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[前端开发] React-Hotel-Project

“欢迎使用我们的酒店管理应用程序!此管理端应用程序使酒店员工能够有效管理预订、可用客房和用户登机。利用React.js、React Query和React Hook Form,以及数据库的Supabase和UI的样式化组件,我们的应用程序提供了无缝直观的体验。
"Welcome to our hotel management app! This admin-side application empowers hotel staff to efficiently manage bookings, available rooms cabins, and user onboarding. Leveraging React.js, React Query, and React Hook Form, along with Supabase for the database and styled components for the UI, our app provides a seamless and intuitive experience. (2024-01-27, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Let-s-Go-Expedium

Let s Go Expedium是一个根据机票和地点预订酒店的网站。关键功能是用户和管理员登录端。吸引...
Let s Go Expedium is a hotel booking website as per the tickets and locations. The key features are user and admin login side. The attractive UI gives you a better experience. The future trips planner, payment section and hotels preview are main web pages. (2023-11-21, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] horario-cliques

Aplica o React queum registro de horário de clicks。Toda vez que um bot o for clicado,atuaza o total de clicks feitos e a listagem(托达·韦斯·克·恩·博托)...
Aplica??o React que é um registro de horário de clicks. Toda vez que um bot?o for clicado, atualiza o total de clicks feitos e a listagem com o horário de cada click feito. Usa Component Class, listas e o estado do componente para fazer a implementa??o. (2023-10-31, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Hotel-Booking-Web-App---Mbalayang

This is a hotel booking web-app made using HTML CSS JS REACT REDUX CHAKRA-UI JSON-SERVER REACT ROUTER; deployed on Vercel.com, (2023-08-27, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Hotel-Booking-App-ReactJs

`酒店客房预订系统`使用React.js、Next.js、Redux.js、Node.js、Express.js、MongoDB、Tailwind CSS&And Design。,
`Hotel-Room-Booking-System` using React.js, Next.js, Redux.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Tailwind-CSS & And-Design., (2023-04-13, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] chrisbinsunny.github

Chrisbin Sunny-Flutter Developer、演讲者、Web狂热者和技术极客的投资组合网站。工程师,通过...
Portfolio website for Chrisbin Sunny - Flutter Developer, Speaker, Web Enthusiast, and Tech Geek. Engineer with a passion for creating clean and user-friendly UI/UX using Flutter. (2023-01-23, Dart, 2445KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] deafening-trip-5321

Let s Go Expedium是一个根据机票和地点预订酒店的网站。关键功能是用户和管理日志...
Let s Go Expedium is a hotel booking website as per the tickets and locations. The key features are user and admin login side. The attractive UI gives you a better experience. The future trips planner, payment section and hotels preview are main web pages. (2023-04-13, HTML, 2261KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] HCI-Project

This web design is developed for a Hotel reservation web site. This web design represents the improved version of current web design with improved UI/UX experience and corrected mistakes done in the current web site. (2021-03-17, HTML, 167990KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] laravel-podcast

Laralve Podcast是Laravel 5.5 web应用程序,使您能够管理您最喜爱的播客的RSS提要,并收听...
Laravel Podcast is Laravel 5.5 web app that enables you to manage RSS feeds for your favorite podcasts and listen to the episodes in a seamless UI and User Authentication. (2023-02-22, PHP, 1759KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] AutoLoginURL

The program is used to automatically log in to multiple hotel management platform websites: automatically log in to multiple web pages, including entering account passwords and identification codes, and then automatically click Login. (2017-05-13, Python, 3KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] FourthPay

For the payment system based on WeChat Alipay service provider model, the basic template is based on Larravel admin, which realizes API interface, merchant background, proxy background, merchant API, and website foreground. This project is only for learning (2023-01-05, PHP, 1068KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Podcast

这是一个使用TypeScript、Next.js 13和Sanity构建的播客网站。它采用响应式设计。网站...
This is a podcast website built with TypeScript, Next.js 13, and Sanity. It features a responsive design. The website is fully integrated with the Sanity content management system, allowing for easy editing and updating of podcast episodes and other content (2023-05-13, TypeScript, 685KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Hotel-Manager

A hotel management web application with Spring, Hibernate and Jersey built under Scrum iterations and deployed to a Tomcat server with ReactJS as the front-end. (2021-09-17, Java, 873KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] single-page-hotel-site-front-end

It is a single page hotel website front end design made using HTML,CSS and Bootstarp. (2022-07-11, CSS, 9747KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] amber-web-app

Amber是一个用于播客平台的简单前端应用程序。Rocketseat的NLW 5实践项目。
Amber is a simple Front-end application for a podcast platform. Practice project from NLW 5 by Rocketseat. (2022-12-14, TypeScript, 888KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] uniterm

Universal Terminal Emulator, might be a great toy terminal front-end for geeks. (2022-12-08, TypeScript, 798KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] OrangeLanding

橙果工作室落地页前台,包括主页、纳新系统,使用Pnpm + Monorepo进行依赖管理,Vue作为JavaScript框架,并且开启SSR(服务端渲染方案并不完善)
The landing page front desk of Orange Fruit Studio, including the home page and the new admission system, uses Pnpm+Monorepo for dependency management, Vue as the JavaScript framework, and opens SSR (the server side rendering scheme is not perfect) (2022-09-24, Vue, 195KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] Awesome-PHP

Awesome-PHP,一个PHP资源列表,内容包括:库、框架、模板、安全、代码分析、日志、第三方库、配置工具、Web 工具、书籍、电子书、经典博文等等
Awesome-PHP is a PHP resource list that includes libraries, frameworks, templates, security, code analysis, logs, third-party libraries, configuration tools, web tools, books, e-books, classic blog posts, and more (2017-10-26, Others, 23KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] quake

Quake is a knowledge management meta-framework for geeks. Use meta-data + Transflow to CRUD data, Git + markdown to management content, Web Component for frontend-custom. Quake 是面向极客的知识管理元框架。
quake,Quake is a knowledge management meta-framework for geeks. Use meta-data + Transflow to CRUD data, Git + markdown to m... (2022-12-17, Rust, 1688KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] hotel

The information of each room in the system can also realize booking, reception, checkout, room change and deposit, and provide corresponding query function for these systems (2019-02-19, Java, 5775KB, 下载1次)
