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[嵌入式Linux] podcast_metric_display

从Justcast中抓取我的播客指标,并使用Inkyphat屏幕在覆盆子Pi W Z上显示它们。
Grabbing my podcast metrics from Justcast and Displaying them on a Raspberry Pi W Z with a Inkyphat screen. (2023-11-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] aesd-assignment-2-danny

Advanced Embedded Software Development (ECEN-5713) and Advanced Embedded Linux Development assignments University of Colorado, Boulder., (2023-09-16, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] raspberryPi100ProjectsBookSample

The video teaching of "Raspberry Fact Guide - Fully Mastering 100 Wonderful Cases" published by Professor Ke Bowen in Tsinghua University Press, (2015-11-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] BK7256 规格书&原理图 wifi6+蓝牙co

上海博通BK一级代理商,提供专业技术支持和全系芯片供应,欢迎交流学习, BK7256是一颗高性能同时支持wifi6和蓝牙的芯片。使用32位双?risc-v作为内核,最大时钟320M。 集成音频?adc?/?dac?, cmos 摄像头接口,16bit rgb 显示屏、8080显示屏接口,支持硬件 jpeg 编解码。 内置512K内存,8M PSRAM?,4M flash 。工作电压支持2.7V (2022-11-21, C/C++, 808KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] BK7256 WIFI音视频芯片 规格书&原理图&

上海博通BK一级代理商,提供专业技术支持和全系芯片供应,欢迎交流学习, BK7256是一颗高性能同时支持wifi6和蓝牙的芯片。使用32位双 risc-v作为内核,最大时钟320M。 集成音频 adc / dac , cmos 摄像头接口,16bit rgb 显示屏、8080显示屏接口,支持硬件 jpeg 编解码。 内置512K内存,8M PSRAM ,4M flash 。工作电压支持2.7 (2022-11-19, C/C++, 1680KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] BL2028N,上海博通WIFI+BLE双模,高度

BL2028N跟涂鸦用的BK7231n是同一颗芯片: BL2028N是一款高度集成的双模蓝牙 5.2 和 Wi-Fi 802.11n 组合解决方案,芯片集成了完整的Wi-Fi 和蓝牙应用所需的硬件和软件资源。它支持蓝牙经典功能,即基本速率(BR)和增强数据速率(EDR)以及蓝牙低能耗(LE)功能,完全符合蓝牙 5.2 规范。它同时支持 AP 和 STA 模式。运行频率高达 120 MHz 的 32 (2022-08-18, LINUX, 733KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] BK7256,100W像素,内置DSP-WIFI6

BK7256是上海博通新推出的双模wifi 6 +BLE SOC芯片,内置flash,集成M JPEG Codec, audio ADC/DAC,720p 25fps CIS DVP,8Mbps USB Full Speed,720p 25fps 16-bit RGB565,MCU8080,80MHzQSPI。 BK7256QN68支持720-1080 无线局域网 ?符合IEEE 802.11b/ (2022-08-18, LINUX, 501KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式Linux] 智能路由器开发指南

The guide for the development of smart router is a PDF book. You can read it directly after decompression. Welcome to download it for makers who love open source routing (2020-04-27, C/C++, 6721KB, 下载13次)


[嵌入式Linux] NAND_Flash

博创经典平台up-tech2410s裸机nand flash驱动。实现了system clock、sdram、uart、nand flash等设备的初始化。读取nand flash首部的pages,并从串口(串口波特率为115200kbps)输出。使用了arm-linux-gcc、make等工具。
Borch the Classic platform up-tech2410s bare metal nand flash drive. The initialization of the system clock, sdram, uart, nand flash devices. Read nand flash header pages, and for 115200kbps) output from the serial port (serial port baud rate. Using arm-linux-gcc, make and other tools. (2013-03-10, C/C++, 11KB, 下载4次)


[嵌入式Linux] bochuang

Borch embedded lesson plans courseware, pdf form, including the basic concept and design of embedded systems, embedded microprocessor architecture, embedded real-time operating system for ARM hardware structure design of embedded systems and embedded systems software design section. (2012-10-18, Unix_Linux, 9367KB, 下载44次)


[嵌入式Linux] MFC_control_arm2410s_motor

MFC interface to control the motor ARM2410S chamber, Test Chamber Bochuang. Motors can also use the AD potentiometer on the experimental box to control the switching control key " z+enter (2012-07-06, Unix_Linux, 7929KB, 下载6次)


[嵌入式Linux] up-netarm-2410s_sh

北京博创netarm-2410-s开发板自带软件包, 包括:mkroot.sh、mnt_udisk.sh、mount-dos.sh等3个文件
Beijing Bo netarm-2410-s development board comes with the package,Including: mkroot.sh, mnt_udisk.sh, mount-dos.sh3 files (2012-04-07, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载7次)


[嵌入式Linux] up-netarm-2410s_img

Beijing Bo netarm-2410-s development board comes with mirroring software packages, including: flashvivi, imagewrite, iw_kernel file, yaffs.tar, zImage, vivi, root.cramfs file system and so on. (2012-04-07, Unix_Linux, 30601KB, 下载61次)


[嵌入式Linux] up-netarm-2410s_gdb

北京博创netarm-2410-s开发板自带软件包, 包括:armv4l-unknown-linux-gdb、gdbserver、insight-6.0.tar
Beijing Bo netarm-2410-s development board comes with the package,Including: armv4l-unknown-linux-gdb, GDBSERVER, insight-6.0.tar (2012-04-07, Unix_Linux, 20537KB, 下载8次)


[嵌入式Linux] up-netarm-2410s_develop

Beijing Borch the IP the-NETARM-2410-S development board comes with the program, including the busybox, kernel, yjflash code. (2012-04-07, Unix_Linux, 59938KB, 下载19次)


[嵌入式Linux] wn322

Based on the 2410 development board Fiberxon. linux2.6.14, wn322g transplantation wireless card attached to the comprehensive documentation and source code. Practice records and detailed. (2009-06-29, Visual C++, 1722KB, 下载67次)


[嵌入式Linux] img

北京博创兴业科技有限公司XScale PC104板配套内核文件 blob 平台boot loader 映象 zImage Linux-2.6 内核压缩映象文件,可以直接写入FLASH rootfs.img 根文件系统映象文件,可以直接写入FLASH yaffs 应用程序,拷贝至CF 卡中运行
Societe Generale Beijing Fiberxon Technology Co., Ltd. XScale PC104 board supporting documents blob core platform boot loader image zImage Linux-2.6 kernel image file compression, you can write directly FLASHrootfs.img root file system image file, you can write directly FLASHyaffs application, copy to the CF card operation (2008-12-12, Unix_Linux, 39076KB, 下载35次)


[嵌入式Linux] UP-NETARM2410s_v7.2_vivi

UP-NETARM2410s_v7.2_vivi 博创公司ARM9 S3C2410平台UP-NETARM2410s_v7.2的bootloader代码,采用韩国vivi,移植到S3C2410平台。 对于分析ARM的启动代码以及初始化过程,以及bootloader的原理,是很好的资料。
UP-NETARM2410s_v7.2_vivi Fiberxon ARM9 S3C2410 platform UP-NETARM2410s_v7.2 the bootloader code, the use of Korean vivi, transplanted to S3C2410 platform. For analysis of ARM code, as well as start-up initialization process, as well as the bootloader of the principle, is a very good information. (2008-04-10, C/C++, 317KB, 下载43次)


[嵌入式Linux] DAinterfaceexp

This is the electronic menu embedded software procedures, uc/os operating system, in Beijing, Fiberxon ARM300 the test platforms to complete, the processor is the ARM7. (2008-03-17, C/C++, 20KB, 下载9次)


[嵌入式Linux] ulinux

北京博创科技有限公司的实验板 UP-NETARM3000 uClinux 开发指南和实验指导书, 该开发板用sunsung s3c44b0x ,uClinux
Beijing Technology Ltd. of plate UP-NETARM3000 uClinux development guides and guide books, the development board with sunsung s3c44b0x, uClinux (2007-03-06, Unix_Linux, 7761KB, 下载335次)
