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按分类查找All Leetcode/题库(194) 

[Leetcode/题库] -Boston-Home-Price-Forecast

This topic uses the Boston House Price Forecast Competition by Kaggle to predict the MEDV model, linear regression, heat map, mean absolute error, mean square error generation feature map and PCA dimension reduction by using LSTAT and RM of the house price data set. (2024-01-20, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] about-me

This web page has been created whithin 2.5 hours while waiting for the conference in Almaty at the "Kazakhstan" Hotel (26 October 2016), an hour drive in a taxi from the international airport Sheremetyevo to the Business Molodost’s main office (27 October 2016) and half an hour in the cafe on the first floor of the building, in which I had an (2018-02-01, HTML, 8037KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] allssm

ssm医院预约系统 ssm汽车租赁系统 springboot个人博客管理 ssm小区物业管理 ssm图书馆管理系统 ssm学生成绩管理 ssm校园二手交易网 ssm )酒店预订管理 springboot仓库管理系统 ssm学生宿舍管理...
Ssm Hospital reservation system ssm Car rental system spring boot Personal blog management ssm Community property management ssm Library management system ssm Student achievement management ssm Campus second-hand trading network ssm Hotel reservation management spring boot Warehouse management system ssm Student dormitory management (2022-02-25, Others, 3890KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Data-Structures-and-Algorithms

Using the Java language, implement common data structures and algorithms, including arrays, stacks, queues, numbers, and other common data structures. Refer to the data structures and algorithms of Professor Liu Yubo and Teacher Wang Zheng of Geek Time on MOOC.com (2020-05-16, Java, 339KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] Algorithm

准备数据结构、算法时做过的题 题目包含:基础数据结构,算法,大公司笔试真题,牛客算法题,lintcode,九章算法,《剑指Offer》,左程云《程序员代码面试指南》
The questions I have done while preparing data structures and algorithms include: Basic Data Structures, Algorithms, Real Test Questions for Large Companies, Niuke Algorithm Questions, Lintcode, Nine Chapter Algorithm, "Sword Finger Offer", and Zuo Chengyun s "Code Interview Guide for Programmers" (2018-07-28, Java, 847KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] commonUtil

Android, Java essential knowledge, interview knowledge, work and learning records. Here are some commonly used Android tool classes, Android development experience, interview algorithm questions, and analysis of Niuke algorithm questions. It also includes Java data structures, algorithms, crawlers, generics, reflection, and other implementations (2019-07-03, Java, 2419KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] jian-zhi-offer

此资源是剑指OFFER的题解(C++),由本人在刷剑指OFFER题的期间整理,其中有整理牛客网讨论区的代码+剑指OFFER书中的代码+自己编写的代码,方法很全,且附有解析和思路,很方便大家在刷题时参考。 资源中题目顺序参照牛客网上的顺...
This resource is the solution (C++) for Jianzhi OFFICER questions, which was compiled by me during the process of writing Jianzhi OFFICER questions. It includes organizing the code from the discussion area of Niuke.com, the code from Jianzhi OFFICER books, and the code I wrote myself. The method is very comprehensive, and it comes with analysis and ideas, which is very convenient for everyone to refer to when writing questions. The order of the questions in the resources refers to the order on Niuke Online (2020-07-17, C++, 14336KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] sword_offer

A summary of algorithm questions written by individuals while searching for a job, mainly using Python and C++. Including: "Sword Finger Offer", "Programmer Interview Classic", "LeetCode", "Niuke.com", "Codecars". (2021-04-03, Shell, 753KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] CodeForOffer

In order to prepare for the 2020 Autumn Recruitment Written Exam, the system used Niuke.com as the quiz platform and Python as the programming language to complete the "Sword Finger Offer" and facilitate communication and learning (2019-12-09, Python, 812KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] urlNavigation

UrlNavigation, this project is mainly used to quickly access commonly used websites and take appropriate breaks in vscode. Currently, it is possible to log in to the plugin and read WeChat, scan Leetcode and Niuke, view interview questions, take photos, and so on (2022-03-16, TypeScript, 108KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] algorithmAndDataStructure

algorithmAndDataStructure,记录学习极客时间《数据结构和算法之美》过程中,使用 `javascript` 源码实现的数据结构和算法,也会不定时更新每个算法或者数据结构对应的 leetCode 笔试题
AlgorithmAndDataStructure records the data structures and algorithms implemented using JavaScript source code during the learning process of The Beauty of Data Structures and Algorithms . It also updates the leetCode written test questions corresponding to each algorithm or data structure from time to time (2022-02-07, JavaScript, 62KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] acm-statistics

An online tool (crawler) to analyze users performance in online judges (coding competition websites). Supported OJ: POJ, HDU, HYSBZ, CodeForces, UVA, ICPC Live Archive, FZU, SPOJ, Timus (URAL), LeetCode_CN, CSU, LibreOJ, 洛谷, 牛客OJ, Lutece (UESTC), AtCoder, AIZU, CodeChef, El Judge, BNUOJ, Codewars, UOJ, NBUT, 51Nod, DMOJ, VJudge
acm-statistics,An online tool (crawler) to analyze users performance in online judges (coding competition websites). Supported OJ: P... (2023-05-12, C#, 5261KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] stats-cards

stats-cards,在 README 中展示你在知乎,GitHub,B 站,LeetCode,掘金,CSDN,牛客等网站的数据,也可用于服务状态监控. Show your LeetCode & GitHub stats in GitHub Profile.
Stats cards, display your data on websites such as Zhihu, GitHub, Bilibili, LeetCode, Nugget, CSDN, Niuke, etc. in README, and can also be used for service status monitoring Show your LeetCode & GitHub stats in GitHub Profile. (2023-05-12, JavaScript, 65KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] free-programming-books

free-programming-books, 码农周报 免费的编程书籍,leetcode(力扣)题解、前端算法题,牛客网前端大厂面试题题解、提升工作效率的常用工具等
Free programming books, a free programming book for the Code Farmer Weekly, with leetcode and front-end algorithm solutions, as well as commonly used tools for improving work efficiency, as well as solutions for interview questions at large front-end factories on Niuke.com (2021-04-21, Others, 1786KB, 下载0次)
