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[WEB开发] 3

Cicadas's knowledge enterprise portal system is the development of an enterprise marketing use enterprise portal system by the senior development team of the industry. The enterprise uses cicadas to know that the system can establish a professional enterprise marketing website, and the business is very convenient. The customer service system has built-in articles, products, forums, comments, and blog members. And help functions can also be integrated with WeChat. (2018-04-14, PHP, 7225KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wordpress-4.8.1-zh_CN.tar

WordPress framework source code, a wide range of uses (2017-08-11, PHP, 8439KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] xhxtbg

Letter calling cooperative office system is an open source office system, cross platform system, support APP, PC, web version, PC client and so on. (2017-07-01, PHP, 2634KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] weatherphp1.1

Xiamen city weather forecast PHP program, the data source is China weather (weather.com.cn), including Xiamen weather, Xiamen, Xiamen tomorrow, the weather index of life and the day call. (2016-11-03, PHP, 210KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] phpdisk_mini

Internet Disk (2016-03-21, PHP, 992KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] webgame_dxcys

A run on PHP environment web game DNF source, non-simulator, as long as you have a PHP environment you can run. Game Management: admin may be some features just basic functions, such as map data, the data are rarely monsters, characters in the game is only relatively skill-based technology, the game is perfected. (2014-07-06, PHP, 3018KB, 下载7次)


[WEB开发] haochi

Reservation system (2014-06-25, PHP, 1448KB, 下载4次)


[WEB开发] crm_mgbyd1

源码采用php实现,这是一个用php脚本语言写的企业网站,AKCMS企业网站系统 v4.2.9 GBK build20121102,AK企业网站系统是基于akcms内核开发的企业网站,完美继承了akcms的优点,速度快,安全性高,高负载等。 AK企业网站系统是完全免费为企业用户提供的,使得建站零成本,维护更简单。,简单全面供给各类学习参考
Source code using php realize that this is a php scripting language used to write the corporate website, AKCMS corporate website system v4.2.9 GBK build20121102, AK enterprise website system is based on kernel development akcms corporate website, perfect akcms inherits the advantages of speed, safe, high loads. AK enterprise system is completely free site for business users, making the station zero cost, and easier to maintain. Simply supply a comprehensive reference to all types of learning (2014-01-02, PHP, 1244KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 8567346

硕美网站管理系统企业版V3.1 繁体版,php编程学习源码,web网站制作参考资料。
Somic website management system Enterprise Edition V3.1 traditional Chinese version, PHP learning programming source code, web web references. (2013-12-22, PHP, 2907KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Deepthroat-php-2-3

企业网站生成系统 v2.3,php编程学习源码,web制作参考资料。
The enterprise website generation system v2.3, PHP learning programming source code, web production of reference materials. (2013-12-21, PHP, 1093KB, 下载3次)


[WEB开发] YAHOO-music-php

Yahoo! cn music thieves procedures php- sequence/template is independent body.htm file for the generic template containing labeled {title} and {body} can modify to fit your website style. (2013-05-17, PHP, 44KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] wangyeyouxiyuanma

DNF of a PHP web page version, you can use as learning to develop PHP game data (2012-05-29, PHP, 3084KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] bcty365

This online community system mainly used for in the network sets up the enterprise image, for enterprise and customers, and visitors between members to provide a technical exchange platform, and try to put forward enterprise software products. Developers to provide an exchange platform, enterprise and customers, members closer and the distance between visitors, so as to achieve the purpose of promoting enterprise software products. (2012-04-09, PHP, 1358KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] alcatel-lucent_protocol_framework

alcatel-lucent protocol translation framework (2012-02-20, PHP, 1680KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] whois

1、查询域名的注册信息:注册时间、DNS服务器、注册时间、到期时间、注册人资料及联系信息 2、支持.cn域名查询
1, check domain name registration information: Registration time, DNS server, registration time, expiration time, the registrant information and contact information 2 support. Cn domain name query (2011-09-10, PHP, 78KB, 下载14次)


[WEB开发] language_joomla_1510_zh-CN_site

language file to help user build your site into chinese language, it is specially designed for joomla users
language file to help user build your site into chinese language, it is specially designed for joomla users (2011-03-25, PHP, 55KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] xu-chenyang

Yang Xu city on some papers inside, including a lot of GVF paper, a very good value for research. (2011-02-27, PHP, 12054KB, 下载19次)


[WEB开发] root2010

PHP Simple business background (2010-12-06, PHP, 4206KB, 下载8次)


[WEB开发] 630s

php Simple PHP novice business stand prepared for beginners, instructions have been compressed in the background username password admin (2010-06-23, PHP, 1468KB, 下载5次)


[WEB开发] 616p

PHPOK enterprise Station (hereinafter referred to PHPOK) is a construction system based on PHP and MySQL to build highly efficient enterprise website construction of one of the options for a comprehensive enterprise network (so as to display as the center) for a reasonable design and planning. This is a set of open source, free web business process! You comply with the protocol based on the LGPL can use free of charge. (2009-03-28, PHP, 817KB, 下载14次)
