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按分类查找All Oracle数据库(26) 


本程序是用Java OO和MySQL设计的,是来自“Alura酒店”预订系统的桌面应用程序,
This program is designed in Java OO and MySQL, is a desktop application from a reservation system of the "Hotel Alura", (2023-10-03, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] innOcity

innOcity是一个使用Oracle数据库和Django web框架设计的酒店预订平台。这个网站是建立的...
innOcity is a hotel booking platform designed using Oracle database and Django web framework. This website was built as our Database course project (CSE 216) (2020-12-12, Python, 233848KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] Multiilocational-Hotel-management-system-DDB

分布式数据库系统第三年项目。使用oracle 11g制作。一个多位置的酒店管理系统。wh...
3rd year project on Distributed Database systems. Made with oracle 11g. A multilocational hotel management system. where Hotel Dhaka is the central branch or the host and the rest two are sites. (2018-12-08, PLSQL, 68KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] TravelExpress

Travel Express is a travel base java web application that allows a registered user to book hotels and convenient mode of transportation towards his/her destination. A user can enter any USA county or state the application will display all the hotels with their prices, allows a user to book their choice of hotel, propose a convenient travel mode ... (2018-03-09, Java, 26591KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] ins

INS is a comprehensive inspection system of Zhongbo Company. The system uses technologies such as easyui, spring, springmvc, mybatis, Oracle, functions such as Baidu Map API usage, timer, data source switching, and activemq. (2018-04-15, Java, 155818KB, 下载0次)


[Oracle数据库] JDE-Oracle-Chemistry

Oracle 化工行业解决方案的设计正是为了帮助您基于行业最佳实践,来实施完全集成的业务流 程。这些流程化的、集成的解决方案将形成更佳的运营效率,从而帮助您同时满足生产要求和客 户需求。Oracle 集成的解决方案用集中管理的、方便获取的数据为您的业务提供了一个全局视 图,这可以为您提供及时、相互关联的信息,以在战略和战术方面制定准确、积极的决策。
Oracle 化工行业解决方案的设计正是为了帮助您基于行业最佳实践,来实施完全集成的业务流 程。这些流程化的、集成的解决方案将形成更佳的运营效率,从而帮助您同时满足生产要求和客 户需求。Oracle 集成的解决方案用集中管理的、方便获取的数据为您的业务提供了一个全局视 图,这可以为您提供及时、相互关联的信息,以在战略和战术方面制定准确、积极的决策。 (2011-03-22, Others, 195KB, 下载5次)
