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按分类查找All ICQ/即时通讯(88) 

[ICQ/即时通讯] kefu2005ad1.12

漂亮的在线客服QQ动易2005插件版,支持html生成、支持昵称功能。 1、把images目录上传到根目录下。 2、利用动易的自定义定段,建立一个{$MY_QQ}标签 标签内容为如下,相关QQ号码请自行更改。
Beautiful online customer service QQ moving 2005 plug-in version, support html generation, support nickname function. 1, the images directory to upload to the root directory. 2, the use of dynamic fixed custom segments, the establishment of a {$ MY_QQ} label content is as follows, the relevant QQ number, please change. (2016-12-20, HTML, 17KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] reshensaibiaocheng

Calculated off the second channel calculation of the standard process warm-up match (2016-06-17, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载2次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] qidianqqkefu

Kai point with plug-QQ online customer service background, you can freely add, modify QQ, with notes in the background, each time setting changes, or add edit, you are required to regenerate a JS file (background can be controlled). (2016-05-20, ASP, 472KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] SD

Some might say that this message has become obsolete, and now site QQ Service, you also need this message? I can only say that is the reason and what each thing has his existence. Indeed, I can give the site added a QQ online, click to chat, but it is only with respect to the secret conversation between two people, the third person is invisible. (2016-05-18, ASP, 740KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] wytmusic

The good 123 online music, integrated into the nightclub, cool MTV Bo, Bo cool radio, watercress FM, radio Courbevoie, QQ music, Ting! Radio, shrimp music, cool dog music, cool music, baidu music. (2015-12-07, ASP, 205KB, 下载1次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] 2013qq

This is a high imitation 2013QQ landing window, including the keyboard, text boxes, enter the password and other effects (2014-07-28, C#, 1328KB, 下载3次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] JVideoUploader_1.1

Integration of Sina and QQ video uploader podcast, the current version 1.1 (2013-06-19, Java, 434KB, 下载2次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] MyQQ-(2)

基于sql server数据库实现基本通信的QQ,带有窗体动画和靠边停靠等效果。
Basic communication QQ, based on the sql server database with a form animation aside docked. Effect. (2012-06-26, Others, 11313KB, 下载5次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] ESFramework

ESFramework simple source instant messaging system (2011-11-30, Windows_Unix, 3567KB, 下载28次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Podcast-module

播客模块 php开发的聊天室模块,内含数据库源码,方面使用
Podcast module PHP module, containing the chat room, use in database source (2011-05-08, PHP, 1529KB, 下载8次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] java-chat

java 通过客服端与服务端即时对话聊天,在myeclipse中编写运行。
java chat (2011-05-04, Java, 6KB, 下载4次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] QQ2010

An imitation QQ2010, in VS2008 using C# to write. Which have made the custom control, copy, paste available. Bear with the server, customer-side functional modules, form design is very realistic. Copyright: It is not my own, belongs to original author (2011-04-07, C#, 8142KB, 下载857次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] InstantCommunicationSystem

该通信系统主要实现过程为: 开一个线程来监听客服的连接, 一旦有连接就建立一个线程, 然后把获得的客户端socket 保存到全局变量当中, 然后不断地读取客户发过来的消息, 收到以后就广播到所有的客户端socket 当中。客户端只需输入服务器的IP 地址和用户登录的昵称, 连接上就可以通信了, 客户端建立了一个线程专门来接受服务器端发送过来的消息, 然后判断是聊天信息还是用户列表信息, 然后分发。
The communication system as the main implementation process: open a thread to monitor customer connections, if there is a thread connection, and then get the client socket to the global variables were saved, and then continue to read the customer sent me a message, to close to a future of broadcasting to all clients which socket. Clients only need to enter the server' s IP address and user login nickname, the connection can communicate, the client set up a dedicated thread to accept the message sent from the server, and then determine a list of chat messages, or user information, and then distribute . (2010-11-29, Visual C++, 3064KB, 下载12次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] MSNInterface

VC interface program like MSN, to achieve control of suspended, floating, pop-up effects, etc. (2009-07-29, Visual C++, 1870KB, 下载46次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] ChatToolsInLocalNet

该程序包含两个程序 一个是主机server 另一个是clinet程序 主机server实现整体控客服机交换信息。clinet实现客户之间的通信。程序实现聊天功能和文件传输等功能。
The program consists of two procedures is the host server to another host server is clinet program to achieve the overall control the exchange of information customer service machine. clinet to achieve communication between customers. Chat program and file transfer functions. (2009-06-01, Visual C++, 959KB, 下载9次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] chat

这个简单的多用户聊天系统包括了客户机端程序和服务器端程序两个部分。 服务器可以和多个客户端相连。 在运行时,应该先运行服务器端程序,再运行客户端程序。
This simple multi-user chat system includes a client-side procedures and server-side program in two parts. Server can be connected to multiple clients. In the run-time should be run server-side procedures, then run the client program. (2009-02-17, Visual C++, 223KB, 下载16次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] xuntongvideochat

A simple video chat rooms, can be used to open vocational services, which is described in detail (2008-09-21, Visual C++, 3039KB, 下载39次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] Chat

With BCB to write a chat program, either when the server can also make the client (2007-08-20, C++ Builder, 317KB, 下载32次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] websup_v31

□-系统特点 1、可以使用独立的用户库,也可以同步使用已有的会员数据库 2、自定义问题类型,不同问题类型可设置不同提问表单 3、八种问题处理状态,等候队列,使问题处理过程一目了然 4、特有的问题受理窗口,一个浏览器多个处理窗口自由切换 5、客服和客户在线聊天,可粘贴文字、HTML代码和图片 6、常用短语功能,使礼节性回答更方便 7、处理中问题和存档问题分别保存,存档问题搜索有利监控和培训 8、前台开源,方便用户随时修改
--1 system features can be used independent of the library users, can also be synchronized using the database has two members, since the definition of the problem types, different types of problems can be installed three different question form, eight dealt with the state, pending queue, issue 4 process transparent, the question of admissibility unique window of a browser window handle more than 5 switch, customer service and customer online chat, can paste text, HTML code and pictures 6, the phrase commonly used functions, so courtesy to answer more convenient 7, processing and archiving problems were preserved, archived issues search favorable monitoring and training 8, future revenue and user-friendly modified at any time (2006-06-19, PHP, 950KB, 下载193次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] souke

搜客QQ挂级平台,以QQ Beta2批量登陆,支持网页挂机。
found off QQ-class platform linked to QQ Beta2 quantities landing, the website of outboard support. (2005-12-02, Visual Basic, 1132KB, 下载39次)
