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[.net编程] 10

动力启航是一个以ASP.NET(C#) jQuery技术为中心,面向软件开发者、程序爱好者、网页设计师,服务于个人、企业的网站
Power sailing is a web site with ASP.NET (C#) jQuery technology oriented to software developers, program enthusiasts, web designers, and services to individuals and enterprises (2018-04-13, C#, 10878KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] 14

创都启航网站管理系统是针对企业打造的营销型网站管理系统,采用ASP.NET内核,后台管理功能强大、网站运行速度快、全站静态页面、极高的网站安全、对搜索引擎的支持性好, 强大的智能标签系统,完全支持现代企业所需的全部功能。
Chuang Du Kai voyage website management system is a marketing website management system built by the enterprise. Using the ASP.NET kernel, the background management is powerful, the website runs fast, the static page of the whole station, the high site security, the strong support to the search engine, the powerful intelligent sign system, fully support the needs of the modern enterprise. All functions. (2018-04-13, ASP, 8503KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] 13

25175, knowledge point evaluation system is suitable for relevant management in education department. Without complex operation, ordinary people are easy to practice. And there is no need to invest much manpower training in software operation. (2018-04-13, ASP, 9463KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] EasyHRSolution_111

EasyHR.net 源码 源码描述: 100 开源连锁企业(超市、物流、商店、不同地点有分公司的企业工厂)人事工资系统。本软件基于本人发布的EasyPlat.net快速开发平台,属于成熟软件进行开源。 工资自定义工资帐套的项目和结算公式;包括计件工资、年终奖发放、个人所得税、工龄工资等。 可以提取企业考勤系统数据,而且也可以与企业生产系统、供应链、ERP方便的二次开发进行对接,也可以在此基础上开发OA、CRM、文档管理等系统。 功能模块分为: 人事管理,工资管理,促销员管理,行政管理,基本资料设置,系统管理,桌面 注意: 登录账号:01191 密码:123 清空数据之后登录账号:xiao 密码:123 开发环境为Visual Studio 2010,数据库为SQL Server 2005,数据库文件在DB_51aspx文件夹中附加就行。
EasyHR.net Source Source description: 100 open source chains (supermarkets, logistics, shops, business offices in different locations have factories) personnel payroll system. The software is based on I released EasyPlat.net rapid development platform, open-source software are mature. Custom set of books payroll wage items and settlement formula including piecework, year-end awards issued, personal income tax, seniority wages. Time and attendance system can extract business data, but also with enterprise production systems, supply chain, ERP convenient secondary development for docking, can also develop OA, CRM, document management and other systems on this basis. Function module is divided into: Personnel management, payroll management, promoters management, administration, basic data set, system management, desktop Note:         Login Account: 01191 Password: 123         After clearing the data login account: xiao Password: 123 &# (2014-08-19, C#, 17872KB, 下载45次)


[.net编程] ASPNET--source-code

简单企业网站 形同界面比较简洁 很好用 我自己看过几次 在.net 2.0 下运行,兼容性很好
Simple interface is relatively simple corporate website is tantamount to good use I have read several times in. Net 2.0 to run under good compatibility (2013-05-22, ASP, 2608KB, 下载1次)


[.net编程] poopin.daohang

详细介绍 1、仿Google导航,界面数据与近期daohang.google.cn一致; 2、使用visual studio 2008 开发,运行环境需要asp.net 2.0; 3、程序基于Nvelocity模板引擎,生成静态html文件和aspx文件同时支持; 4、可放置自己的广告,默认3个公共广告位,主页另有两个共5个,子页另有两个共5个。如需增加可自行修改模板。
The detailed imitation Google navigation interface data with recent daohang.google.cn consistent , using visual studio 2008 to develop the operating environment requires asp.net 2.0 3, the program is based on template engine of Nvelocity, generate static html file and aspx file support 4, place their own ads, the default three public advertising spaces, Home and two of five sub-page and two of five. For increased self-modify templates. (2013-01-16, Others, 1209KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] wuliugongsi

PageAdmin是一款集成内容发布、信息发布、自定义表单、自定义模型、会员系统、业务管理等功能于一体的企业级网站内容管理系统,于2009年正式发布,目前全国用户已经超过40万以上,被广泛用于企业、中小学、大专院校,政府部门的网站搭建。 模板介绍: 红色风格的物流公司网站模板,风格大气美观,界面设计精细,适合物流公司,货运公司,运输公司等企业网站建设。 宽度:990px 对齐:居中 主色:红色 结构:div+css 运行环境:asp.net2.0(或以上)
PageAdmin is an integrated content distribution, information dissemination, custom forms, self-defined model, membership systems, business management in one of the enterprise-class web content management system, was officially released in 2009, the country has more than 400,000 users above, it is widely used in enterprises, schools, universities and colleges, government departments website structures. Template: the red style Logistics company website template, fine style atmosphere and beautiful interface design, suitable for the construction of logistics companies, freight companies, transportation companies and other corporate website. Width: 990px ​ ​ alignment: center main color: red structure: div+css run the environment: asp.net2.0 (or more) (2012-12-20, ASP, 9191KB, 下载13次)


[.net编程] asp.netqiyeguanli

This is an enterprise management system, based on ASP, very comprehensive, the system has two modes of operation the user, one for the ordinary user, one for the administrator. (2012-12-01, ASP, 1304KB, 下载5次)


[.net编程] BlogoMVC

本源码轻松拥有功能强大的个人或者企业博客。轻松实现博客显示,博文排序、博文管理、博文评论等功能。 用户账号:zy 密码:123
This source easily have a powerful personal or corporate blog. Easily blog Bowen sort Bowen, management, Bowen comments. User account: zy Password: 123 (2012-10-29, Others, 2859KB, 下载4次)


[.net编程] PostOfficeMVC

Corporate mail system, which enables the account registration, intranet users with each other e-mail and the outside network to send e-mail. (2012-06-10, C#, 982KB, 下载11次)


[.net编程] jxgl

asp.net development of a management by objectives and performance appraisal system, customized monthly work plan, according to the indicators into the situation, to calculate totals automatically. (2012-04-11, C#, 1468KB, 下载15次)


[.net编程] DWZJS

DWZ JS框架开发的企业网站 第一次运行请配制数据库路径,在WEB.config中配制
DWZJS framework for the development of corporate website for the first time, please run the preparation of the database path in the preparation of the WEB.config (2011-11-26, JavaScript, 3758KB, 下载18次)


[.net编程] Visual[1].Assist.X.v10.6.1830.0.Cracked-YzL

Install the program and apply my patch. Enjoy it! For VS2010, Visual Assist X is usually installed in following directory: " USERPROFILE \Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions\Whole Tomato Software\Visual Assist X" ---- Special thanks to BRD. By StarsunYzL http://www.sunyzl.cn 2010.08.17
Install the program and apply my patch. Enjoy it! For VS2010, Visual Assist X is usually installed in following directory: " USERPROFILE \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ VisualStudio \ 10.0 \ Extensions \ Whole Tomato Software \ Visual Assist X " ---- Special thanks to BRD. By StarsunYzL http://www.sunyzl.cn 2010.08.17 (2010-08-24, C#, 10388KB, 下载86次)


[.net编程] ISchool_Exam

程序定位 本程序定位于学校或企业单位进行非严格要求的随机抽题考试,系统采用考试项目数据库独立方式,虽采用了ACCESS数据库,但能支持长期的考试要求,至少能支撑2000次以上5000人规模的在线考试任务。
Program targeting this program targeted at a school or business units of the stringent requirements of non-random test questions, the system uses a database examinations independently, although using the ACCESS database, but it can support long-term examination requirements, or at least be able to support 2,000 or more 5,000 the scale of the task online exam. (2010-03-24, ASP, 549KB, 下载7次)


[.net编程] Sample02

Invoicing a fully functional system, the system is mainly Invoicing management of factories and enterprises to achieve a variety of information in a systematic, standardized and automated (2009-10-16, Visual Basic, 460KB, 下载17次)


[.net编程] mlj

VB language,. Net development environment enterprise e-procurement web site system can be operated online consultation prices, online RFQ pricing, supplier management. (2008-08-20, Visual Basic, 531KB, 下载36次)


[.net编程] pxxt

1.本系统采用ASP.net 2.0+SQL Server平台,在安装系统前请先确认您的服务器安装有net2.0框架和SQL Server数据库服务。 2.上传所有的文件到您的服务器上网站的根目录下。然后执行http://您的系统安装路径/setup/setup.aspx 开始安装本系统,系统将引导您执行安装操作。 3.安装完毕后系统将自动重命名setup下的文件。烦请您再次检查该目录下的这些文件是否已经被重命名,若没有请您手动操作将其删除或者重命名以免再次安装带来的不必要的损失。 关于注册,请访问http://www.tfot.cn进行查阅,您的支持是我们前进的动力。 自由领域工作室 http://www.tfot.cn请大家多多支持; (2007-09-06, Visual C++, 431KB, 下载11次)


[.net编程] rms_beta_3_17

based. Net development of the Food internal management system, one of the bs structure of the Food Management System (2007-06-26, ASP, 9994KB, 下载80次)


[.net编程] net人力资源系统

This is a very good net human resources management system, which is suitable to the application of many SMEs (2005-08-18, Visual Basic, 209KB, 下载334次)


[.net编程] 海魂高科企业管理系统 v1.0

set. Net management system, from which friends come I have not seen the source code can be downloaded interested to see (2005-03-22, Visual Basic, 2219KB, 下载218次)
