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按平台查找All matlab(214) 

[物理/力学计算] -MATLAB_GUI

用于植被分析的交互式工具。它允许用户加载植被图像,并通过图像处理技术提取叶子区域。程序计算灰度和彩色图像中叶子区域的平均像素值,这些值可能用于评估植被健康状况或其他相关特征。用户可以手动调整分割阈值,也可以让程序自动寻找最佳阈值。此外,程序提供了结果可视化和数据导出功能,使得分析过程更加直观和便捷。这个工具可能对植物学研究、农业监测或环境科学等领域的研究人员特别有用。 (2024-08-20, matlab, 0KB, 下载1次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] -Speech-Recognition-and-Processing-System

This MATLAB system integrates speech recognition, audio processing, & voice-controlled application opening. Record, apply effects like pitch modulation & echo, transcribe speech with wav2vec2, & open apps like Word, Excel, & Paint using voice commands. User-friendly interface for audio signal visualization & manipulation. (2024-06-10, matlab, 0KB, 下载1次)


[数值算法/人工智能] ModelingNeuralDynamics

An Introduction to Modeling Neuronal Dynamics - Borgers in python, Single Neuron Models, Mathematical Modeling, Computational Neuroscience, Hodgkin- Huxley Equations, Differential Equations, Brain Rhythms, Synchronization, Dynamics , (2023-02-20, matlab, 28006KB, 下载0次)


[源码/资料] 基于mfc和opengl点云数据读取,于实测的点云

基于mfc和opengl点云数据读取,于实测的点云数据,根据目前建筑点云显示方面的需求,需要通过平台展示点云成果。本文应用MFC 单文档和Open GL可实现点云数据的显示、缩放、压缩等效果,数据采用嘉荫县恐龙模型点云数据,经实验表明,采用MFC单文档和Open GL在点云显示编辑方面-g-.有较强大的功能,可作为成果展示的途径 (2022-07-19, matlab, 165KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 可逆数字图像水印研究与进展_李志平

首先介绍了可逆图像水印与传统图像水印的区别及特点;然后介绍了可逆图像水印技术领域的主要研究成 果及有代表性可逆图像水印技术;最后介绍了研究问题及发展方向。
Firstly, the differences and characteristics between reversible image watermarking and traditional image watermarking are introduced. Then it introduces the main research results in the field of reversible image watermarking technology and the representative reversible image watermarking technology. Finally, the research issues and development direction are introduced. (2019-05-05, matlab, 116KB, 下载2次)


[文章/文档] 2010年全国数学建模论文

We choose to study the impact of the World Expo on Shanghai's tourism industry. We collect data and make quantitative analysis from two aspects: tourist flow and tourism investment. (2018-12-30, matlab, 497KB, 下载2次)


[其他] ICSS-master

Inclan和 Tiao提出了迭代累积平方和算法(Iterative Cumulative Sums of Squares,ICSS)。该算法假定均值残差服 从正态独立同分布,通过构造刀统计量,对时间序列中的多个方差结构性变点进行测量。
Inclan and Tiao proposed the iterated cumulative squared sum algorithm (Iterative Cumulative Sums of Squares). The algorithm assumes that the mean residuals are normally independent and identically distributed. By constructing the tool statistics, several variance structural change points in time series are measured. (2018-05-14, matlab, 82KB, 下载16次)


[matlab编程] Bo-coaxial-holographic

Bo coaxial holographic recording and playback.Completed through the calculation of the diffraction optical coaxial holographic recording and playback process simulation, can observe reproduce like characteristics. (2016-05-07, matlab, 76KB, 下载24次)


[matlab编程] visual-grading-method

硕士论文(已经发表) 1,国内外研究现状。 2,猕猴桃现状及种植分析 3,基于价值增值理论确认阀值的方法 4,单果重图像的信息化 5,可视化标准分类 6,创新点与结论
Master s thesis (published) 1, the research status at home and abroad. 2, the kiwi present situation and the analysis of planting 3, based on the theory of value increment confirm threshold method 4, the weight of image information 5, the visual standard classification Six, the innovation points and conclusion (2016-04-15, matlab, 10551KB, 下载1次)


[图形图像处理] multiple-target-tracking-

Multiple target tracking of matlab code, and accompanied by documentation.The background difference method can realize real-time updates.The code in a few target detection and tracking effect is very good, but after more than eight, tracking effect decreased a lot (2014-12-01, matlab, 92KB, 下载80次)


[matlab编程] MT_inversion

Smooth constrained least squares inversion of magnetotelluric, including bostick contrast inversion (2014-07-27, matlab, 2KB, 下载145次)


[图形图像处理] AGCWD

來自於2012年IEEE TIP的論文 Efficient Contrast Enhancement Using Adaptive Gamma Correction With Weighting Distribution ,其功能為透過分析影像中的直方圖統計資訊,達到快速增強影像對比的結果。
From the 2012 IEEE TIP paper "Efficient Contrast Enhancement Using Adaptive Gamma Correction With Weighting Distribution"which functions as a histogram of the image by analyzing statistical information, to quickly enhance image contrast. (2013-07-18, matlab, 4499KB, 下载114次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] gender-recognition

包括中西方人的人脸性别识别。基于局部Gabor变换直方图序列(LGBPHS)的方法。图像噪声、光照和人脸角度变化对性别识别的影响都非常小。 尤其对东方人的性别识别率可达96
Including Westerners who face gender identification. Based on local Gabor transform histogram sequence (LGBPHS), method. Image noise, light and face angle change gender identification are very small. Especially Asians gender recognition rate up to 96 (2013-03-21, matlab, 26032KB, 下载321次)


[matlab编程] sdica

USTC graduated Shuobo study in the United States of an independent component analysis cattle were prepared subband ica matlab program. Study the blind source separation essential. (2013-03-20, matlab, 479KB, 下载67次)


[matlab编程] rayleigh

对于微弱信号检测算法中非相参积累以后近似服 从于高斯分布的噪声,都可以通过双参量估计恒虚警 检测器来实现恒虚警检测
Coherent integration for weak signal detection algorithm Central Africa approximately obey the Gaussian distribution of the noise by the two-parameter CFAR detector is estimated to achieve a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) (2012-10-29, matlab, 1KB, 下载71次)


[matlab编程] corner_detector

这是用matlab写的一个corner detector, 效果比现在流行的Harris,susan,CSS等效果要好。 Matlab 确实如此,效果很好,不管是边缘还是角点
Algorithm is derived from: X.C. He and N.H.C. Yung, Curvature Scale Space Corner Detector with Adaptive Threshold and Dynamic Region of Support , Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2:791-794, August 2004. Improved algorithm has been included in A Corner Detector based on Global and Local Curvature Properties and submitted to Optical Engineering (2012-08-24, matlab, 973KB, 下载53次)


[人工智能/神经网络/深度学习] tulun2

数学建模中的常用算法 - 算法分析 - 道客巴巴 数学建模中的常用算法 成都信息工程...最优化理论的三大非经典算法: 模拟退火法SA、神经网络NN、遗传算法GA 近几年的...
Commonly used mathematical modeling algorithm- Algorithm Analysis- Road passenger Baba mathematical modeling algorithms used in the Chengdu University of Information ... optimization theory of the three non-classical algorithms: simulated annealing SA, neural network NN, GA GA near years ... (2011-08-10, matlab, 5KB, 下载8次)


[matlab编程] project

A multi-target tracking matlab code, which accompanied by documentation. Including real-time background subtraction method can be updated. The code in small target detection and tracking works well, but the tracking target is greater than 8, the effect of decreased number of (2010-04-26, matlab, 92KB, 下载137次)


[图形图像处理] average-log-square

Read 16-bit (65536-order) raw image file, adjust its dynamic range to 256 gray-scale bands, contains at least adjust the way the averaging method, logarithmic law, Kaiping methods, word into a file contains code and operating instructions and results. (2008-12-20, matlab, 523KB, 下载96次)
