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[通讯编程] IoT-Hotel-Kilombo

hotel kimbo是一个项目,在该项目中,我们可以通过使用MQTT协议进行通信的网站来控制酒店的多个房间。...,
The hotel kilombo is a project where we can control several rooms of a hotel through a website that uses the MQTT protocol to comunicate. The project is constructed with dockers, uses the mariaDB database to store all the information and also implements a raspberry to simultate the behaviour of each room. (2023-07-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[通讯编程] ESP8266_MQTT_MESH

Combination of Mesh and MQTT protocols for long distances, hotels, hospitals and companies. A modular mesh system that lets you create connected devices in minutes. FOTA support will come soon. (2017-07-27, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[通讯编程] CatfishBlog-v3.4.0

全站自适应设计,适用于pc,手机等不同大小屏幕的终端显示,支持手机、微信等小屏幕访问。 您可以随时随地通过手机编写您的博文。
Full station adaptive design, suitable for PC, mobile phone and other different sizes of screen terminal display, support mobile phone, WeChat and other small screen access. You can write your blog from your cell phone anytime, anywhere. (2020-10-04, PHP, 6033KB, 下载0次)


[通讯编程] 李纯明博B

Dr. Li Chunming image segmentation source code, can be divided into a variety of images, can run. (2020-06-19, matlab, 21KB, 下载3次)


[通讯编程] 酒店管理系统的设计与实现【尚学堂·百战程序员】

管理人员对使用本系统用户人员管理,对客房信息进行管理,对餐厅餐饮和菜色进行管理,对顾客消费情况进行管理。本着对用户和酒店负责的态度,对酒店信息和用户信息起到一定安全作用,防止信息泄露,对用户和酒店造成困扰。 用户人员管理:这个功能主要包括对系统人员就行删除增加和密码修改等基本操作等。客房信息管理,主要有以下几部分组成: 客房类型的增加和删除:现在有单人间,双人间和豪华间等等。 客房信息的补充和修改:主要指房间号,房间面积,价格以及房间的真实图片等必要的信息。客房预订的增加和删除……
The management personnel manage the users who use the system, manage the room information, manage the restaurant catering and dishes, and manage the customers'consumption. In line with the attitude of being responsible to users and hotels, it plays a certain role in security of hotel information and user information, prevents information leakage and causes trouble to users and hotels. User Personnel Management: This function mainly includes basic operations such as deleting, adding and password modification for system personnel. Housekeeping information management mainly consists of the following parts: Increase and delete the types of rooms: now there are single rooms, double rooms, luxury rooms and so on. Addition and modification of room information: mainly refers to the necessary information such as room number, room area, price and real picture of the room. Increase and deletion of room bookings... (2019-06-14, Others, 62686KB, 下载6次)


[通讯编程] 网口通讯

PLC Ethernet communication data acquisition (2019-02-12, Delphi, 243KB, 下载8次)


[通讯编程] doppler_files

Matlab FMCW radar speed measurement procedures (2018-08-03, C/C++, 5288KB, 下载30次)


[通讯编程] BK3231-Datasheet

这是上海博通的蓝牙芯片BK3231 Datasheet,可以参考下
This is Shanghai BEKEN s Bluetooth chip BK3231 Datasheet, you can refer to the following (2014-11-06, C/C++, 442KB, 下载238次)


[通讯编程] OPNET-Modeler-simulation-1

OPNET Modeler与网络仿真(王文博) 电子书 2003年北京邮电出版社出版
OPNET Modeler and Network Simulation (Wang Wenbo) e-book 2003 Beijing Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House (2012-08-23, Others, 2842KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程] Identification-Method-for-MIMO-OFDM-

对于多输入多输出系统, 传统的基于训练序列的信道辨识方法为跟踪信道的变化, 必须 发送大量冗余信息, 传输效率较低 而基于子空间的纯盲方法又带有不可避免的模糊性, 辨识结果 精度不够。在子空间法的基础上, 利用少量训练符号估计出模糊矩阵, 以此矫正子空间法得到的结 果。仿真结果显示: 在保证辨识精度的前提下, 该方法减少了训练符号等冗余, 提高了传输效率。
In o rder to t rack the channel variat ion of MIMO􀀁 OFDM sy stems, t radit io nal channel identif icat io n methods based on training sequence had to send larg e amount of redundant informat ion, w hich result s in low er eff iciency o f t ransmissio n. Meanw hile, the blind method based o n subspace may have inevitable ambiguity and low er precision of identif icat io n. In this paper, an est imat io n method fo r the ambiguity mat rix is proposed, which utilizes less tr aining symbo ls to rect ify the result s f rom subspace method. T he simulation result s show that this pro posed algo rithm can reduce the amount of t raining symbols and incr ease the ef ficiency of t ransmission. (2011-12-11, PDF, 244KB, 下载23次)


[通讯编程] mycool

开源webIM(即时网络聊天服务)软件iWebIM简介 +----------------------------------+ 作为一款以解决大型站点高并发高负载问题为主要任务的开源webIM软件,iWebIM功能强大,易于集成。主动易用的可嵌入式设计使他可以方便的和现有所有社区系统集成在一起。 与iwebAx系列其他产品一样,它也基于iweb SuperInteraction(简称iweb SI)框架开发。借助iwebSI平台,站点可以轻松获得支持热插拔及快速增加新节点的集群计算与处理能力(分布式计算与存储/高可用性/负载均衡),并且无论交互式服务的请求是来自计算机还是移动终端。 另外,iWebIM还可以通过Jooyea技术团队提供的轻量级的支持库iweb_mini_lib轻松地部署在虚拟主机上。 iWebIM为站点用户提供一个良好的web模式即时聊天扩展应用。iWebIM不仅可以集成到Jooyea团队开发的产品(iweb SNS, iweb Mall&Shop)中,还可以集成到到任何以用户交流为中心的网站系统上(论坛,博客,新闻系统,社区交友等)。 使用它,可以为用户构建一个以好友关系为核心的即时交流网络,也可以把它作为web客服软件来使用。
jghgyftdfcgghtfhjjkjdsafkdasfkdaskvcnvmnzjckvhasdjfdsjnvcmxnvmnxjvhfsdajfhjcxnvmzndvjsafjsakjf (2010-02-26, Visual C++, 379KB, 下载32次)


[通讯编程] lpc-demo

图形图象 图片显示 2D图形编程 3D图形编程 绘图程序 波变换 GIS编程 分形几何 图形图像处理 OpenGL 图形/文字识别 压缩解压 加密解密 CA认证 数值算法/人工智能 STL 数据结构 数学计算 人工智能/神经网络 matlab例程 生物技术 Java编程 Applet 游戏 JavaScript Jsp/Servlet Ajax *行业应用 医药行业 金融证券系统 教育系统应用 企业管理 邮电通讯系统 OA系统 电子政务应用 酒店行业 百货/超市行业 交通/航空行业 能源行业(电力石油煤炭) 家庭/个人应用 其他行业 数据库系统 Oracle数据库 SQL Server MySQL数据库 其他数据库 汇编语言 SCSI/ASPI 编译器/解释器 磁盘工具 语音合成与识别 编辑器/阅读器 杀毒 中文信息处理 FlashMX源码 并行计算 书籍源码 Delphi控件源码 操作系统开发 中间件编程
dfdsaj fwefdsfdsdfdsfddf sdfdsafdsfwqddfeeddfdf dfds (2009-10-14, VFP, 624KB, 下载44次)


[通讯编程] mugeta

用手机浏览的一个类似于聊天室 博克 homepage 等 对这方面有 兴趣的朋友 有所帮助的
Using a mobile phone browser, a homepage similar to chat rooms, etc. boqueron are interested friends help (2008-11-12, Java, 8174KB, 下载5次)


[通讯编程] acq3

GPS IF signal frequency and ca code search procedures, raw data can be in Beijing Oriental Lianxing website (2008-09-04, matlab, 1KB, 下载122次)


[通讯编程] OPNETModeler

OPNETModeler and network simulation, is also an earlier comparison of the Chinese classical books, Wenbo prepared, suitable for beginners to use (2008-04-02, Others, 19743KB, 下载10次)


[通讯编程] Direct Connect 2 V2.0.2

一个开放源码的免费的P2P客户端软件,用于文件交流,支持中文搜索。它和Neo-Modus公司的Direct Connect使用同一个通讯协议,但比它功能更加强大,可以同时登陆很多服务器。开放源码,绿色软件,也没有广告条。DC是分散服务器型的,服务器端也是免费的,因此适合同一个地域内的用户飞速交换文件。目前全世界有上万个服务器,通过DC共享的资料超过5,000,000GB。
a free open-source peer-to-peer client software for document exchange, support Chinese search. It Neo-Modus Direct Connect companies use the same communication protocol, but higher than its more powerful, while landing many servers. Open source software green, nor of the advertising. DC is decentralized server-based, server-side is also free, making it suitable to the region with a rapid exchange of user documentation. There are now more than 10,000 items of servers, DC by sharing information over 5,000,000 GB. (2005-01-07, C++, 837KB, 下载53次)
