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[WEB开发] jkxywxxcx

微信小程序实验源码-极客学院是以wxml进行开发的微信小程序源码。 它实现文章列表,文章详情等功能,特色: - 实现右侧菜单栏 - 实现显示markdown内容 数据接口: 使用本地数据接口 目录结构: - image — 存放项目图片文件 - markdown — 存放markdown解析文件 - page — 存放项目页面渲染相关文件 - util — 存放文章数据 开发环境: 微信web开发者工具 v0.11.112301
WeChat small program experimental source- geeks college is based on wxml development WeChat applet source code. It implements the article list, the article details and other functions, features: - implement the right menu bar - Implementing markdown content display Data interface: Use local data interface Directory structure: - image- store the project picture file - markdown- store the markdown parsing file - Page- store the project page and render the relevant files - util- store the article data Development environment: WeChat web developer tool v0.11.112301 (2017-05-18, Java, 179KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] bingsnstuoke

BingSNS社群是一个通过内容引导消费的多层级分销拓客系统。 1.粉丝根据系统预设群组规则,创建自己的社群,分为“公开群”和“私密群”,其中私密群可收群费,并且在群组内的资金互动可预设店铺沉淀; 2.社群对应粉丝多层级推广关系和分佣关系,下级被邀请进入上级的社群,当然下级也可根据群组规则创建自己的社群,持续群裂变的动作; 3.在群互动中,群主可以发起语音直播、视频直播(绑定映客)邀请群员一起参与互动,群主也可主动向群员发起实时推送通知,群员也可以主动向下级群员发起实时推送通知,通知内容同群贴一样,可以植入收款、商品购买、活动、悬赏等等
The BingSNS community is a multi tier distribution extension system that leads to content consumption. 1 fans in accordance with the system default group rules, to create their own community, divided into open group and private group, where the private group can collect fees, and in the group of funds can be expected to interact with the store precipitation 2 fans of the community to promote multi-level multi-level relationship and sub commission relationship, the lower level was invited to enter the community, of course, can also be based on the rules of the lower group to create their own community, continuous group fission action 3 in group interaction, group can initiate voice broadcast, video broadcast (binding reflected off) invited the group members together to participate in interactive, group member can also take the initiative to launch real-time push notifications, group members can also take the initiative to subordinate group members launched real-time push notificati (2017-02-03, Java, 4014KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] 9k9tbk

采用网络中已经成熟、稳定地技术ASP+Access开发而成,通过它,您可以很方便地管理自己的网站。 功能特点如下: 1.美化网站界面,更贴切用户使用; 2.全站HTML页面伪静态;增加系统安全性,利用SEO优化。 3.强大的商品管理后台,方便快捷的给商品定价。 6.商业版支持强大采集功能,可以批量采集淘宝客商品; 后台登陆地址:/newlong/index.asp 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin
The use of the network has been mature and stable technology ASP+Access developed, through it, you can easily manage their own website. Features are as follows: 1 beautify the site interface, more appropriate user 2 total HTML page pseudo static increase system security, the use of SEO optimization. 3 strong commodity management background, convenient and quick to commodity pricing. 6 commercial version of the powerful support for the acquisition function, you can batch acquisition of Taobao goods Background landing address: /newlong/index.asp Default administrator: admin Password: admin (2017-01-21, Java, 1430KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] tltbkym

本系统是淘宝9块9管理系统,采用网络中已经成熟、稳定地技术ASP+Access开发而成,通过它,您可以很方便地管理自己的网站。 功能特点如下: 1.美化网站界面,更贴切用户使用; 2.全站HTML页面伪静态;增加系统安全性,利用SEO优化。 3.强大的商品管理后台,方便快捷的给商品定价。 6.商业版支持强大采集功能,可以批量采集淘宝客商品
This system is the 9 Taobao management system, using the network has matured, stable technology ASP+Access developed, through it, you can easily manage their own website. Features are as follows: 1 beautify the site interface, more appropriate user 2 total HTML page pseudo static increase system security, the use of SEO optimization. 3 strong commodity management background, convenient and quick to commodity pricing. 6 commercial version of the powerful support for the acquisition function, you can batch acquisition of Taobao goods (2017-01-21, Java, 1552KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xinwenxitong

1.全局设置功能(可以设置企业的基本信息) 2.导航菜单管理(前台采用jquery插件实现二级下拉菜单,后台可设置菜单的显示和隐藏) 3.客服功能(可以很方便的为企业和客户之间搭建沟通的桥梁。后台无限制添加QQ,6种样式一键切换) 4.分享功能(采用百度分享接口,整合到后台,一键设置分享的关闭和开启,11种样式一键切换) 5.留言功能(可设置脏话过滤,留言审核等功能) 6.内链功能(管理内链关键字,和设置关键字,达到seo的效果) 7.幻灯图片管理完美整合网上流行的27种幻灯样式,后台一键切换。标题可设置显示和隐藏 ,图片大小,切换时间等等。 8.新闻频道:采用三级频道分类。可设置标题颜色,外链地址,完美整合kindeditor编辑器。后台可批量删除,置顶,推荐
1 global settings function (you can set the basic information of the enterprise) 2 navigation menu management (front of the jQuery plug-in to achieve the two drop-down menu, the background can be set menu display and hide) 3 customer service function (can be very convenient for enterprises and customers to build a bridge between communication. Background unlimited add QQ, 6 styles of a key switch 4 share function (using Baidu to share the interface, integrated into the background, a button to set up to share the close and open, the 11 styles of a key switch 5 message function (you can set the word filter, message audit functions) 6 within the chain function (management of the chain keywords, and set the key word, to achieve the effect of SEO) The 27 slide slide management style 7 perfect integration of popular online, the background of a key switch. The title can be set to display and hide, image size, switching time, etc.. 8 News Channel: the use of the three channel classifica (2017-01-19, Java, 8552KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] qb_zssjgs

The system has built up a large number of Seo support policies and tools, based on the website of the company s Web site is Seo friendly. Many Seo strategies, such as: the total static address, static content, pure text navigation system, automatic site map and help the search engine more effectively included your site, at the same time, the system has built-in including site assistance and other professional Seo tools. (2017-01-11, Java, 5648KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] bokeyuan

This project is a garden blog interface based on android app can be in accordance with the popular, the latest, recommend checking news blog Park, according to the ranking for 48 hours, 10 days ranking, the blog page screening way to view the contents of the blog, also can used in the offline browsing and query specific bloggers. The design of the function is very comprehensive. More rare is the author provides the project needs analysis, summary design, interface analysis, detailed design and other documents, the novice can also look at the document a step by step analysis of the project. Called template project. (2016-07-27, Java, 2419KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] weiciyuan-a5

四次元新浪微博客源码是一套可以秒杀新浪官方客户端的微博项目源码。使用IntelliJ IDEA开发,已经在谷歌商店发布, 界面干净,常用功能有。顶端空白区一触回顶的功能很赞,页面简捷,联网快速,无广告,程序精巧,使用权限不多,省内存被网友评为业余开发者的良心之作。另外需要注意的是项目运行在安卓4.0+。
The four dimension Sina micro blog source is a set of sina can spike the official client micro-blog project source. The use of IDEA IntelliJ development, has been published in the Google store, the interface is clean, commonly used functions are. The top blank area one touch back top function is very good, the page is simple, fast, no advertising, the program is exquisite, the use of authority is not much, the province of memory is the user as amateur developer of conscience. Also need to be noted that the project runs on Android 4.0+. (2016-07-16, Java, 5278KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] FileBox_1.9.0.1

A completely by the PHP to create single file management system: formerly known as MYftp FileBox. It can help Adsense a key backup your website and , a button to move to, or when the service provider space did not provide file decompression procedures take it as a file decompression procedures used. FileBox modified solitary rain file manager 1.2, add a lot of Useful functions on the basis of it (2016-04-25, Java, 19KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] dianzishangcheng

E-commerce is a kind of buy daily necessities, books, clothes, shoes and hats, toys, software, music, home appliances, such as shopping platform and door-to-door delivery. Shopping network is the Internet, Banks, the product of the development of modern logistics industry. One of the most famous e-commerce are: day have, alibaba, hc360, jingdong mall, dangdang, vancl, aestheticism and purchasing online mall, soufun household mall (2015-06-10, Java, 1284KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] FileBox_v1.6.1

关于FileBox FileBox原名MyFTP,是一个完全由PHP打造的单文件管理系统,它可以帮助站长一键备份自己的网站和数据库、一键搬家,或者当空间服务商没有提供文件解压程序的时候拿它当作文件解压程序使用。FileBox修改自孤雨文件管理器v1.2,FileBox在它的基础上添加了很多Useful的功能,比如:批量删除、操作完后返回原来的目录、文件大小人性化显示等功能。
About FileBox FileBox formerly MyFTP, is a fully PHP to build single-file management system, which can help owners a key backup your own website and , a key move, or when the service provider space program does not provide file decompression time use it as a file decompression program. FileBox modified isolated rain File Manager v1.2, FileBox in its basis, add a lot of Useful features, such as: bulk delete, after the operation returns to the original directory, file size humane display. (2015-05-12, Java, 18KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] qbmb_nxwz_v7-(1)

风格名称: 紫色 适用频道: 齐博V7正式版 制作页面: 首页+列表+内容+他页面制作中。 使用方法: 直接上传文件,打开后台管理-插件管理-标签数据导入与导出-导入标签数据即可。 使用说明: V7 cms 直接上传覆盖,不会覆盖任何原有文件 登陆后台,选中 hellotao2t风格
Style Name: Purple Applicable channel: Bo Qi V7 official version Country Page: First+ list+ content+ his page production. Use: direct upload files, open Manage- Plugin Manager- Label Data Import and Export- Import tag data can be. Instructions: V7 cms direct upload cover, will not overwrite any existing files Login background check hellotao2t style (2015-05-06, Java, 3293KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] wordpresszt_tbk_v3.9

wordpress中文主题,做淘客目前很少,优点和确定和大家分享下,砖石价格很贵所有得到的佣金将特别的高,但是就是因为价格贵直接购买的人会很少,这样生成交易的订单就会很少,所以2者是矛盾的。 这个wordpress中文主题主要是以主题展示为主直接调整淘宝,你也可以把他修改为其他用作其他行业的淘客站点,根据自己的需求来修改。总的来说网站看上去是十分大气美观,希望的朋友围观吧。
Chinese wordpress theme, do Amoy currently very few advantages and to identify and share with masonry is very expensive to get all the commissions will be particularly high, but that is because the price of your purchase will be very few people directly, thus generated transactions orders will be small, so the two are contradictory. This wordpress theme is mainly based on the theme of Chinese-based direct adjustment Taobao show, you can also put him to change for other industries in other scouring off site, to modify according to their needs. Overall the site looks very atmospheric and beautiful, I hope friends onlookers. (2015-04-20, Java, 546KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wordpresscj_taoke_v1.01

You can easily complete the tedious task items to add arrows through snow Amoy robots. Just a commodity keywords, robots can automatically obtain goods for you and publish it to your website, if you server speed was okay, then it is a process takes only a few seconds. Goods will be released or saved to the specified Category to link in the form of articles, product information is saved in a custom column field. (2015-04-03, Java, 39KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] jquery_jipiao_auto

jQuery 城市输入提示,适用于机票、酒店预订网站,这里用到了最新版的jQuery v1.4,点击输入框,自动列出热门出行城市; 城市信息保存在JS文件里,不需要读取数据库,更加提高性能。支持键盘选择、回车键确定;支持选择后自定义callback函数;兼容性方面,完美支持IE6、IE7、IE8、Firefox 等主流浏览器。
jQuery city input prompts for airfare, hotel booking website, here used the latest version of jQuery v1.4, click on the input box automatically lists the popular travel city city information stored in the JS file, the does not need to read more improve performance. Support keyboard selection, the Enter key OK after support custom callback function compatibility, the perfect support IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox and other mainstream browsers. (2015-02-01, Java, 32KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] tinyMCE

TinyMCE 网鸟优化版,自N年前老陈将TinyMCE引进中国以来,该软件从最初的简单框架变成了当今数一数二的在线HTML编辑器,老陈翻译优化的TinyMCE版本有很多,早期的爱雪儿,后来的问沫、颜铭工作室等,如今都以网鸟冠名。之所以有这么多的版本,是与老陈自己的发展变迁有关。
TinyMCE network Bird optimized version, since N years ago, Presbyterian will introduce China TinyMCE since the software the initial simple framework into one of the best of today s online HTML editor, Presbyterian translation optimization TinyMCE version has a lot of early love snow children, then asked Mo, Yan Ming studios, and now have to net the bird title. The reason why there are so many versions, with the Presbyterian Changes related to their own development. (2014-11-14, Java, 659KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] yBlocks

一个jQuery实现的鼠标经过图片的效果,来自凡客诚品官方网站。鼠标划过图片,图片变暗,并为图片增加描述信息。部分代码注释:   // mackup 所有数据都在页面上;   // attribute 数据从图片的属性中获取,动态生成其余的界面   // dynamic - 全部数据动态获取,然后根据数据动态生成界面
The effect of a mouse after pictures jQuery realized Eslite official website. Mouse across the picture, the picture darkens and increases the description of the picture. Part code comments: // Mackup- all the data on the page // Attribute- data obtained the properties of the picture, the rest of the interface dynamically generated // Dynamic- all the dynamic data acquisition, and then dynamically generated based on the data interface (2014-11-10, Java, 556KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] Network-system

1、电脑上网预约电脑日益普及,绝大多数家庭都安装了电脑。网络预约方式主要针对中青年的患者。这些患者大都掌握了电脑上网的基本操作技能,因而能很方便的进行上网预约。 2、手机上网预约 主要针对暂时远离电脑或商务繁忙的患者,只要他拿出手机轻按几键,访问WAP预约挂号网址,便可迅速完成预约。 3、手机短信预约 该预约渠道与手机上网预约医院,都是针对暂时远离电脑或商务繁忙的患者,用户至需发送特定指令至短信预约中心,便可迅速完成预约 4、自助预约机预约 在医院挂号处、门诊大厅等显著位置放置本机器,可极大方便在医院就诊后的患者直接在医院就能预约下次就诊时间。若患者对其使用不太熟悉,还可以让现场的预约挂号导诊员协助完成。 5、热线电话预约 主要为了方便年纪较大,或不熟悉电脑操作的中老年患者。他们可以拨打热线电话预约挂号,由客服人员协助其注册、及预约。
Network system (2014-03-06, Java, 19066KB, 下载19次)


[WEB开发] view1

1.播客节目发布管理系统 2.文件管理 3.个性化模版定义功能.可以定制你喜欢的网站风格和样式. 4.完全支持RSS订阅,可以兼容iPod+iTunes. 5.内置Flash多媒体播放器. 6.手机格式(3gp)文件转换. 7.论坛 8.标签. 9.站内检索功能 10.留言言评论管理 11.节目投票系统. 12.用户管理系统 13.防盗链插件
1. Podcasts dissemination and management system 2. Document management 3. Personalized template definition functions. You can customize Hei create a web site style and form. 4. full support for RSS subscription the iPod is compatible with iTunes. 5. built-in Flash multimedia player. 6. phone format (3g p) document conversion. 7. Forum 8. tags. 9. station 10 search function. messages statement comment Management 11. programs vote counting system. 12. Subscriber Management System 13. plug-Irvine (2006-07-05, Java, 57KB, 下载180次)


[WEB开发] oblogsql-v3.1

entirely personal configurations, through Home called file, you can easily create their own free blog site, to take up the blog service providers, multi-user and single-user both powerful template customization capabilities, improved user management, shielding users can blog, shielding malicious ip, sensitive to the word filtering capabilities to ensure the safe operation of websites to provide users with a variety of confidentiality, it can be set hidden log, log passwords, or even the whole of their blog sites, password protection, the document called for Home (2006-03-30, Java, 1103KB, 下载6次)
