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[数据库系统] raft-rpcProtobuf-messages

Submodules for mrmonopoly-cyber raft_project_runtime repository, it contains the protobuf code and correponding generated golang code for encoding and decoding rpc messages provided for the raft protocol (2024-05-04, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Power-BI-Hotel-Data-Analysis-Project

利用我在数据库开发、SQL和Power BI方面的技能,我旨在解决关键问题:酒店收入增长:探索收入…
Leveraging my skills in database development, SQL, and Power BI, I aimed to address key questions: Hotel Revenue Growth: Explored reve… (2024-01-19, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] vue-

This is an excerpt from someone else s blog. In order to store this learning content, move here. If you want to learn this, you can go to the original blogger s article to learn (2018-11-09, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Minecraft-Client-Downloader

This is my first work, written in python, which can help some mod servers that need special clients. It can only be used with http space or OSS object storage. (2020-04-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] ece-ntua-databases

用于促进酒店内非接触式操作的Web应用程序,使用React、Node.js和MySQL | ECE NTUA的数据库
Web Application that is used to facilitate contactless operations within a Hotel, made with React, Node.js and MySQL | Databases at ECE NTUA (2023-10-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Online-Hotel-Booking-System

This repo includes online hotel booking system created by java. i used java for both front end and backend and for database, i used mysql in this project. (2023-08-07, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Hotel-Revenue-Analysis-And-Trends

This project explores hotel revenue trends and insights, visualizes key metrics like overall revenue, cancellation rates, and ADR to uncover patterns and optimize hotel performance using SQL and Power BI. (2023-07-31, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] resort_database-

在酒店或度假村用例的上下文中,PHP用于将HTML CSS前端与后端的SQL服务器链接。
PHP is used to link an HTML CSS front end with a SQL server on the backend in the context of a hotel or resort use case. (2023-03-04, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] TravelSpace

This is a Travel Website where the customer will come and can book their tickets for any modes like Train, Bus , Flight and for stay they can book Hotels. (2021-05-03, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] PK_WPF_ReservationTable

Programozási k rnyezetek gyakorlat beadandó(WPF)-EKKE IK PTI-NK-OOHQ3E巴戈利加博-2021 22 szi félév
Programozási k rnyezetek gyakorlat beadandó (WPF) - EKKE IK PTI - NK-OOHQ3E Bagoly Gábor - 2021 22 szi félév (2022-01-03, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] HotelManagementSystem

This is a DBMS mini project made for VTU students by VTU students. It is a hotel management system containing 5 tables and has the minimal functionality for an SQL project. It can be changed and modified to fit any kind of database schema. (2020-12-28, PHP, 48KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Hotel-Reservation-System-Database-

Designed and implemented database schema for hotel reservation system. Identified key business metrics for the system and constructed complex SQL queries to retrieve desired information. Documented the entire system by developing comprehensive UML diagrams. (2019-05-31, Others, 756KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] node-express-mongodb

使用Node.js 、Express 和MongoDB (mongoose) 创建REST服务,快速开发API接口,本后台demo适配易果后台管理系统,连接数据库,打造一款轻量级的架构项目。
Create REST services using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB (mongoose), quickly develop API interfaces, adapt to the Yiguo backend management system in this backend demo, connect to the database, and create a lightweight architecture project. (2017-05-18, JavaScript, 1817KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] MZBooking

梅州的酒店管理系统 数据库使用mysql,采用网站使用javaweb实现,后台管理系统使用SSM实现
The hotel management system database in Meizhou is implemented using MySQL, the website is implemented using Java web, and the backend management system is implemented using SSM (2022-06-21, JavaScript, 22500KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] spring_boot_all

Refer to the teaching video on Shoke.net and learn how to write a flash killing system using Spring_ Boot writing. Attached database script information (2018-05-10, Java, 114KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] The-system-of-Fasthotel-management-based-on-Web

本科毕业论文:‘基于web酒店管理系统’ 前后端分离 仅用于学习交流 前端layui,jquery 后端PHP 数据库MySQL
Undergraduate thesis: Based on web hotel management system , front-end and back-end separation is only used for learning and communication front-end layui, jquery back-end PHP database MySQL (2019-04-22, Others, 5041KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Hotel_management_system

酒店管理系统,含有sql数据库信息,可直接导入。B S架构,采用JSP+Servlet+HTML5,MVC模式。 | JavaWeb课程设计
The hotel management system contains SQL database information that can be directly imported. The B S architecture adopts JSP+Servlet+HTML5 and MVC mode| Java Web Course Design (2021-05-07, Java, 10950KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 数据库

Hotel room management system, can be used to compile room management system database, to add, delete, modify and check customers and rooms. (2019-11-15, C#, 871KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 酒店管理系统

设计程序以适应于当前酒店管理的基本操作需求,其功能主要包括: 前台操作:包括开房登记、退房结账和房状态查看 预订管理:包括预订房间、预订入住和解除预订 信息查询:包括在住客人列表、预订客人列表 报表统计:包括开房记录统计、退房结账和预订房间统计
Design procedures to adapt to the current operation of the basic hotel management needs, its functions include: Front desk operations: including open room registration, checkout checkout and room status check Reservation management: including booking rooms, booking check-in and release booking Information inquiry: Including guest list, book guest list Report statistics: Including the opening record statistics, checkout checkout and booking room statistics (2018-01-04, C/C++, 1239KB, 下载1次)


[数据库系统] 05_sqlite

This is Bo CIT UP-CUP-6410 test board database testing procedures, understanding of the embedded SQLite database, and procedures to access the database helpful. (2010-05-26, Unix_Linux, 2253KB, 下载22次)
