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[进程与线程] vrame

Application of toolbar buttons and methods of obtaining button coordinates through main frame objects-main frame objects aggregate toolbar and status bar objects, so they can be applied to the main frame object (2018-10-26, C/C++, 64KB, 下载0次)


[进程与线程] such-a-simple-multi-threaded

Has been multi-threaded kind of fear of fear, do not understand it what is going on in the end, I feel very abstract, since the the Tsou teacher of listening to Chuan Chi podcasts explanation for multi-threaded, I can confidently say that my multi-threaded a beginning (2012-07-04, Visual C++, 29KB, 下载5次)


[进程与线程] java

This course is Chuan-Chih podcast" Zhang Xiaoxiang Java and multi-threaded concurrency library application" video tutorial tutorial, using AVI way to release, so it looks smooth, we can through the video first set package comes with CamPlay.exe ( back then) watch and learn. (2012-04-27, Java, 102KB, 下载25次)


[进程与线程] Hke_Rootkit

大家用APIHook都用个DLL,于是我无聊写了个不用DLL的(多了个DLL黑冰什么的就发现了),其实原理一样的,高手就不要看了,远程线程而已,APIHook的代码Copy aphex的,嘿嘿懒得自己写了。 这个程序能将以_hke_开头的文件和文件夹在任务管理器(我的电脑)里隐藏,刷新下见效果,再次运行取消APIHook,没写注册表和服务,放心测试吧,重启后什么都没变,喜欢的话自己再改改。
U.S. APIHook are using a DLL, so I wrote a silly without DLL (2008-08-25, Delphi, 52KB, 下载38次)


[进程与线程] SMGPGateWaySourcecode

中国电信SGIP协议通信网关 此为电信网关平台(3.0)源码。多线程实现。【已商用】 其他诸如移动、网通的网关平台只要做简单的修改即可。协议都是类似的,大同小异。 因商业机密,登陆用户名、密码、IP以及特服号都已经做了修改。
China Telecom SGIP this protocol communication gateway for telecommunications gateway platform (3.0) source. The realization of multi-threading. Business] [have other, such as mobile, Netcom s gateway platform as long as you can do simple modifications. Agreements are similar, more or less the same. Because of commercial confidentiality, landing the user name, password, IP and特服号have been modified. (2008-01-22, Delphi, 721KB, 下载52次)
