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[后台框架] DaokeHomestay-typrscript

稻客民宿系统是一款多端(租客,房东,管家,总后台,门店)功能全面强大房屋管理系统,适用于物业托管,民宿长租,短租等业务模式的企业。后端主要使用Typescript技术,使用的了蚂蚁金融团队开源框架——Egg.js框架,数据库为Mysql8.1,Redis 6.0
The Daoke homestay system is a multi terminal (tenant, landlord, housekeeper, general backstage, store) housing management system with comprehensive and powerful functions, which is suitable for enterprises with business models such as property custody, long rent and short rent of homestay. The backend mainly uses the Typescript technology and the open source framework of Ant Finance team - Egg.js framework. The database is MySQL 8.1 and Redis 6.0 (2024-04-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] taro-plugin-howxm

用于解决在taro中使用 浩客问卷 小程序的时候会遇到问卷无法弹出的问题
It is used to solve the problem that the questionnaire cannot pop up when using the Haoke questionnaire applet in taro (2024-01-16, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] django-hotel-management-system

A Hotel Management System built with Django. I wrote 10 blogs and recorded 10 corresponding tutorial videos (youtube) on building this hotel management system. (2023-11-23, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] starlighthotel

A full-stack hotel management system where visitors can signup and login built with html, css, Bootstrap, python, Django and AWS complete with a payment integration with Paystack. (2023-10-18, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] houseofkoye

This is a hotel managment system, embbeded with stripe connection, booking system, room reservation system and room registeration., (2023-09-18, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] adopt-api

Taking inspiration from a podcast, I have created a website for the adoption of indoor plants. I have developed the website using React.js and Bootstrap for the front-end and Node.js/Express.js and MongoDB for the back-end. (2020-08-26, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] DH-Booking-System

酒店预订web系统基于:JS-Ract for the Front-End \+Java Spring Boot(JPA Hibernate)for the Back End。该应用程序是d...,
Hotel booking web system based on: JS/React for the Front-End + Java Spring Boot (JPA/Hibernate) for the Back-End. This application was developed on my Full-Stack Development course through "Digital House" school. (2023-05-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] Fancy-Hotel

为CS 4400数据库简介开发的酒店预订系统。我使用了一个基本的HTML CSS模板,并对前端和后端进行了编码。,
Hotel reservation system developed for CS 4400 Intro to Databases. I used a basic HTML CSS template and coded both front end and back end., (2016-03-28, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] Camp

Camp是在后端使用ASP.NET MVC WebAPI和AngularJS为前端维护和管理酒店开发的一个很好的示例,
Camp is a good sample developed with ASP.NET MVC WebAPI in back-end and AngularJS for front- end tomaintenance & management Hotels, (2017-11-10, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] erek-ticket

Erek-Ticket 易行小程序,简易版的飞猪 携程 去哪儿旅行 小程序+后台+Node Express 后端,博主毕业设计
Erek Ticket easy to use applet, simple version of Flying Pig Ctrip where to travel applet+background+Node Express backend, blogger s graduation design (2022-12-08, JavaScript, 1582KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] ConsultaCiudadano

使用Django Framework进行web开发的Python项目。博斯克大学,Ingeniería de Software。Desarrollo...
Python project using Django Framework for web development. Universidad El Bosque, Ingeniería de Software. Desarrollo de software que permite administrar de manera sencilla toda la información general del ciudadano a través de la cédula de ciudadanía,consultar por medio de un móvil y peticiones a una API el estado de un ciudadano. (2018-03-05, JavaScript, 82164KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] hotelSite

使用Python Flask服务器框架的基本酒店预订网站。创建为我的基于Web的编程模块的一部分。
A basic hotel booking website using a Python-Flask server framework. Created as part of my Web-based Programming module. (2018-12-01, HTML, 27677KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] hotel-booking-php-laravel-react

HotelBooking是一个使用PHP和Laravel 9(PHP框架)的后端酒店预订PHP应用程序的示例...
Hotel Booking is an example of PHP application for Hotel Reservation on Back End with PHP and Laravel 9 (PHP framework), on Front End with ReactJS (React.js). Laravel technologies: Laravel Breeze with Inertia, Vite that help to integrate back end with front end faster (with React.js) and Authentication (out of the box with Laravel Breeze), (2023-01-12, JavaScript, 221KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] Travel-Portal

A Travel Portal where anyone can search for flights,buses,hotels,trains and book tickets accordingly.Web2py, Javascript and some Python Libraries were used while implementing the project. (2014-03-10, CSS, 136496KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] 65307369

特级厨师长:SOIVD–唐奈酒店管理系统(Système Optimiséd’Intégration Virtuelle de Donn es)
Projet Chef d uvre : SOIVD – Système Optimisé d’Intégration Virtuelle de Données (2023-03-19, Jupyter Notebook, 11391KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] hotel_rezarvation

This project is a hotel reservation project that we have prepared for Web programming course. (2020-02-14, CSS, 22694KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] Comprehensive-information-website

后端使用Django,前端使用Vue3,爬虫使用Scrapy ,数据库使用Mysql实现的资讯综合网站,包含微博、b站、知乎的热榜信息以及微博和b站的博主的动态信息,并将其统一展示在网页中以方便浏览,还包含完善的个人管理页面和超级用户...
Django is used in the back end, Vue3 is used in the front end, Scrapy is used by the crawler, and MySQL is used in the database to realize the information comprehensive website, which contains the hot list information of microblog, b station, Zhihu, as well as the dynamic information of microblog and b station bloggers, and displays them in a unified way in the webpage for easy browsing, and also contains a complete personal management page and super users (2023-04-24, Vue, 22223KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] LOL-LMS-Rank-analysis

台服英雄聯盟戰積分析網(League of Legends LMS server) ,使用Python-Django來呈現遊戲數據分析
The League of Legends LMS server uses Python Django to present game data analysis (2018-09-05, Jupyter Notebook, 1476KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] LimApiTest

由全网6W+粉丝、华为及阿里云测试专家认证博主开发及蚂蚁金服高级测开担任顾问推出的轻量级接口测试平台。Lim是Less is More(少即是多)的缩写,正如它的名字我们希望在开展接口测试时能够“四两拨千斤”!让用户操作更少但开展建设...
A lightweight interface test platform developed by the whole network s 6W+fans, Huawei and Alibaba Cloud test expert certification bloggers, and Ant Financial Advanced Test Development as consultants. Lim is the abbreviation of Less is More. Just like its name, we hope that we can make a big difference when conducting interface tests! Let users operate less but carry out construction (2023-06-10, TypeScript, 186KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] hotelManagement

Hello. This is my second project in laravel where I am doing a hotel management system for a restaurant in Martin Place, Sydney. (2022-03-31, CSS, 6807KB, 下载0次)
