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[数据库系统] yuzi-generator

深入业务场景的企业级硬项目,基于 React + Spring Boot + Picocli + 对象存储的 代码生成器共享平台。 开发者可以在平台上制作并发布代码生成器,用户可以搜索、下载、在线使用代码生成器,管理员可以集中管理所有用户和生成器。, stars:1, update:2024-06-23 13:49:17 (2024-06-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 2564

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+Vue的宠物领养系统(附论文),管理员,用户角色等。实现用户管理,宠物领养管理,宠物认领管理,教学视频管理,感谢信管理,公告管理,宠物领养审核管理,宠物认领审核管理等功能。该系统采用了Mysql数据库,Java语言,Spring Boot框架等技术进行编程实现。宠物领养系统可以提高宠物领养信息管理问题的解决效率,优化宠物领养信息处理流程,并且能够保证存储数据的安全,它是一个非常可靠,非常安全的应用程序。 (2024-06-01, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] gocommerce

GoCommerce是一个创新的电子商务后端项目,由Golang、Go Fiber和GORM精心打造。使用MySQL进行数据库管理,Go Commerce确保了高效的性能和可扩展性,为数字市场中的企业提供了强大的能力。
GoCommerce, an innovative E-Commerce backend project crafted with Golang, Go-Fiber, and GORM. With MySQL for database management, Go-Commerce ensures efficient performance and scalability, empowering businesses in the digital marketplace. (2024-04-18, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] NKU-share

Various course assignments of NKU Network Institute (introduction to human intelligence, database, algorithm, calculation method, group planning, software security, information security data base, gross estimate, network planning, operating system, compilation, blockchain, cryptography, malicious code, big data) (2024-02-18, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] crabc-api

Crabc is a low code development platform and an enterprise level API interface publishing system. It deeply integrates SpringBoot and Mybatis to realize dynamic data source and dynamic SQL, and visually writes a quick SQL publishing interface (2024-01-15, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] cloud

Zichuang private cloud storage, enterprise network disk, map and document management, campus network disk, which is as simple as Windows, is a private cloud storage software installed on your own server (or cloud server) (2023-12-27, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] KevinPaul

Internal Javascript file is attached to HTML. Last script is helpful. It collects data from user ( for ex- username, message and e-mail) and store it in Google Forms. Best use for small businesses and portfolios. (2022-09-07, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] Oblecto

Oblecto is a media server, which streams media you already own, and is designed to be at the heart of your entertainment experience. It runs on your home server to index and analyze your media such as Movies and TV Shows and presents them in an interface tailored for your media consupmtion needs. (2023-04-15, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] simple-stock-management

Server component of the Simple Stock Management stock & inventory web app. Designed for small businesses & non-profits. (2023-07-06, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] CN_Sqlmap

The Chinese version of sqlmap is very friendly to friends who are not good at English. This project comes from sqlmap in Chinese. It supports Python 3 and the whole system. The details of v2 have also been translated into Chinese. There is no back door to open source. You can check it if you are not sure! (2023-04-20, Python, 7382KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] express-ejsandhtml-mongoose

Create an enterprise site with front-end pages and backend management system using the express generator (using node s express framework in the backend, Mongoose s Mongoose framework in the database, and ejs and HTML in the template) (2018-12-28, JavaScript, 18838KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] W_World

移动商务系统设计与开发- Android-6.0-API-21-“W视界”是一款集成了本地视频音频以及网络视频资讯的娱乐软件,其中,仅供虚拟机测试用的本地视频(30MB)与音频(10MB)文件与软件捆绑在一起,在安装时就会自动复制到本地媒体库
Mobile Commerce System Design and Development - Android 6.0-API-21- "W Vision" is an entertainment software that integrates local video and audio as well as network video information. The local video (30MB) and audio (10MB) files for virtual machine testing are bundled with the software and automatically copied to the local media library during installation (2019-04-03, Java, 90384KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] J2EEFAST

J2eeFAST 是一个 Java EE 企业级快速开发平台,永久免费、真开源,拒绝标题党。基于经典技术组合(Spring Boot、Spring MVC、Apache Shiro、MyBatis-Plus、Freemarker、Bo...
J2eeFAST is a Java EE enterprise level rapid development platform that is permanently free, truly open source, and rejects title parties. Based on classic technology combinations (Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Apache Shiro, MyBatis Plus, Freemarker, Bo (2022-12-14, Java, 17390KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] imperium

Open Source Web Based Business Management and Accounting Software -- Imperium provides a database of Contacts, Work Orders, Invoices and Accounts - the core functionality to manage your business finances. Integrates with email (SMTP, IMAP) and Google Services (contacts, tasks, calendar) (2022-10-14, PHP, 224KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] 人事管理系统

It can add, modify and delete the employees and warehouses of the enterprise, and add and display the photos of employees. Check the warehouse monthly and inquire about the profit of the sales. Reference for beginners. (2017-09-20, Visual Basic, 8182KB, 下载1次)


[数据库系统] 小型企业管理

VBA programming language design is adopted in the system, the system mainly for data management and statistical design. This system is mainly for selection and statistics of each project by window operation. Thus greatly facilitate the user's input and management system. (2017-08-05, VBScript, 455KB, 下载2次)


[数据库系统] acegi

acegi Demo很好的例子,支持数据库,采用的是hsqldb,可以方便的改为其他数据库。用户表,用户角色,权限角色表,都存在数据库中,接近企业中项目中使用的项目架构
acegi Demo good example of support for the database, using the hsqldb, can be easily changed to other databases. User tables, user roles, permissions roles table, there exists a database, close to the enterprise project structure used in the project (2010-04-13, Java, 5878KB, 下载9次)


[数据库系统] 2005102218595041

这是本人自己为某大型企业集团开发的一个发货单管理系统, 主要是用于发货单的录入、打印、作废等处理,并可按照多种口径进行分类汇总。开发环境:PB8.0+SQL SERVER2000
This is my own for a large enterprise groups developed an invoice management system is mainly used for shipping orders entry, printing, void, etc. treatment, and can be classified according to a variety of caliber summary. Development Environment: PB8.0+ SQL SERVER2000 (2010-01-26, PowerBuilder, 1651KB, 下载9次)


[数据库系统] qiyerenshiguanlixitong

1.部门信息管理:能够维护体现部门间的组织关系,反映部门的基本信息,能够进行部门的增加撤消,以及部门信息(如部门名称、负责人名称等)的修改。 2.用户管理:能够对系统用户进行编辑、增加或删除,并指定用户的权限。 3.员工信息的管理:维护员工的基本信息,用户可以进行员工档案信息的录入及更改,其中包括员工的基本信息、工作经历、家庭关系、奖惩记录和培训经历,要求在这些员工档案信息上可以进行新增、删除、修改操作,同时可以进行浏览和查询的操作。该模块是本系统的重点,用户可以通过该模块为单位建立一个比较完整的人事档案系统,同时可以比较方便地对档案进行查看。 4.人事考勤管理:主要实现企业的考勤管理系统化、规范化和自动化,对日常考勤、加班信息、出差信息和休假信息进行修改、添加和删除,并提供基于员工号,姓名和时间范围的查询。 5.招聘信息管理:维护企业的岗位招聘信息和相应的应聘信息,对这些信息进行修改、添加和删除。
1.Sector information management: the ability to reflect the maintenance of inter-organizational relationships, reflecting the sector s basic information that can withdraw to the increase in sector and sector information (such as the name of the department in charge of name, etc.) changes. 2.User Management: User can edit, add or remove, and specify the user s permission. 3.Employee information management: the maintenance of basic information about employees, the user can input information in the staff files and change, including basic information about employees, work experience, family ties, incentives and training record of experience, the staff requested information on file can add, delete, modify operation, as well as browse and query operations. The module is the focus of the system, users can adopt the modules for the establishment of a relatively complete system of personnel files, as well as more convenient view of files. 4.Personnel Attendance: Attendance of the major en (2009-05-18, Delphi, 2304KB, 下载127次)


[数据库系统] softhy503g

系统要求: 1.系统必须安装IIS 2.系统必须安装.NET Framework 2.0(网上免费下载 http://dl.pconline.com.cn/html_2/1/82/id=10637&pn=0.html) 3.安装MSSQL2000 (可网上下载) 一.解压 数据库在路径: 速递网上订餐系统V2.0\数据库 其余文件为系统文件。 二.部署 1.为"速递网上订餐系统V2.0"文件夹设置虚拟路径。 2.还原数据库,数据库的默认名字为"sddb"
System Requirements: 1. The system must be installed on IIS 2. The system must be installed. NET Framework 2.0 (free download http://dl.pconline.com.cn/html_2/1/82/id=10637& pn=0.html) 3. installation MSSQL2000 (can be downloaded) 1. decompress the database at Path: Courier online reservation system V2.0 \ database system files for the remaining documents. Two. To deploy one. To " express online reservation system V2.0" virtual path folder settings. 2. To restore the database, the default database for the first name " sddb" (2009-04-02, Java, 4336KB, 下载14次)
