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[界面编程] 68015120

酒店管理系统 ,net开发 带源代码 更有大量源代码交流 不错的
Hotel management system, the net development with the source code Communicate more with a large number of source code well (2017-06-19, Visual Basic, 161KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] qingweibo_v1.1

简洁碎碎念是一个简单的轻微博,在这里您可以记录和分享自己生活中的点滴瞬间。系统支持文字、图片、音乐、链接、视频的发布,界面清晰简洁。 登陆用户名 admin 密码 admin
Sui Suinian simplicity is a simple slight blog, where you can record and share their moments of life bit by bit. The system supports text, pictures, music, links, video releases, the interface clear and concise. Username admin Password admin (2016-05-04, ASP, 2227KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] eyiidown101

更新介绍: 1) 更新了数据库的结构(感谢愣刀客),修正了数据库由于前台显示国产、国外软件可能出现的错误。 2) 更新了国产、国外、推荐软件界面的链接错误。 3) 增加了限制显示字符功能,多余的字符自动被剪掉。
Update description: 1) update the structure of the (thanks stunned Swordsman), fixes a bug because the front display of domestic and foreign software that may arise. 2) Update the domestic, foreign, recommended software interface link error. 3) increase the limit display function of characters, the extra characters are automatically cut off. (2016-03-07, Unix_Linux, 509KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] jquery-ui-1.8.11

jquery-ui_1.8.11,jQuery 的页面UI 插件,包含很多种常用的页面空间,例如 Tabs 、日期选择、颜色选择、拉帘效果、数据排序、窗体大小调整、对话框、拖放效果等等非常多的内容。平时不少网站的菜单、选项卡或滑动门菜单等效果,都是直接应用jQuery Ui来完成的,你甚至不需要额外再美化,它一向是简洁、实用、漂亮的。
jquery-ui_1.8.11, jQuery UI plug-in page, the page that contains a variety of common space, such as Tabs, date selection, color selection, pull the curtain effect, data sorting, resizing forms, dialog boxes, and so much drag effect more content. Many websites usual menu, tab or sliding menus and other effects, jQuery Ui is a direct application to complete, and then you do not even need additional landscaping, it has always been a simple, practical, beautiful. (2014-11-24, Java, 1228KB, 下载1次)


[界面编程] musicUI

Using MFC, loading GUI + library production design dynamic interface, including transparent, dynamic refresh and other effects have a very good presentation, compiled version of the above need to vs2008 (2014-07-24, Visual C++, 9270KB, 下载12次)


[界面编程] VB_Crystal_Reports_9

Using VB to create crystal reports without being limited by the database, and imitate the grace crystal report, is very helpful for beginners. (2013-04-08, Visual Basic, 814KB, 下载8次)


[界面编程] QQ-windows

分三部分:1、窗口的显示;2、窗口的停留;3、窗口的消失; 如果达到这样郊果,系统中要有三个定时器,进行分别控制。
Three parts: 1, the window display 2, the window stay 3, window disappeared If this to such rural fruit, system to have three timer, respectively for control. (2011-06-22, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[界面编程] AdvBtn

李博轩的界面编程里 按钮的一个例子,通过区域,可以绘制任何形状的按钮,我个人非常喜欢,初学者看它就可以对按钮重绘入门了
Li Boxuan button interface programming in an example, through regional, you can draw any shape of button, I personally very much like a beginner it can be started on the button to redraw the (2010-06-12, Visual C++, 3353KB, 下载29次)


[界面编程] systemofhotelVC

this is a system of hotel.Programming language is vc++.And it connected SQL (2010-03-24, Visual C++, 1539KB, 下载5次)


[界面编程] SkinSE1.0

SkinSE免费换肤界面库 SkinSE(全称:skin so easy)是一款真正意义上适合软件界面开发的C++皮肤库。通过使用XML文件来配置GDI资源(如:图片、字体、颜色、光标等),最大程度将界面与逻辑分开,让程序员有更多 的时间去进行软件内部的逻辑处理。SkinSE没有完全采用传统的HOOK修改窗口过程函数的方式,而只是针对具体窗口进行界面处理,并且兼容HOOK模式。SkinSE只用到了windows几个底层的核心库,没 有用到(MFC/ATL等)第三方库,采用纯API编写,采用C语言导出方式,增强可移植性。SkinSE开发小组由数名具有多年windows界面开发经验的程序员组成,对软件界面开发有独特的经验和技巧,立志 开发一款前沿的换肤技术展现给大家! 官方网站地址:http://www.skinse.com 联系电话: (0)15013462355 (0)13760777417 邮件地址 : xiaofangmsg@hotmail.com 82799232@qq.com Q Q号码: 182408087(渠道合作) 82799232(业务客服)
SkinSE free skin interface library SkinSE (full name: skin so easy) is a real sense for software interface developed by C++ skin banks. Through the use of XML file to configure the GDI resources (such as: Figure Films, fonts, color, cursor, etc.) to maximize separation of the interface and logic, so that programmers have more Time to the internal logic processing software. SkinSE not fully using the traditional HOOK change the way the window procedure function, but only specific windows interface Processing, and is compatible with HOOK mode. SkinSE only used the windows of several underlying core libraries, no Useful to (MFC/ATL, etc.) third-party library, prepared using pure API, using C language to export methods, increase the portability. SkinSE team with many years of windows by a few Composed of experienced programmer interface development, software interface development has a unique experience and skills, determined to Development of a cutting-edge ski (2010-03-09, Visual C++, 3128KB, 下载400次)


[界面编程] book

这是一个酒店点菜系统 非常不错 非常值得我们去下载 不信的话可以十四
This is a very nice hotel a la carte system is very worth to download if you can not believe 14 (2009-12-29, JavaScript, 3077KB, 下载32次)


[界面编程] TinyCMS

功能介绍: 1、支持 Access、MSSQL、MYSQL5+ 三种数据库。 2、无限级栏目添加。 3、站内链接、站内搜索和 TAGS 的深度整合。 4、可视模板编辑,模板与程序完全分离,后台带标签生成器。 5、支持三种类型的图片剪切模式。 6、预留在线QQ客服浮动窗口生成。 7、关键字自动分析功能(从标题提取,第三方提供)。 8、上传文件分析,方便删除无用上传文件。
Function: 1, support Access, MSSQL, MYSQL5+ three kinds of databases. 2, infinite-level columns to add. 3, station links, station search and the depth of integration of TAGS. 4, visual template editing, templates and procedures were entirely separated from the background with a label generator. 5, support the three types of image shear mode. 6, reserve online QQ customer service generates a floating window. 7, keyword automatic analysis functions (extracted from the title, third-party provided). 8, upload files analysis, easy to delete unwanted upload files. (2009-10-17, ASP, 642KB, 下载7次)


[界面编程] ControlEx

I have written to integrate the dynamic expansion of VC control library, in the application as long as the controls included in the corresponding header files, and connect ControlEx.lib document that can be used to beautify their own interface controls, button controls were included to expand the list box control, the expansion of Gif show control, extended static controls, such as a hyperlink control. Which support ButtonEx picture, icon, transparent, and sound effects. Do not forget to use your ControlEx.dll copy the following directory. (2009-07-10, Visual C++, 248KB, 下载85次)


[界面编程] vc_GUI_development_guide_CD-ROM

Visual C++图形用户界面开发指南 李博轩等编著 配套源码光盘
Visual C++ graphical user interface development guidelines, such as Li Xuan edited by matching source CD-ROM (2009-03-19, Visual C++, 25380KB, 下载116次)


[界面编程] vbhotel

vb与 access结合的酒店管理 需要的控件手工注册有2步: 1,将控件(*.OCX)拷到<System32>下 2,运行 regsvr32 *.ocx
vb combination with the access control needs of hotel management manual registration Step 2: 1, the controls (*. OCX) Kaodao <System32> under 2, run regsvr32*. ocx (2008-12-04, Visual Basic, 273KB, 下载39次)


[界面编程] teixiao

VC++ Effects written source code, pull screen scrolling effect can be used to ktv, hotel management system management procedures (2008-11-25, Visual C++, 2337KB, 下载41次)


[界面编程] CHAP01

本压缩文件为东方天华主编的Visual C++.Net范例入门与提高第1章的代码,其中包含如下程序的代码。 1.1 进入"欢迎"界面 1.2 移动字幕 1.3 椭圆窗体 1.4 透视窗体 1.5 模式对话框 1.6 非模式对话框 1.7 通用对话框 1.8 收缩/扩展对话框 1.9 窗体视图 1.10 HTML视图 1.11 滚动视图 1.12 单视类的SDI动态切分窗口 1.13 双视类的MDI静态切分窗口 1.14 创建菜单 1.15 快捷键操作
The compressed file for the editor-in-chief of the East Tianhua Visual C++. Net sample entry and improve Chapter 1 of the code, which contains the following procedure code. 1.1 Mobile 1.2 interface to enter the welcome subtitles 1.3 Elliptic Form 1.5 Form 1.4 Perspective 1.6 modal dialog non-modal dialog box dialog box 1.7 General 1.8 contraction/expansion of the dialog box 1.9 form 1.10 HTML view view view 1.11 rolling 1.12 single vision type of SDI Dynamic segmentation window 1.13 pairs of the MDI as the type of static segmentation window 1.14 menu 1.15 Create shortcut keys to operate (2007-10-13, Visual C++, 768KB, 下载44次)


[界面编程] BasicFunction

this program can achieve a lot of functions, there can be static text editing box and editing text box able to laugh various fruit processing, and various styles of buttons, List of the scroll box, etc., and have different functions. (2006-08-06, Visual C++, 128KB, 下载29次)


[界面编程] DBGrid3D

BEA TUXEDO是在企业、Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户/服务器型关键任务应用系统的强有力工具。它具备分布式事务处理和应用通信功能,并提供完善的各种服务来建立、运行和管理关键任务应用系统。开发人员能够用它建立跨多个硬件平台、数据库和操作系统的可互操作的应用系统。BEA TUXEDO是企业、 Internet 分布式应用中的基础主干平台。它提供了一个开放的环境,支持各种各样的客 户、数据库、网络、遗留系统和通讯方式
BEA TUXEDO in the enterprise, the Internet distributed computing environment development and management of the three-tier structure of the client/server-based mission critical Application System powerful tool. It has distributed transaction processing and communications applications, and provide better services to build, Operation and management of mission-critical applications. Developers can use it to establish across multiple hardware platforms, databases and operating systems interoperable applications. BEA TUXEDO enterprises and the Internet distributed applications based on the trunk platform. It provides an open environment to support a wide range of clients, databases, networks, legacy systems and means of communication (2006-06-02, Delphi, 3KB, 下载14次)


[界面编程] 1026

this software is used for the future development of Visual Basic. Access to the database. clearly tourism e-commerce hotel reservations system customer demand, so software developers and software users treat the specific requirements of a unified consciousness. The document described the contents can be used as guides for software development, a summary of the software end. The document reader for users and developers of the software programmer (2006-04-23, Visual Basic, 426KB, 下载18次)
