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[C#编程] A011 Easyui开发框架源码 售卖版本

源码描述: 一、功能介绍: 本系统实现的核心功能完全适合企业级开发 1、框架采用多层架构,反射技术。 2、权限管理里实现的功能:按钮管理、菜单管理、角色管理、用户管理、数据字典、单号管理、日志管理等。通用于后台管理系统以及权限管理模块。 3、系统用到缓存技术,MemCached和Redis这2种,具体缓存资料网上很多。
Source description: I. Functional introduction: The core function of this system is completely suitable for enterprise development. 1. The framework adopts multi-layer architecture and reflection technology. 2. Functions implemented in authority management: button management, menu management, role management, user management, data dictionary, single number management, log management, etc. It can be used in background management system and authority management module. 3. The system uses caching technology, MemCached and Redis. There are many caching data on the network. (2018-12-07, C#, 37597KB, 下载19次)


[C#编程] resourcecode_CSharp

21 days learning through C#, source code folder, including the book each chapter corresponding source code files can be created using C# language: run Windows applications on a Windows operating system. Also able to develop distributed components, Web services. Web applications. In the current mainstream Web development languages, C# language programmers widely popular favorite, it is one of many enterprise architecture alternatives. (2016-05-17, C#, 3561KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] ym_cs-csharpdownloadupload_hicode

C# upload and download files. Browse to the file you want to upload, you can achieve upload, enter the address of the specified file can achieve download. 撤消修改 您提供的翻译将用于改善翻译质量,并可能以匿名方式供其他用户参考提供建议关闭感谢您提交的内容。C#上传文件、下载文件。浏览到需要上传的文件,即可实现上传,输入指定文件的地址可实现下载。的定义C#上传文件、下载文件。浏览到需要上传的文件,即可实现上传,输入指定文件的地址可实现下载。的同义词C#上传文件、下载文件。浏览到需要上传的文件,即可实现上传,输入指定文件的地址可实现下载。的示例另请参阅 C#上传文件、下载文件。浏览到需要上传的文件,即可实现上传,输入指定文件的地址可实现下载。 的翻译Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察将文件或链接拖放到此处以翻译文档或网页。 将链接拖放到此处以翻译网页。 我们不支持您拖放的文件类型,请尝试其他文件类型。 我们不支持您拖放的链接类型,请尝试其他类型的链接。 (2014-11-18, C#, 19KB, 下载4次)


[C#编程] 876545678

Employee IC card attendance system example of the enterprise use the Mwic_32.dll components, IC card comes before the operation, the components are copied to the Debug folder. Thus the development of a for internal staff of IC card program,. Through this source code you can learn how to use and statement of dynamic link library, a variable is set, for the control of an IC card is read only once and only add a content to a database, and write data to the IC card, IC card data read, check card password, the ReadIC method is called public class start loop to read the IC card, port initialization, device password format, the database of images into binary stream, converts a byte array into a binary stream, the image stored in the specified path, please note, the IC card password default to 6 F (Code: ffffff), author, copyright, only to learn with reference to. (2013-09-10, C#, 621KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] Enterprise-Short-Message-System

Enterprise Short Message System, the use of hardware SMS cat to send text messages, by users of the system can on a specified set of phone numbers of the mass SMS to speed up the efficiency of the office. System itself as well as receive SMS texting query function and view the SIM card, but also to provide users with the functions of the phone book, phone book management, can be frequently used contacts and their phone number added to the database , added convenience when sending SMS recipient (2013-04-17, C#, 1573KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] WgCms1

WgCMS以企业营销为主,在激烈的营销竞争中,“网站+营销”模式之“WgCMS”担负使命,专业打造会营销的网站,助您的事业"由鱼得水"。 全站DIV+CSS,智能静态页面 /智能后台,全新ASP.NET技术 / 自由SEO优化设置关键词 /自由设置关键字内链/ 业内最人性化操作界面 / 优良的安全机制 / OA级别的系统权限管理 / 全方位智能营销系统 / 产权保护,产品水印自由加 / 功能自由定制,字段灵活掌握。
Responsible for mission in the fierce competition in the marketing, " website+ marketing" model " WgCMS" WgCMS mainly to corporate marketing, professional building will be marketing the site to help your business " by the Field Guide. The station DIV+CSS, intelligent static page/smart background, the new ASP.NET technology/free SEO optimization settings Keywords/free set keywords within the chain/industry s most user-friendly operator interface/excellent security mechanism/OA level system permissions management/full range of intelligent marketing system/protection of property rights, product watermark free add/freedom to customize the functionality and field flexibility. (2013-03-25, C#, 12093KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] Apress.Illustrated.C.Sharp.2008.CN

《C#图解教程》,同事推荐的他认为最好的C#书籍,不像有些书只是从MSDN上扒下来的。 用图说话,最易学的C#教程;亚马逊全五星盛誉。 本书作者总结了自己数十年软件开发和教学培训经验,创造了一种全新的可视化叙述方式。在书中。他通过大量图、表和代码,与简洁的文字完美结合,从底层运行原理的角度阐述了最新版C#和.NET的所有基本特性。并讲解了LINQ、异步编程和反射等高级特性,使原本非常复杂的知识点变得简单明了、清晰透彻,让人耳目一新,大大降低了学习难度。阅读本书时,你仿佛置身于课堂。看着一位经验丰富的老师拿着粉笔画图演示。娓娓道来。本书原版一经问世,就赢得广泛好评,被誉为C#入门经典著作。不仅适合自学。也是课堂教学的首选。
The unique, visual format of Illustrated C# 2008 has been specially created by author and teacher of development methods, Daniel Solis. The concise text, use of tables to clarify language features, frequent figures and diagrams, as well as focused code samples all combine to create a unique approach that will help you understand and get to work with C# fast. It was while teaching numerous seminars on various programming languages that the author realized the immense power that diagrams have in explaining programming language concepts. Most people learn quicker and retain information better when the material is presented in a clean, simple, visual format. To achieve this result in his book, Solis uses concise text and bulleted lists, tables to clarify and summarize language features, as well as his renowned and ubiquitous figures and diagrams. Each language feature is illustrated with a concise and focused code sample for complete clarity. Following an overview of the .NET platfo (2013-02-27, C#, 42504KB, 下载14次)


[C#编程] PWMS

学c#的时候用的源码,企业人事管理系统, 附加数据库SQL Server 2005, (1)本系统用户名为:Tsoft,密码为:111。 (2)实例执行文件位置:TM\07\PWMS\PWMS\bin\Debug\ PWMS.exe (3)程序可执行文件目录中,必须存在bar文件夹。否则,以默认路径对数据库进行备份时,将无法找到备份路径。
Learn c# with source code, corporate personnel management system, the additional database SQL Server 2005, (1) the system user name: Tsoft password is: 111. (2) examples of the implementation of the file location: TM \ 07 \ PWMS \ PWMS \ bin \ Debug \ PWMS.exe (3) the program executable file directory must exist in the folder bar. Otherwise, the default path of the database backup will not be able to find a backup path. (2013-01-18, C#, 3289KB, 下载13次)


[C#编程] SMS

By actual needs analysis, the development of the enterprise Short Message System. This system is mainly the use of the hardware cats SMS Send SMS, the bulk SMS through the system the user can specify a set of phone numbers, to speed up the efficiency of the office. System itself as well as receive SMS texting query capabilities, as well as view the SIM card, but also to provide users with the functionality of the phone book. (2012-08-28, C#, 1597KB, 下载10次)


[C#编程] petshopP5.0

PetShop架构 PetShop是一个范例,微软用它来展示.Net企业系统开发的能力。业界有许多.Net与J2EE之争,许多数据是从微软的PetShop和Sun的PetStore而来。这种争论不可避免带有浓厚的商业色彩,对于我们开发人员而言,没有必要过多关注。然而PetShop随着版本的不断更新,至现在基于.Net 2.0的PetShop4.0为止,整个设计逐渐变得成熟而优雅,而且有很多可以借鉴之处。PetShop是一个小型的项目,系统架构与代码都比较简单,却也凸现了许多颇有价值的设计与开发理念。
PetShop architecture PetShop is an example, Microsoft uses it to show. Net enterprise system development capabilities. Many industry. Net and J2EE battle, many of the data is from Microsoft and Sun PetShop PetStore from. This debate will inevitably color with a strong business for us developers, there is no need too much attention. However, with the version of PetShop constantly updated to now based. Net 2.0' s PetShop4.0 far, the design gradually become mature and elegant, and many can learn from. PetShop is a small project, system architecture and code are relatively simple, but it also highlights a number of valuable design and development philosophy. (2011-10-12, C#, 4443KB, 下载19次)


[C#编程] PMHRM

The software is based on access database and the java programming language, its function within the system source code directly to complete. Operators only need to enter some simple Chinese characters, numbers, you can achieve your goals. For small and medium enterprises, the use of computer support efficient completion of daily affairs, is to adapt to modern requirements, to promote the management more scientific, standardized conditions necessary and personnel management is a very cumbersome thing, the number of large, Traditional management is extremely inconvenient. At the same time the computer has the incomparable advantage of manual management. For example: the rapid retrieval, easy to find, high reliability, large memory capacity, security and good, long life and low cost. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of personnel management. Complete development documentation (2011-05-20, C#, 203KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] qydxqfxt

If the company would like to inform the staff in the field far away to report back to the company, the traditional method is to dial the phone to notify each employee, and now the development of enterprises Short Message System will be able to inform the staff prepared a report back to the company s message, and then add all field staff telephone number, unified sent, greatly improve the efficiency of the office. Through the actual needs analysis, develop a set of business of the Short Message System. The system is mainly to send text messages using SMS cat hardware through the system user can specify a group of phone numbers for SMS group sending, to speed up the office efficiency. System itself also has sent the message to the query function and to view received text messages in the SIM card, but also provide users with a phone book function, through the phone book management can be more commonly used contacts and their phone number added to the database , the added convenience when (2011-03-19, C#, 1362KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] setup1.1

华夏SEO软件beta1.1版 华夏SEO软件是一款应用于网站在互联网进行营销的多功能检测与信息群发软件,众所周知给网站做SEO基础工作要从两方面入手,网站内部代码优化与搜索引擎外部优化,针对这两大特性,我公司推出华夏SEO软件主要功能有两大类:1、网站营销分析检测功能; 2、搜索引擎排名优化功能。准确的根据用户需要,提供完美的网站优化服务。   华夏SEO软件不仅是一个群发软件,还是一款真正的SEO软件,真正能够实现业务不用跑,订单送上门。是中小企业产品推广,淘宝客推广,广告联盟,网赚一族,商务人士网络赚钱的首选网络营销工具。 官网:http://www.w3si.com
SEO software is used in Chinese websites on the Internet for a multi-function testing and information marketing mass software, well known to the site to do the basic work to be two ways SEO, website optimization and search engine within the outer code is optimized for these two properties , I introduced Chinese SEO software, there are two main functions: 1, website marketing analysis and detection capabilities 2, the search engine ranking optimization. Accurate based on user needs and provide the perfect Web site optimization services. China SEO software is not only a mass software, or a true SEO software can achieve real business is no need for orders delivered to their doorsteps. SMEs, product promotion, Taobao off promotion, advertising alliance, Wangzhuan owners, business people make money online internet marketing tool of choice. http://www.w3si.com (2011-02-11, C#, 27259KB, 下载7次)


[C#编程] Drools.Net

 Drools(JBoss Rules )具有一个易于访问企业策略、易于调整以及易于管理的开源业务规则引擎,符合业内标准,速度快、效率高。业务分析师或审核人员可以利用它轻松查看业务规则,从而检验是否已编码的规则执行了所需的业务规则。   JBoss Rules 的前身是Codehaus的一个开源项目叫Drools。最近被纳入JBoss门下,更名为JBoss Rules,成为了JBoss应用服务器的规则引擎。   Drools是为Java量身定制的基于Charles Forgy的RETE算法的规则引擎的实现。具有了OO接口的RETE,使得商业规则有了更自然的表达。
Drools (JBoss Rules) has an easy access to corporate strategies, easy to adjust and easy to manage open source business rules engine, consistent with industry standards, speed and efficiency. Business analysts or auditors can use it to easily view business rules, which test whether the implementation of the required encoding rules business rules. JBoss Rules is the successor Codehaus is an open source project called Drools. Recently been incorporated into JBoss Ha, changed its name to JBoss Rules, JBoss application server has become the rule engine. Drools is a Java customized algorithm based on Charles Forgy' s RETE rules engine implementation. With the OO interface RETE, so business rules have a more natural expression. (2010-06-14, C#, 10051KB, 下载62次)


[C#编程] Epass1KWin32(Current)

0,本程序适用于飞天诚信公司的安全锁ePass1000 1,本程序的功能 在.NET环境下,对ePass1000进行操作,包括读锁内信息,向锁内写入相关信息,验证密码,改密码等等, 还有部分对数据库的操作。 2, 运行环境:.NET framework 2.0; 3,运行之前,必须安装ePass1000的驱动程序“eps1k_full.exe”, 在目录“ePass1000 Windows 环境下私有接口的完整开发包(PRI)eps1k_pri_fullpkg \Private\Redist\CN”下; 4,软件第一次运行时,会询问“是否 已经 安装驱动程序”,如果已经安装,点“是”;否则,点“否”; 5,软件功能介绍 开锁 打开ePass1000锁,读取相关信息,生成Label号,Guid号 标签 标签号的样式 写锁 向锁内写入密钥1,密钥2,随机数,Guid号 验证 验证超级密码和普通密码 改密码 该超级密码或普通密码 切换的控制台界面 切换到飞天公司提供的控制台程序界面 清空界面 另外,在“验证密码”和“该密码”之处,还提供了更多的功能(通过调用飞天公司提供的 eps1k_mgr.exe实现的);
0, this procedure applies to fly the company s safety lock ePass1000 integrity 1, the program s functionality In the. NET environment, the right ePass1000 operate, including the reading of information within the lock, to lock in writing-related information, verify passwords, change passwords, etc., Moreover, some database operation. 2, operating environment:. NET framework 2.0 3, run, you must install ePass1000 driver "eps1k_full.exe", In the directory "ePass1000 Windows environment, the private interface is a complete development kit (PRI) eps1k_pri_fullpkg \ Private \ Redist \ CN "next 4, the software for the first time to run, it will ask "whether the driver is already installed", if you have installed, point "yes" Otherwise, the point of "No" 5, Software Functions Open ePass1000 unlocking the lock, read relevant information, generate Label number, Guid No. Tag tag number style Within a write lock to lock into a key, key 2, a random (2010-01-21, C#, 4916KB, 下载38次)


[C#编程] MyQQ

根据企业对QQ系统的要求,本系统可以实现以下目标:  操作简单方便、界面简洁美观。  每个客户端只能注册一次。  可以在局域网中实现文字及大图片的传输。  可以实现局域网视频。  可以实现多用户的信息通信。  系统运行稳定、安全可靠。
According to business-to-QQ system requirements, the system can achieve the following goals:  is easy and simple interface, simple and beautiful.  Each client can only register once.  can be implemented in the LAN transmission of text and large images.  can achieve LAN video.  can achieve multi-user information and communication.  system is running stable, safe and reliable. (2009-11-11, C#, 911KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] Enterprise_sms_mass_send_system

If the company wishes to inform the staff in the field, far back to the company to report, the traditional way is to dial the phone to notify each employee, and now developed a corporate Short Message System will be able to prepare a report to the staff back to the company s SMS, and then add all the field staff of the phone number, to send out a unified, greatly improve the efficiency of the office. Through practical needs analysis, develop a set of enterprise in this Short Message System. This system is mainly the use of the hardware to send SMS text messages a cat, through this system user can specify a group of telephone numbers for mass text messages to speed up the office efficiency. System itself there are queries that have been text messaging capabilities, as well as view the SIM card SMS received, but also provide users with a phone book function, through the phone book management, and can be commonly used contacts and their phone numbers added to the database , the convenienc (2009-11-11, C#, 1370KB, 下载31次)


[C#编程] Csharpgzgl

功能上的亮点 1、权限控制 我们在刚开始运行时,首先把系统主界面所有菜单隐藏起来,当用户填入用户名、密码并且通过用户名、密码之后,根据登录用户的权限,再把该登录用户能操作的菜单项显示出来。 2、临时工资表 因为工资表的字段可能会发生变化,不同企业的工资表也可能不同,因此我们在临时工资表里面只是预设了25个字段。不过在处理的时候,要检查这个临时工资表里面哪些字段的内容是有效的(即哪些字段有内容,哪些字段没有内容)。 3、导入导出Excel 本章介绍了使用COM组件操作Excel的详细方法。 4、邮件群发 本章实现了一个邮件群发的功能
C# Salary Management System (with source code) (2009-07-31, C#, 5312KB, 下载14次)


[C#编程] Spring.NET-1.1.2

Spring.NET 是一个关注于.NET企业应用开发的应用程序框架。它能够提供宽广范围的功能,例如依赖注入、面向方面编程(AOP)、数据访问抽象, 以及ASP.NET集成等。基于java的spring框架的核心概念和价值已被应用到.NET。Spring.NET 1.0 包含一个完全功能的依赖注入容器和AOP库。后续的发布将包含对ASP.NET、Remoting和数据访问的支持。
Spring.NET is a focus on. NET enterprise application development framework for the application. It can provide a broad range of functions, such as dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming (AOP), data access abstraction, as well as the ASP.NET integration. Based on the spring framework java core concepts and values have been applied to. NET. Spring.NET 1.0 include a fully functional dependency injection containers and AOP library. The release will contain the follow-up of ASP.NET, Remoting and data access support. (2008-10-16, C#, 23092KB, 下载64次)


[C#编程] grcwgl

1.1产品概述: 简单实用的桌面个人理财软件,满足家庭和个人的理财需求,提供账户管理,收支管理,借贷管理,统计等功能。 1.2业务背景: 个人理财自动化的迫切需求,但是专业的大型商业软件价格昂贵而且功能庞杂而无法满足需求。本软件免费,简单,实用,满足家庭和个人的理财需求。 1.3IT背景: 目前的电子理财软件偏向于商业级别,且主要用于企业级和部门级,但是个人理财的需求越来越强烈,因此需要一款免费简单实用的小型理财软件。
1.1 Product Overview: simple and practical desktop personal finance software, to meet family and personal financial needs, providing account management, revenue and expenditure management, debt management, statistical and other functions. 1.2 Business Background: personal finance urgent need of automation, but the professional large-scale commercial software is expensive and complex functions can not meet demand. This software is free, simple, practical and meet the family and personal financial needs. 1.3IT Background: At present, electronic financial management software tends to be a commercial level, and mainly used for enterprise-level and departmental level, but growing demand for personal financial management strongly, so the need for a free simple and practical small-scale financial management software. (2008-08-19, C#, 1345KB, 下载62次)
