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[其他小程序] treaptreat

本软件是用VB为前台开发,ACCESS为数据库 明确旅游电子商务酒店预订系统的客户需求,使软件开发人员与用户对待开发软件的具
This software is developed with VB as the foreground and ACCESS as the database to identify the customer requirements of the hotel reservation system for tourism electronic commerce, so that the software developers and users can treat the development software. (2018-12-05, Visual Basic, 193KB, 下载0次)


[其他小程序] aad

BEA TUXEDO是在企业,Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户 服务器型关键任务应用系统的
BEA TUXEDO is developed and managed in the distributed computing environment such as enterprise and Internet. (2018-10-28, Delphi, 2KB, 下载0次)


[其他小程序] 8929869

本软件是用VB为前台开发,ACCESS为数据库 明确旅游电子商务酒店预订系统的客户需求,使软件开发人员与用户对待开发软件的具 (2017-11-04, Visual Basic, 463KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] jiudianguanlixitong

U9152 u7291 u7BA1 u7406 u7CFB u7EDF uFF0C u5B9E u73B0 u4E86 u57FA u672C u7684 u589E u5220 u6539 u6539 u529F u80FD uFF0C u9002 u5408 u5728 u6B64 u57FA U7840 u4E0 u599F u809A (2017-05-09, Visual C++, 15893KB, 下载0次)


[其他小程序] MOSI

Apollo server and MQTT function implementation source code, a blog post in detail! (2017-03-17, Java, 31KB, 下载4次)


[其他小程序] DynamicEvents

Dynamic Event Using C+= (2015-01-01, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载1次)


[其他小程序] orderDinnerSystem

a simple order dinner system, shows in menu, using file system to store data, provide funtions like waiter work management, vip management, and so on (2013-08-04, Visual C++, 5KB, 下载2次)


[其他小程序] v--fanyiqi

With the advent of the information society in the 21st century, the depth of the computer in the people' s work and life, in particular, China' s accession to the WTO to promote, we are dealing more and more with the English, for the convenience of the user, so there is a wide variety translation software, such as Kingsoft translation, Orient Express, etc. Application VB database access functions combined with the API function calls, you can easily create the Point and the translator translated to English Instant finished. The software Find the nearest English word, and the mouse position within the Chinese meaning of the term and its meaning in Chinese, and then find the word library (vocabulary. Mdb) by capturing the mouse position. (2012-11-12, Visual Basic, 45KB, 下载10次)


[其他小程序] bowei-biao3

Formularize the detail civil quotation sheet after converting Bowei Electric Engineering Cost file into Excel version. (2012-03-28, VBA, 150KB, 下载10次)


[其他小程序] Supermarket

supermarket management system is a stand-alone management system based on C++ development, some of the basic functions of hotel management (2012-03-12, Visual C++, 8147KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] DSBuffer

VC++音量控制——混音效果,可以将背景音乐混进控制本程序,可调整背景音乐音量和音效音量,决定 是否开启背景音乐功能
VC++ volume control- mixing effects, background music can be entering into the control of the process, adjust the volume of background music volume and sound effects, background music function to decide whether to open (2010-05-01, Visual C++, 646KB, 下载11次)


[其他小程序] fanyi

With the advent of the information society in the 21st century, computers in people' s work and life in-depth, especially in promoting China' s accession to WTO, more and more demands that we deal with the English, for the convenience of users, then there a wide variety of translation software, such as FastAIT, Orient Express and so on. application of VB features and powerful database access with API function calls, you can easily create Jizhi the translation of translator in order to achieve real-time localization in English. The software by capturing the mouse position and place in the context of the mouse to find its nearest English word, and then in the word library (vocabulary. Mdb) to find the Chinese word meaning, and its English meaning displayed. (2010-03-14, Visual Basic, 41KB, 下载15次)


[其他小程序] hotel

Hotel management system to achieve the daily work of hotel management and guest information, statistical functions (2009-11-11, Java, 2398KB, 下载13次)


[其他小程序] activeskin4.3

可以替你的软件作“换肤手术”,可以更换软件的外观,形状、颜色以及看起来的感觉。让软件界面不一定是长方形的,也可以是圆形、椭圆形或者不规则形状。不只是主窗口画面可以做变化,连软件的其他设定画面、对话框等等也都可以依照你的意思来设计,半透明、阴影等效果都可以。你还可以把软件设计得像是MAC、UNIX等其他操作系统的软件的样子。 (2009-07-05, Visual Basic, 2578KB, 下载12次)


[其他小程序] hotel

This is a hotel management system that can achieve the customer s registration, to delete such inquiries may be based on customer needs to achieve automatic allocation of rooms and features such as check-out payment (2009-02-03, Java, 287KB, 下载13次)


[其他小程序] 1262523828

VC++制作的很多精品源码,这次一块打包给大家享用,记得觉得我们好的给宣传一下哈 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
VC++ Produced many fine source, this time to enjoy a package to the U.S., I remember that we look good to the propaganda in this article come from the shrimp off Kazakhstan source http://www.xkxz.com (2008-09-02, Visual C++, 1000KB, 下载5次)


[其他小程序] xiaoyuan

用无向网表示学校的校园景点平面图,图中顶点表示主要景点,存放景点的编号、名称、简介等信息, 图中的边表示景点间的道路,存放路径长度等信息。要求能够回答有关景点介绍、游览路径等问题。游 客通过终端可询问: (1)从某一景点到另一景点的最短路径。(最短路径问题) (2)游客从公园进入,选取一条最佳路线。 (3)使游客可以不重复地浏览各景点,最后回到出口(出口就在入口旁边)。 [基本要求] (1)将导游图看作一张带权无向图,顶点表示公园的各个景点,边表示各景点之间的道路,边上的权值 表示距离.为此图选择适当的数据结构。 (2)把各种路径都显示给游客,由游客自己选择浏览路线。 (3)画出景点分布图于屏幕上。 [实现提示] (1)构造一个无向图G并用邻接矩阵来存储。 (2)利用迪杰斯特拉算法来计算出起点到各个顶点之间的最短路径用二维数组p[i][]来记录,最短路径长 度就用一维数组d[i]存放;i的范围:0~20。 (3)一维数组have[]是用来记录最短路径出现顶点的顺序。 (4)根据起点和终点输出最短路径和路径长度。 (2008-07-06, C/C++, 8KB, 下载36次)


[其他小程序] 变档

paradise change stalls, yes, take the magic fast, and there are many functions (2006-02-20, Visual Basic, 1882KB, 下载45次)
