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[WEB开发] erlicaiwang

一个比较适合二元期权、百嘉利、博克拉等这类理财产品宣传时使用的一个官方网站源码。 这套源码整体来说还是非常简洁大气的,而且风格也比较喜庆,非常适合金融类产品宣传时使用。源码也针对搜索引擎做好很多扎内的优化,在使用的时候只要修改一下站内的锚文本链接和网站TDK信息就能快速上手操作,配合经常给网站增加一下产品介绍或者新闻资讯,很容易就可以让你的网站被各大搜索引擎收录,并且获得不错的排名。
The use of a more suitable for two yuan, Bokra and other options, Baijiali this kind of financial products propaganda when an official website source. This set of source code as a whole is still very simple atmosphere, but also more festive style, very suitable for the use of financial products publicity. The source code is in the search engine to optimize a lot of internal, when used as long as the changes in the station s anchor text and Web links to TDK information can quickly get started operation, with often to the site to increase about products or news and information, can easily make your site was the major search engines, and get a good ranking. (2017-02-25, Java, 5338KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] zuche

系统基于租车业务场景而搭建的O2O服务平台,可为用户提供商务租车、接送机、旅游租车、企业租车、自驾租车、婚庆用车等自助租车服务。 系统包含车辆库管理、门店管理、员工管理、司机管理、订单管理、活动管理、评价管理、财务管理、统计等。 业务流程: 系统车辆录入 >用户服务选择 >用户下单 >用户支付 >系统订单分配 >门店跟单 >指派人员 >服务人员服务对接 >服务完毕确认 >评价打分。 适用场景: 商务租车、接送机、旅游租车、企业租车、自驾租车、婚庆用车等租车用车服务。 系统特点: 1、提高接单能力 提供在线预定功能及推广传播机制,提高产品及品牌曝光度,降低获客成本,提高接单能力,提升企业业务能力。 2、轻量化管理 系统提供门店、店员、司机等人员角色的管理,并提供车辆库、订单管理、订单分配、财务结算等,满足企业日常业务管理功能。 3、渠道拓展方便 系统可拓展线上(PC、微信、APP)门店、电话等多渠道,实现同一后台统一系统管理,并能支撑与外部API对接整合。
Car rental system based on the business scene and build the O2O service platform, can provide users with business car rental, pick-up, car rental, corporate car rental, car rental, wedding car rental services such as self-service. System includes vehicle library management, store management, staff management, driver management, order management, event management, uation management, financial management, statistics. Business Process: System Car Entry-> User Service Selection-> User Order-> User Payment-> System Order Assignment-> Store Order-> Assign Person-> Service Personnel Service Docking-> Service Confirmation-> Evaluation scoring. Applicable scene: Car rental business, car, car rental, corporate car rental, car rental, wedding car rental car services. System Features: 1, to improve the ability of orders Provide online reservation function and promote the dissemination mechanism, improve product and brand exposure, reduce the cost of passengers, (2016-12-15, Java, 44473KB, 下载13次)


[WEB开发] cfcount

1.统计系统支持多用户申请,同时支持网站和网店统计 2.总共60种记数器图片样式可以选择,还有两种统计图标可以选择,完全满足你的需求。 3.可以设置计数器显示数字,显示位数,计数器是否隐藏,统计信息是否公开等。 4.页面显示记数和IP防刷新记数两种记数模式,支持Script网站方式和Img网店类方式调用计数器代码。 5.可以记录来访客的来源IP地址和来源页面信息,在线人数。
1 statistical system to support multi user applications, while supporting web sites and online statistics 2 a total of 60 kinds of counter picture styles can be selected, there are two kinds of statistics icon can be selected, fully meet your requirement. 3 can set the counter display digital, display the number of bits, the counter is hidden, whether the information is public and so on. The 4 page displays the count and the count of two IP anti refresh count mode, Script mode and Img support code website online call counter. 5 can record the visitor s source IP address and source page information, online number. (2016-09-14, Java, 1672KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] CNBlog

博客园客户端项目源码。我在公司时做的,已经好几年了。来分享分享。 一个IT技术人员想为IT技术人员们提供一个纯净的技术交流空间,博客园很长时间只有一个不能再简单的博客,有近四年,博客园仅靠一个人几年工作的积蓄在维持,互联网浪潮的此起彼伏,“博客”从耀眼的明星成为平民,这些似乎都与博客园无关,博客园一步一个脚印地走着自己的路,傻傻地对每个用户注册进行人工审批、对首页内容宁缺毋滥、对不合适的广告拒之门外,傻傻地对用户体验关怀备至,对盈利模式冷若冰霜。 这样一个不起眼的地方,却吸引了很多IT技术精英,把这里当作自己的网上家园,每天在这里分享着精彩的原创内容,也许他们看重的不是华丽的外表、诱人的虚名,而是纯净、专注、对技术人员的理解。 博客园来到了上海,有了自己的团队,注册用户4万多,每天有15万以上的用户访问,除了博客,有了互动交流的小组,有了你问我答的博问,有了收藏精彩内容的网摘,有了搜索站内内容的找找看,有了随时记录思想火花的闪存,有了随时了解业内动态的新闻频道,有了知识库,有了期刊,有了……
bokeyuan terminal open sourse (2015-06-14, Java, 10491KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] WeCenter_v3.1.2

Wecenter (Micro-centered system software) is an interactive micro-off Shenzhen Co., Ltd. developed a completely independent intellectual property rights of open source software. It is safe, reliable, fast change, can quickly help companies and organizations to establish contacts and interaction between the customer through micro letter, meager, APP, web communities and other interactive mode, the accumulation of knowledge points, lower consulting costs homogenization of content and Human Services costs. So that content can be collaborative editing, can be uated, you can express classification and positioning, corporate and organizational needs and establishing a structured knowledge base. (2015-05-22, Java, 5618KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wordpresszt_y3_v1.0

这是一款来自zzfly.net博主Rytia的新主题Y3,拥有新颖的设计风格,正如作者自己所说:这款 奇葩布局 主题,似三栏,非三栏,打开首页的时候,整整齐齐 三栏 会展现在眼前,其中左栏的是菜单栏,中间的是文章,右边的无疑便是小工具了。 左栏是固定的,不会随屏幕的下拉而改变,细心的朋友会发现,最上面一条灰黑色的菜单栏,在下拉之后,左栏由于不变剩下那一小截会合左栏自成一体,形成新的风格,暂且这里称之为分割式风格,这也是Y3在设计上的一个新的小小创新吧。
This is a new theme Y3 zzfly.net bloggers Rytia, with a new design, as the author himself says: The wonderful layout topic, like three bars, three non-bar, open home, when the whole neat neat three bar exhibition is now in front, where the left column is the menu bar, the middle is the article, is no doubt the right of the gadget. Left column is fixed and will not change with the pull-down screen, attentive friends will find a dark gray top menu bar, after the drop-down, left-hand column due to the small fraction that meet remaining unchanged the left column into one to form a new style, for the time being referred to herein as split-style, which is Y3 in the design of a new small innovative bar. (2015-04-28, Java, 311KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] Jumei_v1.0

雪箭淘宝客主题,基于国外开源程序Wordpress开发,使用简单、功能强大,内置完善的管理面板。 使用教学: 1,安装完主题之后,请先进入小工具栏,把所有的小工具都进掉,以免Wordpress自动添加的小具影响了整体布局。 2,在主题外观下进入“Jumei1.0 Options” 进行主题设置,在这里可以设置展示分类、广告、统计代码、联系方式等功能。 3,发布商品文章时,请在文章编辑区域右侧选择“聊天”文章形式,并在编辑区下方选择输入商品信息,包括价格、标题、商品推广链接等信息;注意普通文章则不需要选择文章形式,保持默认即可。 4,首页幻灯片也是在撰写文章时通过 metabox 中的Slideshow栏上传图片。
Snow Arrow Taobao off topic, based on open source Wordpress development abroad, using simple, powerful, built-in sound management panel. Tutorial: 1. After installing the theme, please enter the small toolbar, all the gadgets went into swap in order to avoid Wordpress automatically add a small impact on the overall layout. 2, in the theme look into the Jumei1.0 Options thematic settings, where you can set the display classified ads, statistical code, contact information and other functions. 3, the release of goods article, article editing area in the right selection chat article form, and the input area below the edit product information, including price, title, Merchandising links and other information note that it is not necessary to general article Article form, keep the default. 4 Home slides also when writing the article metabox The Slideshow toolbar to upload pictures through. (2015-04-28, Java, 540KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] ftxfbjmb_php

全新圣诞版淘宝客源码1,将源代码的压缩文件解压后,把解压出的全部文件用ftp上传工具 二进制上传至您的虚拟主机 或者是vps 。一般空间的根目录是web,wwwroot,如果不知道你的主机根目录是那个请咨询你的空间商 2,直接访问您的域名,如果空间已经购买但是暂时还没有购买域名的话 ,那您可以访问您空间商帮您提供的二级,或者三级域名, 3.填写FTP账号 地址及密码
The new version of Taobao off Christmas source 1, source code after extracting compressed file to extract the entire binary file using ftp upload tool to upload to your web host or vps. Space is the root of the general web, wwwroot, if you do not know your host root directory is that, please consult your hosting provider     2, direct access to your domain name, if the space has been purchased but not yet have to buy a domain name, then you can access your hosting provider to help you provide a secondary or third-level domain, 3. Fill in the FTP account address and password (2015-04-28, Java, 16262KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wordpresszt_tpzs2_v3.9

Easy to show net purchase theme today to share with our style is a bit similar themes, but also pictures showing the class lattice series, this theme is the demo page of fruits and vegetables, I feel pretty good to share it, interface and easy show shopping THEMANET want is pictures plaid, but the difference is easy to show net purchase theme is to respond with style, if you like you can put this into a responsive template, the effect is quite good, this theme it is quite suitable for Taobao off, the picture shows the class, and even do personal photography is also good, but it needs to be reminded that the best modify CSS, personally feel is not very beautiful home in the upper left corner, the other is good. I hope you will enjoy it. (2015-04-20, Java, 1433KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] wordpresszt_huise_v3.9

易秀购主题网分享一款wordpress灰色主题,看惯了其他花色的主题,反而这种灰色色调的主题更抢眼了,该主题是单栏图片可以做博客主题,也可以做分享类的,作者也设置了图片自动变成黑白色,纯黑白风格,鼠标悬停后变为彩色,全站无噪,十分干净的阅读环境。很遗憾该主题没有演示地址。 wordpress图片主题安装后,需要在后台-外观-主题设置中,设置一下博主的个人信息以在首页正常显示,其他没什么特殊的了,下方会自动调用全站分类,无需另外设置。该主题中有MACOS的主题所以不用担心平板的访问会变形
Easy to show network share purchase a wordpress theme Grey theme, seeing the other colors of the theme, but this topic is more eye-catching shades of gray, and the theme is a single column blog theme pictures can do, you can do the share classes, the authors also set the picture automatically become black and white, pure black and white style after, mouseover to color, the station no noise, very clean reading environment. Unfortunately this topic does not show the address. After installing wordpress theme picture, you need to in the background- Appearance- Theme settings, set about the blogger s personal information in order to properly display on the home page, the other nothing special, and the bottom will automatically call the station s classification, without additional setup. The topic has MACOS theme so do not worry tablet visit will be deformed (2015-04-08, Java, 368KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] taobaoUzhanred

推哈网致力于中小活动平台的孵化,提供完美的技术支持!从主机空间、域名、技术支持、程序代码、运营支持、招商报名、盈利收入等各个环节给予全程免费支持!推哈网扎根于电商服务行业三年,专业从事淘宝活动平台的建设和运营,为淘宝商家和活动平台提供多样化的解决方案。 没有技术支持的免费代码 你敢用吗? 没有后续升级的免费代码 你能用吗? 没有个性化的免费版代码 你喜欢吗? 没有后续支持的免费代码 全是坑爹! 只要你有运营活动平台的时间、精力、经验!那么推哈网将为你提供: 1.1 免费优站技术支持 1.2 免费站外技术支持 1.3 免费SEO 技术支持 1.4 免费招商报名系统 1.5 优惠个性定制服务 1.6 免主机免备案站外 1.7 内部招商代理权限 1.8 淘客佣金完全归你 1.9 线下活动策划导流 1.10 联合行动流量共享
Kazakh Network is committed to pushing the incubation medium moving platform, providing the perfect technical support! From hosting space, domain names, technical support, program code, operations support, investment registration, earnings income and other aspects give full free support! Push Kazakh electricity supplier network rooted in three service industries, specializing in Taobao platform for the construction and operation activities, and activities for the business Taobao platform offers a variety of solutions. No technical support free code you dare to use it? No subsequent upgrade free code you can use it? No personalized free version of the code you like it? No follow-supported free code all pit father! As long as you have a platform from operating activities of time, energy, experience! Then push the Kazakh network will provide you with: 1.1 free technical support gifted station 1.2 free technical support outside the station 1.3 Free SEO Technical Sup (2013-11-20, Java, 7102KB, 下载2次)
