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[Windows编程] 1.60清包工具

问道私服 1.60,清理背包,辅助工具!希望大家速来测试!
Asked 1.6, clean up the backpack, auxiliary tools! test (2018-05-16, Visual C++, 288KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] Banker_algorithm

主要内容是模拟实现资源分配。同时要求编写和调试一个系统动态分配资源的简单模拟程序,观察死锁产生 的条件,并使用适当的算法,有效的防止和避免死锁的发生。 具体用银行家算法实现资源分配。要求如下: (1) 设计一个M个并发进程共享N类不同资源的系统,进程可动态地申请资源和释放资源,系统按各进程的申 请动态地分配资源(可考虑多个进程多个类资源的情况)。 (2) 设计用银行家算法和随机分配算法,实现资源分配的两个资源分配程序,应具有显示或打印各进程依次 要求申请的资源数以及依次分配资源的情况。 (3) 确定一组各进程依次申请资源数的序列,在相同的情况下分别运行上述两种资源分配程序,观察运行结 果。
The main elements of a simulation resource allocation. Also requires compiling and debugging a system dynamic allocation of resources simple simulation program to observe the conditions Deadlock, and the use of appropriate algorithms, effectively prevent and avoid the occurrence of deadlock.Specific resource allocation algorithm with bankers. (2015-05-03, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] osgRecipes-master

A variety of third-party physics engine library in conjunction with the OSG example uses the source, all of the examples are as simple and efficient use of code to write, no complicated relations framework and contains just one sample of the executable file or plug-in only, so as to facilitate More friends quickly among the application of the results to their own systems. (2014-11-21, Visual C++, 3746KB, 下载9次)


[Windows编程] sqlite3.8.0.20

sqlite3.8.0.20版本的文件,另附是如何编绎32和64位的,详情见如下博文: http://blog.csdn.net/zhaobangyu/article/details/17709795 直接下载工程: http://download.csdn.net/detail/zhaobangyu/6791469 直接下载DLL: http://download.csdn.net/detail/zhaobangyu/6791019 没分分的同学,可私信我,
sqlite3.8.0.20 version of the file, attached is how to unravel 32 and 64, as detailed in the following blog: http://blog.csdn.net/zhaobangyu/article/details/17709795 Direct download Engineering: http://download.csdn.net/detail/zhaobangyu/6791469 Direct Download DLL: http://download.csdn.net/detail/zhaobangyu/6791019 No points of the students, can private letter to me, (2014-02-27, Visual C++, 3782KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] training

自己写的一个酒店员工培训系统,内有程序,文档。用户要修改程序源码可以选择相应的.h和.cpp文件,本实例使用的命名规则基本是:DIALOG_***** 为管理对话框资源, *****Info为数据输入窗口资源, *****Set为结果集对应的类
To write a hotel employee training system, there are procedures, documentation. Users can choose to modify the program source code corresponding h and cpp file naming conventions used in this example is basically:.. DIALOG_***** resources for the management of the dialog box,***** Info Resources for the data entry window,***** Set the result set corresponding class (2013-12-18, Visual C++, 3025KB, 下载2次)


[Windows编程] C-haobin

HaoBin (current rhett school teaching group leader, served as YaBo etc company as a project director) of the C language teaching video source code. Speak or nice! (2011-12-22, Visual C++, 5105KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] cPP99

C++:99个常见错误电子版,PDF格式,避免编码和设计中的常见问题,[美] Stephen C. Dewhurst (著) 高博 (译) 最近修订日期:12/3/2008。这些最觉的错误涉及基础问题、语法问题、预处理问题、初始化和型别转换问题、内存和资源管理问题、多态问题、继承谱系设计问题等。
C++: 99 a common mistake electronic version, PDF format, coding and design to avoid common problems, [United States] Stephen C. Dewhurst (a) high-Bo (translated) Last revision date: 12/3/2008. The error involved in these most basic questions feel, grammar problems, Preprocessing, initialization and type conversion, memory and resource management issues, multi-state problem, inheritance pedigree design problems. (2011-05-05, Visual C++, 4527KB, 下载17次)


[Windows编程] TicketSystem

汽车客运公司售票系统 设某客运公司每日向10个城市发一个直达班车(中途不停留下客)。每天都发售今、明、后三天的车票。该系统在磁盘上存贮以下信息:1. 今、明、后三天每个班次的基本信息,包括:每个班次的班次号、发车时间、终点城市,座位数量;2.今、明、后三天每个班次的旅客登记表,表项有:姓名、身份证号、座号。
Motor Transport Company ticketing system (2010-09-16, Visual C++, 5837KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] lovePet20090730

Caritas St. gadget set vc++ source code for the latest version of 2009, these tools are mainly controls the registration, and display/restore desktop, file encryption and decryption, timing shutdown, Simplified font conversion, asterisk password theft, BMP to text , file plans in place to hide, drive management, system management, flat-type combo box display, flat display and a mouse button to capture the button areas less than a fruit, paper split size for a variety of formats, such as its combined. (2009-08-01, Visual C++, 905KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] hotel

这是我们数据库实习的作业。完成了大部分酒店管理功能,有些功能还有待大家完善。 程序用到了SKIN++的界面库。 本程序采用VC6+SQL存储过程开发。小作品,希望大家多多指教。 运行本程序需要SQLSERVER数据库环境支持,请将压缩包里面的数据库备份文件hotel.mdf导入。 数据库访问默认帐号sa 密码123456
This is our database of internship work. Completed most of the hotel management features, we still have some functionality to improve. Procedures used in the SKIN++ interface library. This procedure used VC6+ SQL stored procedure development. Small works, hope that the exhibitions. SQLSERVER running the database environment requires the support of the cabinet inside your database backup file into hotel.mdf. Database Access default sa account password 123456 (2009-05-05, Visual C++, 540KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] crazyprogrammer

访问量突破160万的程序员网络励志故事,开博五个月为CSDN十大明星博客,程序员版的《奋斗》。   这本小说并没有太多技术方面的内容,讲述的是作者本人作为一名程序员,从学习编程开始,到第一份工作250元工资,再到后来自主创业的成长经历,也许有些内容在你身上都会找到影子。
1.6 million visits a breakthrough network programmers stories, the Bo Ten CSDN five stars for the blog, programmer of the " struggle." This novel technology is not too much content, the author described himself as a programmer learning programming from the beginning to the first 250 per wage work, and then later experienced the growth of their own businesses, perhaps some of the content who will find in your shadow. (2009-04-14, Visual C++, 1021KB, 下载6次)


[Windows编程] 3DTerrainSimulationPCversion

3D地形模拟2(带纹理)PC版 依据一本OpenGL上的例子修改的,在OGLES上没有找到绘画QUAD的函数,就用了两个三角形来替代,主要用到的还有FOG等效果。 带纹理的,主要要用到glTexImage2D,效果如图。使用的时候将纹理文件tr.rgb放到根目录下即可。 运行时,按左右将重新生成随机地形,按下退出。
3D terrain simulation 2 (with texture) PC version of OpenGL on the basis of a modified example, on OGLES at QUAD painting did not find the function, used to replace the two triangles, the main use, etc. have the effect of FOG. With texture, the main use to glTexImage2D, the effect of figure. When will the use of texture files into the root tr.rgb can. Running around will be re-generated by random topography, press Exit. (2009-03-24, Visual C++, 105KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] SeeBase64

Base64是一种很常用的编码方式,利用它可以将任何二进制的字符编码到可打印的64个字符之中, 这样,不管是图片,中文文本等都可以编码成只有ASCII的纯文本。至于为什么要进行这个转换呢, 最初主要使用在EMail领域,早期的一些邮件网关只识别ASCII, 如果发现邮件里有其他字符,就会将它们过滤掉,这样中文的邮件,有图片附件的邮件在这些网关上就会发生问题,于是将中文和图片都使用base64编码然后传输,接受后再解码就客服了这个问题了。 Base64除了可以使用在相似场合,还可以用作简单的加密等等。
err (2008-12-24, Visual C++, 42KB, 下载43次)


[Windows编程] jiujiancanyin

A. 该系统面向的用户是酒店餐饮的前台服务员,厨房管理员,原材料的供货部门以及经理部门的管理人员。 B. 本系统可以在Windows98/ME/2000/XP 以及更高版本系统上稳定运行,有很强的兼容性。 C. 该系统有连网功能便于连锁经营,方便大型连锁企业进行该系统的管理。
A. The system is user-oriented front hotel and catering staff, kitchen managers, suppliers of raw materials sectors, as well as manager of sector managers. B. This system can, as well as later in the Windows98/ME/2000/XP stable operation of the system, has a strong compatibility. C. The system has networking features to facilitate chain operations to facilitate large chain enterprises in the management of the system. (2008-12-15, Visual C++, 1598KB, 下载8次)


[Windows编程] wangxingzhen

Car between the driver and conductor must work together: on the one hand, the only conductor to close the door of the driver can drive, so the conductor closed the door should inform the driver to drive On the other hand, only when the car had been stopped, the conductor in order to open up and down passenger , it should inform the driver to stop after the conductor. (2008-12-08, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载12次)


[Windows编程] 216890

dc++(一个曾经大量使用的p2p)的源代码,dc++,开源的p2p源代码,在bt,emule出现以前,还是有很多人用过,可惜现在已经风头不及当年了。。。 本文来源于虾客源码 http://www.xkxz.com
dc++ (once a large-scale use of p2p) source code, dc++, open-source p2p source code, in the bt, emule appear before, or have a lot of people used, but is now less of the limelight. . . This article comes from off-source shrimp http://www.xkxz.com (2008-09-04, Visual C++, 158KB, 下载3次)


[Windows编程] CHAP07

本压缩文件为东方天华主编的Visual C++.Net范例入门与提高第7章的代码,其中包含如下程序的代码。 7.1 创建简单的ActiveX容器应用程序 7.2 增强ActiveX容器的功能 7.3 ActiveX文档服务器编程 7.4 创建ActiveX控件 7.5 设计Dieroll控件 7.6 制作闪耀的按钮MyButton 7.7 在应用程序中使用Dieroll控件与MyButton控件 7.8 将ActiveX控件加入网页
The compressed file for the editor-in-chief of the East Tianhua Visual C++. Net sample entry and improve the code Chapter 7, which contains the following procedure code. 7.1 Create a simple ActiveX containers 7.2 applications to enhance the function of ActiveX containers 7.3 ActiveX document server 7.4 programming designed to create ActiveX control 7.5 control 7.6 production Dieroll flashing button MyButton 7.7 used in the application Dieroll control and MyButton Controls ActiveX Control 7.8 will be joined page (2007-10-13, Visual C++, 334KB, 下载36次)


[Windows编程] CHAP06

本压缩文件为东方天华主编的Visual C++.Net范例入门与提高第六章的代码,其中包含如下程序的代码。 6.1 隐式调用动态链接库 6.2 显式调用动态链接库 6.3 创建Win32 DLL实例 6.4 线程间的通讯 6.5 线程间的优先级 6.6 线程间的同步 6.7 创建子进程 6.8 进程间共享数据
The compressed file for the editor-in-chief of the East Tianhua Visual C++. Net sample entry and improve the code in Chapter VI, which contains the following procedure code. 6.1 Implicit DLL 6.2 Explicit DLL 6.3 Create Win32 DLL examples 6.4 Inter-thread communication between the 6.5 thread 6.6 Thread Priority 6.7 Synchronization between 6.8 to create child process to share data between processes (2007-10-13, Visual C++, 539KB, 下载35次)


[Windows编程] cs4000

Multi-source automatic broadcasting system is an all-digital way to store and play audio signals, used to replace the traditional tape deck, CD player, such as analog audio equipment. Local area network through the formation of large-scale intelligent audio systems, into a (2007-07-25, Visual C++, 5040KB, 下载29次)


[Windows编程] TXT001

1.)在字串中的指定位置插入任意字元. 2.)標記並刪去第n個字元~第m個字元的內容. 3.)標記並保留第n個字元~第m個字元的內容. 4.)在字串中搜尋特定字元. 5.)計數本字串共有幾字元. 6.)不做任何動作離開. 本程式最後會將結果輸出至與本程式同目錄下的text.txt中.
1.) In the string of designated spots to insert arbitrary characters. 2.) Marking and deleting the n-character article ~ m character content. 3.) Markers and retain its character ~ n the m-character content. 4.) in the search for a specific string character. 5.) Counting the strings were several characters. 6.) make any moves left. The program will finally result output with the program to the same directory where the text.txt China. (2007-03-08, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)
