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[数据库管理工具] HotelGuiApp

Hotel app for admins, which can create different entities to database and manage them. JavaFX, Hibernate, Java, PostgreSQL (2024-04-24, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Hotel-Management-System

Building a Java based Hotel Management System with Admin and Reception rights. Tech stack which I ll be use are (2024-02-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Hotel-Web-php-MySQL

使用Vanilla HTML、CSS、PhP的完整酒店管理系统。UI由adobe Xd设计。日志记录、注册、预订、库用户端、管理面板、MySQL数据库等。已使用
Full Hotel Management System using Vanilla HTML, CSS, PhP. UI is designed by adobe Xd. Logging, Register, Booking, Gallery User end, Admin pannel, MySQL database, & more. is used (2024-02-13, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Java_NetBeans-Project

酒店管理系统具有Java NetBeans和XAMPP上的MySQL,确保了双重访问。管理员控制,接待员使用仪表板进行…
The Hotel Management System, with Java NetBeans, MySQL on XAMPP, ensures dual access. Admins control, receptionists use a dashboard for s… (2024-01-12, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Hotel-Booking-Website

Welcome to the Hotel Booking Website project! This web application is designed to streamline hotel room booking processes with a user-friendly interface. Users can register, log in, see available rooms, and make reservations based on their preferred dates. An administrative interface allows admins to manage rooms, bookings, and users efficiently. (2024-01-03, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] hms

Hotel Management Software using Java and MySQL, This project demonstrates my ability to design and implement e?cient solutions to real-world challenges in the hotel industry including customer check-in and check-out process, Payment entry, room selection, pickup facility and also some options for admin user. (2023-10-11, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Hotel-Website-for-Booking-and-Administration

This comprehensive Hotel Booking Website is built using MySQL, React.js, Express.js, and Node.js. It provides users with a seamless experience for booking rooms and halls, along with information about nearby attractions. Hotel administrators can log in to an admin portal to monitor end-to-end booking operations. (2023-09-14, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] hotelbookings

this is online hotel resorts booking web application using php and my sql database with admin dashboard features., (2023-09-08, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Hotel_manager2_GUI

a hotel database management system that uses MySQL for the database and Python for data processing and output (using tkinter GUI). this software is a powerful and flexible tool for managing the data and operations of a hotel. (2023-03-15, Python, 19897KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Summer-resorts

Summer Resorts是各种在线酒店预订系统的小型克隆。用户可以在购物车中添加和删除房间...
??Summer-Resorts is a small clone of various online hotel booking systems. User can add and delete rooms in their cart according to the no. of people. User can also apply for discounts on bill amount above $75. User can send their queries to the admin . For this website JS, CSS, BOOTSTRAP 4 , PHP, MYSQL are used (2020-09-25, JavaScript, 776KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] sagicor

Sagicorconvention is Php codeigniter project for online user registration for hotel booking, with admin panel to manage user and handle reports (2019-03-26, PHP, 198341KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] TravelZilla

Online Trip Management System where a admin can manage the tours, trips, packages and hotels and a Customer can make a booking, payment and also give feedbacks. (2023-03-07, Java, 390KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] hotel_java

Hotel RMNY是我用Java构建的一个酒店管理软件,它具有GUI(JavaFX)和数据库(PostgreSQL)。...
Hotel RMNY is a hotel management software I built with Java – it features a GUI (JavaFX) and a database (PostgreSQL). The software allows customers to book rooms and services to Hotel RMNY. An admin, password protected console can be accessed to manage the hotel’s components. (2021-05-13, Java, 349KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] E-shop

运动服电子商务商店。使用Spring Boot和Angular.JS,PostreSQL数据库登录并注册管理员...
E commerce shop for sports wear. Made it with Spring Boot and Angular.JS, PostreSQL database Login and register Admin page - for adding new product,deleting product Customer page - for listing the products, add to shopping cart (2021-08-31, Java, 212KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Hotel-Booking-Management-System

In Hotel Booking Management System we use PHP and MySQL Database. This project keeps records of booking, clients, and hotel services. Hotel Booking Management System has two modules i.e. admin and user. (2022-01-03, PHP, 3576KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] hotel-reservation-app

working hotel application , creates user, signs in, working database, create and manage reservations from a users side. Login as an admin and manage reservations, guests and rooms (2022-02-07, PHP, 2661KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] avels-A-Travel-Agency-Website-With-MySQL-Database

A user friendly website where the customers can book different destinations for travel along with Hotels, Flights and Rental Cars according to their choices. This website provides different kinds of extra features for the customers and the Admin will be able to control and oversee all the operations (2021-01-21, PHP, 41195KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Hotel-Management

Hotel Management System created for one of my clients at fiverr using kivy module and sqlite3 as the database it is a simple app which handles 3 types of users Guest,Employee,Admin each having different functionality with admin being the most powerful, a guest can only place a food order and check his history , an employee can check in and (2020-06-11, Python, 5KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] hotel-management-admin

Admin panel of Hotel management system with Firebase Realtime Database Integration. (2022-03-16, JavaScript, 502KB, 下载0次)
