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[Web服务器] hotel-management-system

这是一个使用MERN Stack的酒店管理系统Web应用程序。JavaScript用于客户端,TypeScript用于后端...
This is a Hotel Management System Web application using MERN Stack. JavaScript is used for the Client Side and TypeScript is used in Backend/Server Side for build API. (2023-12-02, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web服务器] code

The code used in the multi-process socket programming, the simple realization of the web server development, python program in the machine running, open the browser, enter can see the results, using http protocol (2017-06-22, Python, 35KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] taobaoke.tar

1. The whole station system, 2 weaving dreams module, the former has been integrated Taobao customer module whole station system, users only need to download and install will be able to use all the features of Taobao off, the latter specially prepared for the already installed weaving dreams system users. , you only need to upload the module installed in the system management module can also use Taobao off system functions. (2016-10-17, PHP-PERL, 229KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] umaio

1.修正个别二级分类不能调用商品的错误。 2.优化LIST.PHP页面 3.CSS构架整理更新 4.converter.php页面部分错误调整 5.优化view.php,修正商品简介只能显示一半的问题 6.index.html删除一些无用代码 7.增加index.htm导航,可直接替换淘宝客PID
1. To amend the individual secondary classification can not call the goods error. 2. Optimize the LIST.PHP page 3.CSS framework to organize the update 4.converter.php page part of the error adjustment 5. Optimize view.php, modify the product profile can only display half of the problem 6.index.html delete some useless code 7. Increase Index.htm navigation can be directly replaced Taobao off PID (2016-10-14, Java, 862KB, 下载2次)


[Web服务器] phpsay-mblog-v1.5

PhpSay 单用户微博客系统,使用本系统的用户之间可以实现关注与被关注,本系统100 开源。
PhpSay micro-blog single-user system can be achieved between the use of the system is user attention and concern, the system 100 open source. (2016-10-14, DOS, 135KB, 下载2次)


[Web服务器] taobibuy

Taobao guest program automatically obtain product information using the api version pseudo-static version, no maintenance, no background, automatically collect all the promotion of merchandise. (2016-10-14, Delphi, 2218KB, 下载5次)


[Web服务器] haogouwu

最新TOP版淘宝客API程序(纯PHP版,无需MYSQL支持) 本程序使用最新的taobao官方提供的top接口制作,DIV+CSS布局网页,所有数据与淘宝同步,信息量大,准确,可以单独使用为一个购物网站,也可以作为一个网站频道来使用.
This program uses the latest taobao official provides the top interface production, DIV+ CSS layout page, all data and Taobao synchronization, information large and accurate, can be used alone As a shopping site, can also be used as a website channel. (2016-10-12, PHP, 410KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] archiver-jishigou.

Notepad microblogging system, is an innovative PHP open source microblogging program, both BBS and light Bo system features, support SMS, mobile client, with Sina microblogging platform content interoperability, can be used to stand alone station can also be adopted Ucenter integration with the existing site, through the microblogging comment module, pay attention to forwarding mechanism to open up the whole station of information flow, relationship flow, is a new era of web site operations indispensable system. (2016-10-12, Java, 8447KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] byju

Taobao off PHP source of the white ranks, api calls without having to hand-woven, debugging can be uploaded directly! (2016-10-12, HTML, 3392KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] mall3

新淘宝TOPAPI淘宝客程序新版本增加了两个功能 功能一 产品图片部分直接跳转淘宝相关产品页面, 方便用户使用 文字说明部分链接产品介绍页面, 有利搜索引擎收录 功能二 站内搜索功能,查找方便
New Taobao TOPAPI Taobao guest program new version adds two functions features a product portion of the image to jump directly Taobao relevant product pages, user-friendly text section links to the product description page, enabling search engines within a function second station search function, easy to find (2016-10-12, PHP, 308KB, 下载2次)


[Web服务器] sitepub

“刀客建站系统”是专门针对软件开发者和软件affiliate的软件发布平台自助建站系统,能够帮助您快速,低成本创建和管理软件站。 “刀客建站系统”拥有可视化的编辑模板,让网页制作如编辑Word文档一样简便。
Swordsman Station System is designed specifically for software developers and software affiliate software distribution platform self-service station system that can help you quickly and at low cost to create and manage software stations. Swordsman Station System has a visual editing template, so that the Web page production as easy as editing Word documents. (2016-10-10, HTML, 3877KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] zhongy

Herbal medicine mainly composed (roots, stems, leaves, fruits), animal drugs (internal organs, skin, bones, organs, etc.) and mineral composition of the drug. Because the majority of herbal medicine, it is also known as herbal medicine. Chinese medicine used in China has reached around 5,000 species, the compatibility with a variety of herbs and prescription form, is endless. After several years of research, the formation of an independent scientific- herbalism. (2016-04-26, ASP, 4049KB, 下载3次)


[Web服务器] myang

1、所有拼客信息审核发布,(奥运会期间所发信息必须要审核) 2、所有买卖信息审核发布,(奥运会期间所发信息必须要审核) 3、增加新闻分类 4、调整版面风格 5、去掉垃圾JS代码 6、去掉几个RS造成的死循环(老版本容易使CPU100 )
1, fight off all audit information release (issued during the Olympic Games information must be audited) 2, review all trading information published (issued during the Olympic Games information must be audited) 3, increasing news category 4, adjust the layout style 5, remove garbage JS code 6, get rid of a few RS caused by an infinite loop (older versions easily CPU100 ) (2016-04-21, ASP, 3190KB, 下载1次)


[Web服务器] ydcrm_v3.5

本系统主要是为了帮助企业解决在日常工作中遇到的客户管理等难题而开发,通过本系统可以对企业事务中的不同功能进行操作,用户通过自定义字段类型可以达到适合不同企业的需求。 产品特点:云架构设计,PC、手机、互联网、局域网皆可使用、操作简单易用。 产品功能:客户资料管理、多条件查询、跟单提醒、合同到期提醒、精确权限设置、数据自定义。 性能稳定:5年行业经验、帮助3万家企业用户实施信息化办公管理,品牌值得信赖。 适用范围:集团企业、中型企业、小型企业、微型企业、创业公司、工作室等。 性价比高:一次购买、终身使用、永久升级、用户不限、数据不限、二次开发。 售后服务:全程专业客服、远程协助、电话指导、邮件往来、QQ协助。
This system is mainly to help enterprises solve encountered in their daily work and the development of customer management and other problems, business affairs can be operated by the different functions of the system, users can achieve a custom field types for different business needs. Features: cloud architecture, PC, mobile phone, Internet, local area network can be used, simple to use. Product Features: customer data management, multi-criteria query, with a single reminder, contract expiration reminder, precise permissions, data customization. Performance and stability: 5 years of industry experience to help 30,000 businesses to implement information office management, brand trusted. Scope: Group companies, medium-sized and small enterprises, micro-enterprises, start-up companies, studios. Cost-effective: a purchase, lifetime use, permanent upgrade, users are not limited to, data is not limited, secondary development. Service: full professional customer service, remote assis (2015-10-22, ASP, 9797KB, 下载6次)


[Web服务器] AspWebServer

ASPWEB服务器(没有IIS也能调试ASP) 软件语言:简体中文 文件大小: 更新日期:2008-3-28 下载次数:5733  ::程序说明:: 感谢您使用时代网络ASPWEB服务器。该软件是在NETBOX核心下开发的一 套强大简洁的ASPWEB服务器,使用这个软件的您完全可以抛弃体积庞大的WINNT,WIN2000服 务器系统及漏洞百出的IIS了。现在你可以在任何一个系统上调试和发布您的ASP程序了。目 前测试通过的操作系统为:Windows 98;Windows 98 SE;Windows ME;Windows NT+IE4; Windows 2000;Windows XP;Windows .NET Server。现在完全支持ACCESS,SQL数据库啊! 操作说明 1.安装时代网络ASPWEB服务器.很简单哦。 2.把您的ASP程序COPY到安装目录中的WWWROOT的目录下即可。 看到您的右下角状态栏一闪一闪的图标了?那说明您成功了! 在IE里输入本机地址 http://localhost 或是127.0.0.1 如果改了端口请后面接端口号如http://localhost:50
Web Server like IIS, support ASP (2009-12-05, C/C++, 786KB, 下载23次)


[Web服务器] NWEB-V5-0918

万博企业网站管理系统 管理登录:/system/adminlogin.asp 管理帐号:admin 密  码:admin888 网站数据:/Database/NwebCn_Site.mdb (常规内容数据库)      /Database/Bak_NwebCn_Site.mdb (备份内容数据库)      /Database/NwebCn_Stat.mdb (常规流量数据库)      /Database/Bak_NwebCn_Stat.mdb (备份流量数据库) 常量配置:/Include/Const.asp (如果你更改过数据库存放路径或文件名,相应常量在此文件作修改)
Weber enterprise website management system management log:/system/adminlogin.asp Management Account: admin Password: admin888 site data:/Database/NwebCn_Site.mdb (conventional content of the database)/Database/Bak_NwebCn_Site.mdb (backup the contents of the database)/Database/NwebCn_Stat . mdb (conventional flow database)/Database/Bak_NwebCn_Stat.mdb (backup traffic database) constant configuration:/Include/Const.asp (If you changed the database storage path or file name, the corresponding constants in this file modified) (2008-09-16, SQL, 783KB, 下载17次)


[Web服务器] LivaV2.0

环境要求 1、操 作 系 统:Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003简体中文版 2、数据库服务器:Microsoft SQL Server 2000 3、Web 服 务 器:Jdk-1_5_X-windows-i586-p + Tomcat 5.5.X
an environmental requirements, operating system : Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003 English version 2, database server : Microsoft SQL Server 2000 3, Web server : Jdk- 1_5_X-windows-i586-p Tomcat 5.5.X (2006-06-03, Java, 1480KB, 下载6次)


[Web服务器] 274

excellent asp examination system, we welcome your use with the revision, is free software (2006-03-28, ASP, 34KB, 下载103次)
