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[网络编程] xinkvpn-master

VPN的英文全称是“Virtual Private Network”,翻译过来就是“虚拟专用网络”。顾名思义,虚拟专用网络我们可以把它理解成是虚拟出来的企业内部专线。
VPN's full name in English is "Virtual Private Network", which translates to "virtual private network". As the name suggests, . (2018-07-02, Java, 219KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] HTTPrequest

VC++ HTTP Get/Post请求。可以作为学习使用POST提交表单的学习资料参考!
VC++ HTTP Get/Post request. You can learn to use POST to submit the form as learning materials reference! (2015-05-12, Visual C++, 64KB, 下载60次)


[网络编程] NetDisk

Network drives, the machine simulates a map to the server s disk, you need to log in to support drag and drop files, HTTP and other functions (2013-09-10, C/C++, 381KB, 下载18次)


[网络编程] Chat

Based on the TCP/IP protocol instant messaging chat system, including server and client, the client connection server to send messages to the server, the server and then distributed to each client (2012-08-28, Visual C++, 5576KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] 123456

计算机网络技术的日益发展和普及,为信息共享提供了一条全球性的高速通道,但目前采用的TCP/IP协议族潜在着安全漏洞,其安全机制并不健全,如何保护企业内部网络中的资源及信息不受外部攻击者肆意破坏或盗窃,是企业网络安全需要解决的重要问题。 当我们担心被黑客攻击或怀疑电脑被植入木马时,我们往往求助于防火墙,本系统即通过实时监控全部TCP连接的方法来实现防黑客攻击。同时网络管理人员在整个网络运行期间,能否实时监控联网计算机的运行状态和操作对网络安
Network control, use the functionNetwork control, use the functionNetwork control, use the functionNetwork control, use the functionNetwork control, use the functionNetwork control, use the functionNetwork control, use the functionNetwork control, use the functionNetwork control, use the functionNetwork control, use the functionNetwork control, use the functionNetwork control, use the functionNetwork control, use the function (2012-08-14, Visual Basic, 6KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] juyuwang

Work with graduate design, VC++ written in the LAN office software, corporate messenger, you can use it to send the documentation, send messages, reply messages (2011-05-21, Visual C++, 210KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] Slow-speed-of-IP-MAN

IP 城域网网速变慢分析及参考解决方法 ―― By Heaven于杭州 IP 城域网建成运行后,网络发生故障是不可避免的。一般当网络发生无法连 通、不能浏览Web 等故障时,现象比较明确,容易观察和定位故障点,此类故 障解决起来相对容易。还有一类故障就是网络是通的,但网速变慢。在面对这类 障时,往往会感觉到无从下手。本文为大家介绍引起此类故障常见的原因及排除 方法,和大家共同提高。
Slow speed of IP MAN and reference solutions - By Heaven in Hangzhou IP MAN up and running, the network failure is inevitable. Even when the network is not generally Pass, can not browse the Web and other failure, are quite clear, easy to observe and locate the fault point, so such Barrier is relatively easy to solve. Another type of failure is the network that pass, but the speed slower. In the face of such Barrier, they often feel unable to start. This article is to introduce a common cause of such failure causes and ruled out Methods, and all together. (2011-01-17, PDF, 102KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] MAPIm

用MAPI发送邮件 (0 folders, 5 files, 5.32 KB, 5.32 KB in total.)    MSSCCPRJ.SCC 201 bytes    新建 文本文档.txt 1.74 KB    用Mapi发送邮件.frm 2.68 KB    用Mapi发送邮件.vbp 671 bytes    用Mapi发送邮件.vbw 50 bytes 欢迎转载,但请保留出处,本文章转自[华软源码],原文链接:http://hur.cn/Soft/2010/7235.html
用MAPI发送邮件 (0 folders, 5 files, 5.32 KB, 5.32 KB in total.)    MSSCCPRJ.SCC 201 bytes    新建 文本文档.txt 1.74 KB    用Mapi发送邮件.frm 2.68 KB    用Mapi发送邮件.vbp 671 bytes    用Mapi发送邮件.vbw 50 bytes 欢迎转载,但请保留出处,本文章转自[华软源码],原文链接:http://hur.cn/Soft/2010/7235.html (2010-06-29, Visual Basic, 7KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] LAPS

LAPS protocol: the system starts, LAPS protocol processor, the transmitter is idle, then it can send data to the ideal cell to allow signal TENB. Ideal signal source receive TENB effective, they begin to send data, it sends the changes in length between 4-1544 bytes of data packets, the first byte in the packet sent at the same time, start sending data packets directed TSOP, In the last byte of the packet, send packet end instruction TEOP. In the process of sending packets, LAPS protocol processor can notice at any time by TENB the ideal source suspend sending data until TENB be effective, then continue to send. (2010-05-17, VHDL, 3KB, 下载69次)


[网络编程] CatchEmail

CSharp 写的一个网络邮箱抓取程序,简单好用,是企业网络推广和大伙学习网络编辑的好东西
CSharp-mail written by a web crawl process, easy-to-use, enterprise network is a learning network for the promotion and get the good stuff to edit (2009-05-11, C#, 490KB, 下载17次)


[网络编程] 05

The chat tool can be used as companies, enterprises, internal communication tools, that make full use of network resources, while ensuring that the internal information security (2009-02-19, Java, 72KB, 下载29次)


[网络编程] hylafax-4.2.0

HylaFax is an open source fax server, it can provide enterprises with a strong and reliable fax service. HylaFax based on C/S structure, (2009-02-13, Visual C++, 1887KB, 下载13次)


[网络编程] biaozhunqiyequzhan

Standard small business website program files, good, we try to download it to play, it seems there is a good multi-functional, this is the latest version. .. (2008-12-18, ASP, 935KB, 下载29次)


[网络编程] NoteManage

Enterprise messaging system is mainly the use of mass hardware cat SMS text messaging and SIM card can view received text messages (2008-12-14, Visual C++, 2690KB, 下载34次)


[网络编程] WebChat

VB prepared the perfect text chat program, divided into service client, the client can set up enterprises, such as chat device structures (2008-09-14, Visual Basic, 270KB, 下载41次)


[网络编程] sip(chinese)

prepared by the MII sip Chinese version of the agreement, the agreement sip a detailed briefing, English is believed to be in disregard of a good friend of the information (2007-05-24, PDF, 551KB, 下载67次)


[网络编程] SmsMsg

use the phone to send a letter of the source code, including the serial port operation and AT command set. Use vb.net prepared. (2006-07-11, Visual Basic, 197KB, 下载27次)


[网络编程] 基于CGI技术的信息咨询网系统

Web-based server to the realization of traffic information and enterprise information inquiries inquiry, using Delphi components developed CGI program. (2005-09-11, Delphi, 2345KB, 下载15次)


[网络编程] r2005210123538

到了这里,我们先要给您大概介绍一下,这是一个什么样的网站。 BOOYE是一个基于六度分离理论创建的综合性社区,网站目前主要由社交圈与部落两大部分组成。网站旨在帮助广大用户建立真诚、和谐、信任、永续的网络社会关系。
to here, we need you to tell us about, this a kind of website. BOOYE is a theory based on the separation of six times before the creation of integrated communities, the website mainly from social circles and tribal two major components. Web site designed to help users to establish a sincere, harmony, trust, sustainable network of social relations. (2005-07-12, C/C++, 38KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] K风黄页系统 v1.0 MSSQL版

a powerful Yellow Pages Inquiry System to support two industries and regions classification functions, dynamically generated static corporate information website, greatly reducing the burden on the server network to enhance the effects, background mass classification and management of enterprise information, the expansion of the system powerful, can be quick and convenient the establishment of a powerful platform for Yellow Pages (2005-02-14, ASP, 74KB, 下载8次)
