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[Windows编程] mysql_entrprise

无论您是构建高容量的网站,企业和 部门应用,或者先进的通讯网络,你的 组织需要的工具来构建和管理这些关键业务 数据库应用程序。本文探讨如何才能放心地部署 MySQL中,本地和云中,作为一种具有成本效益的跨平台的一部分 交付解决方案,高性能,高可用性,可靠性和 可扩展的应用。它探讨了一些与之相关的挑战 建立和支持可扩展,采用开放式数据驱动应用程序 开源技术和提供的MySQL如何详细介绍 企业版可以应对这些挑战。 MySQL企业版, 结合了最安全的,可扩展的,“永远在线”的MySQL版本 数据库在线备份,监控,管理和可视化数据库 设计和SQL开发工具,全部由Oracle标准支持服务为后盾, 全天候全球企业级支持服务。此外,MySQL企业 Edition支持您结合使用MySQL与许多甲骨文 产品和工具,你可能已经熟悉的或正在使用。 MySQL企业版是专为帮助您带来安全, 高性能,更快地推向市场可扩展的MySQL应用,减轻 风险,确保满足客户和最终用户的服务水平 协议(SLA)。
Whether you are building high volume websites, enterprise and departmental applications, or advanced communications networks, your organization needs the tools to build and manage these business-critical database applications. This paper explores how you can confidently deploy MySQL, on-premises and in the Cloud, as part of a cost-effective crossplatform solution for delivering high-performing, highly available, reliable and scalable applications. It examines some of the challenges associated with building and supporting scalable, data-driven applications using open source technologies and provides a detailed overview of how MySQL Enterprise Edition can address these challenges. MySQL Enterprise Edition, combines the most secure, scalable, “always on” version of the MySQL database with online backup, monitoring, management and visual design and SQL development tools, all backed by Oracle Premier Support, 24x7 global enterprise-class support services. Further, MySQL Enterp (2016-07-30, Windows_Unix, 4402KB, 下载1次)



ucos-ii 在freescale mpc5604上的移植版本,经过验证可以比较稳定的运行;当运行于企业级产品时,请经过严格验证后使用,业余爱好者可以自由使用。
ucos-ii on freescale mpc5604b (2015-12-09, Windows_Unix, 283KB, 下载89次)


[matlab编程] ipaddress

教育网IP地址简短格式信息参见 http://www.nic.edu.cn/RS/ipstat/ 请编写一个脚本程序 edu.sh,分析该网页的教育网IP地址,缺省输出 "address mask-length"列表, 如: 16 16 当接受 -w 参数时, 输出 “adress wildcard”列表, 如:
教育网IP地址简短格式信息参见 http://www.nic.edu.cn/RS/ipstat/ 请编写一个脚本程序 edu.sh,分析该网页的教育网IP地址,缺省输出 "address mask-length"列表, 如: 16 16 当接受-w 参数时, 输出 “adress wildcard”列表, 如: (2013-05-02, Windows_Unix, 151KB, 下载3次)


[Java编程] avtom

avtomatik obrabotka text ligvistika
avtomatik obrabotka text ligvistika (2013-03-18, Windows_Unix, 5244KB, 下载1次)


[行业发展研究] 9490fd9a65ca

随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现企业人事工资的管理势在必行。本系统结合公司实际的人事、财务制度,经过实际的需求分析,采用功能强大的Visual Basic6.0做为开发工具而开发出来的单机版人事管工资理系统。
With the rapid development of computer technology, computer popularity of business management applications, the use of computers to corporate personnel and payroll management imperative. The system combines the actual personnel, financial system, after actual demand analysis, using the powerful Visual Basic6.0 as a development tool and developed a stand-alone Personnel Management salary management system. (2012-10-19, Windows_Unix, 23KB, 下载3次)


[.net编程] ASP.NET-2.0SQL-Server-Application

ASP.NET 2.0SQL Server 网络应用系统开发案例精解,多个WEB系统开发详解,包括酒店、企业信息等。清华大学出版社出版。
ASP.NET 2.0SQL Server network application system development case with Explanations, Detailed multiple web systems development, including hotels, corporate information. Tsinghua University Publishing House. (2012-07-06, Windows_Unix, 1572KB, 下载8次)


[行业发展研究] mathematicalTranslations-

Mathematics popular classics series, popular science books suitable for young people. Also applies to the highly intelligent entertainment. Including arithmetic game, interpretations on arithmetic, geometry games, geometry interpretations on the many facets of board games, magic squares, map coloring problem, a single line, mental arithmetic, the combination of design, password analysis. (2012-03-17, Windows_Unix, 10996KB, 下载6次)


[射击游戏] DAFEIJI

Guangdong hit the aircraft door video, hot download, full free code, contents hot (2010-12-15, Windows_Unix, 2336KB, 下载5次)


[Windows编程] svnbook

svn (subversion) version of the rise in recent years, management tools, is the successor to cvs. At present, the vast majority of open source software code using svn as version management software. (2010-07-12, Windows_Unix, 2559KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] atmega8_cn

An ATmega8 materials, but also in Chinese. Not only for beginners, but also for engineers new to Atmel board, comprehensive and accurate data. Is an excellent textbook (2010-05-18, Windows_Unix, 2230KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] NGbrandcms

一、系统管理:管理员管理,数据库备份,上传文件管理。 二、企业信息:可设置修改企业的各类信息及介绍。 三、产品管理:产品类别新增修改管理,产品添加修改以及产品的审核。 四、订单管理:查看订单的详细信息及订单处理。 五、会员管理:查看修改删除会员资料,及锁定解锁功能。可在线给会员发信! 六、新闻管理:能分大类和小类新闻,不再受新闻栏目的限制。 七、留言管理:管理信息反馈及注册会员的留言。 八、荣誉管理:新增修改企业荣誉栏目的信息。新增修改企业形象栏目的信息。 九、人才管理:发布修改招聘信息,人才策略栏目管理,应聘管理。 十、营销网络:修改营销网络栏目的信息。 十一、调查管理:发布修改新调查。
-First, systems management: administrator management, database backup, upload files management. Second, enterprise information: can be set to amend the various types of enterprises and introduction of information. Third, Product Management: Product Category Added to amend management, product and product added modifications audit. Fourth, Order Management: View the details of orders and order processing. V. Member Management: See amendments to delete the membership information, and lock-unlock feature. Available online to members in writing! VI, news management: able to sub-categories and categories of news, news columns are no longer subject to restrictions. 7, Message Management: Management Information feedback and the message registered members. Eight, honor Management: Add to amend the information section Honor. Add to amend corporate information section. 9, human resources management: recruitment to amend the information released, human resources management strategy (2010-05-16, Windows_Unix, 5759KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] ProtelDXP_PDF_CN

Protel DXP是一款windows下的全32为电子设计系统。这个教程为你提供一个怎样建立一张原理图、从PCB更新设计信息以及产生生产输出文件的预览。
Protel DXP is a full 32-under windows for the electronic design system. This tutorial gives you a how to create a schematic, update the design information from the PCB and generate manufacturing output files in the preview. (2010-04-13, Windows_Unix, 1374KB, 下载19次)


[其他书籍] PSIM-cn

Psim power electronic simulation software use the Chinese version. Detailed description, and a combination of examples. (2009-08-06, Windows_Unix, 2261KB, 下载301次)


[其他书籍] DB2FastStudy

DB2是IBM的数据库管理软件,应用于全球500强80 的企业,本书介绍DB2,让你快速入门
DB2 is IBM' s database management software, used in 80 of the world' s top 500 enterprises, introduced the book DB2, allows you to Quick Start (2009-05-05, Windows_Unix, 1820KB, 下载152次)


[文章/文档] huanj

矿业城市是指依托自然矿藏资源优势,并通过开发利用其资源而发展起来的 城市。大多传统矿业城市都面临“矿竭城衰”的问题。如何避免“矿竭城衰”达 到可持续发展,是摆在矿业城市面前的重要问题。矿业城市发展中的生态环境问 题因其影响范围广、潜伏性强、恢复重建的成本高、周期长、难度大已成为制约 矿业城市可持续发展的“瓶颈”因素。
Mining town is the advantage of relying on natural mineral resources, and through the development and utilization of its resources and developed city. Most of the traditional mining town are facing " mine dried up City bad" problem. How to avoid " mining town dried up bad" to achieve sustainable development, are placed in the mining town of the important questions before us. Mining town in the development of eco-environmental problems because of their impact on a wide range of latent, and the restoration and reconstruction of the high cost and long cycle and difficult mining town has become a constraint to sustainable development " bottleneck" factor. (2009-03-19, Windows_Unix, 2803KB, 下载1次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linux-c-code

linux下一些命令的c语言的实现,code目录存放了本书使用的部分代码,其中有些代码是从完整的程序中抽离出来,无法直接编译成可执行文件。读者在使用时,应该先读懂程序再使用。 otherscode目录存放了GNU/Linux中的常用命令源代码,读者可以参考。 本书提到的,跟Linux开发有关的一些软件可以在www.farsight.com.cn的“下载中心”下载。也可以在www.sourceforge.net下载最新版本。
linux some orders realize c language, code directory stored part of the book the use of code, some of which code is the complete process from the vacuum out, can not be directly compiled into an executable file. Readers, when used, should first read the procedure to use. stored otherscode directory GNU/Linux commands commonly used in the source code, the reader can refer to. Mentioned in this book, with some of the development of Linux software can www.farsight.com.cn the (2008-06-28, Windows_Unix, 294KB, 下载10次)


[企业管理] lcERp

A very sound business Erp system, including production management, warehouse management, project management information system. Development platform for. Net. (2007-12-26, Windows_Unix, 7920KB, 下载407次)


[Windows编程] supermap521

supermap 521 全部模块的破解补丁 见压缩包里的2个dll文件 安装盘去官方网站下载就可以http://www.supermap.com.cn/ 1.supermapisnet破解 把破解的dll文件 把这个文件覆盖原来的文件就可以了 也就是覆盖C:\Program Files\SuperMap\SuperMap Objects 5.0 RT\Bin 下的dll文件 2.supermap破解 用supermap.rar解开的SmALib50.dll 把这个文件覆盖原来的文件就可以了
supermap all modules of 521 crack patch see compressed bundle of two dll files are installed disk to download on the official website can http :// www.supermap.com.cn/ break put 1.supermapisnet dll decipher documents of this document covers the original documents can also covers the C : \ Program Files \ SuperMap \ SuperMap Objects 5. RT 0 \ Bin documents under the dll 2.supermap break with supermap.rar Solutions open SmALib50.dll coverage of this document on the original document can (2007-05-19, Windows_Unix, 782KB, 下载87次)


[其他书籍] FWHelp8_cn

used for the design and production of specialized web graphics ultimate solution, it is the first website to help graphic designers and developers to address the special problems faced by the production environment. (2005-12-31, Windows_Unix, 5549KB, 下载2次)


[教育系统应用] bookmanager

powerbuilder 环境下的图书管理系统,可以适用于中小企业的图书管理部门,数据库采用sybase的 ASA 。
PowerBuilder environment of library management system, SMEs can apply to the library management, database using the ASA sybase. (2005-03-09, Windows_Unix, 50KB, 下载13次)
