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[Windows CE] NETCFv35.Messages.zh-CHS.cab

.net CompactFramework 3.5的debug字符串列表,安装在手机上使用,用于显示部分程序报错后的错误原因 本安装包为WindowsMobile手机和WinCE设备使用的cab安装包,请安装到手机内存中 对应程序语言:简体中文 对应系统:WinCE
Debug string resource for .net Compact Framework 3.5, used to display some debug imformation on WM or WinCE programs. Usage: install on phone memory on WinCE or Wm phone. Corresponding language: Simplified Chinese Corresponding system: WinCE (2009-07-04, MultiPlatform, 245KB, 下载137次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] FAT16

1) 兼容FAT16文件系统,长文件名,最大路径长度260个字节,符合Microsoft Longfilename specification。 2) 可移植于各种平台,只需编写sector驱动驱动,共计两个函数:1)read_flash_sector() 2)write_flash_sector()。 3) 文件缓冲功能:1)读文件时,读位置在文件缓冲区内,则可直接读文件缓冲区,不需要读物理磁盘;文件缓冲区大小可使用编译宏EnableFileBuf,TotalFileBUFsQTYeachFCB,FileBUFSize来控制。 4) 可同时打开多个文件;最大打开文件数可使用编译宏MaximumFCB设定,MaximumFCB最大值限定为254。 5) 文件保护功能:文件可同时打开多个FCB,而只有其中一个FCB可以得到文件RD/WR权限。该功能完全由文件系统代码来完成,上层应用无需编写额外代码。 6) 所有编译宏存放于文件fat_cfg.h。 (本代码只供测试,研究,设计使用,如需用于商业应用,请与作者联系购买许可,qq:292942278,E-MAIL:tony_yang123@sina.com.cn)
err (2008-12-13, MultiPlatform, 580KB, 下载111次)


[C#编程] entmms

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head runat="server"> <title>无标题页</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> 企业信息管理系统</div> </form> </body> </html>
< @ Page Language = C# AutoEventWireup = true CodeFile = Default.aspx.cs Inherits = _Default > <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -// W3C// DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional// EN http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd > <html xmlns= http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml > <head runat = server > <title> no title page </ title> </ head> <body> <form id= form1 runat= server > <div> Enterprise Information Management System </ div> </ form> </ body> </ html> (2008-12-01, MultiPlatform, 280KB, 下载5次)


[网络] EmpireCMS5

一、超强系统模型扩展功能 EmpireCMS卓越之处在于:不仅提供了网站管理功能,而且还提供了系统扩展框架,您可以直接在后台通过新建表、自定义字段,然后组成新的系统模型,以实现各种适合用户自己的系统。如下载系统、音乐系统、商城系统、产品库、分类信息等等......同时,此功能可将信息量分配于不同的信息表,为数据量较大的网站进行数据部署。因系统模型扩展特性,EmpireCMS又被誉为“万能建站工具”。在4.7以上版本中,此功能又一次得到升华,不仅增强了后台管理系统的可扩展性,而且前台互动性系统的扩展也能发挥得淋漓尽致,在稳定性、扩展性与完善性等诸多方面都得到了更完美的提升! 二、强大的信息采集功能 本系统无论是内置的系统模型还是用户自定义的模型都有自己相应的采集。自动化内容采集的支持,大大降低了内容维护的工作量,并让网站管理系统与企业的其它信息化系统无缝集成,提高了信息的利用率。 ·使用简单:无需会任何程序,只需在相应的采集内容加上相应的标签即可。 ·多重过滤:同一链接可设置不重复采集;设置采集关键字(不包含不采集);内容字符替换;广告过滤;整页代码过滤;过滤相似信息;过滤标题相同信息;设置采集记录数。 ·采集区域更准确:整体页面区
err (2008-08-14, MultiPlatform, 3093KB, 下载7次)


[图形图像处理] D542F922

color image tamper detection and self-recovery algorithm Zhao Chunhui, Sun Jianjun, Zhu Haifeng (Harbin Engineering University, Information and Communication Engineering Institute, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001) Abstract : digital watermark image authentication is one of the effective means. Using wavelet transform A simple calculation of the color image watermarking algorithm, an image of the main elements embedded in the image itself, and use of quantitative methods mean the luminance signal embedded watermark, achieve tamper detection and localization tampering with the region; use of surplus space embedded color luminance signals and chrominance signals, for the restoration of tampering with the image content. The algorithm can generate a higher signal-to-noise ratio of the peak value, h (2007-03-18, MultiPlatform, 232KB, 下载204次)


[手机短信编程] ChinaMobile-SMS-GateWay-Protocol

中国移动通信互联网短信网关接口协议 本规范为中国移动通信集团公司企业规范,简称CMPP,现阶段版本是对1.2.1版修订后形成的,为2.0版。本规范描述了中国移动短信业务中各网元(包括ISMG、GNS和SP)之间的相关消息的类型和定义。
Internet SMS Gateway Interface Protocol standard to the China Mobile Communication Corporation standardize enterprises, listed CMPP, at this stage version of a revised version .2.1 formed to version 2.0. The standard description of China Mobile SMS operations of the network element (including ISMG. GNS and SP), the correlation between the types of information and definitions. (2006-12-27, MultiPlatform, 82KB, 下载38次)


[Modem编程] iWebSMS2000

iWebSMS2000是一个基于Web的短信平台 =============================================================================== 目前政府、企业信息化,对消息的获取提出了更加严格的要求,需要随时随地、不受 空间、时间、地点的限制;要求主动获取消息,要求能在节省成本,同时保证信息安全, 在这种情况下,本公司自行研制开发了基于Web方式的iWebSMS2000短信消息平台管理方案。 这个方案是采用金格无线Modem作为短信收发设备,并在此基础上开发了金格短信服务器软 件和Web应用组件,支持JavaBean或COM调用方式,提供高可靠的扩展性,方便了政府、企 业和软件开发商应用集成。
iWebSMS2000 is a Web-based messaging platform =========== ======================================== =========================== government, corporate information, Access to information made more stringent requirements, the need anywhere from space, time and location constraints; Active demand access to information requests in cost savings, while ensuring the security of information, in this case, The company developed its own Web-based information to the SMS platform iWebSMS2000 management programs. The program is the use of lattice as a wireless modem SMS transceiver equipment, and on this basis the development of the lattice messaging server software and Web application components, COM support JavaBean or call approach to the provision of highly reliable, scalable, convenience of the gove (2006-08-28, MultiPlatform, 825KB, 下载36次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] IEC61131

IEC 61131-3是可编程序控制器的编程语言的标准,它将现代软件的概念和现代软件工程的机制与传统的PLC编程语言成功地结合,使它在工业控制领域的影响越出PLC的界限,成为DCS、PC控制、运动控制,以及SCADA的编程系统事实上的标准。本文综述了该标准成功的原因,它的优势和不足,目前和今后的发展,以及推广应用的活动。
PLC programming language standards, it modern software and the concept of the modern software engineering with the traditional mechanism of PLC programming language successfully integrated, it industrial control in the affected areas beyond the limits PLC, as DCS, PC control, motion control, the programming and SCADA system the de facto standard. This paper reviews the success of the standard reasons, the advantages and shortcomings, the current and future development and application activities. (2006-06-15, MultiPlatform, 26KB, 下载210次)


[其他行业] ExhCAD_1_01a_Final

《管状换热器计算机辅助设计系统ExhCAD绘图系统(版本:1.01a Final)》为自由软件,采用增量软件开发模型,并用UML对软件进行 建模,以便更新。 该版本只是对换热器的最简单的形式做出设计,而且程序在计算 (包括设计、校核两部分,其中校核部分未编)、绘图过程中都作了简 化,虽然采用了参数化绘图,并能进行简单的数据管理,但没有考虑 换热器的插入件、安装(待编)等因素的影响,特别是在绘图中用 Automatuion技术绘制了管子部分,并对一些常用图形设计了图库,以 方便操作,后采用Object Arx详绘!由于水平和时间、精力等因素,软 件肯定有不少的Bug,但这是我的第一次尝试,希望能得到高手的指点。 设计出的换热器适应于冶金企业中使用,尤其是工业加热炉的余 热回收;以金属直、光管为传热介质,空气在管内流动,烟气在管外 流动。考虑实际情况,大多数换热器采用逆流,按照实际要求,本软 件在设计时做了些简化处理,但仍然能满足工程需要。 配置要求:主机在486以上,操作系统为Windows 98以上。如果要 使用完整功能,则需要装有AutoCAD R14、Microsoft Excel 2000、 Microsoft Access 2000。
"tubular heat exchanger computer-aided design system ExhCAD Mapping System (Version : Final 1.01a)," free software, using incremental software development model, and the UML modeling software to update. The release of heat exchanger is the most simple design made in the form and the procedures in the calculation (including design, verification of two parts, which some non-checking), the mapping process has been simplified, although the parameters of graphics, and simple data management, but did not consider the heat exchanger The inserts, installation (to be ed.), the impact of such factors, especially in the graphics rendering technology used Automatuion the tubes, as well as some commonly used graphics library designed to facilitate the operation, after using Object Arx detaile (2006-03-17, MultiPlatform, 10274KB, 下载137次)


[汇编语言] 从BIOS控制计算机安全

Taking a panoramic view on the market safe products, from network firewall to various networks encryption, visa and personal digital locks early drives have failed to personal computer itself substantive protection. Most of these security mechanisms based on a principle : the use of a software, input a specific password, once validated receive legal status, thereby realizing a variety of actions, such as shopping, send correspondence, View or even confidential data. As we all know, such a pure password mechanism is very fragile, so many key industries and departments have adopted a soft, a combination of hardware, such as the establishment of the Smart Card authentication mechanism. The bank workers, everybody will have a representative of their electronic identity IC card to work everyday (2006-02-06, MultiPlatform, 2KB, 下载17次)


[VHDL/FPGA/Verilog] dsfs

扫描信号从C3 ~C0送入,信号依序为1000 ->0100 ->0010 -> 0001->1000 循环,当扫描信号为1000时,则扫描第0行中的四个按键. 扫描信号为0100时,则扫描第1行中的四个按键, 以此类推.如果有按键被按下,则R3~R0的输出信号中会有一个为1,但我们还是是无法确定哪一个键被按下,必須要从R3 ~R0 的输出信号与C3~C0的
scan signal from C0 to C3 into the signal in order of 1000-gt; 0100- gt; 0010- gt; 0001- gt; 1000 cycle, when the scanning signal to 1000, then scanning 0 line of four keys. Scanning signal for 0100, then scanning resolution a line of four buttons, and so on. if a button is pressed, R3 ~ R0 the output signal will be one to one, but we are unable to confirm which a key is pressed, we must proceed from R3 ~ R0 with the output signal of C0 to C3 (2005-09-11, MultiPlatform, 110KB, 下载6次)


[系统设计方案] 基于web的企业内部信息网络平台的开发

太原理工大学硕 士 学 位 论 文 摘 要 随着Internet/Intranet 建设的飞速发展,Web 服务作为当 前Internet 上最热门的一种服务,得到了广泛的应用。Web 技术 发展到今天,人们已经可以把数据库技术引入到Web 系统中。将 Web 与数据库结合起来,不仅把Web 与数据库的所有优点集中在 一起,而且充分利用了大量已有的数据库信息资源,可以使用户 在Web 浏览器上方便地检索和浏览数据库的内容,Web 数据库技 术为传统的信息系统应用模式转轨到新的应用模式提供了具体 解决方案,也为解决信息孤岛问题提供了思路。
Taiyuan University of Technology with a master's degree thesis Abstract Internet/Intranet construction of the rapid development of Web services as the current most popular on the Internet as a service, a wide range of applications. Web technology into today, people can turn the technology into the database to the Web system. Web and Database will combine not only the Web and database together all the advantages, but also made full use of the existing large database of information resources, allowing customers to the Web browser to facilitate the retrieval and browsing the contents of the database, Web database technology to the traditional information system applications model transition to the new model of application specific solutions, but also to address the issue of isolated isl (2005-04-14, MultiPlatform, 110KB, 下载48次)


[源码/资料] NXIT.net新闻系统免费版源码下载

程序设计:Flyangel 用到了vb.net c# asp.net xml等 最大特别是核心功能组件化. 特色: 强大的后台管理功能 支持二级分类 支持匿名投稿 超强用户权限设置
Programming: Flyangel used vb.net c# asp.net xml and so on most greatly specially is the core function module Characteristic: The formidable backstage management function anonymous supports two levels of classified supports to submit a piece of writing for publication the ultra strong user jurisdiction to establish (2004-06-28, MultiPlatform, 1305KB, 下载198次)
