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[数据结构] Hotel-Booking-Analysis

Analysis of Hotel Bookings Data (2024-07-09, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] stacksofwax

Home to the codebase of a dynamic music streaming social network that connects users through their love of music. Here, you ll find everything that powers our community s ability to explore, share, and discuss their favorite tunes and podcasts. (2024-04-08, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Java-Game-Series

Game Hub:Puzzles&Play是一个多样化的数字游乐场,拥有蛇果、井字游戏、破砖游戏、乒乓游戏和俄罗斯方块等经典游戏。它使用Java精确开发,并可跨设备访问,为所有人提供无缝的游戏享受。
Game Hub: Puzzles & Play is a diverse digital playground with captivating classics like Snake-fruit, tic-tac-toe, bricks breaker, pong, and Tetris. Developed with precision and accessible across devices using Java it offers seamless gaming enjoyment for all. (2024-02-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Game_Hub_Puzzles_-_Play

Game Hub:Puzzles&Play是一个多样化的数字游乐场,有蛇果、井字游戏、破砖游戏、乒乓球和俄罗斯方块等迷人的经典游戏。它使用Java和HTML CSS JavaScript进行精确开发,并可跨设备访问,为所有人提供无缝的游戏享受。
Game Hub: Puzzles & Play is a diverse digital playground with captivating classics like Snake-fruit, tic-tac-toe, bricks breaker, pong, and Tetris. Developed with precision and accessible across devices using Java and HTML CSS JavaScript, it offers seamless gaming enjoyment for all. (2023-12-03, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] Hotel-Management-System

Hotel Management System using C++ and SQLITE DataBase (2023-09-04, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] CCP

Contains all the program ever discussed in the PLA1004 - "Competitive Coding Practices" course at VIT Bhopal University, India [Face Trainer] (2023-07-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] must-know-java-programs

All programs a geeks needs to know at one stop. It is an implementation of Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. (2023-07-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] little-man

(m,n,k)博洛尼亚大学算法和数据结构课程的游戏人工智能,a.a.2020 2021,
(m,n,k) game playing AI for the Algorithms and Data Structures course at the University of Bologna a.a. 2020 2021, (2021-09-17, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] 创客学院数据结构课件

Classic data structure, C language data structure, with data structure learning notes (2019-12-18, C/C++, 1393KB, 下载5次)


[数据结构] 队列2

某汽车轮渡口,过江渡船每次能载 10 辆车过江。过江车辆分别为客车类和 货车类,上船有如下规定:同类车先到先上船,客车先于货车上渡船,且每上 4 辆客 车,才允许上一辆货车;若等待客车不足 4 辆则以货车代替;若无货车等待则允许客 车都上船。设计一个算法模拟渡口管理。
An automobile ferry can carry 10 vehicles across the river at a time. The vehicles crossing the river are passenger cars and passenger cars respectively. For trucks, there are the following regulations for boarding: the same kind of vehicles first come first board the ship, the passenger cars first take the ferry on the truck, and each passenger gets on four passengers. Only one truck is allowed; if less than four waiting buses are replaced by a truck; if no waiting truck is allowed, passengers are allowed. All the cars get on board. Design an algorithm to simulate ferry management. (2019-06-22, C/C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] 栈的应用-中缀-后缀

堆栈程序实例 传智播客 王保明老师讲的的课程实例
Stack program instances, examples of Wang Baoming's lectures (2018-11-20, C/C++, 2KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] nuts

它是關於堅果的acm問題。 當用戶輸入關於k,a,b和v的信息時,變量分別是框中的最大段數,螺母數,除數和容量。 因此,程序將計算最小移動以將所有螺母移除到一個框中。 這個程序也被系統接受
It is a question of acm nuts. When a user enters information about k, a, b and v, the variables are the maximum number of segments, the number of nuts, the divisor and capacity box. Therefore, the program will calculate the minimum movement to remove all the nuts to a box. This program has also been accepted by the system (2017-03-18, Visual C++, 3886KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] 2008

国家集训队2008论文集 Day1 1.曹钦翔《数据结构的提炼与压缩》 2.郑暾《平衡规划——浅析一类平衡思想的应用》 3.刘弈《浅谈信息学中状态的合理设计与应用》 4.顾研《浅谈随机化思想在几何问题中的应用》 5.周梦宇《码之道——浅谈信息学竞赛中的编码与译码问题》 6.肖汉骏《例谈信息学竞赛分析中的“深”与“广”》 7.方戈《浅析信息学竞赛中一类与物理有关的问题》 8.吕子鉷《浅谈最短径路问题中的分层思想》 9.周小博《浅谈信息学竞赛中的区间问题》 10.俞华程《矩阵乘法在信息学中的应用》 Day2 1.程芃祺《计算几何中的二分思想》 2.高逸涵《部分贪心思想在信息学竞赛中的应用》 3.陈丹琦《基于连通性状态压缩的动态规划问题》 4.张煜承《一类算法复合的方法》 5.陈瑜希《Pólya计数法的应用》 6.余林韵《运用化归思想解决信息学中的数列问题》 7.任一恒《非完美算法初探》 8.高亦陶《从立体几何问题看降低编程复杂度》 9.苏煜《对块状链表的一点研究》 10.周冬《两极相通——浅析最大—最小定理在信息学竞赛中的应用》
Proceedings of the National Team 2008 Day1 1 Cao Qin Xiang "refined and compressed data structures." 2 Cheng Tun. "Balanced plan- Analysis of the application of a class of balanced thinking." 3. "Rational design and application of Information Science in the state," Liu Yi 4. Care and research, "On randomized thought in geometric problems in the" 5 Zhoumeng Yu, "Road yards- Talking informatics contest encoding and decoding problem." 6 Xiaohan Jun "case talk informatics competitions Analysis" deep "and" wide "" 7 Fang Ge, "Analysis of information science and physics contest a class-related issues." 8 Lu Hong Son "on the shortest path problem in hierarchical thinking." 9 Zhou Xiaobo, "On the informatics contest range problem" 10. Yu Hua Cheng "matrix multiplication in Informatics Applications" Day2 1 Cheng Peng Kee "computational geometry in two minutes thinking" 2. Manhattan Han "section greedy thinking in the application of information science contest" 3 Chen Danqi "based (2014-06-10, C++, 15111KB, 下载11次)


[数据结构] ICCaluaten

Infix convert an expression for the postfix expression, and calculate any four of expression is the result fruit, using linked lists and queues, non-grammar and state machines, has been tested. (2012-06-08, C/C++, 7KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] 123

25.学生成绩管理系统 现有学生成绩信息文件1.txt,内容如下 姓名 学号 语文 数学 英语 张明明 01 67 78 82 李成友 02 78 91 88 张辉灿 03 68 82 56 王露 04 56 45 77 陈东明 05 67 38 47 学生成绩信息文件2.txt,内容如下: 姓名 学号 语文 数学 英语 陈果 31 57 68 82 李华明 32 88 90 68 张明东 33 48 42 56 李明国 34 50 45 87 陈道亮 35 47 58 77 试编写一管理系统,要求如下: 1)实现对两个文件数据进行合并,生成新文件3.txt 2)抽取出三科成绩中有补考的学生并保存在一个新文件4.txt 3)合并后的文件3.txt中的数据按总分降序排序(至少采用两种排序方法实现) 4)输入一个学生姓名后,能查找到此学生的信息并输出结果(至少采用两种查找方法实现) 5)要求使用结构体,链或数组等实现上述要求. 6)采用多种方法且算法正确者,可适当加分.
xue sheng guan li xi tong (2011-11-30, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载20次)


[数据结构] shujujiegou

Data structure, sequence algorithm code! Write a program sqsearch, output in the table {{dawn, male, 16, Department of Computer Science}, {Ouyang, male, 16, Department of Computer Science}, {Li Li, female, 18, Department of Computer Science }, {Majin Xia, female, 19, Department of Computer Science}, {Ma Ping, male, 18, Department of Computer Science}, {Liu Bo, male, 17, Department of Computer Science}} order to find the name of " Liu Bo" process. (2011-06-27, Visual C++, 165KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] Greedy

Backpackers use to solve the weight problem of greedy, and do a simple sort operation (2011-05-17, C/C++, 1KB, 下载2次)


[数据结构] c

0-1背包 题目要求:简单来说就是两个人洗衣服,两个人必须把一种颜色的衣服洗完才能洗下一种颜色,两个人可以同时洗一样颜色的。 给出每件衣服的颜色和花费时间,求两人洗完所有衣服的最短时间。
0-1 knapsack subject requirements: It simply means that two people do the laundry, two people must be a color wash to wash clothes under one color, two people can wash the same color. Each garment is given the color and spend time, find all the clothes they wash the shortest time. (2011-04-18, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] GoodDataStructure

Data structure design of several important source programs, including the 24-point game, the design of tourist traffic the road map, hotel management, accounts, original content, please be reproduced! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (2010-04-14, Visual C++, 173KB, 下载9次)


[数据结构] dssj

电子产品售后服务系统的设计与实现 子产品的市场化竞争日趋激烈,如何在激流中站稳,是目前要考虑的问题,为了更好的适应当今时代信息技术的飞速发展,我们设计建立了一个网上售后服务系统,以服务取胜。本文从通过网站实现售后客户服务的角度出发,系统地介绍了一个售后服务系统的设计及实现过程。本文详细叙述了系统的功能、数据结构、概要设计、详细设计。系统实现了在线客服、常见问题解答、信息报导、客户投诉中心、关于我们、用户登录、客户留言等功能。系统的特点是采用B/S架构,整个网站的管理工作都集中在服务器端,运用多层软件架构确保了系统的扩展性和适用性。
err (2008-01-05, ASP, 1832KB, 下载61次)
