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[微服务] HotelBookingSystem_CPP

This repository contains a C++ implementation of a hotel management system. It provides functionalities for booking and leaving rooms, displaying room information, checking availability, searching by customer name, calculating room costs, and accessing various room services. (2024-04-27, C++, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] IsoBean

IsoBean微服務採用分佈式系統,FastWeb將傳統應用系統拆分為,多個較小的服務各司其職,讓各服務專注在自身的功能上,彼此間藉由 RestAPI通訊協定,傳遞訊息以達成整體系統的串接。
The IsoBean microservice adopts a distributed system. FastWeb divides the traditional application system into several smaller services that perform their own functions. Each service focuses on its own functions, and transmits messages to each other through the RestAPI communication protocol to achieve the overall system connection. (2024-03-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] Hotel-Management-System

设计了一款创新、直观的产品,为用户提供酒店的价格估计,包括详细介绍食物、,酒店服务和额外费用利用Eclipse开发无缝应用程序界面,利用Window Builder Swing Designer在Java项目中开发应用程序窗口部署了一个计算器和多个操作按钮,以“what else”语句为基础,为用户提供一系列数学选项En
Engineered an innovative, intuitive product to provide users with price estimates for hotelstays, including an in-depth breakdown detailing food, hotel services and additional fees Utilized Eclipse to develop a seamless application program interface and Window Builder Swing Designer to develop the application window within the Java project Deployed a calculator and multiple operation buttons underpinned by ‘what else’ statements to provide users with a range of mathematical options En (2024-02-25, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] microfeed

a lightweight cms self-hosted on cloudflare, for podcasts, blogs, photos, videos, documents, and curated urls. (2024-02-07, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] sleepr-backend-nestjs-microservice

sleepr is a booking application similar to airbnb, where user can authenticate to the application and create a hotel booking. This backend purely is in micro service architecture which includes various microServices such as auth, reservations, payments and Notifications. (2024-01-28, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] Hotel-Management-Microservices

Welcome to our Microservices Project! Explore a modern architecture for a hotel management system, built using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. (2023-10-21, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] hotel-serveless-rest

酒店管理休息服务(AWS Lambda)在CDK、DynamoDB、SNS、SQS、S3、EventBridge和AWS Gateway上使用TypeScript制作。
Hotel Management Rest Service ( AWS Lambda ) made with TypeScript on CDK, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, S3, EventBridge and AWS Gateway. (2023-09-01, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] kuroikyu-website-v2

Embark on a nerdy adventure with me as we explore the tech, games, and all things geeky. (2023-07-22, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] spring-boot-microservices-on-kubernetes

在这段代码中,我们演示了如何在Kubernetes之上部署简单的SpringBoot应用程序。该应用程序Office Space模仿了电影《Office Space》中迈克尔·博尔顿(Michael Bolton)的虚构应用程序思想。
In this code we demonstrate how a simple Spring Boot application can be deployed on top of Kubernetes. This application, Office Space, mimicks the fictitious app idea from Michael Bolton in the movie "Office Space". (2019-07-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] Team-Expedia--Expedia

As name suggest Expedia this is travelling website which include booking of hotel , car and flight booking and many for services., (2022-11-28, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] barkAvenue

Bark Avenue是一家利用ReactJs、MongoDB和CSS的豪华狗狗酒店。此应用程序允许用户注册或登录,设置他们的...,
Bark Avenue is a luxury hotel for dogs that utilizes ReactJs, MongoDB, and CSS. This app allows the user to sign up, or log in, set their pet s name, view the services that are offered, the user can then select a service to book a reservation, the user ca add their choices to the cart, update the cart and proceed to payment (right now it s a (2021-09-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] React-Hotel-Booking

Develop an application where user can browse through different categories of rooms and services in a hotel and book the hotel with name and Phone number. (2022-03-05, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] ReactRoomApp

react rooms是流行的酒店客房预订服务airbnb的克隆web应用程序。但它只是部分像airbnb!然而它仍然有...,
react-rooms is a clone web app of popular Hotel/Room Booking service name airbnb. But it s just partly like airbnb! however it still have all functionality of CRUD. (2018-12-11, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] handwriting

The handwritten series of open source frameworks mainly describes the implementation of spring mvc, mybatis, and rpc frameworks. At present, we are practicing with the blog of a blogger in the short book to learn about the functional expansion later. Interested students can refer to the blogger s blog to learn more about the underlying implementation of the open source framework, (2018-01-03, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] alexandria

The Alexandria Project is an open-source platform where people can share their knowledge through books, podcasts, docs and videos., (2022-12-30, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] azure-spring-cloud-demo

受邀至 iThome Webinar 分享《簡化 JVM 上雲 - 透過 Azure Spring Cloud 提升開發、發佈及服務監控效率》範例程式碼
Invited to iThome Webinar to share sample code of Simplifying JVM Cloud - Improving Development, Publishing and Service Monitoring Efficiency through Azure Spring Cloud (2022-04-13, kotlin, 211KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] xingzhiblog-backend

一款博客微信小程序,包括 Java 服务端,微信小程序端,管理后台。主要功能有博客主体(首页卡片流、文章详细内容阅读、文章评论、文章点赞)、博主信息、分类标签、归档时间轴等几个模块。主要技术栈:Spring Boot + Spring C...
A blog WeChat applet, including Java server, WeChat applet and management background. The main functions include blog main body (homepage card stream, article details reading, article comments, article likes), blogger information, category tags, archive timeline and other modules. Main technology stack: Spring Boot+Spring C (2021-07-04, JavaScript, 1962KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] Blogs-Podcasts-Platform

An overengineered incomplete platform for Blogs/Podcasts where developers can talk about their stuff. built with scalability in mind with the most powerful stack ever ? (2022-03-31, TypeScript, 364KB, 下载0次)


[微服务] hotel-reservation-alpha

hotel reservation system with micro services architecture (2023-03-15, JavaScript, 6306KB, 下载0次)
