanding and realization of multi-threaded helpful. (2010-05-26, Unix_Linux, 832KB, 下载5次)


[Linux/Unix编程] The_Linux_Networking_Architecture

In addition to PPP, IP, firewall, routing, TCP, NAT, UDP, and sockets and other core issues, this book also discusses the latest protocol and protocol extensions, such as a variety of DSL access technologies used in the PPPoE protocol, Bluetooth (Bluetooth) 4 driver, and QoS (Quality-of-Service, Quality of Service) support, etc. (2010-02-26, Unix_Linux, 8848KB, 下载11次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Linux_Makefile_automake

在本文中,将给大家介绍如何使用autoconf和automake两个工具来帮助我们自动地生成符合自由软件惯例的Makefile,这样就可以象常见的GNU程序一样,只要使用“./configure”,“make”,“make instal”就可以把程序安装到Linux系统中去了。这将特别适合想做开放源代码软件的程序开发人员,又或如果你只是自己写些小的Toy程序,那么这个文章对你也会有很大的帮助(解压后请用html打开)
In this article, we will introduce how to use autoconf and automake tools to help us automatically generate practice in line with the free software Makefile, so that could be as common as GNU program, as long as the use of " ./Configure" , " make " ," make instal " can be installed on the Linux system to the. This will be particularly well suited to do the procedures for open source software developers, or if you just wrote it myself Toy Minor procedures, then this article you will be very helpful (after decompression with open html) (2009-07-10, Unix_Linux, 98KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] up_3000_uClinux_exp

3000 Fiberxon uClinux platform source code of the experiment, including pda, keyboard, myshell, desktop, menu and so on. (2009-05-28, Unix_Linux, 155KB, 下载5次)


[Linux/Unix编程] embedded_develop_instructor

The document is based on the experimental Fiberxon guide book box, inside a number of threads, ad conversion, QT on transplantation at LINUX, radio communications and so on, with source code analysis and circuit (2009-04-07, Unix_Linux, 1882KB, 下载28次)


[Linux/Unix编程] POS

Bo Yang Fujian Education C/C++ software project combat: POS cash register systems (2009-02-09, Unix_Linux, 88KB, 下载62次)


[Linux/Unix编程] doc

北京博创兴业科技有限公司XScale PC104板配套Linux开发使用文档
Societe Generale Beijing Fiberxon Technology Co., Ltd. XScale PC104 board supporting the development of the use of Linux documentation (2008-12-12, Unix_Linux, 7061KB, 下载157次)


[Linux/Unix编程] UDPClient

linux 客户和服务端单线程编程,开机按揭贷款卡斯酒店客房
linux client and server-side single-threaded programming, boot mortgage loans cass hotel rooms (2008-08-20, Unix_Linux, 9KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linufans

open user terminals. Without the use of this standard input output because of the redirect standard input and output terminals not pointing users (2006-03-27, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载3次)
