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[其他] 基追踪

As for base pursuit (BP), the problem we need to solve in the reconstruction of compressed sensing is l0 norm problem. Because L1 norm is equivalent to l0 norm, l0 norm is converted to L1 norm problem to solve. Base pursuit turns L1 norm problem into linear programming problem to solve. Blogger also mentioned that base pursuit noise reduction problem is converted to quadratic programming problem to solve But this kind of convex optimization problem has high computational complexity and long reconstruction time (2021-04-10, matlab, 2KB, 下载2次)


[其他] Desktop2

This is a M/M/C/ infinity queueing system, where the customers enter the Poisson flow, the service time is distributed according to the negative exponent, and there are C single row multiple parallel service systems of the service stations. In such a system, customers arrive at the system in the rear row into a queue, then receive service at the idle service desk, while the service time of each service station obeys the negative exponential distribution of the same parameter. After the service is finished, the customer automatically goes away. (2018-03-24, matlab, 11KB, 下载7次)


[其他] Vf控制,保证输出电压频率恒定

The VF control is used in the islanding operation of microgrid, and the simulation module is built in Simulink (2017-06-22, matlab, 25KB, 下载123次)


[图形图像处理] ransac

隨機抽樣一致算法(RANdom SAmple Consensus,RANSAC)。它採用疊代的方式從一組包含離群的被觀測數據中估算出數學模型的參數。 RANSAC是一個非確定性算法,在某種意義上說,它會產生一個在一定機率下合理的結果,而更多次的疊代會使這一機率增加。
Ransac algorithm (RANdom SAmple Consensus, RANSAC). It uses an iterative way to estimate the parameters of the mathematical model a set of observed data contains outliers in. RANSAC is a non-deterministic algorithm, in the sense that it will produce a reasonable result in a certain probability, and iterative more times will increase the chances. (2017-03-17, matlab, 1KB, 下载1次)


[matlab编程] tfft

Pulse wave frequency domain parameter extraction, used to extract the characteristic parameters of pulse wave frequency domain, after extracting the blood pressure value or blood sugar (2015-11-03, matlab, 1KB, 下载59次)


[图形图像处理] 9

针对传统的空间域纹理图像修复算法计算量大、修复时间长的缺点, 本文提出了一种纹理图像的快速修复算法。该算 法的基本思想是在小波域中利用小波系数的能量来确定待修复块的填充顺序, 并结合纹理合成的方法填充待修复区。实验结 果表明, 该算法不仅可以大大提高纹理图像的修复速度, 而且在峰值信噪比和主观视觉效果上都优于传统的图像修复算
Trad itional spatia-l doma in inpainting algorithm s for tex ture image need comp licated computat ion and consume a long t ime. A fast inpainting algorithm for tex ture image is proposed by determ in ing the order o f the filling blocks using the energ ies o f w avelet coeffic ients in w ave let dom ain, and filling the inpa in ting b locks using tex ture synthesis method. Experimental resu lts show that the a lgorithm not on ly improves inpainting speed g reat ly, but a lso achieves better peak signa l no ise rat io ( PSNR ) and higher v isual qua lity. (2014-03-22, matlab, 791KB, 下载21次)


[matlab编程] Power-Network

:针对城市电网无功优化规划工作缺乏支撑工具的问题,结合实际业务特点,运用多层次的问题分解和 分层架构设计思想,研发了适用于城市高中压配网的无功优化规划软件模块,包括优化计算、原始数据与结 果数据管理子模块,涵盖现状年及目标年单阶段和多阶段无功优化规划功能。
Research on Reactive Power Planning Module for Urban Power Network (2014-01-12, matlab, 343KB, 下载16次)


[图形图像处理] Floyd_Steinberg_Dithering

有序抖动也是一种常用的半色调技术方法,可以说是最简单的领域处理过程的方 法。它是用一个固定大小的阈值矩阵在原始灰度图像上面一边“移动”,一边比较。如 果原始图像中像素的灰度值大于相应阈值矩阵中的阈值,那么抖动后该像素的值为1 (白 色),否则为0(黑色)。
Ordered dithering is also a common halftoning method, is the simplest way to process the fields. It is a fixed size in the threshold matrix at the side of the raw grayscale image " move" , while comparison. If the gray scale value of the pixel in the original image is larger than the threshold value matrix corresponding to a threshold value, then the dithering of the pixel value of 1 (white), otherwise as 0 (black). (2013-12-09, matlab, 1KB, 下载13次)


[matlab编程] source

输入信号为方波信号+高斯白噪声,方波信号基 频为1kHz,幅值为1,高斯白噪声方差为0.2, 均值为0,采样频率为20kHz。试用最大熵估计 法估计此信号的AR模型及其功率谱,并分析结 果
The input signal is a square wave signal+ Gaussian white noise, square wave signal fundamental frequency 1kHz, amplitude is a Gaussian white noise variance is 0.2, the mean is 0, the sampling frequency is 20kHz. Try maximum entropy estimation method to estimate the AR model of this signal and its power spectrum, and analyze the results (2013-10-29, matlab, 2KB, 下载27次)


[图形图像处理] cun

Simple Screen image segmentation and segmentation results by the results of previous studies, the first moving object tracking then analyzed by tracking the location of the target and control area status information. Screen frame extraction, image preprocessing, sports information extraction, analysis, moving target detection process is complete target detection. Finally, we compare the Screen extracted number of robustness, accuracy, and time differences. (2013-04-13, matlab, 1KB, 下载6次)


[超算/并行计算] Analysis--antenna-

从混合位积分方程出发,采用矩量法结合曲线分段的三角基函数和脉冲检 验函数分析了阿基米德平面螺旋天线,给出了输入阻抗,电流分布以及辐射方向图结 果。从曲线形式的海伦积分方程出发结合折线分段的脉冲基函数点匹配法比较结果 与文献[2~4]十分吻合。
In this paper,Archimedean spiral antenna is analyzed using a mixed po— tential integral equation。and the equation is solved by the moment method incorpo— rating with curved piecewise triangle sub—domain basis and pulse testing functions. The numerical results of input impedance,current distributions and radiation pat— terns of Archimedean spiral antenna are presented and have good agreement with the published results in[2~4],where piecewise segmentations were adopted. (2011-04-24, matlab, 240KB, 下载65次)


[matlab编程] zishiyingjiangzao

Here a novel adaptive noise cancellation method using normalized least mean square algorithm, collecting a variety of actual noise environment, the SNR of noisy speech samples for noise reduction, experimental results show that treatment After the signal to noise ratio was greater improvement in the level, greatly improved the listening results, with high intelligibility and naturalness of speech is good, no distortion and were compared with the spectral subtraction, adaptive noise cancellation law than the spectral subtraction noise reduction rate of a certain improvement in the listening results, and with the adaptive noise cancellation method in the treatment of voice clarity, naturalness is better than spectral subtraction. (2011-04-13, matlab, 976KB, 下载90次)


[matlab编程] zkj

距离保护算法仿真主程序 采用故障突变量启动算法和故障突变量选相算法; 根据故障突变量选相结果确定阻抗元件计算或测距元件计算相别
Distance Protection with Fault Simulation main break variable amount of start algorithm and fault phase selection algorithm mutation mutations in the amount of fault phase selection based on the results of calculations or determine the impedance element relative to other computing devices ranging (2011-01-26, matlab, 1KB, 下载179次)


[matlab编程] HHT_CODE1

HHT MATLAB CODE HHT是一個客觀而有自適性(adaptive)的數據分析方法。它利用物理空間的尺度為基準分解複雜數據,因此各分量皆有豐富的物理意義。由於它有自適的特性,它可以適用於分析非線性,非穩定性過程所產生的數據。經過近數年來的廣泛研究與應用,HHT已被認定為是一個有革命性又有效的方法。
HHT MATLAB CODE (2009-10-14, matlab, 266KB, 下载8次)


[通讯编程文档] OFDMchannelestimate

书文提出了一种称为平均反馈(AF)的新算法.该算法利用两个相邻的 0FDM符号之间的荧联信息对LS算法的估计结果进行平均和反馈.以减少离斯白噪声岛子信道间干扰(1cI)对信道估计结 果的影囔。
The book article proposed one kind is called the average to feed back (AF) the new algorithm. This algorithm uses two neighboring between the 0FDM mark the glimmer to unite the information to carry on the average and the feedback to the LS algorithm estimate result. Reduces to the Si white noise island sub-letter interference between channels (1cI) pair of channel estimates intends the fruit the shade nang. (2009-08-24, matlab, 309KB, 下载13次)


[matlab编程] project3

A multi-target tracking matlab code, which accompanied by a document. One of the background difference method can achieve real-time updates. The code detection and tracking at the time a small number of very good goal, but follow-up after the goal is greater than 8, the effect of decline in a lot of (2009-03-28, matlab, 92KB, 下载1285次)


[matlab编程] sudo7matlab

這是一個求數獨遊戲的m-file 在matlab的命令窗口 鍵入>> sudo7 或者run sudo7 的m-file 之後在 9x9 的方格內 填入 數獨的問題 按下 "計算是否有解" 的功能鍵 若不是存在多組的解,則可以 按下 "顯示結果" 的功能鍵, 也可以載入作者測試的"date1"或"date2" 但不可載入及修改"condition"
This is a Sudoku game for the m-file in matlab command window type>> sudo7 or run sudo7 the m-file after the box in the 9x9 Sudoku Fill in the question of pressing the calculate whether the solvability feature key if it were not for the existence of multiple solutions, you can press the show results of the function keys can also be included in the authors test date1 or date2 but not loading and modification of condition (2008-10-23, matlab, 19KB, 下载2次)


[其他] C_RLS

研究利用RLS算法自适应均衡器纠正存在加性白噪声的信道的畸变。讨论特征值扩散度 对学习曲线的影响。 比较RLS算法和LMS算法在不同信噪比情况下的学习曲线。
RLS algorithm using adaptive equalizer to correct the existence of additive white noise distortion channel. Eigenvalue discussion diffusivity impact on the learning curve. Comparison of RLS algorithm and LMS algorithm for different signal to noise ratio in the case of the learning curve. (2008-10-15, matlab, 128KB, 下载56次)


[matlab编程] corner_detector

我用matlab写的一个corner detector, 效果比现在流行的harris,susan,CSS等效果要好。 Algorithm is derived from: X.C. He and N.H.C. Yung, Curvature Scale Space Corner Detector with Adaptive Threshold and Dynamic Region of Support , Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2:791-794, August 2004. Improved algorithm has been included in A Corner Detector based on Global and Local Curvature Properties and submitted to Optical Engineering.
err (2007-12-28, matlab, 59KB, 下载262次)


[matlab编程] ImageEnage

image processing experiments, experimental content : Matlab image enhancement, including gray-scale transformation, filtering, enhanced color (2007-05-15, matlab, 869KB, 下载591次)
