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[SQL Server] factory sql

A group has several factories, each plant produces a variety of products, and each product can be produced in a factory, the factory in accordance with each fixed quantity in the production plan, plan the number of not less than 300; each facility employs several employees, and each employee can only work in a factory, the factory workers employment duration of employment and wages. The attributes of the factory include the plant number, factory name and address. The attributes of the product include product number, product name and specification. The attributes of the staff include worker number, name and technical level (primary, intermediate, advanced). (2017-11-14, WINDOWS, 64KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] Yes!SUN

The entire station is based on PHP+ MYSQL technology, the volume is small and exquisite, the application is nimble, the function is formidable, is one section for the enterprise website tailor-made completely free WEB system The dynamic cache, the static generation, the false static, the URL friendly establishment and so on enhances the search engine And user-friendly degree, a key multi-language version set up to support the data model, the background operation can be added to the site product attributes, message boards, surveys, help, online registration and other online interactive system, the data call function to build the site without any script Language. (2016-11-23, PHP, 725KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] lfphotoweb

1:采用MSSQL数据库,达到企业级应用标准,极大的提高了系统的负载能力。 2:程序中数据库操作部分,全部采用 事务处理 机制,保证数据的百分之百无错率。 3:常用数据常驻内存,极大的提高了性能。在百万图集*百万流量的情况,CPU峰值为31 (伪静态模式下). 4:极高的程序的安全性,(目前无任务漏洞被网友发现). 5:多种上传方式:单文件夹,批量文件夹,本地单图集,本地多图集.直接读取服务器及本地硬盘文件目录
1: The MSSQL , enterprise applications to achieve the standard, which greatly improves the load capacity of the system. 2: Program operation section, all using the transaction mechanism to ensure that no one hundred percent error rate data. 3: Common resident data memory, greatly improving performance. In the case of one million portfolio* one million traffic, CPU peak of 31 (pseudo-static mode). 4: high security program (currently no task to be loopholes users found). 5: Upload many ways: single folder batch folder, local single portfolio, portfolio more directly read local servers and local hard disk files directory. (2016-04-24, ASP, 4623KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] qiyedianhuakefuxitong

When customers call the business telephone customer service, the system will automatically receive, identify and record the caller s Caller ID and displays the corresponding customer information. When the customer calls into the system automatically play has set a good welcome. Outside calls transferred to the agent phone function, so that the caller can be prompted by the system, into a human service personnel to communicate directly with the agent. Agent Phone forwarded to the agent phone function. (2014-11-19, C#, 707KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] FCsharpRooomu

Functions: (1) Registration: new user registration, enter your user name and password be saved. After successful registration, the default permissions are ordinary members can be reported to the maintenance of information and view their own maintenance feedback .2 modify user information: to modify their own The user name and password. Member Management: Note registered member user names, passwords, and permissions to modify and add and delete operations. dormitory management: integrated management of housing types and housing information. 5 staff and integral management: manage information on employees, and can be integral situation of the letter of the dynamic loading of suitable housing (2012-07-29, Visual C++, 664KB, 下载4次)


[SQL Server] soffdgthy.net

VB+SQL商品销售进销存系统,:   1.首先确保您的机器上安装了SQL Server数据库。将SQL Server服务器名称改为JAMESLIN,如果不修改服务器名称,则需要修改VB程序,在frmLogin窗体的cmdOK_Click函数中,修改代码:   strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1 Integrated Security=SSPI Persist Security Info=False Initial Catalog=Sale Data Source=JAMESLIN UID=Admin PWD=111"   即Source=JAMESLIN中的“JAMESLIN”改为您本机服务器名。   2.在SQL Server“企业管理器”中“安全性|登录”中,创建用户:Admin,其密码为111。   3.打开SQL Server“企业管理器”的“工具|还原数据库”菜单命令,在对话框在设置还原的数据库名为Sale,选择从“设备”还原,根据向导逐步选择本章目录的“数据库”子目录下的文件Sale Backup,从而建立数据库。
VB+SQL merchandise sales Invoicing System, commissioning Please note: First make sure your machine is installed on the SQL Server database. SQL Server server name is changed to JAMESLIN If you do not modify the server name, you need to modify the VB program In form cmdOK_Click function frmLogin, modify the code: strConn = " Provider = SQLOLEDB.1 Integrated Security = the SSPI Persist Security Info = False Initial Catalog = Sale Data Source = JAMESLIN UID = Admin PWD = 111 " Source = JAMESLIN JAMESLIN changed to your local server name. In SQL Server Enterprise Manager Security | Log in to create a user: Admin, the password is 111. (3) Open SQL Server " Enterprise Manager" Tools | Restore Database menu command, set to restore the database name in the dialog box in Sale, select Restore from device " , select the directory in this chapter according to the wizard step by step" database " sub- files in that directory Sale Backup, in order to establish the (2012-07-01, Visual Basic, 142KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] SQL-Server2005-Examples

本书精选了7 个当前应用最广泛的数据库系统,详细介绍了使用SQL Server 2005 开发数据库管理系 统的思路、方法和技术。主要内容包括天下鲜美食网、电子商城、物流信息网、供求信息网、企业客户管 理系统、学生管理系统、图书综合管理系统等。这些系统既可以独立使用,也可作为综合管理系统的重要 组成部分。
Book a selection of seven of the most widely used database system, described in detail the development of database management using SQL Server 2005 System of ideas, methods and techniques. The main contents include the world of fresh food network, electronic mall, logistics network, supply and demand information network, enterprise customers tubes Management systems, student management system, library management system. These systems are either independent use, also can be used as the importance of an integrated management system Component. (2012-05-16, SQL, 12128KB, 下载7次)


[SQL Server] test003

1,首先把我们从锦尚获取到的WRBiz平台系统正式版压缩包放考贝至您的站点目录下(支持随意目录,我们下面以解压至根目录为例),然后把所有系统文件解压至此目录。 2,安装SQL数据库: 方法一:新建数据库 还原目录内的 数据库.bak 方法二:打开SQL企业管理器,新建一个数据库(我们以新建WRBiz数据库为例), 然后打开查询分析器,在分析器里面打开 /data/WRMPS.sql,并点击执行,创建到你刚建好的WRBiz数据库中,关闭查询分析器,在数据库上点右键,导入/data/WRMPS.mdb 数据库以安装系统默认数据,这样就搞定了。 3,运行 http://localhost/Install 目录下的安装程序,点击进去后按提示进行系统安装,设置好系统数据库连接、基本信息及管理员信息然后确认安装完成。 ========================================================== 青岛商务网 http://www.om178.com 为你提供 !
1,首先把我们从锦尚获取到的WRBiz平台系统正式版压缩包放考贝至您的站点目录下(支持随意目录,我们下面以解压至根目录为例),然后把所有系统文件解压至此目录。 2,安装SQL数据库: 方法一:新建数据库 还原目录内的 数据库.bak 方法二:打开SQL企业管理器,新建一个数据库(我们以新建WRBiz数据库为例), 然后打开查询分析器,在分析器里面打开 /data/WRMPS.sql,并点击执行,创建到你刚建好的WRBiz数据库中,关闭查询分析器,在数据库上点右键,导入/data/WRMPS.mdb 数据库以安装系统默认数据,这样就搞定了。 3,运行 http://localhost/Install 目录下的安装程序,点击进去后按提示进行系统安装,设置好系统数据库连接、基本信息及管理员信息然后确认安装完成。 ========================================================== 青岛商务网 http://www.om178.com 为你提供 ! (2012-05-03, ASP, 23499KB, 下载2次)


[SQL Server] schollsystem

SQL设置: 将在SQL2000下建立schooldata数据库 导入数据文件 导入数据: data目录下有school_back数据库备分文件 操作:用SQL企业管理器还原数据库来导入数据 访问本地数据库服务器,密码是自己设置的那个,操作schooldata数据库的用户名和密码相同 主要用ADO访问数据库,和几个显示数据的控件Treectrl,listctrl,datagrid等 程序中有几个BUG还没解决,
SQL settings: in the SQL2000 database established under schooldata import data file into data: data directory with school_back Database Backup file operations: use SQL Enterprise Manager to restore the database to import data to access the local database server, the password is set that its operation schooldata database user name and password to use ADO to access the same primary database, and several display data control Treectrl, listctrl, datagrid, etc. There are several programs BUG not yet been solved, (2010-04-21, Visual C++, 788KB, 下载6次)


[SQL Server] HospitalManagementInformationSystem

基于VC开发的医院信息管理系统 在运行系统前,首先要安装SQL Server数据库,注意要设定用户名为“sa”,密码为空。 可以有两种方法创建该数据库: 1.使用SQL server查询分析器运行Database目录下的sql.txt中的sql语句,这样会创建Hospital数据库。 2.使用sql server的企业管理器直接附加“附加数据库文件”目录下的Hospital.mdf文件。 系统默认帐号:admin 密码:888888
VC-based hospital information management system developed in the operating system, we should first install the SQL Server database, Note To set the user name " sa" , password is empty. There are two ways to create the database: 1. Using SQL server Query Analyzer run the Database directory sql.txt the sql statement, it will create a Hospital database. 2. Using sql server enterprise manager directly attached " Additional Database Files" directory Hospital.mdf file. System default account: admin password: 888888 (2010-04-15, Visual C++, 2420KB, 下载19次)


[SQL Server] StudentManagement

(SQL-MFC) 学生信息管理软件: 学生信息输入; 学生信息删除(分为按照学号和姓名); 学生信息查询(分为按照学号,姓名,性别,班级,年级); 学生信息更改。 (Visual Studio.NET 2003 + SQL SERVER 2000) 安装SQL 服务器后,修改程序中ADOConn.cpp 34行: serverName改为你的SQL服务器名称。数据库的mdf,ldf文件已经包含在此文件中,需要通过SQL企业管理器附加。
(SQL-MFC) Student Information Management Software: student information input student information deleted (divided according to number and name of school) Student Information Query (divided in accordance with Student ID, name, gender, class, grade) student information changes. (Visual Studio.NET 2003+ SQL SERVER 2000) to install SQL server, modify the program ADOConn.cpp 34 rows: serverName change your SQL server name. Database, mdf, ldf file has been included in this document, you need to add through SQL Enterprise Manager. (2010-01-13, Visual C++, 525KB, 下载104次)


[SQL Server] kaoshi_system

1.本系统提供了两个版本,一个为SQL Server版本,另外一个为Access版本。 2.特别注意,运行本程序,需要安装Visual Basic 6.0 +SP5(补丁),不装补丁,则不能使用. 3.考试学员的默认账号为public,密码为1。 4.管理员的默认账号为administrator,密码为administrator。 5.如果采用Access数据库,则不需要任何配置。 6.如果采用SQL Server,则需要首先创建数据库。 通过SQL Server的企业管理器创建数据库“exam”,创建步骤同图书馆信息系统。创建完毕以后,右键点击刚创建的数据库“exam”,在弹出菜单中选择【所有任务】->【还原数据库】,在弹出的对话框中选择“从设备”单选按钮,然后单击“选择设备”按钮。在弹出的对话框中单击“添加”按钮,然后从弹出的对话框中选择“文件名”单选按钮,单击“...”按钮,选择SQL Server版本的“data”目录下的“exam”文件,依次单击“确定”按钮。 数据库恢复成功,即可运行本程序。
vb program connect to database (2009-11-23, Visual Basic, 11500KB, 下载5次)


[SQL Server] javatugl

java图书馆管理系统 附加数据库SQL Server 2000 (1)将TM\05\Database文件夹中的扩展名为db_library_Data.MDF和db_library_Log.LDF的两个文件拷贝到SQL Server安装路径下的Data文件夹中。 (2)打开SQL Server 2000中的“企业管理器”,然后展开本地服务器,在“数据库”数据项上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“所有任务”/“附加数据库”菜单项。 (3)将弹出“附加数据库”对话框,在该对话框中单击【 】按钮,选择所要附加数据库的db_library_Data.MDF文件,单击【确定】按钮,即可完成数据库的附加操作。
Additional java library management system database SQL Server 2000 (1) to TM Database folder extension db_library_Data.MDF and db_library_Log.LDF two files are copied to the SQL Server installation path under the Data folder. (2) Open the SQL Server 2000 the (2009-01-11, Java, 3457KB, 下载54次)


[SQL Server] c

通过本实验加深对SQL Server 2000环境下数据定义语言的理解,能够熟练地建立数据库,并通过SQL语句来建立一个新的SQL Server设备管理数据库,使用SQL的数据定义功能建立数据库中的各个基本表(共3个),并按要求对有关表进行修改。 每次操作后通过企业管理器查看有关对象的变化。创建和修改基本表、创建和取消索引。
Through better understanding of this experiment under SQL Server 2000 data definition language understanding, able to skillfully build up a database, and through the SQL statements to create a new SQL Server Device Manager database, use SQL data definition, function to establish a database of all the basic table (a total of three), as required on the table to edit. After each operation through the Enterprise Manager view information about the object changes. Create and modify the basic form, the creation and abolition of the index. (2008-10-09, SQL, 729KB, 下载4次)



企业营销管理系统程序使用说明(VB+SQL2000)将目录data下的db_Csell_Data.MDF和db_Csell_Log.LDF文件拷贝到SQL Server 2000的“MSSQL”->“data”目录下. 如果没有安装Sql Server,请先安装Sql Server,安装SQL SERVER 2000数据库时,在身份安全验证机制选项中 必须要选择“Windows和Sql server混合安全验证机制。SA的密码设置为空。如果您已经安装好了Sql Server 2000,
Enterprise Marketing Management System procedures for use (VB+ SQL2000) directory data under db_Csell_Data.MDF and db_Csell_Log.LDF files are copied to the SQL Server 2000 the MSSQL -> data directory. If you do not have Sql Server, please the installation of Sql Server, install the SQL SERVER 2000 database, the identity of the security authentication mechanism options must choose Windows and Sql server mixed security authentication mechanism. SA password is set to air. If you have already installed Sql Server 2000, (2008-09-02, Visual Basic, 4010KB, 下载48次)


[SQL Server] PPSdatabase.sql

学生作品展示平台数据库设计sql源码参考,内容包括.表1学员信息数据表(member_info) 2 表2企业代表信息表(agent_info) 2 表3平台管理员信息表(admin_info) 3 表4学员作品信息(production_info) 3 表4.1学员作品附件信息表(porduction_enclose_info) 4 表5人才需求信息表(WorkerReq_info) 4 表6开发需求信息表(DevReq) 4
Students work platform reference source sql database design, including. Table 1 student information data sheet (member_info) 2 Table 2 companies on behalf of the Information Table (agent_info) 2 Table 3 platform administrator information table (admin_info) 3 Table 4 trainees work information (production_info) 3 Table 4.1 Annex student work information table (porduction_enclose_info) 4 Table 5 Table talent demand information (WorkerReq_info) 4 Table 6 development needs information table (DevReq) 4 (2008-07-15, SQL, 1KB, 下载8次)


[SQL Server] renlizhiyuanguanlixitong

人力资源管理系统程序使用说明 步骤: 1:将程序拷贝到机器上,去掉所有文件的只读属性。 2:将目录data下的db_manpowerinfo_Data.MDF和db_manpowerinfo_Log.LDF文件拷贝到SQL Server 2000的“MSSQL”->“data”目录下. 如果没有安装Sql Server,请先安装Sql Server,安装SQL SERVER 2000数据库时,在身份安全验证机制选项中 必须要选择“Windows和Sql server混合安全验证机制。SA的密码设置为空。如果您已经安装好了Sql Server 2000, 也可以在企业管理器->数据库->工具->SQL配置属性->安全性 中修改当前的配置属性。
Human resources management system procedures use these steps: 1: The procedures are copied to the machine, remove all the files read-only attribute. 2: The directory data under db_manpowerinfo_Data.MDF and db_manpowerinfo_Log.LDF files are copied to the SQL Server 2000 the (2008-05-12, Visual Basic, 5592KB, 下载12次)


[SQL Server] personManage

Human resources management system include: staff management, recruitment management, training management, incentive management and payroll management of the five management module. Systems of almost all human resources-related data management, and form an integrated source of information allows human resource managers to shake off the heavy day-to-day work, to concentrate on strategic business point of view human resources planning and policies. (2008-05-05, Java, 24519KB, 下载77次)


[SQL Server] wl

第三方物流信息管理平台 1、数据库配置: 需要打开MS SQL SERVER 2000企业管理器,将logistics_Data附加到数据库中。 2、系统运行: 附加数据库成功后,请打开“源程序”文件夹下的“物流信息”文件夹,再打开“test007”文件夹下的“bin”中的“Debug”,双击运行test007.exe即可。 3、系统用户: 系统登录账号为:1 密码为:1
Third-party logistics information management platform 1, the database configuration: the need to open the MS SQL SERVER 2000 Enterprise Manager, will be attached to logistics_Data database. 2, system is running: After the success of additional databases, please open the source folder under Logistics Information folder, then open test007 folder under the bin in the Debug , double-click to run test007. exe to. 3, users of the system: the system registry account for: 1 password: 1 (2007-12-04, SQL, 11015KB, 下载79次)


[SQL Server] hospitalsys

在运行系统前,首先要安装SQL Server数据库,注意要设定用户名为“sa”,密码为空。 可以有两种方法创建该数据库: 1.使用SQL server查询分析器运行Database目录下的sql.txt中的sql语句,这样会创建Hospital数据库。 2.使用sql server的企业管理器直接附加“附加数据库文件”目录下的Hospital.mdf文件。
before the operating system, we must first install SQL Server database, attention to the user to set the "sa" password empty. There are two ways to create the database : 1. SQL server inquiries analyzer operation Database Contents under which sql.txt The sql statement, which will create the database Hospital. 2. Sql server using the Enterprise Manager directly attached "Additional database files" directory of Hosp ital.mdf document. (2007-05-29, Visual C++, 2418KB, 下载16次)
