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按分类查找All Windows编程(135) 
按平台查找All Visual C++(135) 

[Windows编程] Tcp_Client_Server

Windows API 简单实现TCP通讯,我这个压缩包里面有客服端和服务端。注释很详细,很适合windows套节字网络编程初学者。
Windows API simply implements the TCP communication, which has the customer service and service side in this compression package. The annotation is very detailed, and it is very suitable for windows set - word network programming beginners. (2018-03-06, Visual C++, 376KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] tongdaxDLL

TDx DLL source index (2015-12-31, Visual C++, 829KB, 下载43次)


[Windows编程] GetMAC(2)_api

清空内容這個主要是獲取MAC的內容,以便客戶去使用MAC的計算方法. 您是不是要翻译: 检测到:中文 » 英语自动检测语言中文 »  英语中文 »  日语中文 »  韩语中文 »  法语中文 »  俄语中文 »  西语英语 »  中文日语 »  中文韩语 »  中文法语 »  中文俄语 »  中文西语 »  中文 自动检测语言中文 » 英语英语 » 中文中文 » 日语日语 » 中文中文 » 韩语韩语 » 中文中文 » 法语法语 » 中文中文 » 俄语俄语 » 中文中文 » 西班牙语西班牙语 » 中文专业译员随时待命, 8分钟返回精准译文 This is mainly to obtain the content of the MAC, so that customers to use the calculation method of the MAC. (2015-12-30, Visual C++, 9706KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] z5

Stone Age, Z5 (moist 5) automated synthesis script, with asscode can modify the contents inside. (2015-09-14, Visual C++, 58KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] car

A project to book ticket. (2015-09-05, Visual C++, 2349KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] MFC_-the-flying

本程序实现的是一个雪花漫天飞舞的唯美2D场景 资源中还包含了关于创建适合游戏编程的MFC工程的创建 由CSDN博主, BlueCoder_黎小华 提供, 博客地址: http://blog.csdn.net/crocodile__
The program is aesthetic resources 2D scene in a snow filled the air also includes the creation of programming for games on creating MFC project is provided by the CSDN bloggers, BlueCoder_ Li Xiaohua, blog address: http://blog.csdn.net/crocodile__ (2014-03-25, Visual C++, 6039KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] The-Tao-of-Programming

In this book, the author in a humorous, pungent vision for the program design with room in a variety of stories, and the use of Eastern philosophy in depth thinking and understanding that the " Tao" type of thinking and understanding. (2013-08-21, Visual C++, 453KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] The-Tao-of-Programming

In this book, the author in a humorous, pungent vision for the program design with room in a variety of stories, and the use of Eastern philosophy in depth thinking and understanding that the " Tao" type of thinking and understanding. (2013-08-19, Visual C++, 453KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] HNU-PHD

This is a Hunan University computer the direction Kaobo of essential books, entitled " Computational Theory" , there are many algorithms prove to explain very vivid, well worth reading. (2013-03-14, Visual C++, 6898KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] dmscodes

Hotel business management system, VC++ the source code+MDB database. Including ordering, customers and other functional modules, the interface is rough, the examples in the book instance (2013-01-22, Visual C++, 86KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] 21-days-to-learn-CPP

21 Days C++, this is a classic study visualC++ books. People s Post published the, Compro studio translation. (2012-12-04, Visual C++, 13110KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] The-Tao-of-Programming

In this book, the author in a humorous, pungent vision for the program design with room in a variety of stories, and the use of Eastern philosophy in depth thinking and understanding that the " Tao" type of thinking and understanding. (2011-05-26, Visual C++, 453KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] DSBuffer

VC++音量控制——混音效果,可以将背景音乐混进控制本程序,可调整背景音乐音量和音效音量,决定 是否开启背景音乐功能,这些对VC++高手来说,也许并不难实现。
VC++ volume control- mixing effects, background music can be entering into the control of the process, adjust background music volume and sound volume, decide whether to open the background music function, the VC++ expert on the run, may not be difficult to achieve. (2010-04-22, Visual C++, 644KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] GreedySnake

This is a Snake game. In the game, eating Chinese hawthorn and 100 points, eat golden fruit plus 500 points. Meanwhile, the game, accompanied by background music, eating fruit and end of music, music. Very interesting! (2010-02-02, Visual C++, 2573KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] 4

View Bowen, 21 days Xuetong vc++, CD-ROM with the book s source code, a total of 21 chapters, this is the content of Chapter 4. Great mass slowly. (2009-06-25, Visual C++, 21656KB, 下载14次)


[Windows编程] 1

View 21 days of Bowen Xuetong vc++, CD-ROM with the book s source code, great, if those who need it, I upload a chapter by chapter. (2009-06-24, Visual C++, 2600KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] 255105lesson10

This is my operating graphics programs, use of OPENGL and VC++ development is a dynamic art scene, with light, shadows and other effects, may be rotating. (2009-06-14, Visual C++, 148KB, 下载27次)


[Windows编程] skyblue_Snake

Using MFC for the Snake game, and fruit will be randomly generated, the player using the keyboard to control the direction of the movement of a snake, a snake eating a fruit after every body automatically increases the length, touch the wall, eat fruit or drug smugglers of illegal immigrants come into contact with the蛇身the end of the game (2009-05-09, Visual C++, 138KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] MusicPlay

果不想上载源码,可以成为【VIP会员】获得帐号 如果其他会员下载一次您上载的源码,您的可用下载数就会增
Fruit do not want to upload source code, you can become a VIP Member] [access to account if the other members to download once you upload the source code, your number will be available for download by (2008-11-13, Visual C++, 590KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] OPENHTM

1. PowerNetConfig 在Win2000系统下修改主机名、IP、网关、子网掩码和代理服务器 2. GetAllIP 得到多穴主机的多个IP地址 3. EnumHosts 枚举局域网内的计算机 4. GetMac 读取网卡的Mac地址 5. C_S Demo 一个小型的公司客服系统——C/S使用示例 6. Mount 在应用程序中映射网络驱动器 7. AddIEButton 往IE的工具条上添加自定义的图标 8. MyBrowser 利用WebBrowser控件创建自己的浏览
1. PowerNetConfig in Win2000 system to modify the host name, IP, gateway, subnet mask, and the proxy server 2. GetAllIP be multi-homed host multiple IP addresses 3. EnumHosts enumeration computer LAN 4. GetMac card reader Mac address of 5. C_S Demo a small company customer service system- C/S the use of sample 6. Mount in the application of mapping a network drive 7. AddIEButton to IE s toolbar to add a custom icon 8. MyBrowser use WebBrowser controls to create their own browser (2007-11-01, Visual C++, 26KB, 下载19次)
