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按分类查找All Linux/Unix编程(134) 

[Linux/Unix编程] ISDBScanner

受信可能な日本のテレヒ?チャンネル (ISDB-T ISDB-S) を全自動て?スキャンし、スキャン結果を様々な形式て?出力するツール
It is believed that the Japanese website (ISDB-T ISDB-S 12377 る ツ ー ル (2023-12-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] CustomeUser_Cron_DRF

In this project, I write code to customize the base user model and wrote cronjob to calling functions on wvery minutes to reset the hotel rattings(votes), (2022-08-02, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Hotel_Manage_System-master

# 酒店管理系统 #### 介绍 C++酒店管理系统——Linux下编译运行 #### 使用说明 1. 终端执行 make 2. 终端执行 ./hotel 3. 完事了 #### 相关说明 1. 数据保存在data中,程序读写文件,所以如果需要调试可以直接改数据
#Hotel Management System The introduction of the Chinese people C + + hotel management system -- compiling and running under Linux ####Instructions for use 1. The terminal executes make 2. Terminal execution. / Hotel 3., done. ####Related description 1. The data is saved in data, and the program reads and writes files, so you can directly change the data if you need to debug (2019-12-03, C/C++, 24KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 螺丝石器saac最新完整源代码

The code of the stone SAAC. Linux under the direct make line, open service must be necessary (2018-04-09, C/C++, 160KB, 下载10次)


[Linux/Unix编程] menu

Electronic ordering system based on QT and arm (2017-01-03, Unix_Linux, 47556KB, 下载3次)


[Linux/Unix编程] dfsjwxxtcx_v2.1

东方数据小偷程序是一款非常简单,采集非常给力的小说小偷程序。同样,我们程序对服务器环境的要求也是非常的简单,无论你是Linux服务器还是 windows都没有问题。
Oriental data thief program is a very simple, very powerful collection of novel thief program. Similarly, our program requirements on the server environment is very simple, whether you are a Linux server or windows are no problem. (2016-12-03, PHP, 354KB, 下载1次)


[Linux/Unix编程] StreamMedia-ClusterServer

基于Linux的安全高效的流媒体服 务器集群系统模型
A safe, effectivemodelof stream media cluster server runningwasproposeed on Linux. Ituses some methodsof identity verification to ensure the validation ofvisitors and assigns corresponding runtime resources ac- cording to the level of the registered visitor, which provide the safety base of the system. (2015-03-04, Others, 96KB, 下载1次)


[Linux/Unix编程] socket

the communication under the environment of linux (2014-07-18, Unix_Linux, 424KB, 下载6次)


[Linux/Unix编程] GPIO_KEYS

该源玛是用在博通ARM BCM2835 linux平台下的按键驱动,目前将该按键其用于高清播放器的导航键控制
This source code is a gpio-keys driver which is used for Broadcom IC BCM2835. (2013-05-09, Unix_Linux, 12KB, 下载8次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Linsee

Qt Linux Multimedia Digital Photo Frame (2012-05-11, QT, 15362KB, 下载39次)


[Linux/Unix编程] jiaowu

Educational administration management system is to provide teachers and students daily work efficiency and development, this is a based on C/S structure of network system. The customer service running in PC desktop Linux, server in Mini2440 development board. System administrators, teachers and students can be connected in a network RenYiTai installation client software on the machine into the educational administration management system login corresponding permissions work, login time password by a certain encryption algorithm. (2011-12-16, Objective-C, 40KB, 下载7次)


[Linux/Unix编程] digit_book_jpg_x11

One can Borch' s S3C2410 development board to run the electronic album side. Can also be repeated redhat-linux compile and run on the system! (2010-12-15, Unix_Linux, 621KB, 下载37次)


[Linux/Unix编程] mainwindow

Hotel a la carte menu management system background, to achieve an increase, modify, and delete functions and other operations (2010-08-10, QT, 235KB, 下载83次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 04_webserver

This is Bo CIT UP-CUP-6410 Experiment Board of web service testing procedures, understanding and implementation of web service helpful. (2010-05-26, Unix_Linux, 879KB, 下载17次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 03_tty

This is Bo CIT UP-CUP-6410 Experiment Board tty device testing procedures, understanding and realization of tty devices helpful. (2010-05-26, Unix_Linux, 212KB, 下载6次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 02_pthread

This is Bo CIT UP-CUP-6410 Experiment Board of multi-threaded test program, on the understanding and realization of multi-threaded helpful. (2010-05-26, Unix_Linux, 832KB, 下载5次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 2410-S@2006.07.06

博创2041s的实验指导书,含QT操作的,可以好好 学习在ARm9上运行QT
Fiberxon 2041s guide book of experiments, including the operation of QT, you can learn to run QT in ARm9 (2009-05-25, QT, 5699KB, 下载5次)


[Linux/Unix编程] TestSegy

segy读写程序,我是在阿果石油网里下的, 一个c++的读写segy的程序,如果在做关于地震方面的可以下下值得一看哦,
segy reading and writing process, I was in the Arab-Israeli fruit oil net under a c++ reading and writing segy procedures, if done on the earthquake area can under the circumstances to see Oh, (2008-11-16, C++, 4KB, 下载183次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Yoics-Daemon-Linux-v2.1.tar

yoics 上抓下來的源碼,用於遠端vnc 資料分享的工具 http://yoics.net 安裝後執行 並於 Yoics web進行服務的分享
grasping down on yoics source for information sharing vnc remote tools http://yoics.net after installation and implementation of Yoics web sharing service (2008-06-10, Others, 75KB, 下载43次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linux_motor_44B0

in Bo Chong 44B0 development board to do a motor control procedures after the test, the operation is good. Most can be used to study the latest newcomers Kazakhstan. (2006-07-24, C/C++, 2KB, 下载29次)
