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[文章/文档] getime

For geek time, download the purchased columns in batches as md documents for personal learning only. Please respect the copyright of the author and do not sell the obtained content again, (2020-04-01, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] xingzhiblog-miniprogram

一款博客微信小程序,包括 Java 服务端,微信小程序端,管理后台。主要功能有博客主体(首页卡片流、文章详细内容阅读、文章评论、文章点赞)、博主信息、分类标签、归档时间轴等几个模块。微信小程序端主要使用原生框架进行开发,使用 ColorUI 作为 UI 框架,Wemark ...,
A blog WeChat applet, including Java server, WeChat applet and management background. The main functions include blog main body (homepage card stream, article details reading, article comments, article likes), blogger information, category tags, archive timeline and other modules. WeChat applet is mainly developed using the native framework, ColorUI as the UI framework, Wemark, (2021-07-04, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] Blog

这是一个多媒体博客,分为前台界面和后台管理员界面 博主可以展示自己的文章、美图、小视频并管理,用户可以浏览、评论、留言等 采用 jsp + sqlserver 语法逻辑简单,文档完整,大家可以轻松进行二次开发,
This is a multimedia blog, which is divided into a foreground interface and a background administrator interface. Bloggers can display their own articles, beautiful pictures, small videos and manage them. Users can browse, comment, leave messages, etc. Simple jsp+sqlserver syntax logic, complete documents, and easy secondary development, (2016-12-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] iiecas-kaoyan-bo-docs

National Postgraduate Entrance Exam Documents of Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 中国科学院信息工程研究所考研保研考博文档资料,
National Postgraduate Entrance Exam Documents of Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences Documents of the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (2023-07-04, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] Design-Pattern

23种设计模式学习笔记,代码设计使用c++和java两种语言实现。文档结构和说明代码参考传智播客王保明老师的培训讲义,扩展案例使用java语言实现,参考了 [http: www.runoob.com design-pattern de...](http: www.runoob.com design- pattern design-pattern-tutorial.html)
Learning notes for 23 design patterns, with code design implemented in both C++and Java languages. The document structure and explanatory code refer to the training handout of Teacher Wang Baoming from the Chuanzhi podcast, and the extended case is implemented in Java language. Reference is made to [http: www.runoob.com design pattern de...] (http: www.runoob.com design pattern design pattern tutorial. html) (2019-08-29, C++, 238KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 2022北京国际老年生活用品展览会,老博会

养老产业发展驶入快车道: 近日,国家卫生健康委党组成员、全国老龄办常务副主任、中国老龄协会会长王建军回应,发展银发经济,挖掘老年人力资源红利,潜力非常大。目前正在研究制定“十四五”老龄产业发展规划和加快银发经济发展指导意见。未来发展银发经济,不仅要多元化布局老年健康服务产业,增加高质量的医疗服务、养老服务和产品供给,还要发展普惠型养老服务,支持家庭承担养老功能,构建居家社区机构相协调、医养康 (2022-07-11, Unix_Linux, 9556KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 卫星通信系统成对载波多址技术研究_公博

The key techniques in PCMA systems:parameter estimation, reconfiguration and suppression of the self-interference signal. (2020-08-24, Others, 1070KB, 下载4次)


[文章/文档] [YUCCI]-boke2012超级排料

The layout system is a very excellent and practical clothing layout software for designers. The official version of bock super discharge system has strong functions, is convenient and easy to use. It is the discharge system with the highest level of intelligence, the most comprehensive functions, the highest efficiency and the highest utilization rate. It can help users design the most economical discharge mode. Like the user can go to JZ5U to download the bock super discharge system. (2019-11-09, C/C++, 8871KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] Python极客项目编程

《Python极客项目编程》里面讲解了一些很好玩的项目。 利用参数方程和turtle模块生成万花尺图案; ● 通过模拟频率泛音在计算机上创作音乐; ● 将图形图像转换为ASCII文本图形; ● 编写一个三维立体画程序,生成隐藏在随机图案下的3D图像; ● 通过探索粒子系统、透明度和广告牌技术,利用OpenGL着色器制作逼真的动画; ● 利用来自CT和MRI扫描的数据实现3D可视化; ● 将计算机连接到Arduino编程,创建响应音乐的激光秀。
Python Geek Programming explains some interesting projects. Using parametric equation and turtle module to generate a kaleidoscope pattern; Create music on computer by analog frequency overtone. Converting graphics and images to ASCII text graphics; Write a three-dimensional drawing program to generate 3D images hidden in random patterns. Through exploring particle system, transparency and billboard technology, using OpenGL shader to produce realistic animation; 3-D visualization using data from CT and MRI scans; Connect the computer to Arduino programming to create a laser show that responds to music (2019-06-27, Python, 6273KB, 下载8次)


[文章/文档] opc应的的用程序入门_vb与opc与plc通讯

这本书告诉你怎样按照OPC数据访问自动化接口标准(版本2.0)去实现OPC客户 程序。即使你是OPC技术的初学者,你也可以利用本书顺利地实现你的第一个OPC客 户程序。
Introduction to OPC Application (2019-06-04, Visual Basic, 6866KB, 下载3次)


[文章/文档] WinCE硕博毕业论文

基于Windows CE.NET的ARM9综合开发平台的研究与设计,基于Windows CENET的手持终端系统软件设计,基于Windows CE的嵌入式系统研究与应用,嵌入式系统调试技术的分析与设计
Windows CE.NET software platform of research and Develop (2019-05-19, C#, 8758KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] 2010年全国数学建模论文

We choose to study the impact of the World Expo on Shanghai's tourism industry. We collect data and make quantitative analysis from two aspects: tourist flow and tourism investment. (2018-12-30, matlab, 497KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] 宝玉石鉴赏课程论文

The Oriental charm displayed by cui is an important part of the splendid culture of Chinese famous people and a glorious achievement of human art. Jade is praised by the world for its exquisite and incomparable jade quality, and is called "jade emperor" in many jade family. At the same time, with the continuous development of China's economy and the continuous promotion of international status, jade has been more and more people's favorite. Jade has a high value for its long history, unique texture, rich implication and rare quality (2018-06-10, Others, 19KB, 下载0次)


[文章/文档] AI Bible(Deep Learning)

The book is divided into three parts, the first part is the application of mathematical and machine learning based. When initially with the above theoretical basis, it is open the door deep learning. The second part is the modern practice of the deep web. The third part is the theoretical research of deep learning, suitable for want result reason, researchers studying internal principle of neural network learning. (2018-02-21, Python, 27380KB, 下载8次)


[文章/文档] 鐢佃剳绔蒋浠

wp上实现心电图demo 只看楼主 收藏 回复我不只是看客 c#爱好者 1 想在wp上做一个心电图样式的东西。目前思路是,用路径parh动态加载到子grid
WP to achieve ECG demo only see Louzhu collection replies, I'm not just spectators (2017-08-04, C#, 2728KB, 下载1次)


[文章/文档] sinalgo-0.75.3-regularRelease

传感网是物联网的核心技术。 附件是传感网的仿真平台代码。 国内许多著名媒体报道,未来几年中国物联网产业市场规模将达到2000亿元,至2015年,中国物联网整体市场规模将达到7500亿元。 CCTV:http://www.cctv.com/international/special/cxkj/20100319/102985.shtml 东方卫视:http://tv.sohu.com/20100510/n272024075.shtml 温家宝总理去年8月在无锡的明确指示,中国物联网建设从概念推广、政策制定、配套建设到技术研发,都出现了快速的大规模发展。 温家宝09年11月3日上午在人民大会堂向首都科技界发表了题为《让科技引领中国可持续发展》的讲话,明确指出将物联网列入五大必 争产业制高点之一,要着力突破传感网物联网关键技术。
The source code of simulator sinalgo! (2010-05-20, Visual C++, 1147KB, 下载53次)


[文章/文档] zy2

摘 要:果蔬收获机器人是机器人技术在农业中的具体应用,基于避障的路径规划是果蔬收获机器人主要 的研究内容。由于农业机器人作业环境的复杂性和非结构性,神经网络籽是其重要的研究方法。为此,介 绍了神经网络的特点 ,重点分析了采用神经网络描述果蔬收获机器人工作环境的基本思路 ,最后给出了黄瓜采摘机器人的具体分析实例,对农业机器人工作环境的描述具有较高的参考价值。
Abstract: The fruit and vegetable harvesting robot is the robot technology in agriculture specific application, based on the obstacle avoidance path planning is the main fruit and vegetable harvesting robot research. Operating environment as a result of agricultural robot complexity and non-structural, neural network is an important seed of research methods. To this end, introduced the characteristics of neural networks, focusing on the use of neural network analysis of fruit and vegetable harvesting robot describes the basic idea of the working environment, and finally given a cucumber harvesting robot specific examples of analysis of agricultural robot description of the work environment has a high reference value. (2009-05-23, matlab, 178KB, 下载28次)


[文章/文档] TR-126

探討 IP TV客戶體驗感覺Q o E的計算標準,完整版全文文獻。
IP TV customer experience to explore the feeling of the Q o E standard, the full version of the full text of the literature. (2009-01-19, MultiPlatform, 1226KB, 下载5次)


[文章/文档] erweiguancha

The establishment of two-dimensional projection (to glOrtho function) examples of works by modifying the parameters of two-dimensional window to verify, as I insinuate, as well as the effect of cutting, including the point of cutting, line cutting, tailoring and font face, such as the effect of cutting. (2008-12-20, Visual C++, 1165KB, 下载29次)


[文章/文档] jiudianguanli

A. 该系统面向的用户是酒店餐饮的前台服务员,厨房管理员,原材料的供货部门以及经理部门的管理人员。 B. 本系统可以在Windows98/ME/2000/XP 以及更高版本系统上稳定运行,有很强的兼容性。 C. 该系统有连网功能便于连锁经营,方便大型连锁企业进行该系统的管理。
A. The system is user-oriented front hotel and catering staff, kitchen managers, suppliers of raw materials sectors, as well as manager of sector managers. B. This system can, as well as later in the Windows98/ME/2000/XP stable operation of the system, has a strong compatibility. C. The system has networking features to facilitate chain operations to facilitate large chain enterprises in the management of the system. (2008-12-15, Visual C++, 8855KB, 下载14次)
