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[搜索引擎] dhanjeerider

Hii i am dhanjee rider是众多模特,如网站设计师、缩略图设计师、专业照片编辑器、seo专家、wp、博客作者和android极客图形设计师,以及视频创作者和编辑
Hii i am dhanjee rider a multitude of model like website designer, thumbnail designer,pro photo editor, seo expert, wp , blogger and android geek graphic designers and a video creater & editor (2024-02-03, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] Portfolio

Hii i am dhanjee rider是众多模特,如网站设计师、缩略图设计师、专业照片编辑器、seo专家、wp、博客作者和android极客图形设计师,以及视频创作者和编辑
Hii i am dhanjee rider a multitude of model like website designer, thumbnail designer,pro photo editor, seo expert, wp , blogger and android geek graphic designers and a video creater & editor (2024-02-03, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] Hooray-Schema

为Hooray Agency的高级SEO酒店客户提供CDN。这允许自动构建和部署广泛的特定于页面的模式标记框架。
A CDN for Hooray Agency s advanced SEO hospitality clients. This allows for the automated construction and deployment of an extensive and page-specific schema markup framework. (2024-01-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] News-Detector

The news search engine automatically crawls all major news portals on a regular basis, and provides search functions to give feedback on the popularity and freshness of search topics (keywords), and return all the news that can be found. (such as Sina News, NetEase News, etc., or an authoritative website in a vertical field, such as Snowball Finance, Oriental Fortune, etc. in the economic field, or Tencent Sports in the sports field (2022-12-12, JavaScript, 106921KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] handbooksearch

This repo has moved. Search engine for the podcast Hollywood Handbook. Transcribed with AWS Transcribe and search powered by ElasticSearch on AWS. (2021-08-12, CSS, 385KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] PACE

PACE (Podcast AI for Chapters and Episodes) is a semantic search engine that helps you find the information you need, inter- and intra-podcasts (Project for the AssemblyAI Winter 2022 Hackathon). (2022-12-11, Python, 8968KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] Agoda-Clone

Agoda.com is an online travel agency and search engine for hotels, vacation rentals, flights, and airport transfers. (2021-09-21, JavaScript, 952KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] spot-search

A search engine for music geeks who want to know detailed info of a track/album/artist from Spotify, made using Spotify API, nodejs, handlebars. (2018-06-13, JavaScript, 24KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] victorhugo

The most popular search engine optimization plug-in for Hugo (a static site generator). Victor Hugo helps you write good SEO content for your blog, the easy way. UPDATE: I am currently in the process of making Victor Hugo a standalone tool that can be used with any static website, not just Hugo. (2021-03-15, HTML, 223KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] wlkspcj_v2.3.3

Micro-recorded mobile phone video capture program (cached version) for the mobile video site micro-recorded passenger acquisition program. Easy to manage, easy to operate, to achieve full-site management of the automatic collection of the background URL path to achieve the content of pseudo-static function, so that the site can be a large number of Web site data, The major search engines included more friendly. (2016-12-13, PHP, 868KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] tpks

Amoy plate off V2.0 is a professional network disk file search engine, " Jenna" developed network disk currently supported include interest disc, data banks, thousands of brain, rapid network [RayFile], nanodisks [Namipan ], rice dish [Damipan] and so on. (2016-10-20, HTML, 136KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] gcc-(1)

实时捕捉 一旦访问者打开您的网站,系统会立即显示,这时您就可以查看用户的信息,如:来自搜索引擎关键词、友情链接或直接访问;访问者的IP地址,所在地区,正在访问哪个网页;以及访问者使用的操作系统、浏览器、显示器屏幕分辨率颜色深度等。 主动出击 变被动为主动,可以主动邀请访问者进行洽谈勾通,帮助客户深入了解您的企业和产品,同时获得对方的采购意向、联系方式等信息。 互动交流 主动销售和在线客服合二为一,让您的企业网站服务更加完善。
Once the real-time capture the visitor opens your site will appear immediately, then you can view the user s information, such as:, links or direct access search engine keywords visitor s IP address, location, accessing which page and the operating system used by visitors, browsers, screen resolution, color depth display. Take the initiative to change passive to active, can proactively invite your visitors to negotiate with communication, to help customers learn more about your business and products, and access intent to purchase each other s contact information. Active interaction and online customer sales into one, so that your business website services more perfect. (2016-04-04, ASP, 3314KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] yy2014tiankesousuo

YY2014天客网全能搜源码适合做便民类搜索引擎 具体操作看压缩文件中的说明,将源码上传至空间根目录即可,可以自由修改
YY2014 days of the web search source network universal search engine suitable for the convenience of the search engine See the specific operation of the compressed file, the source code uploaded to the root directory can be free to modify (2015-12-29, ASP, 119KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] Ghost_zh_v0.6.3

Ghost是迄今为止最好用的开源博客平台。Ghost博客由前WordPress主管 John O Nolan 和美女工程师 Hannah Wolfe 创立。开源社区支持率远超WordPress,已成为国外最流程的独立博客平台。 Ghost中文版由云应用托管服务商 点云 主导开发和在中国区推广。中文版代码将在与官方版保持一致的前提下,加入一些特有功能。 比如:可以将博文转换成长微博,自动发布到用户绑定的微博上; 可以与用户的公众账号关联,自动生成图文消息并推送等等。 如果你是NodeJS开发者,并热衷于开源软件,欢迎与我们一起共同改进、推广Ghost,让Ghost在中国落地,让更多人可以享受写作的乐趣。 Ghost博客 v0.6.3 最新特性 [新增] 支持私密模式,输入暗号访问博客 [新增] 草稿预览功能 [新增] 分离作者页面模板,可定制。 [优化] 登录时间延长至7天 [修复] 博文编辑器技术BUG [修复] RSS支持HTTPS [修复] 博文保存 BUG 中文版特别功能 [中文] 百度搜索引擎优化工具 [中文] 博文分享到微博、微信、QQ空间等社交媒体功能。 [中文] 全中文管理界面。 [中文] 加强中文支持,修复原版中文支持相关BUG。 [中文] 暗号支持中文
Ghost is by far the best use of open source blog platform. Ghost blog by the former WordPress director O Nolan John and beauty Engineer Wolfe Hannah founded. Open source community support rate is far more than WordPress, has become an independent blog platform for foreign countries. Ghost Chinese version of the cloud hosting service providers point cloud led development and promotion in china. Chinese version of the code will be consistent with the official version of the premise, to add some unique features. For example, you can change the blog post to grow, automatically publish to the user s binding on the micro blog, you can associate with the user s public account, automatically generate text messages and push and so on. If you are a NodeJS developer, and keen on open source software, welcome to join us to improve and promote the Ghost, so that Ghost in the Chinese floor, so that more people can enjoy the fun of writing. Ghost blog v0.6.3 latest features [new] support the priv (2015-06-23, Visual C++, 2539KB, 下载6次)


[搜索引擎] xstbk-api-v4.1.1

1.无须淘宝客初级包就能采集有佣金的商品,保证采集来的全部是有佣金的宝贝,更有利于推广 2.支持按关键词采集、价格采集、佣金采集等各种条件采集 3.非其它淘宝客程序使用的淘金链方式,相信使用淘金链的朋友会非常反感那样的地址跳转 4.非单个商品一个一个添加推广地址,而且地址隐藏,非直接显示推广地址,否则别人一看宝贝是推广地址点都不会点的 5.支持伪静态地址,非淘宝相关的地址,比如淘宝的宝贝地址或者宝贝推广地址,搜索引擎不会收录这种地址
1 without Taobao guest primary package can collect a commission of goods, to ensure that all collection is any baby, more conducive to the promotion 2 support by keywords acquisition, price collection, commission collection and other conditions acquisition 3 other Taobao guest programs using the gold chain, believe that the use of gold chain friends will be very disgusted address jump like that 4 not a single commodity a add extension address, and address hidden, non direct display address, or someone else at the baby is not at all points. 5 support pseudo static address, non Taobao associated address, such as Taobao baby baby promotion address or address, search engines are not included in this address (2014-07-17, PHP, 1651KB, 下载5次)


[搜索引擎] pengc

服装企业 精美网站网站采用asp+access搭建,通过标签调用可以设计出自已的理想网站。全部模板文件在template文件夹,请修改相应的文件。例如footer.html就是全站共用的底部文件,若想添加QQ客服,只需把代码复制到这个文件的最下面即可。公司新闻、单页管理、产品展示、产品搜索、在线留言、友情链接等功能应有尽有。通过简单的修改可以适用于各类企业网站使用。 管理后台登陆地址 /100 或者 /manage/login.asp 登陆用户名admin 密码 admin (使用时请修改默认的密码) 中国新华服饰服装网站v5.6 更新: 增加了banner可以后台动态添加图片的功能(以前需手动添加图片); 更新了后台编辑器,增加了复制的内容图片可以远程保存,省去了一一上传的烦琐等; 增加了下载功能; 产品图片增加了上一页、下一页滚动播放功能; 添加了新闻、产品的关键字与产品描述的输入,优化了代码,让搜索引擎更加亲和。
Garment enterprises beautiful website (2012-04-03, ASP, 1912KB, 下载11次)


[搜索引擎] introduce-to--search-engine

Liang Bin, search engines started to write the classic book " into the search engine" , author NTU graduate, and now pursue a Ph.D. degree in Tsinghua University (2011-08-19, Java, 23693KB, 下载20次)


[搜索引擎] sosobz-short-url

面对你长长的博文网址,我们常常会感到头疼,怎么记得住?Web2.0的时代提供给大家一类非常实用的服务:网址缩短服务(short URL),这类服务通常可以免费使用,不需要注册等等麻烦,立刻可将你长长的网址缩短成通俗易记的网址,便于你自己和朋友牢牢记住,方便你的博客的宣传推广。 SosoBz Short URL 就是一款可以自动为您的博文提供永久短网址的wordpress小插件。使用它后,你的博文下面就会自动生成一个形如http://soso.bz/kQrA 的短网址,方便网友和搜索引擎传播你的博文。 安装方法:下载后解压缩,然后将sosobz-short-url文件上传的/wp-content/plugins/,然后到后台激活插件就好了。此后的新文章将会自动获得短网址。
Bored to face your long URL, we often feel a headache, how can we remember? Web2.0 provides us with a class of very useful services: URL shortening service (short URL), such services are usually free to use, no registration problems, etc. You can immediately transform your long URL into a popular URL, easy to keep in mind for your friends and facilitate the promotion of your blog. SosoBz Short URL is a wordpress plugin, which can automatically provide you a permanent short URL for your each article. Using it, your articles will automatically generate short links, such as http://soso.bz/kQrA. Users and search engines facilitate dissemination of your blog articles. Installation: 1. Upload the `sosobz-short-url` folder to `/wp-content/plugins/`. 2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress. 3. When you post a new article, the plugin will automatically generate a short URL. (2010-06-16, PHP, 46KB, 下载9次)


[搜索引擎] Multiplycounter

record visitors to the source IP address and source of pages of information, the number of online per month, daily and hourly visit statistical data, the search engine statistics, but also their own definition of search engine (2007-05-11, ASP, 360KB, 下载5次)


[搜索引擎] websearch14566

HTML pages analysis weapon, which can be customized to the needs of information, Direct Search through targeted customer Jimmy was a flood of Internet information. (2006-05-31, Visual Basic, 100KB, 下载56次)
