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[网络编程] zentral

Zentral is a high-visibility platform for controlling Apple endpoints in enterprises. It brings great observability to IT and makes tracking & reporting compliance much less manual. (2023-07-13, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] WORD转HTML工具

功能不需要太多,简单实用,转载。企业有很多的科室,科室的每个人或多或少都会写一些文档,有些文档领导需要浏览,解决的办法是将编辑的文档打印出来,供领导浏览,或是为了节约企业成本,文档就在人与人这间或部门之间copy过来,copy过去。如果员工或领导不善于管理文档,就会造成有很多的版本,或者是在以后无法轻松的找到相关的文档。 所以企业专门找到一个人(文档管理员),让这个人负责文档的管理。而文档的管理的方式有两种形式,第一种是doc形式的(即word文档),第二种是分享形式的。 通过第一种形式,那么文档的管理也就解决了。只保存最新文档,对文档进行汇总等,如果领导需要什么文档的话,只需要让文档管理员打印并呈送就可以了。 但是领导或职员需要什么文档?领导也不是一台机器,没有过目不忘的本领,并不知道公司有什么文档?如果文档中有错字有谁来发现?所以为了解决这几个问题,需要实现文档的分享,也就是第二种文档管理方式。 解决思路是
function non-essential; have no use for simple; uncomplicated; briefness practical; utility; practicality; pragmatic; functional reprint; reprint sth. that has been published elsewhere; (2018-12-29, C#, 950KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] LLIIACM

This is a newspaper subscription management system developed with php and mysql. It adopts the technology of apache server and is cross-platform. It can be used in general middle and lower type enterprises. (2018-12-19, PHP-PERL, 296KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] CompanyCMS_V12_HTML_ZY

The system has powerful functions, convenient operation and highly continuous development of content and knowledge management system, and can collect powerful news, products, downloads, videos, talents, messages, online ordering, search engine optimization, intelligent generation of HTML static pages and other functional modules, providing a simple and easy-to-use enterprise departments. An open and extensible enterprise information portal platform or e-commerce operation platform. Developers have designed a special anti-refresh system for vulnerable pages to automatically prevent malicious access and attacks; security checks are applied to every code, each variable submitted to the system query statement is filtered, which can automatically shield malicious attack code, thus preventing SQL injection attacks, password guessing, uploading wood. Horses and other means of attack ensure the safety and stability of the system to the greatest extent. (2018-08-13, ASP, 15173KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] trqqjsw_a5a

LOL教程、QQ业务、代码分享、教程发布”等等图片文字类型的网站。 程序前台有首页、列表页、内容页、会员登录、会员注册、会员个人中心、会员积分体系、会员投稿、投稿编辑、会员签到、在线留言、文章评论、整站搜索等功能。
LOL tutorials, QQ business, code sharing, tutorial release, and so on, and so on. The program of a home page, list page, content page, member login, member registration, member center, individual members of integral system, membership submission, submission editing, membership attendance, online messages, comments, web search and other functions. (2017-12-28, ASP, 3159KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] niushop_b2c_1.15_release

B2C mall system based on ThinkPHP5.0 development, commercial free, four nets one, to meet users, enterprises, developers, service providers and other role requirements. (2017-09-29, SQL, 34294KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] XYCMS_lyb_1.6

Message board PHP version is developed by php+MySQL PHP message board source code, software for ordinary message boards, can be widely used in enterprise websites, etc. need to use the message board website. (2017-09-29, PHP, 876KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] 444

CMS content management system, the use of simple, easy site. Enterprise site, personal blog, personalized web site of choice. The system is simple, efficient and easy to use, and the general developers can use the system with the lowest cost and the least human input, and set up a fully functional and excellent website in the shortest possible time.
CMS content management system, the use of simple, easy site. Enterprise site, personal blog, personalized web site of choice. The system is simple, efficient and easy to use, and the general developers can use the system with the lowest cost and the least human input, and set up a fully functional and excellent website in the shortest possible time. (2017-07-12, PHP, 8647KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] 3333

Cloud CMS is a set of PHP+MYSQL framework based on the rapid development of enterprise Yii site system. Different from the content management system on the market, it is simple, lightweight, and has no special complex functions. The management background is simple and practical. It is designed to ease the use burden of enterprises and facilitate the rapid construction of enterprise's official website.
Cloud CMS is a set of PHP+MYSQL framework based on the rapid development of enterprise Yii site system. Different from the content management system on the market, it is simple, lightweight, and has no special complex functions. The management background is simple and practical. It is designed to ease the use burden of enterprises and facilitate the rapid construction of enterprise's official website. (2017-07-11, PHP, 32517KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] 021021

SilverStripe CMS CMS is a powerful content management system, suitable for small and medium enterprises website, website design is a powerful, intuitive and friendly user interface, using MVC framework design and development and use of Ajax technology, easy to expand, the pages are in line with the XHTML standard and based on template.
SilverStripe CMS CMS is a powerful content management system, suitable for small and medium enterprises website, website design is a powerful, intuitive and friendly user interface, using MVC framework design and development and use of Ajax technology, easy to expand, the pages are in line with the XHTML standard and based on template. (2017-07-11, PHP, 10012KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] 333

Decoration station system is developed by Teng and network for many years, and it is simple and practical. Conducive to optimization, the background concise and concise, very practical, is a good choice for small and medium enterprises.
Decoration station system is developed by Teng and network for many years, and it is simple and practical. Conducive to optimization, the background concise and concise, very practical, is a good choice for small and medium enterprises. (2017-07-11, ASP, 10376KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] http4j

HTTP access process, including the establishment of the connection, the DNS domain name resolution, the first packet returned by the time the object of the page download time series of time-consuming. Similar foreign famous httpwatch (2012-08-16, Java, 474KB, 下载12次)


[网络编程] 2323

用VB6.0 实现网络实时 监控系统 计算机网络技术的日益发展和普及,为信息共享提供了一条全球性的高速通道,但目前采用的TCP/IP协议族潜在着安全漏洞,其安全机制并不健全,如何保护企业内部网络中的资源及信息不受外部攻击者肆意破坏或盗窃,是企业网络安全需要解决的重要问题。当我们担心被黑客攻击或怀疑电脑被植入木马时,我们往往求助于防火墙,本系统即通过实时监控全部TCP连接的方法来实现防黑客攻击。同时网络管理人员在整个网络运行期间,能否实时监控联网计算机的运行状态和操作对网络安全具有极其重要的作用.下面就以Visual Basic 6.0作为开发工具讲述两个主要模块的设计和实现。
Network with real-time monitoring system VB6.0 (2011-07-18, Visual Basic, 4KB, 下载12次)


[网络编程] micecms_last

miceCMS supports PHP+ txt (text) as a database to support MySQL, MSSQL, Postgres, SqLite other five kinds of database system. Free open-source PHP class CMS, is a safe and easy to use enterprise website management system, content management systems. (2010-03-19, PHP, 2083KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] Transceiver

Transceiver is used for agencies and institutions, systems and systems of communication between the enterprise-grade professional communications services software. On the Internet/Intranet, real time/non real-time and so provide a wide range of different network environment for communication and data exchange support, and can paralyze a network failure on the system in case of accidents such as data exchange to provide traceability of the data buffer control mechanism for enterprise applications system provides a highly reliable, high-performance communications security. (2010-03-14, Delphi, 594KB, 下载13次)


[网络编程] vensite

凡人网络企业自助建站系统网站主菜单DIY:名称、链接、颜色、排列顺序、前台是否显示 [主菜单包括:公司简介、产品展示、合作交流、新闻快讯、诚聘英才、下载中心、作品案例、联系我们、客户反馈]
Mortal network enterprise self-help Station system Web site Main Menu DIY: Names, links, colors, sequencing, front indicate that [the main menu includes: Company profile, product display, cooperation and exchange, news alerts, Webmaster, download center, works Case , Contact us, customer feedback] (2010-03-08, ASP, 351KB, 下载8次)


[网络编程] zhongjianjian

中间件实验,进一步掌握Java语言代码的编写; 2. 熟悉Java企业级平台Java EE 6的使用; 3. 学习使用NetBeans IDE(集成开发环境); 4. 学习在GlassFish 2 Java应用服务器上运行代码
Middleware experiment, to further understand the preparation of Java language code 2. Familiar with the Java Enterprise platform, the use of Java EE 6 3. Learning to use the NetBeans IDE (Integrated Development Environment) 4. Learning in GlassFish 2 Java application server to run the code (2009-12-26, Java, 3327KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] fjqq_cn_film_free_v4.2.1

网站内容免更新免维护,实现全站后台管理,操作简单,管理更方便!步入全新的小偷程序后台管理时代。 后台管理路径:http://你的路径/cfss_admin 初始管理帐号:长发帅帅 密码:123456
Free update website content maintenance-free, stand back for full management, operation simple, the management more convenient! The thieves entered a new era of program management background. Admin Path: http:// Your Path/cfss_admin the initial management of accounts: long-haired handsome Password: 123456 (2009-09-28, ASP, 294KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] shangpinguanlixitong

The sales management system is a WEB-based adaptation in small business management system! Basic information of goods can be achieved inquiries. Add, modify, delete product information! Accounts can also be used for management functions. (2008-09-26, ASP, 2940KB, 下载32次)


[网络编程] vc的5个源码

打字游戏:于娱乐中练习指法 vc 超酷时钟:具有整点报时等功能,界面超酷的桌面时钟 vc 阴阳日历:不仅有阳历更有阴历查询的功能 vc 桌面留言:vc 串口类:c#
typing game : in entertainment practice fingering vc cool clock : The whole point timekeeping functions, interface cool desktop calendar clock vc yin and yang : not only followed the lunar calendar for a more functional desktop vc message : vc serial category : c# (2004-08-27, Visual C++, 244KB, 下载269次)
