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[其他] 龙之谷双开

The valley of the dragon is open for private use only. Don't use official clothes. Check the methods of avoiding official clothes. (2020-02-19, WINDOWS, 3362KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 社工库查询工具

Social worker library utility tools. Social work repository utility tool social worker library utility tool social worker library utility tools (2018-03-24, WINDOWS, 262KB, 下载13次)


[其他] 牛逼的ETC

Asked ETC to modify the file service station free, 30 burst rate, update all gift store, (2018-03-18, WINDOWS, 15748KB, 下载75次)


[其他] 登录器源码

Des login, one key transcoding (2018-02-27, WINDOWS, 27320KB, 下载8次)


[其他] WIN64

Crack mimics17 Mimics is an image processing tool that connects two dimensional image data (CT, MRI, industrial scanning data...) and 3D engineering applications. Applications include anatomical measurement, three-dimensional analysis, finite element analysis (FEA), customized implant or device design, additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing), and surgical planning and simulation. (2018-02-23, WINDOWS, 36KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 新博赢2018版庄家收单统计器软件

接单是庄家最紧张的时候,短短的20-30分钟时间要接好几个甚至几十个下庄电话,由于时间紧,计算量大,有的庄家经常出现计算错误,甚至根本来不及汇总数据就把散单上报给庄家,小庄家希望把手中的平均数吃了以后再上报的想法由于时间问题根本就无法实现,而自己坐庄的庄家老是因为在开奖前没有将所有数据汇总看不到汇总清单而处于无法决策的被动地位……等等这些都是非常危险的。博赢庄家统计软件立足庄家量身打造是目前唯一一款既可以统计特码又可以统计包特单双、大小、波色以及复式平码 、自动化账务计算软件,也是唯一能够从汇总单中提取最没有风险绝对利润的软件。
When the dealer orders is the most intense, just 20-30 minutes to pick up several or even dozens of Xiazhuang phone, because time is tight, large amount of calculation, some makers often appear miscalculation, even not the summary data submitted to the bulk dealer, Xiao Zhuang Jia hope in the average number of hands to eat. After reporting the idea because of the time can not come true, but their dealer dealer always in front of the lottery because not all data can not see the list and in the passive position to decision making...... And so on, all of these are very dangerous. (2018-02-19, WINDOWS, 1977KB, 下载3次)


[其他] 0.97d02

2003系统 自架设,已经开服一月,测试极其稳定
2003 system self erection, has been taken one month, the test is extremely stable (2018-01-29, WINDOWS, 6794KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 基于隐马尔科夫模型的高速公路超车行为

基于驾驶模拟器实验数据,结合高斯混合隐马尔可夫模型(GM-HMM),对高速公路的超车行为进行 辨 识 , 并 对 驾 驶 员 意 图 和 超 车 行 为 是 否 正 常 进 行 分 析 。 结 果 表 明 , 基 于 GM-HMM 的 辨 识 方 法 能 有 效 辨 识 多 种 驾 驶 工况下的不正常超车行 为 。
Based on driving simulator experiment data, combined with Gauss hybrid hidden Markov model (GM-HMM), we identify Expressway Overtaking Behavior and analyze whether driver intention and overtaking behavior are normal. The results show that the identification method based on GM-HMM can effectively identify the abnormal Overtaking Behavior under a variety of driving conditions. (2018-01-25, WINDOWS, 414KB, 下载10次)


[其他] imt-wanke-client-master

本项目是对迅雷玩客云实现的第三方桌面客户端,目前可以查看多设备的矿机的运行情况、提币、查看云添加列表、打开种子进行云添加、币价监控提醒等, 支持设备离线、恢复在线时进行邮件、微信的推送提醒,支持每日9点推送汇报昨日收入,以后有空将逐步完善剩下的功能。
This project is for the thunder play off third party cloud desktop client, running status and current can view multiple devices and its currency, cloud, open cloud seeds were added to the list of add, currency price monitoring reminders, support equipment, mail, online offline restore WeChat's push to remind, support daily 9 push report yesterday income, after the time will gradually improve the function of the rest. (2017-12-07, WINDOWS, 1704KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 【IT无忧吧】企业网络规划与设计方案精选大集合

klasksksa asdkjapjlakjdajdkamdkl;;l, (2017-11-23, WINDOWS, 21794KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 【服】1.7ЛěЛě编辑器

Stone Age sister editor, extremely easy to use, who knows who knows (2017-10-07, WINDOWS, 714KB, 下载6次)


[其他] The seismology principle of geophysics

The principle of seismology of geophysics, which contains methods and procedures is very practical, so students can take a look (2017-08-31, WINDOWS, 8128KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 龙卷风文献资料 叶果

structural wind engineering (2017-07-05, WINDOWS, 36844KB, 下载2次)
