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[数据库编程] HMS

随着信息技术的发展和人们对宾馆酒店的要求越来越高,许多宾馆已明显觉得手工管理已不能适应当前宾馆高速发展的需要,宾馆已意识到使用计算机网络和计算机管理的重要性,决定首先在客房部采用宾馆客房管理系统。 该系统应充分利用信息技术提高宾馆客房的管理水平、服务水平。宾馆客房管理系统要实现客房预定、住宿登记、追加押金、调房登记、退房结帐、挂账、查询统计、预收销售报表等功能。其中动态实时的住宿登记、客房调整、销售报表、追加押金等有机的联系在一起,对宾馆客房进行全方位的管理。
house Management System (2010-03-25, Visual C++, 13249KB, 下载59次)


[数据库编程] BathManagementSystem

The twenty-first century club sauna business management system is the twenty-first century business club, a self-developed Windows operating system running on windows of the B/C/S model database management system, workflow in accordance with the hotel, financial process design , scalable functionality, modify the format to support the statements in support of wireless network connectivity, support multi-client. (2009-07-20, Visual C++, 2541KB, 下载119次)


[数据库编程] jdgl

酒店管理,欢迎大家下载,在编译、运行程序之前,请将所附的数据库文件rms.mdb导入SQL server中,并将此数据库命名为RMS。具体操作步骤可以参见书中这一章的相关小节。若没有安装SQL server,也可以直接在控制面板中将此数据库文件设置为数据源,并命名为MyDS。注意,若数据库没有安装成功,MS Visual Studio在打开工程文件的时候将会报错,但忽略之后不影响程序的正常编译。
Hotel management, welcomed everyone to download, compile, run the program before, please attached the database file into SQL server in rms.mdb, and this database is named RMS. Specific steps can see the relevance of the book section of this chapter. If not install SQL server, can also directly in the control panel in this database file is set to the data source named MyDS. Note that if the databases are not installed successfully, MS Visual Studio project file in the open time will be error, but ignores the following procedure does not affect the normal compiler. (2008-07-05, Visual C++, 50KB, 下载6次)
