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[SQL Server] MealsOrderingApplication

膳食订购应用程序简化了在线订购膳食、食品和饮料。用构建。NET核心Web API和SQL Server,它为客户提供了用户友好的体验,为企业提供了高效的管理,改变了就餐体验。
The Meals Ordering Application simplifies meal, food, and drink ordering online. Built with .NET Core Web API and SQL Server, it offers a user-friendly experience for customers and efficient management for businesses, transforming the dining experience. (2024-04-15, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] Chat_java

A relatively complete enterprise employee communication software, where employee information is stored in MySQL. Communication relies on the cooperation of TCP and UDP, and only passes the test on the internal network. External network testing requires changing the IP address. When running, first open the ServerFrame of the Server package, and then start the index of the Project package (2018-02-04, Java, 827KB, 下载0次)


[SQL Server] 数据库设计指南

如果把企业的数据比做生命所必需的血液, 那么数据库的设计就是应用中最重要的一部分。 有关数据 库设计的材料汗牛充栋, 大学学位课程里也有专门的讲述。 不过, 就如我们反复强调的那样, 再好的 老师也比不过经验的教诲。
If the enterprise data is compared to the blood necessary for life, then the design of the database is the most important part of the application. relevant data The materials designed by the library are abundant, and there are also special descriptions in university degree courses. However, as we have repeatedly stressed, no matter how good Teachers can't compare with experience. (2020-08-31, SQL, 54KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] choujiang

霸猪初步于2002年4月份完成。 该抽奖小程序原来用的是sql数据库,但为了方便演示,后来又改用access2000来做后台数据库。 程序目的:如企业想搞抽奖活动,可让读者在网上自行登记,然后到抽奖日,可由工作人员在后台通过软件进行摇奖。
Pa pig preliminary completed in April 2002.         The draw applet had to use the sql , but for the convenience of presentation, and later switch to access2000 do the back-end .         Program Objective: companies want to engage in such sweepstakes, allowing readers to register online on their own, and then to the draw date, by staff in the background through the lottery software. (2016-03-02, Unix_Linux, 61KB, 下载1次)


[SQL Server] Oracle10g_performance

Oracle, Database10g性能调整与优化,针对DBA 和开发人员,介绍基本的索引原理,磁盘实现方法和ASM,用初始参数调整数据库,企业管理器和网格控制,Oracle 的SQL TRACE,基本的提示语法,调整查询,表的连接和其他高级调整和实时应用集群等
Oracle, Database10g performance tuning and optimization, for DBA and developers, introduces the basic index principle, disk implementation methods and ASM, with the initial parameters to adjust the , enterprise manager and grid control, SQL TRACE Oracle, the basic syntax, adjust the query, table of connections and other advanced adjustment and real-time application cluster (2015-08-25, Others, 1268KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] 2505f3029830

随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,不仅是在企业中,而且在学校中利用计算机实现管理都势在必行。本系统是一个结合学校实际情况、具体制度的实际需求,采用功能强大的Microsoft Visual Studio 2005作为开发工具、Microsoft SQL Server作为数据库开发出来的综合测评管理系统。能完成学生管理的全过程,包括班级管理、学生管理、成绩管理、加分管理与报表输出,在实际应用中能实现课程成绩、综合测评成绩、学生基本信息设计,并且可以实现报表输出打印。实际使用证明,本系统可以满足学校综合测评管理的需要。系统具有友好的界面,操作方便。
With the rapid development of computer technology, the popularity of computer applications in business management, not only in the enterprise, and the use of computers in schools are to achieve the management imperative. This system is a combination of the actual situation of the school, the actual needs of specific systems, the use of powerful Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 as a development tool, Microsoft SQL Server as a developed by the Comprehensive Assessment Management System. Students can complete the entire process management, including classroom management, student management, performance management, plus management and report output, in practical applications can achieve the course grade, Scores, students basic information design, and can print the report output. Proof of actual use, the system can meet the needs of schools Comprehensive Assessment Management. System has friendly interface, easy operation. (2015-05-14, C#, 910KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] mingzaiSQL

明仔SQL环境搭建教程 目录: (一) SQL安装常识 (二)什么是 附加数据库 和新 建立数据库 以及的区别 (三)数据库导入与导出 (四)数据库收缩与分离 (五)数据库备份/还原 (六)(安装常见错误 (七)如何测试SQL (八)ACCESS转化成SQL2000 (九)企业版本也能装在XP上
Ming Tsai SQL environment to build tutorial directory: (A) SQL installation knowledge (B) What is Additional Database and the new Create Database and the difference (C) import and export (Four) contraction and separation (Five) backup/restore (F) (installation of common errors (Vii) How to test SQL (Eight) ACCESS converted into SQL2000 (Nine) Enterprise version can also be installed on XP (2014-10-12, CHM, 29KB, 下载3次)


[SQL Server] careffkpi46

You search performance appraisal system (corporate key performance appraisal system) You claim Heilongjiang studio developed products. The system uses. Net2008 development, database development based Access/SQL2000/2005/2008 engine. System operating environment. NET2.0+IIS6.0 based environments. Main feature is the system function can be self departments, department, employee information. (2013-11-13, Asm, 3346KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] library

附加数据库SQL Server 2000 (1)将Database文件夹中的扩展名为.MDF和.LDF的两个文件拷贝到SQL Server安装路径下的Data文件夹中。 (2)打开SQL Server 2000中的“企业管理器”,然后展开本地服务器,在“数据库”数据项上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“所有任务”/“附加数据库”菜单项。 (3)将弹出“附加数据库”对话框,在该对话框中单击【】按钮,选择所要附加数据库的.MDF文件,单击【确定】按钮,即可完成数据库的附加操作。
will pop up "additional database" dialog box, in the dialog click 【 】 button, select to additional database. MDF file, click the sure 】 button, can complete database of additional operation. (2012-12-27, WORD, 2185KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] 0905205008seven

The system of this system fully reflects the prospects of IT technologies increasingly penetrate a variety of industries, reflecting the commonality of this industry in the process data of the dining areas. Greatly improve the scientific managers and decision-making, improve the level of operating management and staff, and bring more customers to enable enterprises to achieve better economic efficiency. (2012-08-15, matlab, 669KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] The_Art_of_SQL

For all the buzz about trendy IT techniques, data processing is still at the core of our systems, especially now that enterprises all over the world are confronted with exploding volumes of data. Database performance has become a major headache, and most IT departments believe that developers should provide simple SQL code to solve immediate problems and let DBAs tune any "bad SQL" later. (2011-11-18, SQL, 1647KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] 01

附加数据库SQL Server 2000 (1)将TM\01\Database文件夹中的扩展名为db_JXC_Data.MDF和db_JXC_Log.LDF的两个文件拷贝到SQL Server安装路径下的Data文件夹中。 (2)打开SQL Server 2000中的“企业管理器”,然后展开本地服务器,在“数据库”数据项上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“所有任务”/“附加数据库”菜单项。 (3)将弹出“附加数据库”对话框,在该对话框中单击【 】按钮,选择所要附加数据库的db_JXC_Data.MDF文件,单击【确定】按钮,即可完成数据库的附加操作。
附加数据库SQL Server 2000 (1)将TM\01\Database文件夹中的扩展名为db_JXC_Data.MDF和db_JXC_Log.LDF的两个文件拷贝到SQL Server安装路径下的Data文件夹中。 (2)打开SQL Server 2000中的“企业管理器”,然后展开本地服务器,在“数据库”数据项上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“所有任务”/“附加数据库”菜单项。 (3)将弹出“附加数据库”对话框,在该对话框中单击【 】按钮,选择所要附加数据库的db_JXC_Data.MDF文件,单击【确定】按钮,即可完成数据库的附加操作。 (2010-09-20, Java, 2227KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] SQLUtility-v1.3-src

SQLServer Enterprise Manager using the generated SQL script, and not in accordance with the database objects dependent on the script in order to sort. The BUG has led to the generated script can not be directly implemented, developers must manually sort or search for their other alternatives, thus increasing the workload of large and cumbersome. The initial reason for writing this tool is to solve the problem (2010-06-02, C#, 1103KB, 下载15次)


[SQL Server] 12

SQL语句创建可更新的简单视图和包含聚合函数的不可更新视图,SQL语句对所创建的2类视图进行查询,SQL语句对所创建的2类视图进行更新 4.利用SQL语句删除视图 5.利用企业管理器创建、删除视图,以及对视图进行浏览
SQL statement to create a simple view can be updated and include non-renewable view of aggregate functions, SQL statements created two classes of view, query, SQL statements created two classes of view update 4. The use of SQL statements to delete the view 5. Use Enterprise Manager to create, delete the view, as well as browse the view (2009-12-24, SQL, 547KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] Hotel_MIS

Most hotels provide a wide range of services, the size varies, but a bit of the size of the hotel will contain the following three categories of services: catering, accommodation and entertainment. The hotel industry because we do not have a specific contact and substantive understanding. The database design can only be collected in a number of basic materials and personal intuitive understanding, easy to imitate the design of medium-sized hotel management system, and its abstraction into a composition by the three departments to achieve the three major service system (2009-02-19, Visual C++, 75KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] magazinemanager

数据库课程设计:报刊订阅管理系统(Java+SQL Server)附可执行程序 通过对企业的报刊订阅业务进行分析、调查,报刊订阅管理系统主要实现以下功能: ①录入功能:录入订阅人员信息、报刊基本信息; ②订阅功能:订阅人员订阅报刊(并计算出其金额); ③查询功能:按人员查询、按报刊查询、按部门查询有关订阅信息,对查询结果能进行预览和打印; ④统计功能:按报刊统计、按人员统计、按部门统计,对统计结果能进行预览和打印; ⑤系统维护:如数据安全管理(含备份与恢复)、操作员管理、权限设置等; ⑥开发环境:JAVA(Eclipse + SWT Designer)、SQL SERVER 2000、Windows XP Professional
err (2009-01-08, Java, 7243KB, 下载468次)


[SQL Server] gaoxiaojiaoshidanganguanli

Computer applications as part of the file for teachers to use computers to manage information, with manual management of unmatched advantages. For example: the rapid retrieval, find convenient, high reliability and large storage capacity, confidentiality, and low cost. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of file management of teachers, but also enterprises scientific and standardized management with an important condition for the rest of the world. (2008-11-27, C#, 894KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] fangwuzhongjiexitong

For small and medium enterprises, housing is an intermediary system is a very useful intermediary software houses. Use of the software can not only detailed record of availability of information, user information, etc. At the same time, the system can automatically find and customer needs to match the availability, customers can easily improve the quality of the user (2008-11-27, C#, 2165KB, 下载10次)


[SQL Server] MySQL_procedure

本书是为需要了解5.0版本新特性的MySQL老用户而写的。简单的来说是介绍了“存储过程、触发器、视图、信息架构视图”,这是介绍MySQL 5.0新特性丛书的第一集。希望这 本书能像内行专家那样与您进行对话,用简单的问题、例子让你学到需要的知识。 为了达到这样的目的,我会从每一个细节开始慢的为大家建立概念,最后会给大家展示 较大的实用例,在学习之前也许大家会认为这个用例很难,但是只要跟着课程去学,相 信很快就能掌握。
This book is for the need to understand new features of version 5.0 of MySQL written in the old users. Simple example is to introduce a (2008-10-27, SQL, 467KB, 下载16次)


[SQL Server] 实验1 SQL SERVER 2000上机环境

一. 熟悉SQLSERVER2000上机环境、了解SQLSERVER2000各个组件的作用、学习使用SQL SERVER联机丛书。要求能够巩固数据库的基础知识,掌握使用SQL Server2000企业管理器方法创建数据库、查看和修改数据库的属性、缩小与删除数据库。
one. Sqlserver2000 familiar with the environment on the plane, Sqlserver2000 understanding of the role of various components, learning to use SQL Server Books Online. Asked to consolidate the basis of the database of knowledge, using the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager to create the database method, to view and modify the attribute database, narrow and delete database. (2006-01-03, SQL, 24KB, 下载25次)
