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按分类查找All 软件设计/软件工程(272) 

[软件设计/软件工程] cmmi开发流程讲解.docx

内部文档,主要讲解大型企业 多人团队如何规范有效地实现多人合作 产品从0到1的实现过程 内部业务流程和思路
Internal documents mainly explain how to standardize and effectively realize the realization process of multi person cooperative products from 0 to 1 in large enterprises (2020-04-14, Others, 459KB, 下载0次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 企业人事管理信息系统的设计与实现_二稿doc

It is very necessary to develop an enterprise personnel management system by using B/S mode. An enterprise personnel management system is analyzed by object-oriented method. The data requirement, data flow chart, flow chart, use case diagram and function module diagram of the system are analyzed and planned. On this basis, an enterprise personnel information management system based on B/S mode is realized by using the current SSH composite framework development technology. In the process of system development, it not only realizes the management of staff file information, attendance information and salary information, but also solves the problems of business layer allocation, coupling and transaction management that traditional J2EE encounters when developing the system, which makes the system scalable and maintainable. (2019-04-24, Java, 1285KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] cmmi-se-sw-ippd-ss-staged-v1.1-chinese

CMMI全称是Capability Maturity Model Integration,即能力成熟度模型集成(也有称为:软件能力成熟度集成模型)[1] ,是美国国防部的一个设想,1994年由美国国防部(United States Department of Defense)与卡内基-梅隆大学(Carnegie-Mellon University)下的软件工程研究中心(Software Engineering Institute,SEISM)以及美国国防工业协会(National Defense Industrial Association)共同开发和研制的,他们计划把现在所有现存实施的与即将被发展出来的各种能力成熟度模型,集成到一个框架中去,申请此认证的前提条件是该企业具有有效的软件企业认定证书。
"CMMI" redirects here. For the US government organization, see Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. (2017-10-27, Others, 2053KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] mt417

Monte Carlo simulation method of calculating the American option price and basic description, ML estimation method can be a good signal to noise ratio, Least-squares algorithm to fit a three-dimensional plane. (2017-05-13, C++, 6KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] gao_hf54

Codec ldpc code implementation ML estimation method can be a good signal to noise ratio, Realize image watermarking, de-noising, plus noise and other functions. (2017-05-10, Others, 9KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] rfuvu

包括 MUSIC算法,ESPRIT算法 ROOT-MUSIC算法,包括最后计算压缩图像的峰值信噪比和压缩效果的源码,插值与拟合的matlab实现。
Including the MUSIC algorithm, ESPRIT algorithm ROOT-MUSIC algorithm, Including the final calculation of the compressed image peak signal to noise ratio and compression of the source, Interpolation and fitting matlab implementation. (2017-05-05, matlab, 6KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] rx466

Including compression ratio, image restoration computing uptime and peak signal to noise ratio, Realization of 10 digital audio recognition program The commonly used digital signal modulation based on artificial neural network. (2017-04-21, Objective-C, 7KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Google_Cpp_Style_guide_CN.pdf

Google c/c++ code specifications. Comments are Kai-fu Lee for the world s best code specifications. For programmers to write readable code is very helpful (2017-02-12, PDF, 444KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] eetop.cn_ehci-r10

EHCI(Enhanced Host Controller Interface)增强型主机控制器接口规范描述了一个通用串行总线(USB)2.0版的主机控制器的寄存器级接口。该规范包括系统软件和主机控制器硬件之间的硬件/软件接口的描述。本规范的目的是为硬件组件设计,系统集成商和设备驱动程序(软件)开发。
usb ehci1.0 spec (2016-11-25, PDF, 901KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Project-oriented-Enterprises-MIS

针对传统项目管理系统已经不适用项目型企业的发展需求,开发出基于web的项目管理系统。构建系统的功 能概念模型和数据库结构模型并简单介绍了系统开发和运行环境。实践运行结果表明,该系统满足及时性和跨地域性 的办公信息化的需求,大大地改善了管理方式。
For traditional project management systems have NA project-oriented enterprise development needs, developed a web-based project management system. Build a conceptual model function of the system and the database structure model and briefly describes the system development and runtime environment. Practice run results show that the system meets the timeliness and cross-regional office information technology needs, greatly improved management. (2013-05-23, PDF, 746KB, 下载1次)


[软件设计/软件工程] linrui-spp

林锐博士作品。SPP简并行过程(Simplified Parallel Process)是基于CMMI以及软件工程和项目管理知识而创作的一种“软件过程改进方法和规范”,它由众多的过程规范和文档模板组成。SPP主要用于指导国内IT企业持续地改进其软件过程能力。
linrui s SPP (2011-11-21, WORD, 908KB, 下载16次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Write.Clean.Code-cn

Write.Clean.Code这份电子书籍由PC Home俱乐部、C++ Bulider讨论区数位网友分别整理完成,基本上完全按照所据译本原貌,极少数文字为通顺起见稍作修改
Write.Clean.Code this e-book from the PC Home Club, C++ Bulider Forum completed several friends were finishing, basically in accordance with the original translation, according to a handful of slightly modified text for the sake of smooth (2011-08-26, Others, 1395KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] qt-3.0.5-doc-zh_CN

Details of the QT software, including the QT development, QT installation steps, the use of tutorials, QT transplantation, localization, as well as examples of tutorials. And introduced the relevant API reference, various modules and so on (2010-03-06, Unix_Linux, 570KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Good_internal_programming_standards

不错的企业内部编程规范(CC++ 编程规范、华为编程规范和编程思想),良好的编程手段和习惯是高手和菜鸟的区别啊。
Good internal programming standards (CC++ programming specifications, programming specifications and programming ideas Huawei), good programming tools and habits are the difference between master and rookie ah. (2010-02-04, C/C++, 1064KB, 下载9次)


[软件设计/软件工程] MAXQ3180_cn

MAXQ3180中文版说明书。MAXQ3180是专用的电气参数测量前端,它采集并计算多相负载的多相电压、电流、功率、 能量等多种计量参数和功率品质参数
MAXQ3180 Chinese version manual. MAXQ3180 is dedicated front-end measurement of electrical parameters, which collect and calculate the multi-phase multi-phase load voltage, current, power, energy and many other measurement parameters and power quality parameters (2008-12-26, Others, 794KB, 下载24次)


[软件设计/软件工程] report

办公自动化系统为公司的高效率工作提供了一个简捷的途径。该系统可以提供公司公共文档管理、企业文件管理、人事管理、公司日程管理、企业资源管理和项目管理等功.能。本系统基于Visual C#.Net和SQL Server环境进行开发,实现了公司日程、公告的查看及管理,部门管理和员工管理等多项功能
Office automation system for the efficient work of the company provides a simple way. The system can provide the company public document management, enterprise document management, personnel management, the company schedule management, enterprise resource management and project management, such as reactive power. Can. The system is based on Visual C#. Net and SQL Server environment for development, the achievement of the company (2008-11-03, HTML, 29KB, 下载16次)


[软件设计/软件工程] AOP

许 多 Java 开发人员已经接受了面向方面编程(AOP)的非强制性风格和灵活性,特别是在用于建立高度松散和可扩展的企业系统时。在本文中,您将看到 AOP 的功能设计概念之一(静态横切)如何把可能是一大堆混乱的紧密耦合的代码转变成一个强大的、可扩展的企业应用程序。
Many Java developers have accepted the aspect-oriented programming (AOP) of the non-mandatory style and flexibility, especially in the highly fragmented and used to create scalable enterprise systems. In this article, you will see the AOP one of the functions of the design concept (static cross-section) how the confusion might be a lot of tight coupling of code into a powerful, scalable enterprise applications. (2008-08-17, Java, 18KB, 下载44次)


[软件设计/软件工程] xsgl

通过对现在流行的各种销售管理软件的分析,我们发现市场上的软件过于繁琐,操作比较复杂,而其中软件的许多功能不被小型企业所采用,造成软件冗余量大。销售管理系统是生产、计划和控制的基础。销售管理系统设计的总体目标是通过对生产、销售、客户、库存的管理,及时准确了解生产,销售、库存等综合情况,以便为企业的决策着作出准确的判断提供依据。并通过销售管理数据的分析,为管理及决策人员提供库存资金占用情况、物资短缺(超储)情况、产品的生产情况。通过清仓盘库管理,保证帐面与实物一致,为计划及决策人员提供实时准确的存货信息,以便及时调整生产,保证企业各项生产经营活动的顺利进行。为了繁琐的日常工作,快捷查找信息,准确处理产品存放,迅速产生文件报表,轻松进行管理,帮助库存人员不再进行大量重复的抄写,复杂的计算,反复的核对,减少库存人员出现手工处理难以避免的错误。因此我们准备开发出具有以下特点的小型进销存软件 (2008-06-04, ASP, 3812KB, 下载100次)


[软件设计/软件工程] news-center

新闻中心管理系统 为了能够更加迅速地向客户传递有关企业的新闻以及相关行业中最新的发展现状,以便于引导客户选择企业的相关产品和服务,一般在商务系统的开发中,都会设置相应的新闻中心模块。该新闻中心应该能够及时提供最新的资讯,并且应该在显示某条新闻的同时,列出所有的相关新闻,以便于客户在最短的时间内获得最新最全的信息。 此外,考虑到新闻的时效性,新闻中心管理系统中一般都需要提供良好的维护页面,即中心管理人员可以借助后台维护管理的页面实现对新闻内容实时的更新维护。 (2008-05-27, ASP, 560KB, 下载10次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 0616_yesky_51

ticketing system to expand Sichuan Institute of Software Development is a private high-tech enterprises, specializing in computer application software research and development. I have a modern system of ownership as a link, the combination of a number of high technical standards, vibrant, hardworking software research and development personnel, committed to the main road transport enterprises and hospital management software research and development. (2007-06-28, Visual C++, 2286KB, 下载9次)
