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[其他] 全套台服未加密未修改

使用方法: 帐号密码不要使用我的那个KING用户 使用root用户登录 密码kissyoujiejie 数据库用户名集成在GMSV里 为king 7779 如果要修改请使用UE 或者WINHEX 直接对GMSV 搜索编辑 另外我镜像设置的网络结构是桥接 网关是192.168.1.1 IP为192.168.1.22 桥接是必须使用路由的 如果你要修改成NAT 请自行修改 启动很简单 cd /home/gmsv ./gmsv home目录有端和MLSV 还有个LINUXSERVER 是我放进去 用来 双机调试的 很方便 如果想要用双机进行动态断点调试 WINDOWS里面去装个IDA就行了 必须要带动态插件
usage method: Don't use my king user. Use the root login password kissyoujiejie The database user name is integrated in gmsv as king 7779. If you want to modify it, please use UE or WinHex to search and edit gmsv directly In addition, the network structure of my image is that the bridge gateway is, and the IP address is The bridge must use routing. If you want to change it to NAT, please modify it yourself It's easy to start CD / home / gmsv ./gmsv The home directory has terminals and mlsv, and a Linux server that I put into it for dual debugging. If you want to use dual computers for dynamic breakpoint debugging, you need to install an IDA in windows. You must bring dynamic plug-ins (2020-12-03, C/C++, 27900KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 20191079205944211

精确抄底逃顶波段全套,适用东方财富、通达信、同花顺自定义公式 一:逃顶指标,建议用60分钟线,信号更加灵敏,当然,用日线波段更精确,按自己需求选择吧。 二:抄底指标有两个,两个同时发出信号,准确率达90%,建议在两个信号出来时再下手,一击必杀。 三:指标毕竟是指标,是死的,运用的时候,要结合自身的经验和大盘的环境,题材热点等,才能一击必中。
system print hello world (2020-07-02, C/C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 倾城私服科技2.0

DNF private service auxiliary - more functions, daily task cleaning, as well as painting and moving bricks, can be developed slowly (2020-03-12, C/C++, 2775KB, 下载10次)


[其他] DNF私服倾城通用辅助.rar

A free and powerful auxiliary, many clothes on the market can be injected and played at will. A free and powerful auxiliary, many clothes on the market can be injected and played at will (2020-01-16, C/C++, 2776KB, 下载3次)


[其他] 酒店管理系统

C language to achieve the library management system, including functions: books on the shelf, books off the shelf, search for books, books lending, books return, exit the system. (2019-10-18, C/C++, 1KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 闯客技术论坛-51单片机230个Proteus仿真实例

嵌入式系统(Embedded system),是一种“完全嵌入受控器件内部,为特定应用而设计的专用计算机系统”,根据英国电气工程师协会( U.K. Institution of Electrical Engineer)的定义,嵌入式系统为控制、监视或辅助设备、机器或用于工厂运作的设备。与个人计算机这样的通用计算机系统不同,嵌入式系统通常执行的是带有特定要求的预先定义的任务。由于嵌入式系统只针对一项特殊的任务,设计人员能够对它进行优化,减小尺寸降低成本。嵌入式系统通常进行大量生产,所以单个的成本节约,能够随着产量进行成百上千的放大。 [1]
Embedded system is a kind of special computer system which is completely embedded in controlled devices and designed for specific applications. According to the definition of U.K. Institution of Electrical Engineer, embedded system is a control, monitoring or auxiliary equipment, machine or equipment used for plant operation. Unlike general-purpose computer systems such as personal computers, embedded systems usually perform predefined tasks with specific requirements. Because embedded system only aims at a special task, designers can optimize it and reduce size and cost. Embedded systems are usually mass-produced, so individual cost savings can be scaled up by hundreds of thousands with production. [1] (2019-04-25, C/C++, 7825KB, 下载3次)


[其他] lab25-AD

DSP28335 AD采样显示到LCD,实现ADC采样芯片外的模拟电压,通过LCD显示,并通过串口(J13)发送到PC机
DSP28335 AD sampling display to LCD, ADC sampling chip to achieve the analog voltage, through the LCD display, and through the serial port (J13) sent to the PC (2019-04-14, C/C++, 318KB, 下载8次)


[其他] rathena-master

rAthena 这是目前国内很多Athena模拟器都在用的基础,包括cAthena也是基于jAthena,总的来说更新活跃,更新的内容也是相对比较有保证的。 优点是稳定性比较强,代码结构相比eAthena之类的模拟器系列没大的变化(如果你之前看过别的Athena模拟器代码的话,看rAthena的代码不难)。缺点是对新功能的支持比较慢一些(记住是慢,不是不支持,比如韩服的随身自带银行系统,在Hercules出现一段
RAthena This is the basis of many domestic Athena simulators, including cAthena, which is also based on jAthena. Generally speaking, the update is active and the content is relatively guaranteed. The advantage is that it's more stable, and the code structure doesn't change much compared to a series of emulators such as eAthena (if you've seen other Athena emulator codes before, it's not difficult to see rAthena's code). The disadvantage is that support for new functions is slower (remember it's slow, not unsupported, for example, Hanjai's own banking system, which appeared in Hercules for a while). (2018-12-25, C/C++, 20178KB, 下载0次)


[其他] DNF私服辅助 全屏秒杀过检测11.0

F1: 全屏秒杀 F2:全屏吸怪 F3:全屏钩子 F4:超级加速 F5:技能无CD F6:无视队友 F7:超级评分 F8:超级变怪 自动分解 自动拾取 全自动挂机 自定义挂机 一键任务 超级属性 应有尽有 智能过检测 处理各种登录器检测点 百分百防封
nothing to say pleas look the chinese TXT (2018-10-26, C/C++, 1396KB, 下载42次)


[其他] Rlab

(This document refers to the source code implementation of offer book, but also in the process of looking for a job to brush the title record, you can download and learn, can pass the Niukee test.) (2018-09-27, C/C++, 1867KB, 下载0次)


[其他] IEC104Client

ProIEC104Client 软件为免费、绿色、免安装的工具软件,主 要以 IEC60870-5-104(101)-2002 版本协议规范为基准的一款客 户端仿真测试软件。可以应用与包括 TCP 服务端,TCP 客户端, UDP 的广播,组播及点对点,当然也包括串口等各种通讯模式。
ProIEC104Client software is free, green, and free of installation software. A customer based on the IEC60870-5-104 (101) -2002 protocol specification. User terminal simulation test software. It can be applied and includes TCP server, TCP client.UDP broadcast, multicast and peer to peer, including serial communication and so on. (2018-08-14, C/C++, 5642KB, 下载48次)


[其他] 问道1.6辅助集合

可荣丹 挖宝 清背包等等 总之私服能玩的都有
Can rhondan dig out the knapsack and so on (2018-06-06, C/C++, 1529KB, 下载223次)


[其他] test1

兰博和提莫闲聊之后,回归到了他们的正题,约德尔人的未来。 说起约德尔人的未来,黑默丁格曾经提出了一个约德尔测试,将约德尔人的历史的每个阶段都用一个字符表达出来。(包括可写字符,不包括空格。)。然后将这个字符串转化为一个01串。转化规则是如果这个字符如果是字母或者数字,这个字符变为1,其它变为0。然后将这个01串和黑默丁格观测星空得到的01串做比较,得到一个相似率。相似率越高,则约德尔的未来越光明。 请问:相似率为多少?
Rambo and tyre talked back to their topic, the future of jor. Speaking of the future of the people of the Jordan, he had put forward a test of the Jordan, which expressed every stage of the history of the people of the Jordan in one character. (including a writable character, not including space. ). Then the string is converted to a 01 string. The transformation rule is that if the character is alphabetic or numeric, the character becomes 1 and the other becomes 0. Then we compare the 01 strings with the 01 strings obtained from the black stars, and get a similar rate. The higher the similarity, the brighter the future of Joseph del. Excuse me: what is the similarity rate? (2018-05-14, C/C++, 18KB, 下载0次)


[其他] GM全能修改工具V1.7

希望OL 游戏单机版 的GM修改工具 安装希望OL 游戏马服务器版本 恋曲版本
the MSS DLL file is installed in the windows or windows system directory (2018-05-04, C/C++, 1365KB, 下载21次)


[其他] 基于NB-IOT的GPS定位数据上报云平台

本程序是基于 NB -IOT GPS 定位,数据上报的云平台。GPS定位实验,主要演示将评估板当前的位置信息上报云平台。让开发者知道设备现 是将评估板当前的位置信息上报云平台。让开发者知道设备现 处在什么地方。而位置信息是通过GPS模块获取经纬度信息,评估板将定位上传云服 务器。采用Keil软件编译,使用NB-IoT模块进行通信。
A cloud platform based on NB -IOT GPS positioning and data reporting. GPS positioning experiment, the main demonstration of the evaluation board's current location information reported to the cloud platform. Let the developers know that the device is reporting the current location information of the evaluation board to the cloud platform. Let the developer know where the device is. Location information is acquired through GPS module, and the evaluation board will upload and upload the cloud server. Keil software is compiled, and NB-IoT module is used for communication. (2018-04-27, C/C++, 9572KB, 下载25次)


[其他] 基于NB-IOT的GPS定位,周期性数据上报云平台

基于 NB -IOT GPS 定位,数据上报的云平台。GPS定位实验,主要演示将评估板当前的位置信息上报云平台。让开发者知道设备现 是将评估板当前的位置信息上报云平台。让开发者知道设备现 处在什么地方。而位置信息是通过GPS模块获取经纬度信息,评估板将定位上传云服 务器。采用Keil软件编译,使用NB-IoT模块进行通信。
A cloud platform based on NB -IOT GPS positioning and data reporting. GPS positioning experiment, the main demonstration of the evaluation board's current location information reported to the cloud platform. Let the developers know that the device is reporting the current location information of the evaluation board to the cloud platform. Let the developer know where the device is. Location information is acquired through GPS module, and the evaluation board will upload and upload the cloud server. Keil software is compiled, and NB-IoT module is used for communication. (2018-04-27, C/C++, 9582KB, 下载35次)


[其他] BNO055_driver-master

博世BN055Linux系统驱动源码,驱动程序包文件包括 bno055.h, bno055.c 和 bno055_support.c文件。
BOSCH BN055Linux system driver source,The sensor driver package includes bno055.h, bno055.c and bno055_support.c files. (2018-04-25, C/C++, 59KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 2

Used to crack 32 bit mimics17, Mimics is an image processing tool that connects two dimensional image data (CT, MRI, industrial scanning data...) and 3D engineering applications. Applications include anatomical measurement, three-dimensional analysis, finite element analysis (FEA), customized implant design or device fabrication, also known as 3D printing. (2018-02-23, C/C++, 905KB, 下载2次)


[其他] Desktop

Used to crack 32 bit mimics17, Mimics is an image processing tool that connects two dimensional image data (CT, MRI, industrial scanning data...) and 3D engineering applications. Applications include anatomical measurement, three-dimensional analysis, finite element analysis (FEA), customized implant or device design, additive manufacturing (also known as 3D printing), and surgical planning and simulation. (2018-02-23, C/C++, 904KB, 下载3次)


[其他] BMA2x2_driver-master

BOSCH's official website of the bma2xx series chip driver, think the usability is not big, can only say as a reference (2017-11-14, C/C++, 44KB, 下载4次)
