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[WEB开发] 3

HTML5 column bar broken line data statistical chart code, there are 23 groups of different data statistical map effect, suitable for enterprise office, OA, CMS and other use. (2019-01-20, HTML, 654KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] xiaocms_v1.0.1229

XiaoCms企业建站版基于PHP+Mysql架构 是一款小巧、灵活、简单、易用轻量级cms。
XiaoCms Enterprise Edition is based on PHP+ Mysql architecture is a small, flexible, simple, easy to use lightweight cms. (2016-12-05, HTML, 378KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] biweb

BIWEB BI website system is relying on a large site system ArthurXF enterprise-class PHP application development framework, by the Shanghai Network Services Network Information Co., Ltd. has gone through 5 years of continuous practice in a variety of large-scale projects, review, development and design out of a rapid development, easy to use object-oriented enterprise application level PHPMVC station system. (2016-09-26, HTML, 9189KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Modoer_UTF8_1.1

商铺功能 可建立多板块的点评,例如(餐饮,旅游,购物,娱乐,服务等) 每个板块可以分类,并按类别输出信息(如餐饮板块可以建立火锅,海鲜等,出行/旅游板块可以建立汽车,旅行社等)
Store function can create multi-sector reviews, for example (catering, tourism, shopping, entertainment, services, etc.) each section can be classified by category output information (such as catering sector can create a hot pot, seafood, travel/tourism sector can be established cars, travel, etc.) (2016-08-19, HTML, 1213KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] lovecms1.6.2

LoveCMS一个由PHP写成的简单内容管理系统,采用MYSQL作为其数据库,该程序需要PHP5 支持,其他php版本没有测试,它旨在简单和高效,你可以通过模块来扩展你的基本安装和通过主题来改变你站点的外观,同时该程序编辑器支持所见即得模式。 安装的时候注意程序根目录为:www.domain.com/lovecms 汉化作者:http://www.ugug.cn(今天不聊天)
LoveCMS a PHP written by a simple content management system, using MYSQL as its , the program requires PHP5 support, other php version not tested, it is intended simple and efficient, you can extend your basic installation and by theme by module change the appearance of your site, while the program editor supports WYSIWYG mode too. Note that when the root of the installation procedure is: www.domain.com/lovecms Speaking Author: http: //www.ugug.cn (today not chat) (2016-08-17, HTML, 1081KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] smf_cn

加拿大的 Simple Machines Forum,功能和性能等已经足以证明是一个非常优秀的论坛 含简体中文gb2312、UTF-8及繁体中文gb2312、UTF-8
Canada Simple Machines Forum, functionality and performance is sufficient to prove that is a very good forum including simplified Chinese gb2312, UTF-8 and Traditional Chinese gb2312, UTF-8 (2016-08-12, HTML, 545KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qiyetoupiao

Employee phone voting page templates based on jquery-1.10.1.min.js production, flat style, click on the successful vote to support dynamic display. (2016-06-21, HTML, 37KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] xuankudaohang

Cool two company s Web site navigation menu based prefixfree.min.js production and CSS3, blue style, suitable for corporate site uses the mouse through a complex menu display cool effect two drop-down menu. There are Home, About Us, Products, Success Stories, Feedback, company presentations, business intelligence, Honor, contact us and other menu columns. (2016-06-07, HTML, 7KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] lansezhanshi

Blue Air Products business templates, a full set of templates, DIV+ CSS layout, including about.html, blog.html, contact.html, index.html, support.html site templates and other pages. (2016-05-26, HTML, 233KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] CSSHeaven

Beautiful black business official website templates, a full set of templates, DIV+ CSS layout, including about.html, blog.html, index.html, style.html site templates and other pages. (2016-05-26, HTML, 185KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] Atomic

Bright blue business corporate website template, a full set of templates, DIV+ CSS layout, including about.html, blog.html, contact.html, index.html, support.html site templates and other pages. (2016-05-26, HTML, 224KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] multi_layer

Blue Products business templates, a full set of templates, DIV+ CSS layout, including blog.html, contact.html, gallery.html, index.html, products.html site templates and other pages. (2016-05-25, HTML, 784KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] k-yp_mssql

A powerful Yellow Pages Inquiry System to support two industries and regions classification functions dynamically generated static corporate information website, greatly reducing the burden on the server to improve network promotion effect, background batch classification and management of enterprise information, powerful extension of the system, to quickly and easily build a powerful search platform yellow pages (2016-03-29, HTML, 96KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] sinsiu_1_1_final

Web program is a free enterprise web systems, there is no functional limitations, anyone can download, modify and use the system (2014-02-16, HTML, 1463KB, 下载2次)


[WEB开发] mailmoban

Mail system template processing enterprises, deep blue style, including a login page, the top menu has been achieved, the background looks very dynamic, web Webpage production of reference materials. (2013-12-28, HTML, 199KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] heisezhigan

Black Textured atmospheric HTML5 enterprise website template, a full set of templates, DIV+CSS layout, the application of HTML5 technology, web website source code. (2013-12-27, HTML, 735KB, 下载6次)


[WEB开发] HTML5_Enterprise_WEB

A set of good HTML5/CSS3 Web pages, which is applied to Enterprise Administration..JQuery Script is used with the newest Web Techies.. (2013-07-31, HTML, 294KB, 下载21次)


[WEB开发] youzhikecheng

Quality course website, the page simple and elegant, fresh, fine for small and medium enterprises or schools curriculum (2011-10-12, HTML, 14681KB, 下载44次)


[WEB开发] EServer

This code is an enterprise-class background templates, style with steady, dark-based, project management for the background, please share (2011-07-18, HTML, 2063KB, 下载33次)
