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[系统/网络安全] anubhav99_neocity

Title: Cyberpunk Portfolio Showcase Description: Step into a cybernetic world with my personal portfolio website, blending HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with augmented UI and cyberpunk CSS. Explore sleek design and immersive visuals as you delve into my projects and passions. Join me on this futuristic journey today. (2024-05-15, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[中间件编程] Hotel-Reservation

该项目是一个使用Java中的Spring框架开发的酒店客房预订管理系统。它提供了一个基于web的界面,用于管理酒店客房预订。后端是使用SpringBoot实现的,Thymeleaf作为前端的模板引擎。Spring Security用于处理身份验证和授权。
This project is a Hotel Room Booking Management System developed using the Spring Framework in Java. It provides a web-based interface for managing hotel room reservations. The backend is implemented using Spring Boot with Thymeleaf as the template engine for the frontend. Spring Security is utilized for handling authentication and authorization. (2024-05-04, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[浏览器] VUESIC

Vuesic是一款播客应用程序,旨在为用户提供全面的收听体验。有了Vuesic,您可以发现新的播客,了解最新的剧集,永远不会错过任何一个节拍。此版本的Vuesic是一个React web应用程序,允许用户从其web浏览器访问该应用程序。
Vuesic is a podcast app designed to offer users a comprehensive listening experience. With Vuesic, you can discover new podcasts, stay up to date on the latest episodes, and never miss a beat. This version of Vuesic is a React web app that allows users to access the app from their web browser. (2024-03-21, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Hotel

Experience unrivaled luxury at our React-built hotel. Seamlessly designed with React s cutting-edge functionality, our rooms and amenities redefine comfort. (2023-12-16, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] hotel-management-system

Explore this educational Hotel Management System an innovative showcase of a simplified MVC architecture utilizing Bootstrap, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, PHP, and MySQL. The project integrates modern web technologies, ensuring robust and secure data interactions. Please note, it is a simulation for academic purposes only. (2023-11-16, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] SE-MiniProject

Traditional hotel booking systems lack flexibility and cost-effectiveness for travelers seeking short stays. Myriad s challenge is to revolutionize the industry by offering convenient, affordable hourly accommodations, addressing the evolving needs of modern travelers (2023-11-01, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] cyberpunk-template

此赛博朋克主题模板用于链接页面。它完全用vanilla html和css编写。创造性地使用图像和css动画...,
This cyberpunk themed template is for a links page. It is written completely in vanilla html and css. Creative use of images and css animations are what make it work. (2022-09-27, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Language-Translator-

This Is A type of a google translation Webpage in which all the language of india like Hindi , English , Bhojpuri , Maithli , marathi , Assamese . Bengali and many more language has been added there. You can Just Open The page and write text in any Language and than covert it into your Desire Language (2023-10-02, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] hotelbookings

this is online hotel resorts booking web application using php and my sql database with admin dashboard features., (2023-09-08, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] booking-project

This project is a simple hotel booking and reservation project with key features, built with Go (2023-08-11, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[企业管理] Hotel-System

毕设-酒店管理系统 包括仓库管理, 财 务 管理, 财 务 审批,入住,换房,退房等业 务 。
The hotel management system includes warehouse management, financial management, financial approval, check-in, room change, check-out and other businesses. (2021-04-08, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[敏捷开发] Shuffle-a-hotel-FRONTEND

前端de la aplicación Shuffle-a酒店,sobre büsqueda de ofertas hoteleras utilizando la metodología SCRUM
Front-end de la aplicación Shuffle-a-hotel , sobre búsqueda de ofertas hoteleras utilizando la metodología SCRUM (2015-01-19, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Fortran编程] Stylish-website-for-hotel-and-resort

Perfect website for a hotel, resort, apartment, room reservation or any other accommodation service. It comes with fully working contact form, online booking and reservation system. (2019-03-08, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[托管/部署] letsmakeapodcast.github

We made a podcast. We re hosting the audio files on SoundCloud. We ve built our website on Jekyll and hosted it with … (2017-07-06, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] banish-spotify-podcasts

这是一个简单的Chrome扩展,当通过web pla使用Spotify时,它使用CSS隐藏被鄙视的播客栏...
This is a simple Chrome extension which uses CSS to hide the despised Podcasts bar when using Spotify via the web player. (2022-12-19, CSS, 43KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] hotelManagement

Hello. This is my second project in laravel where I am doing a hotel management system for a restaurant in Martin Place, Sydney. (2022-03-31, CSS, 6807KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] handbooksearch

This repo has moved. Search engine for the podcast Hollywood Handbook. Transcribed with AWS Transcribe and search powered by ElasticSearch on AWS. (2021-08-12, CSS, 385KB, 下载0次)


[智慧办公] gatsby-expo-shared-project

This project is a proof of concept of the ability to share code between a Gatsby and Expo project using yarn workspaces (2018-08-04, CSS, 222KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] single-page-hotel-site-front-end

It is a single page hotel website front end design made using HTML,CSS and Bootstarp. (2022-07-11, CSS, 9747KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] HotelSSM

基于ssm框架的酒店管理系统,主要涉及技术 SpringMvc+Spring+Mybatis+MySql+easyui+h-ui+Jsp
A hotel management system based on the SSM framework, mainly involving technologies such as SpringMvc+Spring+Mybatis+MySql+easyui+h-ui+Jsp (2022-04-20, CSS, 9210KB, 下载0次)
