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[文章/文档] Virtualizer与开发套件

Virtualizer 嵌入式软件开发环境 新的 Virtualizer Studio IDE 集成了先进的建模工具来加速 VDK 的创建和部署 构建、分发和使用虚拟原型和 VDK 的工具 含有丰富软件的半导体和电子产品让开发愈发困难,Virtualizer? 通过推动企业加快虚拟原型的开发和部署,从而克服这一难题。结果: ? 加快上市时间 ? 提高开发人员的工作效率 ? 提升产品质量 ? 加强团 (2022-05-20, WORD, 456KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] PowerDesigner

PowerDesigner12.5是一个集所有现代建模技术于一身的完整工具,它集成了强有力的业务建模技术、传统的数据库分析和实际,以及UML对象建模。通过了元数据的管理、冲突分析和真正的企业知识库等功能。 提供了一个完整的企业建模环境 包括了数据库模型设计的全过程。利用可以制作数据流程图、概念数据模型、物理数据模型
PowerDesigner12.5 is an all-in-one modern modeling techniques complete tool that integrates a powerful business modeling technology, the traditional analysis and practical, as well as UML object modeling. Through the management of metadata, conflict analysis and real business knowledge base functions. It provides a complete enterprise modeling environment Including the whole process of design of the model. You can make use of data flow diagrams, conceptual data model, physical data model (2016-05-08, WORD, 1710KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] SEtoPM

This paper outlines the concept and status of enterprise software project managers, especially a programmer to describe the general project manager and then to the basic requirements of excellent project manager in the necessary technical skills and management capabilities. (2015-10-22, WORD, 22KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] weixinrenzhengziliao

Micro letter service certification materials needed, the letter number public service can be micro letter certification for more authority, the challenge of enterprise APP in micro letter again the public platform, who can gain, remains to be seen (2014-02-18, WORD, 10KB, 下载5次)


[行业发展研究] 1

无锡小天鹅股份有限公司迄今已发展成为以生产洗衣机为主,集家电、电子、商贸、金融、房地产、餐饮业、信息传播、建筑材料等行业在内的大型企业集团。也是目前国内最大的生产全自动洗衣机的企业。1992年,小天鹅通过5000次无故障运行,超国际标准、平世界纪录。1995年,小天鹅获 ISO9001国际质量认证,脐身世界级供应商行列。
Wuxi Little Swan Co., Ltd. has developed into the production of washing machines so far based, home appliances, electronics, commerce, finance, real estate, catering, information dissemination, building materials and other industries, including large enterprise groups. Is currently the largest producer of automatic washing machine business. 1992, Little Swan trouble-free operation through 5000, over international standards, equaling the world record. 1995, Little Swan by the ISO9001 international quality certification, navel body ranks of world-class suppliers. (2013-07-20, WORD, 7KB, 下载2次)


[通讯编程] GSM-physical-layer-outline-design

One on the GSM physical layer protocol in detail, including channel coding and decoding, modulation and demodulation \ source codec, etc., you can look down, is the Chinese version of the (2013-06-09, WORD, 713KB, 下载33次)


[手机短信编程] CMPP2.0-



[其他] C778Ed01

In this paper, a novel Nero-Fuzzy controller based autonomous underwater controller for UN_UND_VHs (unmanned underwater vehicles) is described. The research describes a Nero- fuzzy controller as basic tasks to be accomplished of handling of motion coordination between the vehicle and the discoverer to successfully execute the manipulation task. A numerical case study is developed to demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed technique. The result of chip design is a chip in an area less than 0.56mm^2. The speed is 3420MFILIPS.
In this paper, a novel Nero-Fuzzy controller based autonomous underwater controller for UN_UND_VHs (unmanned underwater vehicles) is described. The research describes a Nero- fuzzy controller as basic tasks to be accomplished of handling of motion coordination between the vehicle and the discoverer to successfully execute the manipulation task. A numerical case study is developed to demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed technique. The result of chip design is a chip in an area less than 0.56mm^2. The speed is 3420MFILIPS. (2012-04-18, WORD, 902KB, 下载13次)


[软件设计/软件工程] linrui-spp

林锐博士作品。SPP简并行过程(Simplified Parallel Process)是基于CMMI以及软件工程和项目管理知识而创作的一种“软件过程改进方法和规范”,它由众多的过程规范和文档模板组成。SPP主要用于指导国内IT企业持续地改进其软件过程能力。
linrui s SPP (2011-11-21, WORD, 908KB, 下载16次)


[其他书籍] 8_Vmware_vSphere_ESX_Server

This article is a virtual machine instructions series of experiments, explained in detail (VMware) install and configure the virtual machine related products and general applications, enterprise and application in many areas, (2010-12-08, WORD, 1618KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] 9_Vmware_vSphere_vCenter_Sever

This article is a virtual machine instructions series of experiments to explain the (VMware) install and configure the virtual machine related products and general applications, enterprise and application in many areas, (2010-12-08, WORD, 1965KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] 10_Vmware_vSphere_ISCSI

This article is a virtual machine instructions series of experiments, explained in detail (VMware) install and configure the virtual machine related products and general applications, enterprise and application in many areas, (2010-12-08, WORD, 3185KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] Telecomunication

本专业以"厚基础,宽口径,高素质"为培养目标.培养学生掌握通信与信 息系统扎实的基础理论和专业知识,培养能从事通信理论,通信系统,通信设备 以及信息系统类的研究,设计,开发,制造,运营和管理的高素质的高级工程技 术人才和现代化建设人才
It is useful for the students who want to major in telecomunication.It illustrates what is telecomunication,and what telecomunication contains. (2010-01-12, WORD, 17KB, 下载2次)


[企业管理] renliziyuan

On the Human Resource Accounting in China' s enterprises in the application papers, the accounting of human resources from abroad arising from the main stage of development, China has established the need for human resource accounting, China' s implementation of the feasibility of human resource accounting, human resources, the practical application of accounting, human resources specific accounting practices, and promote human resource accounting in our country' s response to enterprise applications on. (2009-08-11, WORD, 24KB, 下载40次)


[数值算法/人工智能] lyh

线性规划算法的改进与在企业管理中的应用 本文首先介绍了线性规划问题中单纯形法和两阶段法的算法改进,并对这两种方法进行了分析并进行举例说明。然后对线性规划增减约束条件的灵敏度进行分析。最后说明线性规划在企业管理中的应用。
Linear programming algorithm to improve corporate governance in the application of this article first introduced the problem of linear programming simplex method and two-stage method to improve the algorithm, and these two methods are analyzed and illustrated. And then increase or decrease of the linear programming bound by the conditions of the sensitivity analysis. Finally, we illustrate that linear programming in the enterprise management applications. (2009-06-12, WORD, 106KB, 下载15次)


[酒店行业] 20081002

In the current hotels, restaurants, entertainment industries, the extensive use of computer management software helps managers to carry out detailed management has become a very common phenomenon. Computer management system for the calculation of its powerful features, quick messaging functions, and meticulous management functions for the hotel management provides a high-quality solution. (2008-10-02, WORD, 9KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] apriori1

Apriori算法改进及其实现 内容摘要 信息技术的不断推广应用,将企业带入了一个信息爆炸的时代。如何充分利用这些数据信息为企业决策者提供决策支持成为一个十分迫切的又棘手的问题,人们除了利用现有的关系数据库标准查询语句得到一般的直观的信息以外,必须挖掘其内含的、未知的却又实际存在的数据关系。著名的Apriori算法是一种挖掘关联规则的算法。 本文通过对参与候选集的元素计数的方法来减少产生候选集的组合和减少数据库的扫描次数来达到要求。这有利于提高挖掘的速度和减少数据库的I/O操作时间的开销。 (2008-05-24, WORD, 398KB, 下载119次)



EMC engineers need to possess those skills? Products from the enterprise need for the design, the rectification process of certification, EMC engineers must possess the following eight skills (2007-11-14, WORD, 556KB, 下载16次)


[其他书籍] Linux_Device_Dev_CN

linux 驱动开发中文版(超值!!!)(是《LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS》3rd 的中文版!!)强烈推荐的好书
Chinese version (overvalued !!!)( "LINUX DEVICE DRIVERS" 3rd of the Chinese version! !) Strongly recommended books! ! (2006-03-24, WORD, 863KB, 下载1542次)


[行业发展研究] 200418232622318

《IT服务管理:概念、理解与实施》 我国首部IT服务管理(ITSM)领域的专著,该书为国内企业驾驭IT服务管理提供了重要的参考资料
"IT service management : the concept, understanding and implementation of" China's first IT service management (ITSM) is dedicated to the field, the book for domestic enterprises to control IT service management provides an important reference (2005-08-15, WORD, 107KB, 下载26次)
