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[数学计算] pathdarshak

welcome to our revolutionary web app that empowers travelers to effortlessly find hotels, restaurants, and attractions. With our advanced shortest path algorithm, stunning LeafletJS maps, and regularly updated database, planning and navigating your journey has never been easier. Our beautiful, intuitive user interface ensures a seamless experiece (2023-10-02, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Resume-Game-Projects-In-Programming-Languages

在C和Java(AWT&SWING)编程语言等编程语言中制作有趣的游戏,如蛇果、Tic Tac Toe、数独和破砖游戏。
Crafted Interesting Games Like Snake-Fruit, Tic-Tac-Toe, Sudoku, and Bricks Breaker Games In Programming Languages Like C and Java(AWT & SWING) Programming Languages. (2023-09-25, SWIG, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] SeidelVisualize

This application visualizes Seidel s polygon triangulation algorithm. It s a part of the final project for Bologna Process equivalency of my applied studies diploma. (2023-09-11, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] slam_in_autonomous_driving_shenlan_hw

《自动驾驶中的SLAM技术》对应开源代码 1. 添加详细代码注释 2. 添加深蓝第一期课后习题与大作业的修改(若想要原始的激光SLAM定位与建图的效果,请前往高博github拉取最新分支),
SLAM Technology in Automatic Driving corresponds to open source code 1 Add detailed code comment 2 Add the modification of exercises and big homework after Dark Blue Phase I (if you want the effect of original laser SLAM positioning and mapping, please go to Gobo github to pull the latest branch), (2023-07-26, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] RecommendationModel

Python scripts that implement collaborative filtering using Matrix Factorization with Alternating Least Squares (MF-ALS) for hotels and restaurants, Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) for attractions, and content-based filtering using cosine similarity for the "More Like This" feature. (2023-07-05, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Time-Series-Forecasting-IBOVESPA

indice Bovespaéo mais重要指标do despempenho médio das cota es das a es negociadas na B3-巴西,博尔萨,波罗的海,形式...,
índice Bovespa é o mais importante indicador do desempenho médio das cota??es das a??es negociadas na B3 - Brasil, Bolsa, Balc?o. é formado pelas a??es com maior volume negociado nos últimos meses. Nesse artigo, descreve um projeto de autoria própria de previs?o de IBOVESPA com Machine Learning e ciência de dados. (2023-05-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] code-geek

This repo is dedicated to store all of programing interview test from a very simple one to a very hardest one, algorithm impmlementation and all of geeky code. (2019-01-25, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Data-structure-and-algorithm

在这里开始我的算法之道,记录我写每一题的当时的思路 算法题主要来自 牛客 LeetCode 剑指Offer
Here I begin my algorithm, recording my thoughts when I wrote each question. The algorithm question is mainly from the Niuke LeetCode Sword Finger Offer (2020-10-12, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Data-Analysis-For-Hotel_Booking-Using_Python

The project focuses on reducing high cancellation rates in hotel bookings. Through data preprocessing, exploratory analysis, and statistical methods, Actionable recommendations are derived to optimise pricing, policies, and customer communication. The goal is to minimise cancellations, enhance revenue management, and improve customer satisfaction (2023-06-25, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Rubik-s-Cube-solver

As a cube-geek turned AI-enthusiast, and armed with a handful of human-centric algorithms for solving the cube, I decided to try my hands at programming a Rubik’s Cube solver. Perhaps a bit naively, I didn’t outright realize that solving a cube optimally or proving that any cube is solvable in 20 or fewer moves would involve a decent understandi... (2022-08-05, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] fruit_check

Fruit and Vegetable Recognition System Python, based on deep learning convolution neural network algorithm. Using Python as the main development language, based on the deep learning TensorFlow framework, build a convolutional neural network algorithm. Through training the data set, a model with high recognition accuracy is finally obtained. And based on the Django framework (2023-06-06, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Hotel_Review_NLP

SDAIA T5数据科学训练营NLP项目。该项目包括酒店评论和cla...
NLP Project for SDAIA T5 Data Science Bootcamp. This project consists of sentiment analysis for hotel reviews and classification algorithms based on that. Also, the project has word clustering models and a hotel recpmmendation system based on the nationalities and the reviewers scores. (2021-11-21, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] NumericalAnalysis

计算机工程系博拉·坎布拉博士(Bora Canbula)助理教授提供的数值分析课程知识库...
Repository for Numerical Analysis course given by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bora Canbula at Computer Engineering Department of Manisa Celal Bayar University. (2022-12-25, Jupyter Notebook, 676KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Newtons-method

關於牛頓法的計算,xn+1 初始值xn-(f(xn)/f (xn)),以及誤差判斷,每疊代一次,牛頓法結果的有效數字將增加一倍。
Newton on the calculation method, xn+1 initial value xn- (f (xn)/f ' (xn)), and an error judgment time, Newton' s method results significant figures will double every iteration. (2017-01-12, Dev C++, 64KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] BFFusion2a

Bayesian inference using the data fusion, will CHAN Taylor algorithm and the results of algorrithm processed and better positioning of the results of the full source code, has been tested. (2012-05-20, matlab, 1KB, 下载85次)


[数学计算] bag-C-Algorithm

背包问题系列算法详解 背包问题是一个关于最优解的经典问题。通常被讨论的最多的,最经典的背包问题是0-1背包问题(0-1 Knapsack Problem)。它是一切背包问题及相关背包问题的基础。本篇博文将详细分析0-1背包问题,并给出0-1背包问题的几种解法,同时也对0-1背包问题的内涵进行延伸,丰富其外延至完全背包问题和多重背包问题,并给出背包问题的算法实现过程,希望对大家有帮助。
Detailed Algorithm for Knapsack Problem Series (2010-10-27, C/C++, 5KB, 下载13次)


[数学计算] MaxHeap

利用最大排序法進行數字的排序,將一串數列依照大小進行排列! 每次比對下一個數字最大的放至前面 依序做回圈之後 就出現結果
Sequencing method using the maximum number of sort will be a string of numbers arranged in accordance with the size! Every time a figure than the next largest release to the front were doing loop after the emergence of the results (2008-10-25, Java, 2KB, 下载51次)


[数学计算] check_squ

Can enter through the file to check whether the user enters a magic square, the file input should be the named co-exist in the C slot magic.txt, it will output to check seized fruit (2008-05-04, C/C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] Book

Digital Signal Processing to discuss the contents of the book, mainly discrete-time signals and digital transformation Borrelia spin filter, and the contents of this book in the book, based on the introduction of the AU is no longer a Fourier transform Fu family, another important Hilbert transform 11. (2007-11-07, Others, 3327KB, 下载189次)


[数学计算] 44fe979b4813b

数值分析中的欧拉算法 本文建立在數值分析的理論基礎上,能夠在Matlab環境中運行,給出了理論分析、程序清單以及計算結果。更重要的是,還有詳細的對算法的框圖說明。首先運用Romberg積分方法對給出定積分進行積分,然後對得到的結果用插值方法,分別求出Lagrange插值多項式和Newton插值多項式,再運用最小二乘法的思想求出擬合多項式,最後對這些不同類型多項式進行比較,找出它們各自的優劣。
numerical analysis of Euler algorithm is based on numerical analysis based on the theory that, Matlab to run, given the theoretical analysis, procedures and results list. More importantly, there are details of the flow chart of the algorithm. Romberg first use of the method is integral for integration, Then the results obtained by using the interpolation method were obtained Lagrange polynomial interpolation polynomial interpolation and Newton, re-use of least squares fitting of thinking obtained polynomial, the last of these different types of polynomial, identify their respective strengths and weaknesses. (2007-01-14, C/C++, 86KB, 下载11次)
