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按平台查找All WINDOWS(127) 

[其他] 牛逼的ETC

Asked ETC to modify the file service station free, 30 burst rate, update all gift store, (2018-03-18, WINDOWS, 15748KB, 下载75次)


[其他] WIN64

Crack mimics17 Mimics is an image processing tool that connects two dimensional image data (CT, MRI, industrial scanning data...) and 3D engineering applications. Applications include anatomical measurement, three-dimensional analysis, finite element analysis (FEA), customized implant or device design, additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing), and surgical planning and simulation. (2018-02-23, WINDOWS, 36KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 基于隐马尔科夫模型的高速公路超车行为

基于驾驶模拟器实验数据,结合高斯混合隐马尔可夫模型(GM-HMM),对高速公路的超车行为进行 辨 识 , 并 对 驾 驶 员 意 图 和 超 车 行 为 是 否 正 常 进 行 分 析 。 结 果 表 明 , 基 于 GM-HMM 的 辨 识 方 法 能 有 效 辨 识 多 种 驾 驶 工况下的不正常超车行 为 。
Based on driving simulator experiment data, combined with Gauss hybrid hidden Markov model (GM-HMM), we identify Expressway Overtaking Behavior and analyze whether driver intention and overtaking behavior are normal. The results show that the identification method based on GM-HMM can effectively identify the abnormal Overtaking Behavior under a variety of driving conditions. (2018-01-25, WINDOWS, 414KB, 下载10次)


[其他] imt-wanke-client-master

本项目是对迅雷玩客云实现的第三方桌面客户端,目前可以查看多设备的矿机的运行情况、提币、查看云添加列表、打开种子进行云添加、币价监控提醒等, 支持设备离线、恢复在线时进行邮件、微信的推送提醒,支持每日9点推送汇报昨日收入,以后有空将逐步完善剩下的功能。
This project is for the thunder play off third party cloud desktop client, running status and current can view multiple devices and its currency, cloud, open cloud seeds were added to the list of add, currency price monitoring reminders, support equipment, mail, online offline restore WeChat's push to remind, support daily 9 push report yesterday income, after the time will gradually improve the function of the rest. (2017-12-07, WINDOWS, 1704KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 足球打水足球跟单源码

足球打水软件源码 超必,法拉利,博利,金球,足球跟单源码,AT100,第一跟单,胜利者 ШШШ.DS①①⑤⑤.СОМ
Soccer kick will Ferrari, super software source code, Bolley, Golden Globe, football documentary source, AT100, the first documentary, winner (2017-11-22, WINDOWS, 26600KB, 下载14次)


[其他智力游戏] 代理假人压测

Cluster pressure measurement, any small Minecraft server. (2017-08-14, WINDOWS, 3907KB, 下载136次)


[游戏] 狐狸洞

自己莫索了很久修改的不用ODBC的狐狸洞版本,基础是用神武版本修改的 @item 制造物品 例如:@item 男子太极道袍 @callnpc召唤NPC 例如:@callnpc 雨中客 @Callmop召唤怪物 例如:@callmop 赦龙组.目前只能召唤长城以南的怪 @show admin 进去以后看不到地图的话打一下这个命令 @设定隐身 @解除隐身 @item 天王刀 1 8 是1把 8是8段
For a long time without modifying their own the ODBC fox hole version is based on modified using smart version @item manufacturing items such as: @item man Tai Chi surplices The following instruction parameters are unknown and do not understand what the use is! @swk @swk @die @die @spell @spell @damage @damage @createguild @createguild @guilddamage @guilddamage @callguild @callguild (2017-07-17, WINDOWS, 3439KB, 下载2次)
