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按分类查找All 软件设计/软件工程(272) 

[软件设计/软件工程] ep3

1. Define MyString class with demands as follows: 1.1 MyString can save any string 1.2 Overload operator+ to append string to another one 1.3 Define Find function to locate the position of searching a character 1.4 Define Mid function to get substring one string 1.5 The client can use MyString you define like as in the main: void main() { MyString s1( China ), s2 s2 = Love cout << I + s2+ s1 int pos = s1.Find( a ) // pos is 4, or zero if a is not found. int a = 1, b = 3 MyString my = s2.Mid(a, b) // a represents starting position, b represents length. So Mid can get substring. } NOTE: The type, string in C++, is forbidden in your program. 2. Define InternetURL class to save a URL string like as www.bit.edu.cn ,and finish the demands as follows: 2.1 Use MyString you just finished before to save URL string; 2.2 Define member function getDomain (2016-06-01, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载13次)


[软件设计/软件工程] software-detail-design

详细设计说明书 通过网上书籍销售系统实现书籍销售的电子商务模式并满足经销商和用户进行电子交易的需求,网上商品省去租店面、召雇员及储存保管等一系列费用,总的来说其价格较一般商场的同类商品更便宜。对于商家来说,由于网上销售没有库存压力、经营成本低、经营规模不受场地限制等,在将来会有更多的企业选择网上销售,通过互联网对市场信息的及时反馈适时调整经营战略,保证充分发挥网上交易的优势,以此提高企业的经济效益和参与国际竞争的能力。
Detailed design specification books through online book sales system to achieve sales of e-business models and meet the dealers and users demand for electronic transactions, online commodity eliminating rental store employees and called custody and a series of storage costs, in general their prices than the average mall similar goods cheaper. For merchants, online sales because no inventory pressure, low operating costs, operating scale without space constraints, etc., in the future there will be more companies choose online sales through the Internet to market information and timely feedback adjust business strategies to ensure give full play to the advantages of online trading, in order to improve the economic efficiency of enterprises and participation in international competition. (2013-07-30, WORD, 206KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Operating-Instructions

Desktop laptop diagnostic card manual may also want to study computer help撤消修改Alpha “”的用法示例:由 Google 自动翻译 字典Would you mind answering some questions to help improve translation quality? Google 翻译(企业版):译者工具包网站翻译器全球商机洞察将文件或链接拖放到此处以翻译文档或网页。 将链接拖放到此处以翻译网页。 我们不支持您拖放的文件类型,请尝试其他文件类型。 我们不支持您拖放的链接类型,请尝试其他类型的链接。 关闭即时翻译关于 Google 翻译移动隐私权政策帮助发送反馈 点击可修改和查看其他翻译 按住 Shift 键的同时拖动短语即可重新排序。 简体中文(中国)- 拼音输入法五笔输入法注音输入法繁体中文- 拼音输入法 (2013-03-16, Visual C++, 43KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] ERStudio

ER/Studio Data Architect (以前称为ER/Studio),是一种可视化的建模应用程序,除了可以设计与构建与平台相关的物理数据库以外,还可以分析与设计与平台无关的逻辑数据架构。 ER/Studio Data Architect 的强大的,多层式设计环境非常有助于数据库管理员,开发人员和数据架构师建立与维护庞大复杂的数据库应用程序,也有助于跨企业的元数据的巩固、报告和重用。
ER/Studio Data Architect (formerly known as ER/Studio), is a visual modeling application, in addition to design and build the physical database and platform, it also can analyze and design a platform-independent logical data architecture. ER/Studio Data Architect' s robust, multi-layered design environment is to help database administrators, developers and data architects to create and maintain large and complex database applications, but also help the metadata across the enterprise consolidation, reporting and reuse. (2011-10-10, Delphi, 1904KB, 下载11次)


[软件设计/软件工程] jia

摘要:介绍了利用直接数字合成技术产生频率扫描信 号的新方法。利用计数器和相位累加器实现对波形存 储器寻址, 从而产生频率扫描信号序列。该序列通过 数-模转换器和低通滤波器后, 产生出频率扫描信号。 被合成的频率扫描信号的起始频率、 终止频率和扫描 时间可根据需要随意设定,并且可以实现对三者的精 确控制。
Abstract: The use of direct digital synthesis techniques to create a new method of frequency sweep signal. The use of counters and phase accumulator to achieve the waveform memory addressing, resulting in a frequency sweep signal sequence. The sequence through the number- analog converter and low pass filter, to produce a frequency sweep signal. Was synthesized frequency sweep signal the start frequency, stop frequency and sweep time can be arbitrarily set according to need, and can achieve precise control of the three. (2011-07-05, Visual C++, 145KB, 下载8次)


[软件设计/软件工程] decision-support-system-

Optimal dispatching system of hydropower plant is a complex project.Now there is not a systemic,perfect and ripe scheme to solve it.It must take the market mechanism’s infection into account so as to embody the price influence.The system have the important significance to research it that can improve the reliability and stability index of electric network.Furthermore,it can optimize the use of energy resources,exploit the electric power market in all sides and improve the benefits. (2011-07-02, matlab, 1377KB, 下载53次)


[软件设计/软件工程] softmanager

软件工程基本理论回顾 软件开发规律认识 软件网络平台技术 软件过程模型过程优化 设计模式与体系架构 软件项目管理 产业发展前景展望 软件技术领域上你认为未来几年会催生哪些新开发技术和新软件应用? 国际上流行的软件开发与项目管理技术是什么?他们有什么特点,为何这样设计? 企业级大规模软件系统架构与设计模式是什么?
The basic theory of software engineering, software development, understanding of the law review software process model network platform technology process optimization software design patterns and software architecture, project management software technology industry development prospects on the field of birth do you think the next few years what new technologies and new software applications development? popular on the international software development and project management technology? What are the characteristics they have, why this design? large-scale enterprise software systems architecture and design model? (2010-11-08, PPT, 23560KB, 下载7次)


[软件设计/软件工程] from_njdown_cn_081130165609962

.不是源码 3.缺少文件 4.所选类别和开发环境不对 5.乱写说明或说明不够认真 6.压缩文件有密码 7.源码重复或已经存在 请不要上传有版权争议的内容和木马病毒代码和访问国外网站的代理软件 开发环境: 请选择 Visual C++ Visual Basic DOS Unix_Linux C++ Builder Java Windows_Unix Delphi C-C++ PHP-PERL PHP Perl Python HTML Asm Pascal Borland C++ Others MultiPlatform C++ VFP SQL PDF TEXT WORD VBScript JavaScript ASP CSharp CHM FlashMX matlab PowerBuilder PPT LabView Flex MathCAD VBA PalmOS IDL LISP VHDL Objective-C Fortran tcl/tk QT Video(重要) 功能描述: 请认真书写上传资料的详细功能、包含内容说明(至少要20个字)。尽量不要让站长把时间都花费在为您修正说明上。压缩包解压时不能有密码。
adsasdasdasdsadfdsfgbbgfdvbsdfgeaqrgfdbv xcgfdzgasfgdsfgsaFDgvxzcvdsafgdeafgadsg (2010-02-08, Java, 1502KB, 下载2次)


[软件设计/软件工程] sdddd

RBAC扩展模型在权限控制中的研究与应用 本文针对传统RBAC模型在实际应用中的不足,扩展了RBAC理论使 之成为适合我国企业办公信息系统的访问控制理论。它在保留原RBAC理 论优点的基础上,在用户和角色之间引入了部门这样一个新的实体;根据对 象不同对其进行详细分类,从而增加权限配置的粒度;对角色继承和角色权 限授予分别增加优先级概念,从而避免权限继承时的冲突问题;增加了对用 户直接授权的方式,从而防止了由于个别用户具有的特殊权限而导致角色增 加泛滥;此外还扩展了其他各种约束。
本文针对传统RBAC模型在实际应用中的不足,扩展了RBAC理论使 之成为适合我国企业办公信息系统的访问控制理论。它在保留原RBAC理 论优点的基础上,在用户和角色之间引入了部门这样一个新的实体;根据对 象不同对其进行详细分类,从而增加权限配置的粒度;对角色继承和角色权 限授予分别增加优先级概念,从而避免权限继承时的冲突问题;增加了对用 户直接授权的方式,从而防止了由于个别用户具有的特殊权限而导致角色增 加泛滥;此外还扩展了其他各种约束。 (2009-11-26, Java, 1750KB, 下载28次)


[软件设计/软件工程] iBATIS-SqlMaps-2_cn

本文讨论了iBATIS SQL Map最重要的特性。使用SQL Map,能够大大减少访问关系数据库的代码。SQL Map使用简单的XML配置文件将Java Bean映射成SQL语句,对比其他的数据库持续层和ORM框架(如JDO的实现,Hibernate等),SQL Map最大的优点在于它简单易学。要使用SQL Map,只要熟悉Java Bean,XML和SQL,就能使您充分发挥SQL语句的能力。
This article discusses the iBATIS SQL Map of the most important features. Using the SQL Map, can greatly reduce the code to access a relational database. SQL Map using a simple XML configuration file will be mapped into a SQL statement, Java Bean, compared to other databases continuous layer and ORM frameworks (such as JDO implementation, Hibernate, etc.), SQL Map of the biggest advantages is that it is easy to learn. To use the SQL Map, as long as the familiar with the Java Bean, XML, and SQL, will enable you to give full play to the capacity of SQL statements. (2009-11-10, Java, 433KB, 下载58次)


[软件设计/软件工程] AddressBook

.J2EE企业通讯录 开发工具:Myeclipse 7.0 项目描述:用户键入主页网址进入登录注册页面,没注册的用户进行注册,注册后键入用户名密码进入用户管理页面,可以对客户进行增删改查的操作,用户客户的信息都将存入mysql数据库中。
Prior to being free to either register or login their accounts, users can enter the website. Username and password input can smooth the entrance to the page of user management, in which, the addition, deletion and change of customers can be operated, with all information of customers and users being stored in the database. (2009-11-06, Java, 2604KB, 下载37次)


[软件设计/软件工程] PT2323PT2322

簡介 PT2323 是特別為6CH 家庭劇院音響系統所設計的音響用輸入選擇器,並且內建2CH~6CH 轉換 器,可以直接將傳統立體聲2CH 信號轉換成為模擬6CH 信號,使用I2C 控制介面。單電源9V 供 應電壓,低成本及極佳的性能表現(THD<0.005 Typ),適合任何高性能的6CH 音響系統之應用。 特色 l 供應電源:9V l 提供4 組立體聲及一組6CH 輸入端 l 內建2CH~6CH 轉換器和副低頻低通濾波器 l 最大輸入電壓可達3.75Vrms (1KHz, THD<1 ) l 低失真<0.005 (1KHz, 0.2Vrms),低噪訊<6μVrms l I2C 控制介面 應用範圍 l AV 音響器材 l 迷你組你音響 l 汽車音響 l 多媒體音箱
DESCRIPTION PT2323 is a 6-Channel Audio Selector utilizing CMOS Technology specially designed for Home Theater System. It provides a built-in 2-Channel to 6-Channel Translator, which can directly mix traditional stereo channel to simulate a 6-Channel audio output. Single power supply (9V), I2C Bus Interface as well as very low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD < 0.005 ) and other features are incorporated into a single chip thereby providing very high performance. Pin assignments and application circuit are optimized for easy PCB layout and cost saving advantages. FEATURES 􀁺 Supply Voltage: 9V 􀁺 4 Stereo Inputs 􀁺 One 6-Channel Input 􀁺 Maximum Input Voltage: 3.75Vrms (1kHz, THD<1 ) 􀁺 Low Total Harmonic Distortion, THD<0.005 (1kHz, 0.2Vrms) 􀁺 Low Noise: No<4μVrms 􀁺 I2C Bus Interface 􀁺 Available in 28 Pins, DIP or SOP Package APPLICATIONS 􀁺 AV System 􀁺 Mini Compo 𙦥 (2009-07-15, Visual C++, 60KB, 下载294次)


[软件设计/软件工程] NewsPaper

NewsPaper 随我国报刊行业的迅速发展,以及报刊的方便性,信息传递的快速性,报刊已经离不开人们的生活,而企业的目的就是为了管理这些。所以报刊订阅管理系统会是一个可发展性的管理系统。可以进行深一步的研究
NewsPaper with China s rapid development of the industry press, as well as the convenience of the press, the rapid transmission of information, the press has been inseparable from people' s lives, and the purpose of business is to manage these. So the press is a subscription management system will be able to develop a management system. Step can be carried out deep research (2009-06-24, PHP, 571KB, 下载3次)


[软件设计/软件工程] yylsjjfa

The program eF2.0 introduce information management system functions, including procurement of its management, sales management, inventory management, distribution management, financial management, system management functions. Description of the enterprise distribution management information system throughout the business flow, data requirements, the relevant statements of the algorithm, user interface, security permissions and other aspects and servers, networks, databases, etc. solutions system implementation programs. (2008-08-17, Others, 1662KB, 下载76次)


[软件设计/软件工程] 1

This document combines UML language introduced into a typical business, marketing, management information system for keeping the software development process. Include systems analysis, modeling analysis, document structure analysis, data structure analysis, project creation and setup, basic information module creation, purchasing module to create, inventory module creation, creation of modules such as sales, involving Java language education , management, accounting knowledge (2008-06-14, Others, 2944KB, 下载43次)


[软件设计/软件工程] qiyerenshiguanli

本课题是为企业人事管理提供现代化技术支持的管理信息系统,该系统包括了员工管理、部门管理、用户管理、招聘管理等主要模块。其图形用户界面利用DELPHI进行开发,后台数据库使用SQL SERVER 2000,采用ADO数据访问方式。
This issue is to provide personnel management for the enterprise of modern technology to support management information system, which includes staff management, departmental management, user management, recruitment management, and other major modules. Its graphical user interface developed using DELPHI, back-end database using SQL SERVER 2000, using ADO data access methods. (2008-06-06, Delphi, 2304KB, 下载119次)


[软件设计/软件工程] MISasp

结合企业人事、信息管理制度,基于实际需求分析,采用ASP作为工具开发出人事信息管理系统。整 个系统从操作简便、界面友好、灵活、实用、安全的要求出发,完成人事管理的全过程。其功能包括员工人事档案 的建立;员工管理权限的设置;职位变动、工资、考核、奖惩等员工信息的修改,查询和统计;工作计划的制定等人 事管理工作。 关键词:人事信息管理系统;ASP;SQL Server;ADO
Combination of personnel, information management system, based on the actual needs analysis, the use of ASP as a tool to develop a personnel information management system. The entire system from a simple, user-friendly, flexible, practical and safety requirements, the completion of the entire process of personnel management. Its functions include the establishment of employee personnel files staff management permissions settings job changes, wages, assessment, rewards and punishments, such as employee information changes, query and statistics work plan, such as personnel management. Keywords: Personnel Information Management System ASP SQL Server ADO (2008-03-20, PDF, 193KB, 下载27次)


[软件设计/软件工程] ScienceAndArtOfSoftwareDevelopment

《软件开发的科学与艺术》 本书由微软亚洲研究院著,凝聚了微软专家多年研究和工作中获得的宝贵经验,是特为每个关注软件开发的人而准备的一本书。书中,这些微软专家现身说法,提供了许多成功亦或失败的案例,并进行深刻中肯的剖析,为读者展现微软企业文化,以及微软的软件开发过程和项目管理等方面的内容。相信这些内容能够带给读者许多思想和观念上的重塑,从而对我们的后继学习和工作产生重要的影响。重要的是通过学习和借鉴软件巨人─微软的成功经验,从而推动中国现代IT企业的发展和进步。不论是软件开发人员,还是项目管理人员都将从中获益匪浅。本书将是每个从事软件开发的人员案头不可或缺的珍藏书。
"Software development of science and the arts" by the book with Microsoft Asia Research Institute, Microsoft experts embodiment of the years of study and work is a valuable experience, Each is specially designed for software development concerns and the preparations for a book. The book, which Microsoft experts testified that the many successful cases might fail and profound analysis of the fair, Microsoft Reader for displaying corporate culture, and Microsoft's software development process and project management, and other aspects. Believe that these will bring the readers as many ideas and concepts on the remodeling, thus our study and follow-up work have a major impact. The important thing is to learn from software giant Microsoft Building the successful experience thus pr (2007-07-06, PDF, 14076KB, 下载72次)


[软件设计/软件工程] biyesheji3

企业内部的很多业务都可以抽象为一个或者若干个工作流,最典型的是收发文工作流。一个发文流程可能要经历起草,审批,校对,领导签字,传阅等步骤。传统的办公模式完成此流程需要投入很多人力,而且运转起来较慢,容易出错,如果采用办公自动化系统,公文的流转就可以自动化,显然有很多好处。 UML(Unified Modeling Language)是一种面向对象的建模语言,它已经广泛用于面向对象系统的分析和设计。统一过程(Unified Process)是一种软件工程方法,它将软件开发过程分为一系列的工作流程(Workflow),充分发挥了迭代的开发思想,是软件开发成功的重要因素。 Struts是基于JAVA的一个开源项目,采用模块化的设计思想将业务逻辑,数据存储和用户界面分离,简化了企业级应用程序的构建。 本文描述了葫芦岛锌厂的办公自动化系统的开发过程,依据统一过程的开发思想,利用UML构建和描述系统的结构与行为,并用Struts完成了系统的最终实现。
enterprises within the many businesses that can be abstract or for a number of work-flow, The most typical is the text Transceivers work flow. An outgoing message flow may experience drafting, examination, proofreading, leading signature, circulation and other steps. The traditional mode of office to complete this process requires a lot of manpower and operating it slow, prone to error, If the use of office automation systems, document, the transfer can be automated, obviously has many advantages. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is an object-oriented modeling language It has been widely applied to object-oriented system analysis and design. Unified Process (Unified Process) is a software engineering approach, It will software development process is divided into a series of workflows (Workf (2007-06-10, Java, 854KB, 下载210次)


[软件设计/软件工程] BugManager

do a software, technology alone is good enough. must have a good development process and associated support tools. Domestic software enterprises project managers are remarkable : demand, design, coding, testing, maintenance, and even product releases must proficient, hands-on, but in practice you can not proficient in everything, so only one result : four fire-fighting, forcing the car but never see the end. (2007-04-10, Windows_Unix, 1255KB, 下载23次)
