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[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Hospitality_domain_power_bi_dashboard

Atliq Grands在印度拥有多家五星级酒店。由于其他竞争对手的战略举措和管理决策的无效,Atliq Grands正在失去其市场份额。作为一项战略举措,他们希望合并“业务和数据智能”,以重新获得市场份额和收入。
Atliq Grands owns multiple five-star hotels across India. Due to strategic moves from other competitors and ineffective decision-making in management, Atliq Grands are losing its market share. As a strategic move, they wanted to incorporate “Business and Data Intelligence” in order to regain their market share and revenue. (2024-02-29, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Awesome-CS-JobSearch-Toolkit

计算机相关专业的求职工具:提供计算机相关专业(计算机科学与技术、计算机技术、人工智能、软件工程、网络空间安全、网络与信息安全等)的求职信息,包括但不限于:实习生 硕士 博士 博后招聘信息。,
Job hunting tools for computer related majors: provide job hunting information for computer related majors (computer science and technology, computer technology, artificial intelligence, software engineering, cyberspace security, network and information security, etc.), including but not limited to: recruitment information for interns, masters, doctors and postdoctoral candidates., (2023-07-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] Internet-of-things-experiment

物联网实验-温湿度实时监测系统 温湿度感知节点(Client),实时采集温湿度数据,然后通过WiFi模块,以TCP协议 将采集数据实时无线传输给服务端(Server);服务端将接收到的温湿度数据存于数据库 中;用户终端(User)从服...
Internet of Things Experiment - Temperature and Humidity Real Time Monitoring System Temperature and Humidity Sensing Node (Client), collects temperature and humidity data in real time, and then wirelessly transmits the collected data to the server (Server) in real time through a WiFi module using TCP protocol; The server stores the received temperature and humidity data in the database; User Slave (2022-03-30, Others, 23602KB, 下载0次)
