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[前端开发] OnlineStoreAndPaimai

Online shopping malls and auctions. The mall end of this system is developed with Uniapp, the back-end UI is based on VUE+Element, and the business background uses Java. The e-commerce sector is very mature, and has withstood the actual combat test of more than 4000 orders in one hour. The auction part is customized and developed according to the needs of a user. There is also the museum part, through the sharing machine (2020-09-27, Java, 135604KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] TaxSys

使用javaee,ssm框架 完成的国税协同平台中的纳税服务模块 Tax service module,前端模板来自传智播客,包括了登录、权限管理、用户管理...等功能,excel上传和下载等部分细节未完成
The tax service module in the national tax collaboration platform completed using the Java EE and SSM frameworks is the Tax Service Module. The front-end template comes from the Chuanzhi Podcast, which includes login, permission management, and user management Some details, such as Excel upload and download, have not been completed (2017-03-21, Java, 19654KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] TeachersHelper

TeachersHelper,... 果。 sh为 struts+hibernate的一个集成框架,是目前较流行的一种Web应用程序开源框架。以帮助开发人员在短期内搭建结构清晰、可复用性好、维护方便的Web应用程序。 支持异步提交 基于jsp(Struts2)+m...
TeachersHelper,... Fruit. SH is an integrated framework for struts+hibernate and is currently a popular open source framework for web applications. To help developers build web applications with clear structure, good reusability, and easy maintenance in the short term. Supports asynchronous submission based on JSP (Struts2)+m (2019-06-18, Java, 11498KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] iot-server

Iot server, with the development of the Internet of Things, more and more IoT related projects are emerging, usually adopting the model of APP+underlying sensors. The sensor uploads the collected data to the server, and the APP can view the real-time data collected by the sensor through the server. There are usually two solutions, one is to divide the server into a data collection server and a web publishing server (2018-11-15, Java, 417KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] hotel

The information of each room in the system can also realize booking, reception, checkout, room change and deposit, and provide corresponding query function for these systems (2019-02-19, Java, 5775KB, 下载1次)
