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按分类查找All 微信小程序(4692) 

[微信小程序] chatgpt-wecom-server

使用 Nest 框架搭建的可在企业 微 信 使用ChatGPT的应用消息API服务。
Use the Nest framework to build an application message API service that can use ChatGPT on enterprise WeChat. (2023-05-17, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] eam-mini-program

企业资产管理系统小程序端使用 微 信 开发者工具构建。
The applet end of the enterprise asset management system is built using WeChat developer tools. (2023-06-30, TypeScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] wecom-go-app-demo

使用go-zero框架编写的企业 微 信 应用消息、事件接收样例程序
Sample program for enterprise WeChat application message and event reception written with go zero framework (2022-02-18, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] wx-msg-push-tencent

基于腾讯云云函数和API网关实现的企业 微 信 应用消息推送服务
Enterprise WeChat application message push service based on Tencent cloud function and API gateway (2022-05-22, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] weworkhelper

企业 微 信 app虚拟定位、打卡照片实现从相册选择并添加编辑功能
Enterprise WeChat app virtual positioning, clocking in photos to select from albums and add editing functions (2019-10-28, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] qwscrm

哈林企业 微 信 SCRM系统。基于企业 微 信 的开源应用引擎,私域流量营销管理双引擎。深度客户管理,挖掘客户价值,洞察客户行为,高效跟进客户,实现持续可复制的业绩增长。
Harlem WeChat SCRM system. Open source application engine based on enterprise WeChat, and dual engine for private domain traffic marketing management. Deepen customer management, tap customer value, insight into customer behavior, efficiently follow up customers, and achieve sustainable and replicable performance growth. (2022-11-08, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] weixinPay

微 信 支付单文件版。一个PHP文件搞定 微 信 支付系列。包括原生支付(扫码支付),H5支付,公众号支付,现金红包、企业付款到零钱等
WeChat payment document version. One PHP file completes WeChat payment series. Including native payment (scanning code payment), H5 payment, public account payment, cash red envelope, enterprise payment to change, etc (2021-09-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] wxpay

微 信 支付单文件版。一个PHP文件搞定 微 信 支付系列。包括原生支付(扫码支付),H5支付,公众号支付,现金红包、企业付款到零钱等
WeChat payment document version. One PHP file completes WeChat payment series. Including native payment (scanning code payment), H5 payment, public account payment, cash red envelope, enterprise payment to change, etc (2019-11-27, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] predev

关于企业级BBC、O2O、B2C、B2B、APP、PHP、 微 信 、分销、积分等网上商城系统
About enterprise level BBC, O2O, B2C, B2B, APP, PHP, WeChat, distribution, points and other online mall systems (2018-03-21, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] ydwx

易点 微 信 开发库,帮助你方便开发订阅号、服务号和企业号
Easy to click WeChat development library to help you easily develop subscription number, service number and enterprise number (2020-08-30, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] Cobalt_Strike_bot

Cobalt Strike 上线提醒,飞书、钉钉、企业 微 信 机械人,cs上线提醒。
Cobalt Strike online reminder, fly book, nail, enterprise WeChat robot, cs online reminder. (2022-05-30, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] weodoo

Odoo企业 微 信 快捷使用,免对接,内网Odoo也可以使用
Odoo enterprise WeChat is quick to use, no connection, and the intranet Odoo can also be used (2019-08-29, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] price_monitor

对亚马逊中国上面感兴趣的商品进行价格监测,并发送企业 微 信 通知
Monitor the price of goods of interest on Amazon China and send enterprise WeChat notifications (2022-12-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] Django-sso-server

A user friendly Django SSO server(一个用户友好的Django单点登录服务器)(ldap&&企业 微 信 扫码)
A user friendly Django SSO server (ldap&&enterprise WeChat scanning code) (2022-12-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] pharos

通过 微 信 、短 信 发送告警 信 息
Send alarm information via WeChat and SMS (2020-10-18, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] joker-applet

整理关于 微 信 小程序项目包含登录,支付,菊花码、企业付到用户框架为springboot,
Sort out WeChat applet projects, including login, payment, chrysanthemum code, and enterprise payment to user framework as springboot, (2018-04-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] weixin

微 信 开发框架:订阅号、企业号、小程序、后台代码生成器 采用的sdk为:
WeChat development framework: the sdks used by subscription number, enterprise number, applet and background code generator are: (2017-09-11, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] leave_sys

独立开发给企业私人定制的一个请假系统,亮点: 流程、Excel批量导入导出、邮件 微 信 企业号定时通知及快捷审批.
Independent development of a leave system customized for enterprises. Highlights: process, Excel batch import and export, email WeChat enterprise number timing notification and quick approval (2017-04-05, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] belling-weixin

百灵 微 信 公众号管理平台,是一款开源、免费的 微 信 公众号管理系。 采用JAVA语言,基于Jfinal开发,支持 微 信 公众号、 微 信 企业号等多账号简单易用管理和操作,使用用户可以进行二次开发。
Bailing WeChat public account management platform is an open source and free WeChat public account management system. It uses JAVA language and is developed based on Jfinal. It supports simple management and operation of multiple accounts such as WeChat official account and WeChat enterprise account. Users can conduct secondary development. (2017-08-02, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] pytorch1

PyTorch 1.0 官方文档 中文版,欢迎关注 微 信 公众号:磐创AI
PyTorch 1.0 official document Chinese version, welcome to follow WeChat official account: Pioneer AI (2019-04-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)
